Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_copy_file(self):
        """ Test copy_file """
        testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        tmpdir = self.test_prefix
        to_copy = os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb')
        target_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'toy.eb')
        ft.copy_file(to_copy, target_path)
        self.assertTrue(ft.read_file(to_copy) == ft.read_file(target_path))

        # also test behaviour of extract_file under --dry-run
        build_options = {
            'extended_dry_run': True,
            'silent': False,

        # remove target file, it shouldn't get copied under dry run

        ft.copy_file(to_copy, target_path)
        txt = self.get_stdout()

        self.assertTrue(re.search("^copied file .*/toy-0.0.eb to .*/toy.eb", txt))
    def test_patch_step(self):
        """Test patch step."""
        test_easyconfigs = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs')
        ec = process_easyconfig(os.path.join(test_easyconfigs, 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb'))[0]
        orig_sources = ec['ec']['sources'][:]

        toy_patches = [
            'toy-0.0_typo.patch',  # test for applying patch
            ('toy-extra.txt', 'toy-0.0'), # test for patch-by-copy
        self.assertEqual(ec['ec']['patches'], toy_patches)

        # test applying patches without sources
        ec['ec']['sources'] = []
        eb = EasyBlock(ec['ec'])
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, '.*', eb.patch_step)

        # test actual patching of unpacked sources
        ec['ec']['sources'] = orig_sources
        eb = EasyBlock(ec['ec'])
        # verify that patches were applied
        toydir = os.path.join(eb.builddir, 'toy-0.0')
        self.assertEqual(sorted(os.listdir(toydir)), ['toy-extra.txt', 'toy.source', 'toy.source.orig'])
        self.assertTrue("and very proud of it" in read_file(os.path.join(toydir, 'toy.source')))
        self.assertEqual(read_file(os.path.join(toydir, 'toy-extra.txt')), 'moar!\n')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_run_cmd_log(self):
        """Test logging of executed commands."""
        fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='eb-test-')

        regex = re.compile('cmd "echo hello" exited with exit code [0-9]* and output:')

        # command output is not logged by default without debug logging
        init_logging(logfile, silent=True)
        self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello"))
        self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 0)
        write_file(logfile, '')

        init_logging(logfile, silent=True)
        self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello", log_all=True))
        self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 1)
        write_file(logfile, '')

        # with debugging enabled, exit code and output of command should only get logged once

        init_logging(logfile, silent=True)
        self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello"))
        self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 1)
        write_file(logfile, '')

        init_logging(logfile, silent=True)
        self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello", log_all=True))
        self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 1)
        write_file(logfile, '')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_package(self):
        """Test package function."""
        init_config(build_options={'silent': True})

        test_easyconfigs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs')
        ec = EasyConfig(os.path.join(test_easyconfigs, 'toy-0.0-gompi-1.3.12-test.eb'), validate=False)


        # import needs to be done here, since test easyblocks are only included later
        from easybuild.easyblocks.toy import EB_toy
        easyblock = EB_toy(ec)

        # build & install first

        # package using default packaging configuration (FPM to build RPM packages)
        pkgdir = package(easyblock)

        pkgfile = os.path.join(pkgdir, 'toy-0.0-gompi-1.3.12-test-eb-%s.1.rpm' % EASYBUILD_VERSION)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(pkgfile), "Found %s" % pkgfile)

        pkgtxt = read_file(pkgfile)
        pkgtxt_regex = re.compile("Contents of installdir %s" % easyblock.installdir)
        self.assertTrue(pkgtxt_regex.search(pkgtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (pkgtxt_regex.pattern, pkgtxt))

        if DEBUG:
            print read_file(os.path.join(self.test_prefix, DEBUG_FPM_FILE))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_read_write_file(self):
        """Test reading/writing files."""

        fp = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.txt')
        txt = "test123"
        ft.write_file(fp, txt)
        self.assertEqual(ft.read_file(fp), txt)

        txt2 = '\n'.join(['test', '123'])
        ft.write_file(fp, txt2, append=True)
        self.assertEqual(ft.read_file(fp), txt+txt2)

        # also test behaviour of write_file under --dry-run
        build_options = {
            'extended_dry_run': True,
            'silent': False,

        foo = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'foo.txt')

        ft.write_file(foo, 'bar')
        txt = self.get_stdout()

        self.assertTrue(re.match("^file written: .*/foo.txt$", txt))

        ft.write_file(foo, 'bar', forced=True)
        self.assertEqual(ft.read_file(foo), 'bar')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_download_repo(self):
        """Test download_repo function."""
        if self.github_token is None:
            print "Skipping test_download_repo, no GitHub token available?"

        # default: download tarball for master branch of hpcugent/easybuild-easyconfigs repo
        path = gh.download_repo(path=self.test_prefix)
        repodir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'hpcugent', 'easybuild-easyconfigs-master')
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(path, repodir))
        shafile = os.path.join(repodir, 'latest-sha')
        self.assertTrue(re.match('^[0-9a-f]{40}$', read_file(shafile)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, 'easybuild', 'easyconfigs', 'f', 'foss', 'foss-2015a.eb')))

        # existing downloaded repo is not reperformed, except if SHA is different
        account, repo, branch = 'boegel', 'easybuild-easyblocks', 'develop'
        repodir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, account, '%s-%s' % (repo, branch))
        latest_sha = gh.fetch_latest_commit_sha(repo, account, branch=branch)

        # put 'latest-sha' fail in place, check whether repo was (re)downloaded (should not)
        shafile = os.path.join(repodir, 'latest-sha')
        write_file(shafile, latest_sha)
        path = gh.download_repo(repo=repo, branch=branch, account=account, path=self.test_prefix)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(path, repodir))
        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(repodir), ['latest-sha'])

        # remove 'latest-sha' file and verify that download was performed
        path = gh.download_repo(repo=repo, branch=branch, account=account, path=self.test_prefix)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(path, repodir))
        self.assertTrue('easybuild' in os.listdir(repodir))
        self.assertTrue(re.match('^[0-9a-f]{40}$', read_file(shafile)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, 'easybuild', 'easyblocks', '__init__.py')))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_modules_tool_stateless(self):
        """Check whether ModulesTool instance is stateless between runs."""
        test_modules_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'modules')

        # copy test Core/Compiler modules, we need to rewrite the 'module use' statement in the one we're going to load
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(test_modules_path, 'Core'), os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Core'))
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(test_modules_path, 'Compiler'), os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Compiler'))

        modtxt = read_file(os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Core', 'GCC', '4.7.2'))
        modpath_extension = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Compiler', 'GCC', '4.7.2')
        modtxt = re.sub('module use .*', 'module use %s' % modpath_extension, modtxt, re.M)
        write_file(os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Core', 'GCC', '4.7.2'), modtxt)

        modtxt = read_file(os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Compiler', 'GCC', '4.7.2', 'OpenMPI', '1.6.4'))
        modpath_extension = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'MPI', 'GCC', '4.7.2', 'OpenMPI', '1.6.4')
        mkdir(modpath_extension, parents=True)
        modtxt = re.sub('module use .*', 'module use %s' % modpath_extension, modtxt, re.M)
        write_file(os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Compiler', 'GCC', '4.7.2', 'OpenMPI', '1.6.4'), modtxt)

        # force reset of any singletons by reinitiating config

        os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'Core')
        modtool = modules_tool()

        if isinstance(modtool, Lmod):
            load_err_msg = "cannot[\s\n]*be[\s\n]*loaded"
            load_err_msg = "Unable to locate a modulefile"

        # GCC/4.6.3 is *not* an available Core module
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, load_err_msg, modtool.load, ['GCC/4.6.3'])

        # GCC/4.7.2 is one of the available Core modules

        # OpenMPI/1.6.4 becomes available after loading GCC/4.7.2 module

        # reset $MODULEPATH, obtain new ModulesTool instance,
        # which should not remember anything w.r.t. previous $MODULEPATH value
        os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = test_modules_path
        modtool = modules_tool()

        # GCC/4.6.3 is available

        # GCC/4.7.2 is available (note: also as non-Core module outside of hierarchy)

        # OpenMPI/1.6.4 is *not* available with current $MODULEPATH (loaded GCC/4.7.2 was not a hierarchical module)
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, load_err_msg, modtool.load, ['OpenMPI/1.6.4'])
Exemplo n.º 8
def multidiff(base, files, colored=True):
    Generate a diff for multiple files, all compared to base.
    @param base: base to compare with
    @param files: list of files to compare with base
    @param colored: boolean indicating whether a colored multi-diff should be generated
    @return: text with multidiff overview
    differ = difflib.Differ()
    base_lines = read_file(base).split('\n')
    mdiff = MultiDiff(os.path.basename(base), base_lines, files, colored=colored)

