def getFile(world): b = easygui.buttonbox("","PyCraft: Select a World", ("Load World","New World","Quit")) if b == "Quit": logdata("The user quitted immediatly.") quit() if b == "New World": logdata("The user created a new world.") name = easygui.enterbox("Pick a name for your world: ") logdata("They named it '"+name+"'.") gens = os.listdir("generators/") for gen in range(len(gens)): gens[gen] = gens[gen][:-3] gen = easygui.choicebox("Select a world generator: ","",gens) logdata("They used the generator '"+gen+"'.") exec open("generators/"+gen+".py").read() generateRandomMap(world) world.saveName = name if b == "Load World": worlds = os.listdir("worlds/") world_name = easygui.choicebox("Select a world","Pycraft: Select a World", worlds) logdata("They loaded the world named '"+world_name+"'.") world_data = open("worlds/"+world_name,"r").read() logdata("It contains "+str(len(world_data.split("\n"))-1)+" blocks.") parseMap(world,world_data) world.saveName = world_name
def main(db): # ------------------ # POPULATE CDMS LIST # ------------------ pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None print 'Pulling updates from CDMS...' update_list = pull_updates() choice_list = [CDMSChoiceList([str(i)]+update_list[i]) for i in range(len(update_list))] # RUN PROCESS CDMSLoop = True while CDMSLoop: cursor = db.cursor() choice = eg.choicebox("Choose a Molecule to Update", "Choice", choice_list) custom_cat_file = eg.buttonbox(msg='Would you like to supply a custom CAT file?', choices=['Yes', 'No']) if custom_cat_file == 'Yes': custom_path = eg.fileopenbox(msg='Please select a CAT file.', title='Custom CAT file') cat_entry = CDMSMolecule(update_list[int(choice[0:5])], custom=True, custom_path=custom_path) else: cat_entry = CDMSMolecule(update_list[int(choice[0:5])], custom=False) cmd = "SELECT * FROM species " \ "WHERE SPLAT_ID LIKE '%s%%'" % str(cat_entry.tag[:3]) cursor.execute(cmd) res = cursor.fetchall() splatmolresults = [SplatSpeciesResultList([i]+list(x)) for i, x in enumerate(res)] splatmolresults += [SplatSpeciesResultList([len(splatmolresults),999999999,0,'NEW MOLECULE', 'X', '', '', '', '', '', ''])] choice2 = eg.choicebox("Pick molecule from Splatalogue to update, or create a new molecule.\n " "Current choice is:\n %s" % choice, "Splatalogue Search Results", splatmolresults) cursor.close() if choice2[68] == 'X': linelist, species_final, metadata_final = new_molecule(cat_entry, db) push_molecule(db, linelist, species_final, metadata_final, update=0) else: # Molecule already exists in Splatalogue database linelist, metadata_final = process_update(cat_entry, res[int(choice2[0:5])], db) push_molecule(db, linelist, {}, metadata_final, update=1) choice3 = eg.buttonbox(msg='Do you want to update another CDMS entry?', choices=['Yes', 'No']) if choice3 == 'No': CDMSLoop = False
def main(db): pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # Get JPL update listing listing = get_updates() choice_list = ["%s %s %s" % (time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d', x[0]), x[1], x[2]) for x in listing] JPLLoop = True while JPLLoop: choice = eg.choicebox('Choose a Molecule to Update', 'Choice', choice_list) choice_idx = 0 for idx, ent in enumerate(listing): if int(choice.split()[1]) == ent[1]: choice_idx = idx cat_entry = JPLMolecule(listing[choice_idx]) tag_num = str( print tag_num, ''.join(('0',)*(6-len(tag_num)))[:(len(tag_num)-3)] cmd = "SELECT * FROM species " \ "WHERE SPLAT_ID LIKE '%s%%'" % (''.join(('0',)*(6-len(tag_num)))[:len(tag_num)-3],) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(cmd) res = cursor.fetchall() SplatMolResults = [SplatSpeciesResultList([i]+list(x)) for i, x in enumerate(res)] SplatMolResults += [SplatSpeciesResultList([len(SplatMolResults),999999999,0,'NEW MOLECULE', 'X','','','','','',''])] choice2 = eg.choicebox("Pick molecule from Splatalogue to update, or create a new molecule.\n " "Current choice is:\n %s" %choice, "Splatalogue Search Results", SplatMolResults) cursor.close() if choice2[68] == 'X': linelist, species_final, metadata_final = new_molecule(cat_entry, db) push_molecule(db, linelist, species_final, metadata_final, update=0) else: # Molecule already exists in Splatalogue database linelist, metadata_final = process_update(cat_entry, res[int(choice2[0:5])], db) push_molecule(db, linelist, {}, metadata_final, update=1) choice3 = eg.buttonbox(msg='Do you want to update another JPL entry?', choices=['Yes', 'No']) if choice3 == 'No': JPLLoop = False
def gui_choose_person(self, message, title, persons=None): if persons == None: persons = self.persons() chosen = easygui.choicebox(message, title, [ for person in persons] ) return self.name_to_person(chosen)
