Exemplo n.º 1
    def runTest(self):
        """ try echoing some text and see if it comes back out """
        p.send_all(self.shell, "echo hello\n")
        self.assertEqual(p.recv_some(self.shell), "hello\n")

        p.send_all(self.shell, "echo hello world\n")
        self.assertEqual(p.recv_some(self.shell), "hello world\n")

        p.send_all(self.shell, "exit\n")
        self.assertEqual("", p.recv_some(self.shell, e=0))
        self.assertRaises(Exception, p.recv_some, self.shell)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def runTest(self):
        """ try echoing some text and see if it comes back out """
        p.send_all(self.shell, "echo hello\n")
        self.assertEqual(p.recv_some(self.shell), "hello\n")

        p.send_all(self.shell, "echo hello world\n")
        self.assertEqual(p.recv_some(self.shell), "hello world\n")

        p.send_all(self.shell, "exit\n")
        self.assertEqual("", p.recv_some(self.shell, e=0))
        self.assertRaises(Exception, p.recv_some, self.shell)
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_cmd_qa(cmd,
    Run specified interactive command (in a subshell)
    :param cmd: command to run
    :param qa: dictionary which maps question to answers
    :param no_qa: list of patters that are not questions
    :param log_ok: only run output/exit code for failing commands (exit code non-zero)
    :param log_all: always log command output and exit code
    :param simple: if True, just return True/False to indicate success, else return a tuple: (output, exit_code)
    :param regex: regex used to check the output for errors; if True it will use the default (see parse_log_for_error)
    :param std_qa: dictionary which maps question regex patterns to answers
    :param path: path to execute the command is; current working directory is used if unspecified
    :param maxhits: maximum number of cycles (seconds) without being able to find a known question
    :param trace: print command being executed as part of trace output
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    if log_all or (trace and build_option('trace')):
        # collect output of running command in temporary log file, if desired
        fd, cmd_log_fn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log',
            cmd_log = open(cmd_log_fn, 'w')
        except IOError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Failed to open temporary log file for output of interactive command: %s",
        _log.debug('run_cmd_qa: Output of "%s" will be logged to %s' %
                   (cmd, cmd_log_fn))
        cmd_log_fn, cmd_log = None, None

    start_time = datetime.now()
    if trace:
        trace_txt = "running interactive command:\n"
        trace_txt += "\t[started at: %s]\n" % start_time.strftime(
            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        trace_txt += "\t[working dir: %s]\n" % (path or os.getcwd())
        trace_txt += "\t[output logged in %s]\n" % cmd_log_fn
        trace_msg(trace_txt + '\t' + cmd.strip())

    # early exit in 'dry run' mode, after printing the command that would be run
    if build_option('extended_dry_run'):
        if path is None:
            path = cwd
        dry_run_msg("  running interactive command \"%s\"" % cmd,
        dry_run_msg("  (in %s)" % path, silent=build_option('silent'))
        if simple:
            return True
            # output, exit code
            return ('', 0)

        if path:

        _log.debug("run_cmd_qa: running cmd %s (in %s)" % (cmd, os.getcwd()))
    except OSError as err:
        _log.warning("Failed to change to %s: %s" % (path, err))
        _log.info("running cmd %s in non-existing directory, might fail!" %

    # Part 1: process the QandA dictionary
    # given initial set of Q and A (in dict), return dict of reg. exp. and A
    # make regular expression that matches the string with
    # - replace whitespace
    # - replace newline

    def escape_special(string):
        return re.sub(r"([\+\?\(\)\[\]\*\.\\\$])", r"\\\1", string)

    split = r'[\s\n]+'
    regSplit = re.compile(r"" + split)

    def process_QA(q, a_s):
        splitq = [escape_special(x) for x in regSplit.split(q)]
        regQtxt = split.join(splitq) + split.rstrip('+') + "*$"
        # add optional split at the end
        for i in [idx for idx, a in enumerate(a_s) if not a.endswith('\n')]:
            a_s[i] += '\n'
        regQ = re.compile(r"" + regQtxt)
        if regQ.search(q):
            return (a_s, regQ)
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "runqanda: Question %s converted in %s does not match itself",
                q, regQtxt)