    # use the MultiDiff class to store the information
    for filepath in files:
        lines = read_file(filepath).split('\n')
        diff = differ.compare(lines, base_lines)
        filename = os.path.basename(filepath)

        # contruct map of line number to diff lines and mapping between diff lines
        # example partial diff:
        # - toolchain = {'name': 'goolfc', 'version': '2.6.10'}
        # ?                            -               ^   ^
        # + toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.6.20'}
        # ?                                           ^   ^
        local_diff = {}
        squigly_dict = {}
        last_added = None
        offset = 1
        for (i, line) in enumerate(diff):
            # diff line indicating changed characters on line above, a.k.a. a 'squigly' line
            if line.startswith(QUESTIONMARK):
                squigly_dict[last_added] = line
                offset -= 1
            # diff line indicating addition change
            elif line.startswith(PLUS):
                local_diff.setdefault(i + offset, []).append((line, filename))
                last_added = line
            # diff line indicated removal change
            elif line.startswith(MINUS):
                local_diff.setdefault(i + offset, []).append((line, filename))
                last_added = line
                offset -= 1

        # construct the multi-diff based on the constructed dict
        for line_no in local_diff:
            for (line, filename) in local_diff[line_no]:
                mdiff.parse_line(line_no, line.rstrip(), filename, squigly_dict.get(line, '').rstrip())

    return str(mdiff)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_allow_modules_tool_mismatch(self):
        """Test allowing mismatch of modules tool with 'module' function."""
        # make sure MockModulesTool is available
        from test.framework.modulestool import MockModulesTool

        ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'toy-0.0.eb')

        # keep track of original module definition so we can restore it
        orig_module = os.environ.get('module', None)

        # check whether mismatch between 'module' function and selected modules tool is detected
        os.environ['module'] = "() {  eval `/Users/kehoste/Modules/$MODULE_VERSION/bin/modulecmd bash $*`\n}"
        args = [
        self.eb_main(args, do_build=True)
        outtxt = read_file(self.logfile)
        error_regex = re.compile("ERROR .*pattern .* not found in defined 'module' function")
        self.assertTrue(error_regex.search(outtxt), "Found error w.r.t. module function mismatch: %s" % outtxt[-600:])

        # check that --allow-modules-tool-mispatch transforms this error into a warning
        os.environ['module'] = "() {  eval `/Users/kehoste/Modules/$MODULE_VERSION/bin/modulecmd bash $*`\n}"
        args = [
        self.eb_main(args, do_build=True)
        outtxt = read_file(self.logfile)
        warn_regex = re.compile("WARNING .*pattern .* not found in defined 'module' function")
        self.assertTrue(warn_regex.search(outtxt), "Found warning w.r.t. module function mismatch: %s" % outtxt[-600:])

        # check whether match between 'module' function and selected modules tool is detected
        os.environ['module'] = "() {  eval ` /bin/echo $*`\n}"
        args = [
        self.eb_main(args, do_build=True)
        outtxt = read_file(self.logfile)
        found_regex = re.compile("DEBUG Found pattern .* in defined 'module' function")
        self.assertTrue(found_regex.search(outtxt), "Found debug message w.r.t. module function: %s" % outtxt[-600:])

        # restore 'module' function
        if orig_module is not None:
            os.environ['module'] = orig_module
            del os.environ['module']
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(self):
        """Test fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig function."""
        test_ecs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'easyconfigs')
        toy_ec_file = os.path.join(test_ecs_dir, 'toy-0.0.eb')

        for ec_file, correct_name, correct_easyblock in [
            (toy_ec_file, 'toy', None),
            (os.path.join(test_ecs_dir, 'goolf-1.4.10.eb'), 'goolf', 'Toolchain'),
            name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(read_file(ec_file), ['name', 'easyblock'])
            self.assertEqual(name, correct_name)
            self.assertEqual(easyblock, correct_easyblock)

        self.assertEqual(fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(read_file(toy_ec_file), ['description'])[0], "Toy C program.")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_is_yeb_format(self):
        """ Test is_yeb_format function """
        testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        test_yeb = os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs', 'yeb', 'bzip2-1.0.6-GCC-4.9.2.yeb')
        raw_yeb = read_file(test_yeb)

        self.assertTrue(is_yeb_format(test_yeb, None))
        self.assertTrue(is_yeb_format(None, raw_yeb))

        test_eb = os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.4.eb')
        raw_eb = read_file(test_eb)

        self.assertFalse(is_yeb_format(test_eb, None))
        self.assertFalse(is_yeb_format(None, raw_eb))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_read_write_file(self):
        """Test reading/writing files."""
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        fp = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.txt')
        txt = "test123"
        ft.write_file(fp, txt)
        self.assertEqual(ft.read_file(fp), txt)

        txt2 = '\n'.join(['test', '123'])
        ft.write_file(fp, txt2, append=True)
        self.assertEqual(ft.read_file(fp), txt+txt2)

Exemplo n.º 13
def get_cpu_family():
    Determine CPU family.
    @return: a value from the CPU_FAMILIES list
    family = None
    vendor = get_cpu_vendor()
    if vendor in CPU_FAMILIES:
        family = vendor
        _log.debug("Using vendor as CPU family: %s" % family)

        # POWER family needs to be determined indirectly via 'cpu' in /proc/cpuinfo
        if os.path.exists(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            cpuinfo_txt = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            power_regex = re.compile(r"^cpu\s+:\s*POWER.*", re.M)
            if power_regex.search(cpuinfo_txt):
                family = POWER
                _log.debug("Determined CPU family using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
                           power_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, family)

    if family is None:
        family = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine CPU family, returning %s" % family)

    return family
Exemplo n.º 14
def build_and_install_software(module, options, origEnviron, exitOnFailure=True, silent=False):
    Build the software
    spec = module['spec']

    print_msg("processing EasyBuild easyconfig %s" % spec, log=_log, silent=silent)

    # restore original environment
    _log.info("Resetting environment")
    filetools.errorsFoundInLog = 0
    modify_env(os.environ, origEnviron)

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # load easyblock
    easyblock = options.easyblock
    if not easyblock:
        # try to look in .eb file
        reg = re.compile(r"^\s*easyblock\s*=(.*)$")
        txt = read_file(spec)
        for line in txt.split('\n'):
            match = reg.search(line)
            if match:
                easyblock = eval(match.group(1))

    name = module['module'][0]
        app_class = get_class(easyblock, name=name)
        app = app_class(spec, debug=options.debug, robot_path=options.robot)
        _log.info("Obtained application instance of for %s (easyblock: %s)" % (name, easyblock))
    except EasyBuildError, err:
        print_error("Failed to get application instance for %s (easyblock: %s): %s" % (name, easyblock, err.msg), silent=silent)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure MATLAB installation: create license file."""

        # create license file
        licserv = self.cfg['license_server']
        licport = self.cfg['license_server_port']
        lictxt = '\n'.join([
            "SERVER %s 000000000000 %s" % (licserv, licport),

        licfile = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'matlab.lic')
        write_file(licfile, lictxt)

            shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'installer_input.txt'), self.configfile)
            config = read_file(self.configfile)

            regdest = re.compile(r"^# destinationFolder=.*", re.M)
            regkey = re.compile(r"^# fileInstallationKey=.*", re.M)
            regagree = re.compile(r"^# agreeToLicense=.*", re.M)
            regmode = re.compile(r"^# mode=.*", re.M)
            reglicpath = re.compile(r"^# licensePath=.*", re.M)

            config = regdest.sub("destinationFolder=%s" % self.installdir, config)
            key = self.cfg['key']
            config = regkey.sub("fileInstallationKey=%s" % key, config)
            config = regagree.sub("agreeToLicense=Yes", config)
            config = regmode.sub("mode=silent", config)
            config = reglicpath.sub("licensePath=%s" % licfile, config)

            write_file(self.configfile, config)

        except IOError, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to create installation config file %s: %s", self.configfile, err)
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_cpu_vendor():
    Try to detect the CPU vendor

    @return: a value from the VENDORS dict
    vendor = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and os.path.exists(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
        txt = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
        arch = UNKNOWN

        vendor_regex = re.compile(r"(vendor_id.*?)?\s*:\s*(?P<vendor>(?(1)\S+|(?:IBM|ARM)))")
        res = vendor_regex.search(txt)
        if res:
            arch = res.group('vendor')
        if arch in VENDORS:
            vendor = VENDORS[arch]
            _log.debug("Determined CPU vendor on Linux as being '%s' via regex '%s' in %s",
                       vendor, vendor_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.vendor"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True)
        out = out.strip()
        if ec == 0 and out in VENDORS:
            vendor = VENDORS[out]
            _log.debug("Determined CPU vendor on DARWIN as being '%s' via cmd '%s" % (vendor, cmd))

    if vendor is None:
        vendor = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Could not determine CPU vendor on %s, returning %s" % (os_type, vendor))

    return vendor
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_cpu_model():
    Determine CPU model, e.g., Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    model = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and os.path.exists(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
        # we need 'model name' on Linux/x86, but 'model' is there first with different info
        # 'model name' is not there for Linux/POWER, but 'model' has the right info
        model_regex = re.compile(r"^model(?:\s+name)?\s+:\s*(?P<model>.*[A-Za-z].+)\s*$", re.M)
        txt = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
        res = model_regex.search(txt)
        if res is not None:
            model = res.group('model').strip()
            _log.debug("Determined CPU model on Linux using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
                       model_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, model)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True)
        if ec == 0:
            model = out.strip()
            _log.debug("Determined CPU model on Darwin using cmd '%s': %s" % (cmd, model))

    if model is None:
        model = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine CPU model, returning %s" % model)

    return model
def process_easyconfig_file(ec_file):
    """Process an easyconfig file: fix if it's broken, back it up before fixing it inline (if requested)."""
    ectxt = read_file(ec_file)
    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ectxt, ['name', 'easyblock'])
    derived_easyblock_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name, default_fallback=False)

    fixed_ectxt = fix_broken_easyconfig(ectxt, derived_easyblock_class)

    if ectxt != fixed_ectxt:
        if go.options.backup:
                backup_ec_file = '%s.bk' % ec_file
                i = 1
                while os.path.exists(backup_ec_file):
                    backup_ec_file = '%s.bk%d' % (ec_file, i)
                    i += 1
                os.rename(ec_file, backup_ec_file)
                log.info("Backed up %s to %s" % (ec_file, backup_ec_file))
            except OSError, err:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to backup %s before rewriting it: %s", ec_file, err)

        write_file(ec_file, fixed_ectxt)
        log.debug("Contents of fixed easyconfig file: %s" % fixed_ectxt)

        log.info("%s: fixed" % ec_file)
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_cpu_vendor():
    """Try to detect the cpu identifier

    will return INTEL, ARM or AMD constant
    regexp = re.compile(r"^vendor_id\s+:\s*(?P<vendorid>\S+)\s*$", re.M)
    VENDORS = {
        'GenuineIntel': INTEL,
        'AuthenticAMD': AMD,
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
            txt = read_file('/proc/cpuinfo', log_error=False)
            arch = UNKNOWN
            # vendor_id might not be in the /proc/cpuinfo, so this might fail
            res = regexp.search(txt)
            if res:
                arch = res.groupdict().get('vendorid', UNKNOWN)
            if arch in VENDORS:
                return VENDORS[arch]

            # some embeded linux on arm behaves differently (e.g. raspbian)
            regexp = re.compile(r"^Processor\s+:\s*(?P<vendorid>ARM\S+)\s*", re.M)
            res = regexp.search(txt)
            if res:
                arch = res.groupdict().get('vendorid', UNKNOWN)
            if ARM in arch:
                return ARM
        except IOError, err:
            raise SystemToolsException("An error occured while determining CPU vendor since: %s" % err)
    def parse_components_list(self):
        """parse the regex in the components extra_options and select the matching components
        from the mediaconfig.xml file in the install dir"""

        mediaconfigpath = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'pset', 'mediaconfig.xml')
        if not os.path.isfile(mediaconfigpath):
            raise EasyBuildError("Could not find %s to find list of components." % mediaconfigpath)

        mediaconfig = read_file(mediaconfigpath)
        available_components = re.findall("<Abbr>(?P<component>[^<]+)</Abbr>", mediaconfig, re.M)
        self.log.debug("Intel components found: %s" % available_components)
        self.log.debug("Using regex list: %s" % self.cfg['components'])

        if COMP_ALL in self.cfg['components'] or COMP_DEFAULTS in self.cfg['components']:
            if len(self.cfg['components']) == 1:
                self.install_components = self.cfg['components']
                raise EasyBuildError("If you specify %s as components, you cannot specify anything else: %s",
                                     ' or '.join([COMP_ALL, COMP_DEFAULTS]), self.cfg['components'])
            self.install_components = []
            for comp_regex in self.cfg['components']:
                comps = [comp for comp in available_components if re.match(comp_regex, comp)]

        self.log.debug("Components to install: %s" % self.install_components)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_robot_archived_easyconfigs(self):
        """Test whether robot can pick up archived easyconfigs when asked."""
        test_ecs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs')

        gzip_ec = os.path.join(test_ecs, 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.5-ictce-4.1.13.eb')
        gzip_ectxt = read_file(gzip_ec)

        test_ec = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.eb')
        tc_spec = "toolchain = {'name': 'ictce', 'version': '3.2.2.u3'}"
        regex = re.compile("^toolchain = .*", re.M)
        test_ectxt = regex.sub(tc_spec, gzip_ectxt)
        write_file(test_ec, test_ectxt)
        ecs, _ = parse_easyconfigs([(test_ec, False)])
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, "Irresolvable dependencies encountered", resolve_dependencies,
                              ecs, self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True)

        # --consider-archived-easyconfigs must be used to let robot pick up archived easyconfigs
            'consider_archived_easyconfigs': True,
            'robot_path': [test_ecs],
        res = resolve_dependencies(ecs, self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True)
        self.assertEqual([ec['full_mod_name'] for ec in res], ['ictce/3.2.2.u3', 'gzip/1.5-ictce-3.2.2.u3'])
        expected = os.path.join(test_ecs, '__archive__', 'i', 'ictce', 'ictce-3.2.2.u3.eb')
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(res[0]['spec'], expected))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def add_easyconfig(self, cfg, name, version, stats, previous):
        Add the eb-file for software name and version to the repository.
        stats should be a dict containing statistics.
        if previous is true -> append the statistics to the file
        This will return the path to the created file (for use in subclasses)
        # create directory for eb file
        full_path = os.path.join(self.wc, self.subdir, name)
        mkdir(full_path, parents=True)

        # destination
        dest = os.path.join(full_path, "%s-%s.eb" % (name, version))

        txt = "# Built with EasyBuild version %s on %s\n" % (VERBOSE_VERSION, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"))

        # copy file
        txt += read_file(cfg)

        # append a line to the eb file so that we don't have git merge conflicts
        if not previous:
            statsprefix = "\n# Build statistics\nbuildstats = ["
            statssuffix = "]\n"
            # statstemplate = "\nbuildstats.append(%s)\n"
            statsprefix = "\nbuildstats.append("
            statssuffix = ")\n"

        txt += statsprefix + stats_to_str(stats) + statssuffix
        write_file(dest, txt)

        return dest
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_recursive_module_unload(self):
        """Test generating recursively unloading modules."""

        # use temporary paths for build/install paths, make sure sources can be found
        buildpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        installpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        sourcepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox', 'sources')

        # use toy-0.0.eb easyconfig file that comes with the tests
        eb_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs', 'toy-0.0-deps.eb')

        # check log message with --skip for existing module
        args = [
            '--sourcepath=%s' % sourcepath,
            '--buildpath=%s' % buildpath,
            '--installpath=%s' % installpath,
        self.eb_main(args, do_build=True, verbose=True)

        toy_module = os.path.join(installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy', '0.0-deps')
        toy_module_txt = read_file(toy_module)
        is_loaded_regex = re.compile(r"if { !\[is-loaded gompi/1.3.12\] }", re.M)
        self.assertFalse(is_loaded_regex.search(toy_module_txt), "Recursive unloading is used: %s" % toy_module_txt)

        # cleanup
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_apply_regex_substitutions(self):
        """Test apply_regex_substitutions function."""
        testfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.txt')
        testtxt = '\n'.join([
            "CC = gcc",
            "CFLAGS = -O3 -g",
            "FC = gfortran",
            "FFLAGS = -O3 -g -ffixed-form",
        ft.write_file(testfile, testtxt)

        regex_subs = [
            (r"^(CC)\s*=\s*.*$", r"\1 = ${CC}"),
            (r"^(FC\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1${FC}"),
            (r"^(.FLAGS)\s*=\s*-O3\s-g(.*)$", r"\1 = -O2\2"),
        ft.apply_regex_substitutions(testfile, regex_subs)

        expected_testtxt = '\n'.join([
            "CC = ${CC}",
            "CFLAGS = -O2",
            "FC = ${FC}",
            "FFLAGS = -O2 -ffixed-form",
        new_testtxt = ft.read_file(testfile)
        self.assertEqual(new_testtxt, expected_testtxt)
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_total_memory():
    Try to ascertain this node's total memory