    def check_answers_list(answers):
        """Make sure we have a list of answers (as strings)."""
        if isinstance(answers, string_type):
            answers = [answers]
        elif not isinstance(answers, list):
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Invalid type for answer on %s, no string or list: %s (%s)",
                question, type(answers), answers)
        # list is manipulated when answering matching question, so return a copy
        return answers[:]

    new_qa = {}
    _log.debug("new_qa: ")
    for question, answers in qa.items():
        answers = check_answers_list(answers)
        (answers, regQ) = process_QA(question, answers)
        new_qa[regQ] = answers
        _log.debug("new_qa[%s]: %s" % (regQ.pattern, new_qa[regQ]))

    new_std_qa = {}
    if std_qa:
        for question, answers in std_qa.items():
            regQ = re.compile(r"" + question + r"[\s\n]*$")
            answers = check_answers_list(answers)
            for i in [
                    idx for idx, a in enumerate(answers)
                    if not a.endswith('\n')
                answers[i] += '\n'
            new_std_qa[regQ] = answers
            _log.debug("new_std_qa[%s]: %s" % (regQ.pattern, new_std_qa[regQ]))

    new_no_qa = []
    if no_qa:
        # simple statements, can contain wildcards
        new_no_qa = [re.compile(r"" + x + r"[\s\n]*$") for x in no_qa]

    _log.debug("New noQandA list is: %s" % [x.pattern for x in new_no_qa])

    # Part 2: Run the command and answer questions
    # - this needs asynchronous stdout

    # # Log command output
    if cmd_log:
        cmd_log.write("# output for interactive command: %s\n\n" % cmd)

        proc = asyncprocess.Popen(cmd,
    except OSError as err:
        raise EasyBuildError("run_cmd_qa init cmd %s failed:%s", cmd, err)

    ec = proc.poll()
    stdout_err = ''
    old_len_out = -1
    hit_count = 0

    while ec is None:
        # need to read from time to time.
        # - otherwise the stdout/stderr buffer gets filled and it all stops working
            out = get_output_from_process(proc, asynchronous=True)
            if cmd_log:
            stdout_err += out
        # recv_some used by get_output_from_process for getting asynchronous output may throw exception
        except (IOError, Exception) as err:
            _log.debug("run_cmd_qa cmd %s: read failed: %s", cmd, err)
            out = None

        hit = False
        for question, answers in new_qa.items():
            res = question.search(stdout_err)
            if out and res:
                fa = answers[0] % res.groupdict()
                # cycle through list of answers
                last_answer = answers.pop(0)
                _log.debug("List of answers for question %s after cycling: %s",
                           question.pattern, answers)

                _log.debug("run_cmd_qa answer %s question %s out %s", fa,
                           question.pattern, stdout_err[-50:])
                asyncprocess.send_all(proc, fa)
                hit = True
        if not hit:
            for question, answers in new_std_qa.items():
                res = question.search(stdout_err)
                if out and res:
                    fa = answers[0] % res.groupdict()
                    # cycle through list of answers
                    last_answer = answers.pop(0)
                        "List of answers for question %s after cycling: %s",
                        question.pattern, answers)

                    _log.debug("run_cmd_qa answer %s std question %s out %s",
                               fa, question.pattern, stdout_err[-50:])
                    asyncprocess.send_all(proc, fa)
                    hit = True
            if not hit:
                if len(stdout_err) > old_len_out:
                    old_len_out = len(stdout_err)
                    noqa = False
                    for r in new_no_qa:
                        if r.search(stdout_err):
                            _log.debug("runqanda: noQandA found for out %s",
                            noqa = True
                    if not noqa:
                        hit_count += 1
                hit_count = 0
            hit_count = 0

        if hit_count > maxhits:
            # explicitly kill the child process before exiting
                os.killpg(proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
                os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
            except OSError as err:
                    "run_cmd_qa exception caught when killing child process: %s",
            _log.debug("run_cmd_qa: full stdouterr: %s", stdout_err)
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "run_cmd_qa: cmd %s : Max nohits %s reached: end of output %s",
                cmd, maxhits, stdout_err[-500:])