    :return: total memory as an integer, specifically a number of megabytes
    memtotal = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and is_readable(PROC_MEMINFO_FP):
        _log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Linux via %s", PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
        meminfo = read_file(PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
        mem_mo = re.match(r'^MemTotal:\s*(\d+)\s*kB', meminfo, re.M)
        if mem_mo:
            memtotal = int(mem_mo.group(1)) / 1024

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n hw.memsize"
        _log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Darwin via cmd '%s'", cmd)
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
        if ec == 0:
            memtotal = int(out.strip()) / (1024**2)

    if memtotal is None:
        memtotal = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine total memory, returning %s", memtotal)

    return memtotal
Exemplo n.º 26
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure MCR installation: create license file."""

        configfile = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.configfilename)
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('R2015a'):
            shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'installer_input.txt'), configfile)
            config = read_file(configfile)
            # compile regex first since re.sub doesn't accept re.M flag for multiline regex in Python 2.6
            regdest = re.compile(r"^# destinationFolder=.*", re.M)
            regagree = re.compile(r"^# agreeToLicense=.*", re.M)
            regmode = re.compile(r"^# mode=.*", re.M)

            config = regdest.sub("destinationFolder=%s" % self.installdir, config)
            config = regagree.sub("agreeToLicense=Yes", config)
            config = regmode.sub("mode=silent", config)
            config = '\n'.join([
                "destinationFolder=%s" % self.installdir,

        write_file(configfile, config)

        self.log.debug("configuration file written to %s:\n %s", configfile, config)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def sanity_check_step(self):
        """Custom sanity check for CUDA."""

        if LooseVersion(self.version) > LooseVersion("9"):
            versionfile = read_file(os.path.join(self.installdir, "version.txt"))
            if not re.search("Version %s$" % self.version, versionfile):
                raise EasyBuildError("Unable to find the correct version (%s) in the version.txt file", self.version)

        shlib_ext = get_shared_lib_ext()

        chk_libdir = ["lib64"]

        # Versions higher than 6 do not provide 32 bit libraries
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("6"):
            chk_libdir += ["lib"]

        culibs = ["cublas", "cudart", "cufft", "curand", "cusparse"]
        custom_paths = {
            'files': [os.path.join("bin", x) for x in ["fatbinary", "nvcc", "nvlink", "ptxas"]] +
            [os.path.join("%s", "lib%s.%s") % (x, y, shlib_ext) for x in chk_libdir for y in culibs],
            'dirs': ["include"],

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('7'):
            custom_paths['files'].append(os.path.join('open64', 'bin', 'nvopencc'))
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('7'):
            custom_paths['files'].append(os.path.join("extras", "CUPTI", "lib64", "libcupti.%s") % shlib_ext)
            custom_paths['dirs'].append(os.path.join("extras", "CUPTI", "include"))

        super(EB_CUDA, self).sanity_check_step(custom_paths=custom_paths)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_job(self):
        """Test submitting build as a job."""

        # set MODULEPATH to included modules
        orig_modulepath = os.getenv('MODULEPATH', None)
        os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'modules')

        # use gzip-1.4.eb easyconfig file that comes with the tests
        eb_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.4.eb')

        # check log message with --job
        for job_args in [  # options passed are reordered, so order here matters to make tests pass
                         ['--debug', '--stop=configure', '--try-software-name=foo'],

            # clear log file
            outtxt = write_file(self.logfile, '')

            args = [
                   ] + job_args
                main((args, self.logfile))
            except (SystemExit, Exception), err:
            outtxt = read_file(self.logfile)

            job_msg = "INFO.* Command template for jobs: .* && eb %%\(spec\)s %s.*\n" % ' .*'.join(job_args)
            assertmsg = "Info log message with job command template when using --job (job_msg: %s, outtxt: %s)" % (job_msg, outtxt)
            self.assertTrue(re.search(job_msg, outtxt), assertmsg)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def dependencies_for(self, mod_name, depth=sys.maxint):
        Obtain a list of dependencies for the given module, determined recursively, up to a specified depth (optionally)
        modfilepath = self.modulefile_path(mod_name)
        self.log.debug("modulefile path %s: %s" % (mod_name, modfilepath))

        modtxt = read_file(modfilepath)

        loadregex = re.compile(r"^\s+module load\s+(.*)$", re.M)
        mods = loadregex.findall(modtxt)

        if depth > 0:
            # recursively determine dependencies for these dependency modules, until depth is non-positive
            moddeps = [self.dependencies_for(mod, depth=depth - 1) for mod in mods]
            # ignore any deeper dependencies
            moddeps = []

        # add dependencies of dependency modules only if they're not there yet
        for moddepdeps in moddeps:
            for dep in moddepdeps:
                if not dep in mods:

        return mods
Exemplo n.º 30
def get_cpu_vendor():
    """Try to detect the cpu identifier

    will return INTEL or AMD constant
    regexp = re.compile(r"^vendor_id\s+:\s*(?P<vendorid>\S+)\s*$", re.M)
    VENDORS = {"GenuineIntel": INTEL, "AuthenticAMD": AMD}

    # Linux
    txt = read_file("/proc/cpuinfo", log_error=False)
    if txt is not None:
        arch = regexp.search(txt).groupdict()["vendorid"]
        if arch in VENDORS:
            return VENDORS[arch]

    # Darwin (OS X)
    out, exitcode = run_cmd("sysctl -n machdep.cpu.vendor")
    out = out.strip()
    if not exitcode and out and out in VENDORS:
        return VENDORS[out]

    # BSD
    out, exitcode = run_cmd("sysctl -n hw.model")
    out = out.strip()
    if not exitcode and out:
        return out.split(" ")[0]

    raise SystemToolsException("Could not detect cpu vendor")
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_run_cmd_qa_log_all(self):
        """Test run_cmd_qa with log_output enabled"""
        (out, ec) = run_cmd_qa("echo 'n: '; read n; seq 1 $n", {'n: ': '5'},
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
        self.assertEquals(out, "n: \n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n")

        run_cmd_logs = glob.glob(
            os.path.join(self.test_prefix, '*', 'easybuild-run_cmd_qa*.log'))
        self.assertEqual(len(run_cmd_logs), 1)
        run_cmd_log_txt = read_file(run_cmd_logs[0])
        extra_pref = "# output for interactive command: echo 'n: '; read n; seq 1 $n\n\n"
        self.assertEquals(run_cmd_log_txt, extra_pref + "n: \n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n")
Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_copy_file(self):
        """ Test copy_file """
        testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        tmpdir = self.test_prefix
        to_copy = os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy',
        target_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'toy.eb')
        ft.copy_file(to_copy, target_path)
        self.assertTrue(ft.read_file(to_copy) == ft.read_file(target_path))

        # also test behaviour of copy_file under --dry-run
        build_options = {
            'extended_dry_run': True,
            'silent': False,

        # remove target file, it shouldn't get copied under dry run

        ft.copy_file(to_copy, target_path)
        txt = self.get_stdout()

            re.search("^copied file .*/toy-0.0.eb to .*/toy.eb", txt))

        # forced copy, even in dry run mode
        ft.copy_file(to_copy, target_path, force_in_dry_run=True)
        txt = self.get_stdout()

        self.assertTrue(ft.read_file(to_copy) == ft.read_file(target_path))
        self.assertEqual(txt, '')
Exemplo n.º 33
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure MATLAB installation: create license file."""

        licserv = self.cfg['license_server']
        if licserv is None:
            licserv = os.getenv('EB_MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER',
        licport = self.cfg['license_server_port']
        if licport is None:
            licport = os.getenv('EB_MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER_PORT', '00000')

        key = self.cfg['key']
        if key is None:
            key = os.getenv(

        # create license file
        lictxt = '\n'.join([
            "SERVER %s 000000000000 %s" % (licserv, licport),

        licfile = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'matlab.lic')
        write_file(licfile, lictxt)

                os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'installer_input.txt'),
            config = read_file(self.configfile)

            regdest = re.compile(r"^# destinationFolder=.*", re.M)
            regkey = re.compile(r"^# fileInstallationKey=.*", re.M)
            regagree = re.compile(r"^# agreeToLicense=.*", re.M)
            regmode = re.compile(r"^# mode=.*", re.M)
            reglicpath = re.compile(r"^# licensePath=.*", re.M)

            config = regdest.sub("destinationFolder=%s" % self.installdir,
            config = regkey.sub("fileInstallationKey=%s" % key, config)
            config = regagree.sub("agreeToLicense=Yes", config)
            config = regmode.sub("mode=silent", config)
            config = reglicpath.sub("licensePath=%s" % licfile, config)

            write_file(self.configfile, config)

        except IOError, err:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Failed to create installation config file %s: %s",
                self.configfile, err)
    def test_apply_regex_substitutions(self):
        """Test apply_regex_substitutions function."""
        testfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.txt')
        testtxt = '\n'.join([
            "CC = gcc",
            "CFLAGS = -O3 -g",
            "FC = gfortran",
            "FFLAGS = -O3 -g -ffixed-form",
        ft.write_file(testfile, testtxt)

        regex_subs = [
            (r"^(CC)\s*=\s*.*$", r"\1 = ${CC}"),
            (r"^(FC\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1${FC}"),
            (r"^(.FLAGS)\s*=\s*-O3\s-g(.*)$", r"\1 = -O2\2"),
        ft.apply_regex_substitutions(testfile, regex_subs)

        expected_testtxt = '\n'.join([
            "CC = ${CC}",
            "CFLAGS = -O2",
            "FC = ${FC}",
            "FFLAGS = -O2 -ffixed-form",
        new_testtxt = ft.read_file(testfile)
        self.assertEqual(new_testtxt, expected_testtxt)