        # the sleep below is required to avoid exiting on unknown 'questions' too early (see above)
        ec = proc.poll()

    # Process stopped. Read all remaining data
        if proc.stdout:
            out = get_output_from_process(proc)
            stdout_err += out
            if cmd_log:
    except IOError as err:
        _log.debug("runqanda cmd %s: remaining data read failed: %s", cmd, err)

    if trace:
        trace_msg("interactive command completed: exit %s, ran in %s" %
                  (ec, time_str_since(start_time)))

    except OSError as err:
        raise EasyBuildError(
            "Failed to return to %s after executing command: %s", cwd, err)

    return parse_cmd_output(cmd, stdout_err, ec, simple, log_all, log_ok,
            tmpOut = recv_some(p)
            if runLog:
            stdoutErr += tmpOut
        # recv_some may throw Exception
        except (IOError, Exception), err:
            _log.debug("run_cmd_qa cmd %s: read failed: %s" % (cmd, err))
            tmpOut = None

        hit = False
        for q, a in newQA.items():
            res = q.search(stdoutErr)
            if tmpOut and res:
                fa = a % res.groupdict()
                _log.debug("run_cmd_qa answer %s question %s out %s" % (fa, q.pattern, stdoutErr[-50:]))
                send_all(p, fa)
                hit = True
        if not hit:
            for q, a in newstdQA.items():
                res = q.search(stdoutErr)
                if tmpOut and res:
                    fa = a % res.groupdict()
                    _log.debug("run_cmd_qa answer %s standard question %s out %s" % (fa, q.pattern, stdoutErr[-50:]))
                    send_all(p, fa)
                    hit = True
            if not hit:
                if len(stdoutErr) > oldLenOut:
                    oldLenOut = len(stdoutErr)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_output_from_process(self):
        """Test for get_output_from_process utility function."""
        def get_proc(cmd, asynchronous=False):
            if asynchronous:
                proc = asyncprocess.Popen(cmd,
                proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,

            return proc

        # get all output at once
        proc = get_proc("echo hello")
        out = get_output_from_process(proc)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'hello\n')

        # first get 100 bytes, then get the rest all at once
        proc = get_proc("echo hello")
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=100)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'hello\n')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc)
        self.assertEqual(out, '')

        # get output in small bits, keep trying to get output (which shouldn't fail)
        proc = get_proc("echo hello")
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=1)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'h')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=3)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'ell')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=2)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'o\n')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=1)
        self.assertEqual(out, '')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=10)
        self.assertEqual(out, '')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc)
        self.assertEqual(out, '')

        # can also get output asynchronously (read_size is *ignored* in that case)
        async_cmd = "echo hello; read reply; echo $reply"

        proc = get_proc(async_cmd, asynchronous=True)
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, asynchronous=True)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'hello\n')
        asyncprocess.send_all(proc, 'test123\n')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'test123\n')

        proc = get_proc(async_cmd, asynchronous=True)
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, asynchronous=True, read_size=1)
        # read_size is ignored when getting output asynchronously, we're getting more than 1 byte!
        self.assertEqual(out, 'hello\n')
        asyncprocess.send_all(proc, 'test123\n')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=3)
        self.assertEqual(out, 'tes')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc, read_size=2)
        self.assertEqual(out, 't1')
        out = get_output_from_process(proc)
        self.assertEqual(out, '23\n')
Exemplo n.º 6
            if runLog:
            stdoutErr += tmpOut
        # recv_some may throw Exception
        except (IOError, Exception), err:
            _log.debug("run_cmd_qa cmd %s: read failed: %s" % (cmd, err))
            tmpOut = None