        # passing empty list of substitions is a no-op
        ft.write_file(testfile, testtxt)
        ft.apply_regex_substitutions(testfile, [])
        new_testtxt = ft.read_file(testfile)
        self.assertEqual(new_testtxt, testtxt)

        # clean error on non-existing file
        error_pat = "Failed to patch .*/nosuchfile.txt: .*No such file or directory"
        path = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'nosuchfile.txt')
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, error_pat,
                              ft.apply_regex_substitutions, path, regex_subs)
Exemplo n.º 35
def get_cpu_vendor():
    Try to detect the CPU vendor

    :return: a value from the CPU_VENDORS list
    vendor = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
        vendor_regex = None

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch == X86_64:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"vendor_id\s+:\s*(\S+)")
        elif arch == POWER:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"model\s+:\s*(\w+)")
        elif arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"CPU implementer\s+:\s*(\S+)")

        if vendor_regex and is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            vendor_id = None

            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            res = vendor_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res:
                vendor_id = res.group(1)

            if vendor_id in VENDOR_IDS:
                vendor = VENDOR_IDS[vendor_id]
                    "Determined CPU vendor on Linux as being '%s' via regex '%s' in %s",
                    vendor, vendor_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.vendor"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True)
        out = out.strip()
        if ec == 0 and out in VENDOR_IDS:
            vendor = VENDOR_IDS[out]
                "Determined CPU vendor on DARWIN as being '%s' via cmd '%s" %
                (vendor, cmd))

    if vendor is None:
        vendor = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Could not determine CPU vendor on %s, returning %s" %
                     (os_type, vendor))

    return vendor
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_exclude_path_to_top_of_module_tree(self):
        Make sure that modules under the HierarchicalMNS are correct,
        w.r.t. not including any load statements for modules that build up the path to the top of the module tree.
        self.orig_module_naming_scheme = config.get_module_naming_scheme()
        test_ecs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs')
        all_stops = [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()]
        build_options = {
            'check_osdeps': False,
            'robot_path': [test_ecs_path],
            'valid_stops': all_stops,
            'validate': False,
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME'] = 'HierarchicalMNS'

        modfile_prefix = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all')
        mkdir(os.path.join(modfile_prefix, 'Compiler', 'GCC', '4.8.3'), parents=True)
        mkdir(os.path.join(modfile_prefix, 'MPI', 'intel', '2013.5.192-GCC-4.8.3', 'impi', ''), parents=True)

        impi_modfile_path = os.path.join('Compiler', 'intel', '2013.5.192-GCC-4.8.3', 'impi', '')
        imkl_modfile_path = os.path.join('MPI', 'intel', '2013.5.192-GCC-4.8.3', 'impi', '', 'imkl', '')
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            impi_modfile_path += '.lua'
            imkl_modfile_path += '.lua'

        # example: for imkl on top of iimpi toolchain with HierarchicalMNS, no module load statements should be included
        # not for the toolchain or any of the toolchain components,
        # since both icc/ifort and impi form the path to the top of the module tree
        tests = [
            ('impi-', impi_modfile_path, ['icc', 'ifort', 'iccifort']),
            ('imkl-', imkl_modfile_path, ['icc', 'ifort', 'impi', 'iccifort', 'iimpi']),
        for ec_file, modfile_path, excluded_deps in tests:
            ec = EasyConfig(os.path.join(test_ecs_path, ec_file))
            eb = EasyBlock(ec)
            modpath = eb.make_module_step()
            modfile_path = os.path.join(modpath, modfile_path)
            modtxt = read_file(modfile_path)

            for imkl_dep in excluded_deps:
                tup = (imkl_dep, modfile_path, modtxt)
                failmsg = "No 'module load' statement found for '%s' not found in module %s: %s" % tup
                self.assertFalse(re.search("module load %s" % imkl_dep, modtxt), failmsg)

        os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME'] = self.orig_module_naming_scheme
Exemplo n.º 37
def get_system_libs_from_tf(source_dir):
    """Return the valid values for TF_SYSTEM_LIBS from the TensorFlow source directory"""
    syslibs_path = os.path.join(source_dir, 'third_party', 'systemlibs',
    result = []
    if os.path.exists(syslibs_path):
        txt = read_file(syslibs_path)
        valid_libs_match = re.search(r'VALID_LIBS\s*=\s*\[(.*?)\]', txt,
        if not valid_libs_match:
            raise EasyBuildError('VALID_LIBS definition not found in %s',
        result = split_tf_libs_txt(valid_libs_match.group(1))
    return result
Exemplo n.º 38
    def eb_main(self, args, do_build=False, return_error=False, logfile=None, verbose=False, raise_error=False,
                reset_env=True, raise_systemexit=False, testing=True, redo_init_config=True):
        """Helper method to call EasyBuild main function."""

        myerr = False
        if logfile is None:
            logfile = self.logfile
        # clear log file
        if logfile:
            f = open(logfile, 'w')

        env_before = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)

            main(args=args, logfile=logfile, do_build=do_build, testing=testing, modtool=self.modtool)
        except SystemExit as err:
            if raise_systemexit:
                raise err
        except Exception as err:
            myerr = err
            if verbose:
                print("err: %s" % err)

        if logfile and os.path.exists(logfile):
            logtxt = read_file(logfile)
            logtxt = None


        if redo_init_config:
            # make sure config is reinitialized

        # restore environment to what it was before running main,
        # changes may have been made by eb_main (e.g. $TMPDIR & co)
        if reset_env:
            modify_env(os.environ, env_before, verbose=False)
            tempfile.tempdir = None

        if myerr and raise_error:
            raise myerr

        if return_error:
            return logtxt, myerr
            return logtxt
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_get_easyblock_instance(self):
        """Test get_easyblock_instance function."""
        from easybuild.easyblocks.toy import EB_toy
        testdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

        ec = process_easyconfig(os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb'))[0]
        eb = get_easyblock_instance(ec)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(eb, EB_toy))

        # check whether 'This is easyblock' log message is there
        tup = ('EB_toy', 'easybuild.easyblocks.toy', '.*test/framework/sandbox/easybuild/easyblocks/t/toy.pyc*')
        eb_log_msg_re = re.compile(r"INFO This is easyblock %s from module %s (%s)" % tup, re.M)
        logtxt = read_file(eb.logfile)
        self.assertTrue(eb_log_msg_re.search(logtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (eb_log_msg_re.pattern, logtxt))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def patch_step(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Custom patch step for Python:
        * patch setup.py when --sysroot EasyBuild configuration setting is used

        super(EB_Python, self).patch_step(*args, **kwargs)

        # if we're installing Python with an alternate sysroot,
        # we need to patch setup.py which includes hardcoded paths like /usr/include and /lib64;
        # this fixes problems like not being able to build the _ssl module ("Could not build the ssl module")
        sysroot = build_option('sysroot')
        if sysroot:
            sysroot_inc_dirs, sysroot_lib_dirs = [], []

            for pattern in ['include*', os.path.join('usr', 'include*')]:
                sysroot_inc_dirs.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(sysroot, pattern)))

            if sysroot_inc_dirs:
                sysroot_inc_dirs = ', '.join(["'%s'" % x for x in sysroot_inc_dirs])
                raise EasyBuildError("No include directories found in sysroot %s!", sysroot)

            for pattern in ['lib*', os.path.join('usr', 'lib*')]:
                sysroot_lib_dirs.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(sysroot, pattern)))

            if sysroot_lib_dirs:
                sysroot_lib_dirs = ', '.join(["'%s'" % x for x in sysroot_lib_dirs])
                raise EasyBuildError("No lib directories found in sysroot %s!", sysroot)

            setup_py_fn = 'setup.py'
            setup_py_txt = read_file(setup_py_fn)