        hit = False
        for q, a in newQA.items():
            res = q.search(stdoutErr)
            if tmpOut and res:
                fa = a % res.groupdict()
                _log.debug("run_cmd_qa answer %s question %s out %s" %
                           (fa, q.pattern, stdoutErr[-50:]))
                send_all(p, fa)
                hit = True
        if not hit:
            for q, a in newstdQA.items():
                res = q.search(stdoutErr)
                if tmpOut and res:
                    fa = a % res.groupdict()
                        "run_cmd_qa answer %s standard question %s out %s" %
                        (fa, q.pattern, stdoutErr[-50:]))
                    send_all(p, fa)
                    hit = True
            if not hit:
                if len(stdoutErr) > oldLenOut:
Exemplo n.º 7
def run_cmd_qa(cmd, qa, no_qa=None, log_ok=True, log_all=False, simple=False, regexp=True, std_qa=None, path=None,
               maxhits=50, trace=True):
    Run specified interactive command (in a subshell)
    :param cmd: command to run
    :param qa: dictionary which maps question to answers
    :param no_qa: list of patters that are not questions
    :param log_ok: only run output/exit code for failing commands (exit code non-zero)
    :param log_all: always log command output and exit code
    :param simple: if True, just return True/False to indicate success, else return a tuple: (output, exit_code)
    :param regex: regex used to check the output for errors; if True it will use the default (see parse_log_for_error)
    :param std_qa: dictionary which maps question regex patterns to answers
    :param path: path to execute the command is; current working directory is used if unspecified
    :param maxhits: maximum number of cycles (seconds) without being able to find a known question
    :param trace: print command being executed as part of trace output
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    if log_all or (trace and build_option('trace')):
        # collect output of running command in temporary log file, if desired
        fd, cmd_log_fn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='easybuild-run_cmd_qa-')
            cmd_log = open(cmd_log_fn, 'w')
        except IOError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to open temporary log file for output of interactive command: %s", err)
        _log.debug('run_cmd_qa: Output of "%s" will be logged to %s' % (cmd, cmd_log_fn))
        cmd_log_fn, cmd_log = None, None

    start_time = datetime.now()
    if trace:
        trace_txt = "running interactive command:\n"
        trace_txt += "\t[started at: %s]\n" % start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        trace_txt += "\t[output logged in %s]\n" % cmd_log_fn
        trace_msg(trace_txt + '\t' + cmd.strip())

    # early exit in 'dry run' mode, after printing the command that would be run
    if build_option('extended_dry_run'):
        if path is None:
            path = cwd
        dry_run_msg("  running interactive command \"%s\"" % cmd, silent=build_option('silent'))
        dry_run_msg("  (in %s)" % path, silent=build_option('silent'))
        if simple:
            return True
            # output, exit code
            return ('', 0)

        if path:

        _log.debug("run_cmd_qa: running cmd %s (in %s)" % (cmd, os.getcwd()))
    except OSError as err:
        _log.warning("Failed to change to %s: %s" % (path, err))
        _log.info("running cmd %s in non-existing directory, might fail!" % cmd)

    # Part 1: process the QandA dictionary
    # given initial set of Q and A (in dict), return dict of reg. exp. and A
    # make regular expression that matches the string with
    # - replace whitespace
    # - replace newline

    def escape_special(string):
        return re.sub(r"([\+\?\(\)\[\]\*\.\\\$])", r"\\\1", string)

    split = '[\s\n]+'
    regSplit = re.compile(r"" + split)

    def process_QA(q, a_s):
        splitq = [escape_special(x) for x in regSplit.split(q)]
        regQtxt = split.join(splitq) + split.rstrip('+') + "*$"
        # add optional split at the end
        for i in [idx for idx, a in enumerate(a_s) if not a.endswith('\n')]:
            a_s[i] += '\n'
        regQ = re.compile(r"" + regQtxt)
        if regQ.search(q):
            return (a_s, regQ)
            raise EasyBuildError("runqanda: Question %s converted in %s does not match itself", q, regQtxt)

    def check_answers_list(answers):
        """Make sure we have a list of answers (as strings)."""
        if isinstance(answers, basestring):
            answers = [answers]
        elif not isinstance(answers, list):
            raise EasyBuildError("Invalid type for answer on %s, no string or list: %s (%s)",
                                 question, type(answers), answers)
        # list is manipulated when answering matching question, so return a copy
        return answers[:]

    new_qa = {}
    _log.debug("new_qa: ")
    for question, answers in qa.items():
        answers = check_answers_list(answers)
        (answers, regQ) = process_QA(question, answers)
        new_qa[regQ] = answers
        _log.debug("new_qa[%s]: %s" % (regQ.pattern, new_qa[regQ]))