            # newer Python versions (3.6+) have refactored code, requires different patching approach
            if "system_include_dirs = " in setup_py_txt:
                regex_subs = [
                    (r"(system_include_dirs = \[).*\]", r"\1%s]" % sysroot_inc_dirs),
                    (r"(system_lib_dirs = \[).*\]", r"\1%s]" % sysroot_lib_dirs),
                regex_subs = [
                    (r"^([ ]+)'/usr/include',", r"\1%s," % sysroot_inc_dirs),
                    (r"\['/usr/include'\]", r"[%s]" % sysroot_inc_dirs),
                    (r"^([ ]+)'/lib64', '/usr/lib64',", r"\1%s," % sysroot_lib_dirs),
                    (r"^[ ]+'/lib', '/usr/lib',", ''),

            apply_regex_substitutions(setup_py_fn, regex_subs)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_parallel(self):
        """Test defining of parallellism."""
        topdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        toy_ec = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy',
        toytxt = read_file(toy_ec)

        handle, toy_ec1 = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='easyblock_test_file_',
        write_file(toy_ec1, toytxt + "\nparallel = 123")

        handle, toy_ec2 = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='easyblock_test_file_',
        write_file(toy_ec2, toytxt + "\nparallel = 123\nmaxparallel = 67")

        # default: parallellism is derived from # available cores + ulimit
        test_eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(toy_ec))
            isinstance(test_eb.cfg['parallel'], int)
            and test_eb.cfg['parallel'] > 0)

        # only 'parallel' easyconfig parameter specified (no 'parallel' build option)
        test_eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(toy_ec1))
        self.assertEqual(test_eb.cfg['parallel'], 123)

        # both 'parallel' and 'maxparallel' easyconfig parameters specified (no 'parallel' build option)
        test_eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(toy_ec2))
        self.assertEqual(test_eb.cfg['parallel'], 67)

        # only 'parallel' build option specified
        init_config(build_options={'parallel': '97', 'validate': False})
        test_eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(toy_ec))
        self.assertEqual(test_eb.cfg['parallel'], 97)

        # both 'parallel' build option and easyconfig parameter specified (no 'maxparallel')
        test_eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(toy_ec1))
        self.assertEqual(test_eb.cfg['parallel'], 97)

        # both 'parallel' and 'maxparallel' easyconfig parameters specified + 'parallel' build option
        test_eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(toy_ec2))
        self.assertEqual(test_eb.cfg['parallel'], 67)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_dry_run(self):
        """Test use of functions under (extended) dry run."""
        build_options = {
            'extended_dry_run': True,
            'silent': False,

        run_cmd("somecommand foo 123 bar")
        txt = self.get_stdout()

        expected_regex = re.compile('\n'.join([
            r"  running command \"somecommand foo 123 bar\"",
            r"  \(in .*\)",
        self.assertTrue(expected_regex.match(txt), "Pattern %s matches with: %s" % (expected_regex.pattern, txt))

        # check disabling 'verbose'
        run_cmd("somecommand foo 123 bar", verbose=False)
        txt = self.get_stdout()
        self.assertEqual(txt, '')

        # check forced run
        outfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'cmd.out')
        run_cmd("echo 'This is always echoed' > %s" % outfile, force_in_dry_run=True)
        txt = self.get_stdout()
        # nothing printed to stdout, but command was run
        self.assertEqual(txt, '')
        self.assertEqual(read_file(outfile), "This is always echoed\n")

        # Q&A commands
        run_cmd_qa("some_qa_cmd", {'question1': 'answer1'})
        txt = self.get_stdout()

        expected_regex = re.compile('\n'.join([
            r"  running interactive command \"some_qa_cmd\"",
            r"  \(in .*\)",
        self.assertTrue(expected_regex.match(txt), "Pattern %s matches with: %s" % (expected_regex.pattern, txt))
Exemplo n.º 43
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure COMSOL installation: create license file."""

        default_lic_env_var = 'LMCOMSOL_LICENSE_FILE'
        lic_specs, self.license_env_var = find_flexlm_license(custom_env_vars=[default_lic_env_var],

        if lic_specs:
            if self.license_env_var is None:
                self.log.info("Using COMSOL license specifications from 'license_file': %s", lic_specs)
                self.license_env_var = default_lic_env_var
                self.log.info("Using COMSOL license specifications from $%s: %s", self.license_env_var, lic_specs)

            self.license_file = os.pathsep.join(lic_specs)
            env.setvar(self.license_env_var, self.license_file)
            msg = "No viable license specifications found; "
            msg += "specify 'license_file', or define $%s" % default_lic_env_var
            raise EasyBuildError(msg)

        copy_file(os.path.join(self.start_dir, 'setupconfig.ini'), self.configfile)
        config = read_file(self.configfile)

        config_vars = {
            'agree': '1',
            'desktopshortcuts': '0',
            'fileassoc': '0',
            'firewall': '0',
            'installdir': self.installdir,
            'license': self.license_file,
            'licmanager': '0',
            'linuxlauncher': '0',
            'showgui': '0',
            'startmenushortcuts': '0',
            'symlinks': '0',

        matlab_root = get_software_root("MATLAB")
        if matlab_root:
            config_vars.update({'matlabdir': matlab_root})

        for key, val in config_vars.items():
            regex = re.compile(r"^%s\s*=.*" % key, re.M)
            config = regex.sub("%s=%s" % (key, val), config)

        write_file(self.configfile, config)

        self.log.debug('configuration file written to %s:\n %s', self.configfile, config)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def add_easyconfig(self, cfg, name, version, stats, previous):
        Add easyconfig to repository

        :param cfg: location of easyconfig file
        :param name: software name
        :param version: software install version, incl. toolchain & versionsuffix
        :param stats: build stats, to add to archived easyconfig
        :param previous: list of previous build stats
        :return: location of archived easyconfig
        # create directory for eb file
        full_path = os.path.join(self.wc, self.subdir, name)

        yeb_format = is_yeb_format(cfg, None)
        if yeb_format:
            extension = YEB_FORMAT_EXTENSION
            prefix = "buildstats: ["

            extension = EB_FORMAT_EXTENSION
            prefix = "buildstats = ["

        # destination
        dest = os.path.join(full_path, "%s-%s%s" % (name, version, extension))

        txt = "# Built with EasyBuild version %s on %s\n" % (
            VERBOSE_VERSION, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"))

        # copy file
        txt += read_file(cfg)

        # append a line to the eb file so that we don't have git merge conflicts
        statscomment = "\n# Build statistics\n"
        statsprefix = prefix
        statssuffix = "]\n"
        if previous:
            statstxt = statscomment + statsprefix + '\n'
            for entry in previous + [stats]:
                statstxt += stats_to_str(entry, isyeb=yeb_format) + ',\n'
            statstxt += statssuffix
            statstxt = statscomment + statsprefix + stats_to_str(
                stats, isyeb=yeb_format) + statssuffix

        txt += statstxt
        write_file(dest, txt)

        return dest
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_toy_tweaked(self):
        """Test toy build with tweaked easyconfig, for testing extra easyconfig parameters."""
        test_ecs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'easyconfigs')
        ec_file = os.path.join(self.test_buildpath, 'toy-0.0-tweaked.eb')
        shutil.copy2(os.path.join(test_ecs_dir, 'toy-0.0.eb'), ec_file)

        # tweak easyconfig by appending to it
        ec_extra = '\n'.join([
            "versionsuffix = '-tweaked'",
            "modextrapaths = {'SOMEPATH': ['foo/bar', 'baz', '']}",
            "modextravars = {'FOO': 'bar'}",
            "modloadmsg =  'THANKS FOR LOADING ME, I AM %(name)s v%(version)s'",
            "modtclfooter = 'puts stderr \"oh hai!\"'",  # ignored when module syntax is Lua
            "modluafooter = 'io.stderr:write(\"oh hai!\")'"  # ignored when module syntax is Tcl
        write_file(ec_file, ec_extra, append=True)

        args = [
            '--sourcepath=%s' % self.test_sourcepath,
            '--buildpath=%s' % self.test_buildpath,
            '--installpath=%s' % self.test_installpath,
        outtxt = self.eb_main(args, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)
        self.check_toy(self.test_installpath, outtxt, versionsuffix='-tweaked')
        toy_module = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy', '0.0-tweaked')
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            toy_module += '.lua'
        toy_module_txt = read_file(toy_module)

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^setenv\s*FOO\s*"bar"$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend-path\s*SOMEPATH\s*\$root/foo/bar$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend-path\s*SOMEPATH\s*\$root/baz$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend-path\s*SOMEPATH\s*\$root$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'module-info mode load.*\n\s*puts stderr\s*.*I AM toy v0.0"$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^puts stderr "oh hai!"$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^setenv\("FOO", "bar"\)', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", pathJoin\(root, "foo/bar"\)\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", pathJoin\(root, "baz"\)\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", root\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^if mode\(\) == "load" then\n\s*io.stderr:write\(".*I AM toy v0.0"\)$',
                                      toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^io.stderr:write\("oh hai!"\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_download_repo(self):
        """Test download_repo function."""
        if self.skip_github_tests:
            print("Skipping test_download_repo, no GitHub token available?")

        # default: download tarball for master branch of easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs repo
        path = gh.download_repo(path=self.test_prefix, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
        repodir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'easybuilders', 'easybuild-easyconfigs-master')
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(path, repodir))
        shafile = os.path.join(repodir, 'latest-sha')
        self.assertTrue(re.match('^[0-9a-f]{40}$', read_file(shafile)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, 'easybuild', 'easyconfigs', 'f', 'foss', 'foss-2019b.eb')))

        # existing downloaded repo is not reperformed, except if SHA is different
        account, repo, branch = 'boegel', 'easybuild-easyblocks', 'develop'
        repodir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, account, '%s-%s' % (repo, branch))
        latest_sha = gh.fetch_latest_commit_sha(repo, account, branch=branch, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)

        # put 'latest-sha' fail in place, check whether repo was (re)downloaded (should not)
        shafile = os.path.join(repodir, 'latest-sha')
        write_file(shafile, latest_sha)
        path = gh.download_repo(repo=repo, branch=branch, account=account, path=self.test_prefix,
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(path, repodir))
        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(repodir), ['latest-sha'])

        # remove 'latest-sha' file and verify that download was performed
        path = gh.download_repo(repo=repo, branch=branch, account=account, path=self.test_prefix,
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(path, repodir))
        self.assertTrue('easybuild' in os.listdir(repodir))
        self.assertTrue(re.match('^[0-9a-f]{40}$', read_file(shafile)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, 'easybuild', 'easyblocks', '__init__.py')))
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_patch_step(self):
        """Test patch step."""
        test_easyconfigs = os.path.join(
            os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'easyconfigs',
        ec = process_easyconfig(
            os.path.join(test_easyconfigs, 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb'))[0]
        orig_sources = ec['ec']['sources'][:]

        toy_patches = [
            'toy-0.0_typo.patch',  # test for applying patch
            ('toy-extra.txt', 'toy-0.0'),  # test for patch-by-copy
        self.assertEqual(ec['ec']['patches'], toy_patches)

        # test applying patches without sources
        ec['ec']['sources'] = []
        eb = EasyBlock(ec['ec'])
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, '.*', eb.patch_step)

        # test actual patching of unpacked sources
        ec['ec']['sources'] = orig_sources
        eb = EasyBlock(ec['ec'])
        # verify that patches were applied
        toydir = os.path.join(eb.builddir, 'toy-0.0')
                         ['toy-extra.txt', 'toy.source', 'toy.source.orig'])
        self.assertTrue("and very proud of it" in read_file(
            os.path.join(toydir, 'toy.source')))
        self.assertEqual(read_file(os.path.join(toydir, 'toy-extra.txt')),
    def test_raw(self):
        """Test passing of raw contents to EasyConfigParser."""
        ec_file1 = os.path.join(TESTDIRBASE, 'v1.0', 'GCC-4.6.3.eb')
        ec_txt1 = read_file(ec_file1)
        ec_file2 = os.path.join(TESTDIRBASE, 'v1.0',
        ec_txt2 = read_file(ec_file2)

        ecparser = EasyConfigParser(ec_file1)
        self.assertEqual(ecparser.rawcontent, ec_txt1)

        ecparser = EasyConfigParser(rawcontent=ec_txt2)
        self.assertEqual(ecparser.rawcontent, ec_txt2)

        # rawcontent supersedes passed filepath
        ecparser = EasyConfigParser(ec_file1, rawcontent=ec_txt2)
        self.assertEqual(ecparser.rawcontent, ec_txt2)
        ec = ecparser.get_config_dict()
        self.assertEqual(ec['name'], 'gzip')
        self.assertEqual(ec['toolchain']['name'], 'goolf')

                              "Neither filename nor rawcontent provided",
Exemplo n.º 49
def get_cpu_model():
    returns cpu model
    f.ex Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    os_type = get_os_type()
    if os_type == LINUX:
        regexp = re.compile(r"^model name\s+:\s*(?P<modelname>.+)\s*$", re.M)
            txt = read_file('/proc/cpuinfo', log_error=False)
            if txt is not None:
                return regexp.search(txt).groupdict()['modelname'].strip()
        except IOError, err:
            raise SystemToolsException(
                "An error occured when determining CPU model: %s" % err)
Exemplo n.º 50
    def post_install_step(self):
        """Remove setuptools.pth file that hard includes a system-wide (site-packages) path, if it is there."""

        setuptools_pth = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir, 'setuptools.pth')
        if os.path.exists(setuptools_pth):
            setuptools_pth_txt = read_file(setuptools_pth)
            # any line that starts with '/' is a sign of trouble
            sys_path_regex = re.compile('^/', re.M)
            if sys_path_regex.search(setuptools_pth_txt):
                self.log.warning("Found %s, and includes one or more absolute system paths. Removing it.",
                except OSError as err:
                    raise EasyBuildError("Failed to remove %s: %s", setuptools_pth, err)
Exemplo n.º 51
    def test_footer(self):
        """Test specifying a module footer."""
        # use temporary paths for build/install paths, make sure sources can be found
        buildpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        installpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        sourcepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                                  'sandbox', 'sources')

        # create file containing modules footer
        module_footer_txt = '\n'.join([
            "# test footer",
            "setenv SITE_SPECIFIC_ENV_VAR foobar",
        fd, modules_footer = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='modules-footer-')
        f = open(modules_footer, 'w')

        # use toy-0.0.eb easyconfig file that comes with the tests
        eb_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs',

        # check log message with --skip for existing module
        args = [
            '--sourcepath=%s' % sourcepath,
            '--buildpath=%s' % buildpath,
            '--installpath=%s' % installpath,
            '--modules-footer=%s' % modules_footer,
        self.eb_main(args, do_build=True)

        toy_module = os.path.join(installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy', '0.0')
        toy_module_txt = read_file(toy_module)
        footer_regex = re.compile(r'%s$' % module_footer_txt, re.M)
        msg = "modules footer '%s' is present in '%s'" % (module_footer_txt,
        self.assertTrue(footer_regex.search(toy_module_txt), msg)

        # cleanup
Exemplo n.º 52
def get_cpu_model():
    Determine CPU model, e.g., Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    model = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
        proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            # On ARM platforms, no model name is provided in /proc/cpuinfo.  However, for vanilla ARM cores
            # we can reverse-map the part number.
            vendor = get_cpu_vendor()
            if vendor == ARM:
                model_regex = re.compile(r"CPU part\s+:\s*(\S+)", re.M)
                # There can be big.LITTLE setups with different types of cores!
                model_ids = model_regex.findall(proc_cpuinfo)
                if model_ids:
                    id_list = []
                    for model_id in sorted(set(model_ids)):
                        id_list.append(ARM_CORTEX_IDS.get(model_id, UNKNOWN))
                    model = vendor + ' ' + ' + '.join(id_list)
                    _log.debug("Determined CPU model on Linux using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
                               model_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, model)
            # we need 'model name' on Linux/x86, but 'model' is there first with different info
            # 'model name' is not there for Linux/POWER, but 'model' has the right info
            model_regex = re.compile(r"^model(?:\s+name)?\s+:\s*(?P<model>.*[A-Za-z].+)\s*$", re.M)
            res = model_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res is not None:
                model = res.group('model').strip()
                _log.debug("Determined CPU model on Linux using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
                           model_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, model)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
        if ec == 0:
            model = out.strip()
            _log.debug("Determined CPU model on Darwin using cmd '%s': %s" % (cmd, model))

    if model is None:
        model = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine CPU model, returning %s" % model)

    return model
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_run_cmd_log_output(self):
        """Test run_cmd with log_output enabled"""
        (out, ec) = run_cmd("seq 1 100", log_output=True)
        self.assertEqual(ec, 0)

        run_cmd_logs = glob.glob(
            os.path.join(self.test_prefix, '*', 'easybuild-run_cmd*.log'))
        self.assertEqual(len(run_cmd_logs), 1)
        run_cmd_log_txt = read_file(run_cmd_logs[0])
            run_cmd_log_txt.startswith("# output for command: seq 1 100\n\n"))
        run_cmd_log_lines = run_cmd_log_txt.split('\n')
        self.assertEqual(run_cmd_log_lines[2:5], ['1', '2', '3'])
        self.assertEqual(run_cmd_log_lines[-4:-1], ['98', '99', '100'])
Exemplo n.º 54
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure MATLAB installation: create license file."""