    new_std_qa = {}
    if std_qa:
        for question, answers in std_qa.items():
            regQ = re.compile(r"" + question + r"[\s\n]*$")
            answers = check_answers_list(answers)
            for i in [idx for idx, a in enumerate(answers) if not a.endswith('\n')]:
                answers[i] += '\n'
            new_std_qa[regQ] = answers
            _log.debug("new_std_qa[%s]: %s" % (regQ.pattern, new_std_qa[regQ]))

    new_no_qa = []
    if no_qa:
        # simple statements, can contain wildcards
        new_no_qa = [re.compile(r"" + x + r"[\s\n]*$") for x in no_qa]

    _log.debug("New noQandA list is: %s" % [x.pattern for x in new_no_qa])

    # Part 2: Run the command and answer questions
    # - this needs asynchronous stdout

    # # Log command output
    if cmd_log:
        cmd_log.write("# output for interactive command: %s\n\n" % cmd)

        p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE, close_fds=True, executable="/bin/bash")
    except OSError as err:
        raise EasyBuildError("run_cmd_qa init cmd %s failed:%s", cmd, err)

    ec = p.poll()
    stdout_err = ''
    old_len_out = -1
    hit_count = 0

    while ec is None:
        # need to read from time to time.
        # - otherwise the stdout/stderr buffer gets filled and it all stops working
            out = recv_some(p)
            if cmd_log:
            stdout_err += out
        # recv_some may throw Exception
        except (IOError, Exception) as err:
            _log.debug("run_cmd_qa cmd %s: read failed: %s", cmd, err)
            out = None

        hit = False
        for question, answers in new_qa.items():
            res = question.search(stdout_err)
            if out and res:
                fa = answers[0] % res.groupdict()
                # cycle through list of answers
                last_answer = answers.pop(0)
                _log.debug("List of answers for question %s after cycling: %s", question.pattern, answers)

                _log.debug("run_cmd_qa answer %s question %s out %s", fa, question.pattern, stdout_err[-50:])
                send_all(p, fa)
                hit = True
        if not hit:
            for question, answers in new_std_qa.items():
                res = question.search(stdout_err)
                if out and res:
                    fa = answers[0] % res.groupdict()
                    # cycle through list of answers
                    last_answer = answers.pop(0)
                    _log.debug("List of answers for question %s after cycling: %s", question.pattern, answers)

                    _log.debug("run_cmd_qa answer %s std question %s out %s", fa, question.pattern, stdout_err[-50:])
                    send_all(p, fa)
                    hit = True
            if not hit:
                if len(stdout_err) > old_len_out:
                    old_len_out = len(stdout_err)
                    noqa = False
                    for r in new_no_qa:
                        if r.search(stdout_err):
                            _log.debug("runqanda: noQandA found for out %s", stdout_err[-50:])
                            noqa = True
                    if not noqa:
                        hit_count += 1
                hit_count = 0
            hit_count = 0

        if hit_count > maxhits:
            # explicitly kill the child process before exiting
                os.killpg(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
                os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
            except OSError as err:
                _log.debug("run_cmd_qa exception caught when killing child process: %s", err)
            _log.debug("run_cmd_qa: full stdouterr: %s", stdout_err)
            raise EasyBuildError("run_cmd_qa: cmd %s : Max nohits %s reached: end of output %s",
                                 cmd, maxhits, stdout_err[-500:])

        # the sleep below is required to avoid exiting on unknown 'questions' too early (see above)
        ec = p.poll()

    # Process stopped. Read all remaining data
        if p.stdout:
            out = p.stdout.read()
            stdout_err += out
            if cmd_log:
    except IOError as err:
        _log.debug("runqanda cmd %s: remaining data read failed: %s", cmd, err)

    if trace:
        trace_msg("interactive command completed: exit %s, ran in %s" % (ec, time_str_since(start_time)))

    except OSError as err:
        raise EasyBuildError("Failed to return to %s after executing command: %s", cwd, err)

    return parse_cmd_output(cmd, stdout_err, ec, simple, log_all, log_ok, regexp)