        licfile = self.cfg['license_file']
        if licfile is None:
            licserv = self.cfg['license_server']
            if licserv is None:
                licserv = os.getenv('EB_MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER', 'license.example.com')
            licport = self.cfg['license_server_port']
            if licport is None:
                licport = os.getenv('EB_MATLAB_LICENSE_SERVER_PORT', '00000')
            # create license file
            lictxt = '\n'.join([
                "SERVER %s 000000000000 %s" % (licserv, licport),

            licfile = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'matlab.lic')
            write_file(licfile, lictxt)

            copy_file(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'installer_input.txt'), self.configfile)
            adjust_permissions(self.configfile, stat.S_IWUSR)

            # read file in binary mode to avoid UTF-8 encoding issues when using Python 3,
            # due to non-UTF-8 characters...
            config = read_file(self.configfile, mode='rb')

            # use raw byte strings (must be 'br', not 'rb'),
            # required when using Python 3 because file was read in binary mode
            regdest = re.compile(br"^# destinationFolder=.*", re.M)
            regagree = re.compile(br"^# agreeToLicense=.*", re.M)
            regmode = re.compile(br"^# mode=.*", re.M)
            reglicpath = re.compile(br"^# licensePath=.*", re.M)

            # must use byte-strings here when using Python 3, see above
            config = regdest.sub(b"destinationFolder=%s" % self.installdir.encode('utf-8'), config)
            config = regagree.sub(b"agreeToLicense=Yes", config)
            config = regmode.sub(b"mode=silent", config)
            config = reglicpath.sub(b"licensePath=%s" % licfile.encode('utf-8'), config)

            write_file(self.configfile, config)

        except IOError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to create installation config file %s: %s", self.configfile, err)

        self.log.debug('configuration file written to %s:\n %s', self.configfile, config)
Exemplo n.º 55
    def test_log_levels(self):
        """Test whether log levels are respected"""
        fd, tmplog = tempfile.mkstemp()

        # set log format, for each regex searching
        setLogFormat("%(name)s [%(levelname)s] :: %(message)s")

        # test basic log methods
        logToFile(tmplog, enable=True)
        log = getLogger('test_easybuildlog')

        self.mock_stderr(True)  # avoid that some log statement spit out stuff to stderr while tests are running
        for level in ['ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'DEVEL']:
            log.raiseError = False
            log.deprecated('almost kaput', '10000000000000')
            log.raiseError = True
            log.warn('this is a warning')

        logToFile(tmplog, enable=False)
        logtxt = read_file(tmplog)

        root = getRootLoggerName()

        prefix = '%s.test_easybuildlog' % root
        devel_msg = r"%s \[DEVEL\] :: tmi" % prefix
        debug_msg = r"%s \[DEBUG\] :: gdb" % prefix
        info_msg = r"%s \[INFO\] :: fyi" % prefix
        warning_msg = r"%s \[WARNING\] :: this is a warning" % prefix
        deprecated_msg = r"%s \[WARNING\] :: Deprecated functionality, .*: almost kaput; see .*" % prefix
        error_msg = r"%s \[ERROR\] :: EasyBuild crashed with an error \(at .* in .*\): kaput" % prefix

        expected_logtxt = '\n'.join([
            error_msg, deprecated_msg, warning_msg,
            error_msg, deprecated_msg, warning_msg, info_msg,
            error_msg, deprecated_msg, warning_msg, info_msg, debug_msg,
            error_msg, deprecated_msg, warning_msg, info_msg, debug_msg, devel_msg,
        logtxt_regex = re.compile(r'^%s' % expected_logtxt, re.M)
        self.assertTrue(logtxt_regex.search(logtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in %s" % (logtxt_regex.pattern, logtxt))
Exemplo n.º 56
    def test_toy_broken(self):
        """Test deliberately broken toy build."""
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        broken_toy_ec = os.path.join(tmpdir, "toy-broken.eb")
        toy_ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs',
        broken_toy_ec_txt = read_file(toy_ec_file)
        broken_toy_ec_txt += "checksums = ['clearywrongchecksum']"
        write_file(broken_toy_ec, broken_toy_ec_txt)
        error_regex = "Checksum verification .* failed"

        # make sure log file is retained, also for failed build
        log_path_pattern = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'easybuild-*',
            len(glob.glob(log_path_pattern)) == 1,
            "Log file found at %s" % log_path_pattern)

        # make sure individual test report is retained, also for failed build
        test_report_fp_pattern = os.path.join(
            tmpdir, 'easybuild-*', 'easybuild-toy-0.0*test_report.md')
            len(glob.glob(test_report_fp_pattern)) == 1,
            "Test report %s found" % test_report_fp_pattern)

        # test dumping full test report (doesn't raise an exception)
        test_report_fp = os.path.join(self.test_buildpath,

        # cleanup
Exemplo n.º 57
def download_repo(repo=GITHUB_EASYCONFIGS_REPO, branch='master', account=GITHUB_EB_MAIN, path=None):
    Download entire GitHub repo as a tar.gz archive, and extract it into specified path.
    @param repo: repo to download
    @param branch: branch to download
    @param account: GitHub account to download repo from
    @param path: path to extract to
    # make sure path exists, create it if necessary
    if path is None:
        path = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # add account subdir
    path = os.path.join(path, account)
    mkdir(path, parents=True)

    extracted_dir_name = '%s-%s' % (repo, branch)
    base_name = '%s.tar.gz' % branch
    latest_commit_sha = fetch_latest_commit_sha(repo, account, branch)

    expected_path = os.path.join(path, extracted_dir_name)
    latest_sha_path = os.path.join(expected_path, 'latest-sha')

    # check if directory already exists, don't download if 'latest-sha' file indicates that it's up to date
    if os.path.exists(latest_sha_path):
        sha = read_file(latest_sha_path).split('\n')[0].rstrip()
        if latest_commit_sha == sha:
            _log.debug("Not redownloading %s/%s as it already exists: %s" % (account, repo, expected_path))
            return expected_path

    url = URL_SEPARATOR.join([GITHUB_URL, account, repo, 'archive', base_name])

    target_path = os.path.join(path, base_name)
    _log.debug("downloading repo %s/%s as archive from %s to %s" % (account, repo, url, target_path))
    download_file(base_name, url, target_path)
    _log.debug("%s downloaded to %s, extracting now" % (base_name, path))

    extracted_path = os.path.join(extract_file(target_path, path), extracted_dir_name)
    # check if extracted_path exists
    if not os.path.isdir(extracted_path):
        raise EasyBuildError("%s should exist and contain the repo %s at branch %s", extracted_path, repo, branch)

    write_file(latest_sha_path, latest_commit_sha)

    _log.debug("Repo %s at branch %s extracted into %s" % (repo, branch, extracted_path))
    return extracted_path
Exemplo n.º 58
    def test_error_reporting(self):
        """Make sure error reporting is done correctly (no more log.error, log.exception)."""
        # easybuild.framework.__file__ provides location to <prefix>/easybuild/framework/__init__.py
        easybuild_loc = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(easybuild.framework.__file__)))

        log_method_regexes = [

        for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(easybuild_loc):
            for filename in [f for f in filenames if f.endswith('.py')]:
                path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                txt = read_file(path)
                for regex in log_method_regexes:
                    self.assertFalse(regex.search(txt), "No match for '%s' in %s" % (regex.pattern, path))
Exemplo n.º 59
    def test_list_easyblocks(self):
        """Test listing easyblock hierarchy."""

        fd, dummylogfn = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='easybuild-dummy',

        # adjust PYTHONPATH such that test easyblocks are found
        orig_sys_path = sys.path[:]

        import easybuild
        easybuild = reload(easybuild)
        import easybuild.easyblocks
               )  # required to run options unit tests stand-alone

        # simple view
        for list_arg in ['--list-easyblocks', '--list-easyblocks=simple']:

            # clear log
            write_file(self.logfile, '')

            args = [
                '--unittest-file=%s' % self.logfile,
                main((args, dummylogfn, False))
            except (SystemExit, Exception), err:
            outtxt = read_file(self.logfile)

            for pat in [

                    re.search(pat, outtxt),
                    "Pattern '%s' is found in output of --list-easyblocks: %s"
                    % (pat, outtxt))
Exemplo n.º 60
    def test_debug(self):
        """Test enabling debug logging."""

        for debug_arg in ['-d', '--debug']:
            args = [
                main((args, self.logfile))
            except (SystemExit, Exception), err:
                myerr = err
            outtxt = read_file(self.logfile)

            for log_msg_type in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'ERROR']:
                res = re.search(' %s ' % log_msg_type, outtxt)
                self.assertTrue(res, "%s log messages are included when using %s: %s" % (log_msg_type, debug_arg, outtxt))