def main(): # Check to see if we have all the information we need try: #directory = unicode(sys.argv[1]) directory = sys.argv[1] template = sys.argv[2] except IndexError: try: import easygui # get directory from user directory = None while not directory: directory = easygui.diropenbox('Where are the files?') # get template from user template = None while not template: template = easygui.choicebox('What template do you want?', choices=os.listdir(absolute_path('templates'))) except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <directory> <template>\n") exit() root = Folder(directory) root.scan() env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('bxt_description_generator', 'templates')) env.filters['cleanify'] = cleanify template = env.get_template(template) output = template.render(root=root).encode("utf-8") try: easygui.codebox(text=output) except NameError: print output
def relatorio_projeto(): projetos = [x.titulo for x in] msg = "Selecione o projeto para gerar o relatório." title = "Relatório - Projeto" projeto = choicebox(msg, title, projetos) if projeto == None: return projeto = MProjeto.get(MProjeto.titulo == projeto) relatorio = "Titulo: " + projeto.titulo + "\n\n" relatorio += "Coordenador: " + projeto.coordenador + "\n\n" relatorio += "Resumo: " + projeto.resumo + "\n\n" relatorio += "Palavras-chave: " + projeto.keywords + "\n\n" participantes = [ x.participante for x in .where(MParticipante.projeto == projeto.titulo) .order_by(MParticipante.participante) ] if participantes: relatorio += "Participantes: \n" for i in participantes: relatorio += i + "\n" relatorio += "\n\n" textbox("Relatório de Projeto", "Relatorio - Projeto", (relatorio)) return
def _handle_cluster_run_options(self): valid_choices = [ 'Make Amino acid FASTA file', 'Make nucleotide FASTA file', 'Make a crude AA alignment', 'Make a crude Newick tree from AA alignment', 'Make a crude Newick tree with ITEP IDs', 'Display a crude tree with neighborhoods attached', 'Get a presence and absence table', 'Get information on related genes', 'Make a GML file to import into Cytoscape', 'Get blast support for a protein family'] option = easygui.choicebox("What do you want to do with the related genes?", "Choose an analysis", valid_choices) if option is None: return False if option == 'Make Amino acid FASTA file': self._get_cluster_fasta(amino=True) elif option == 'Make nucleotide FASTA file': self._get_cluster_fasta(amino=False) elif option == 'Make a crude AA alignment': self._make_crude_alignment() elif option == 'Make a crude Newick tree from AA alignment': self._make_crude_tree() elif option == 'Make a crude Newick tree with ITEP IDs': self._make_crude_tree(replacename=False) elif option == 'Get a presence and absence table': self._get_presence_absence_table() elif option == 'Display a crude tree with neighborhoods attached': self._display_crude_neighborhood_tree() elif option == 'Get information on related genes': self._get_cluster_geneinfo() elif option == 'Get blast support for a protein family': self._get_cluster_blast() elif option == 'Make a GML file to import into Cytoscape': self._make_cluster_gml_file() return True
def policy(s): ps = s.policies.list import sploitego.hacks.gui c = choicebox('Select a Nessus scanning policy', 'Nessus Policies', ps) if c is None: return None return filter(lambda x: str(x) == c, ps)[0]
def plot_data(data,stock): ticks = eg.choicebox(msg = 'choose ticks for the plot',choices = ['day','week','month']) if ticks == 'month': loc = MonthLocator() elif ticks == 'week': loc = WeekdayLocator(byweekday=MONDAY) elif ticks == 'day': loc = DayLocator() weekFormatter = DateFormatter('%b %d') dayFormatter = DateFormatter('%d') # if candle_chart == 1: fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) datelist = [matplotlib.dates.date2num(x) for x in data['Time']] Prices = [] for idx in xrange(len(data)): Prices.append((datelist[idx],data['Open'].ix[idx],data['Close'].ix[idx],data['High'].ix[idx],data['Low'].ix[idx])) # candlestick(ax1,[datelist,data['Open'],data['Close'],data['High'],data['Low']]) candlestick(ax1,Prices) ax1.set_xlabel('Date') ax1.set_ylabel('$') ax1.set_title('Candlestick plot for %s' %stock) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.plot(datelist,data['Adj Close'],'-r',label = 'Adj. Close') ax2.set_ylabel('$') ax2.legend() ax3 = ax2.twinx()['Time'],data['Volume']) ax3.set_ylabel('Shares') ax1.xaxis_date() ax2.xaxis_date() ax3.xaxis_date() return
def analyze(self,igroup): resultdatagrouped=self.gettmpdata('resultdatagrouped'); spectra=resultdatagrouped[0]['datagroups'][igroup]; spectranew=spectra.getemptyinstance(); #print "spectranew type:",type(spectranew); # real analysis refchosen=easygui.choicebox("choose the reference","calculating diff",spectra.keys()); if refchosen is not None: #spectra.plot(); #pylab.grid(True); #print xmin,xmax spectref=spectra[refchosen]; for k in spectra.keys(): #if k!=refchosen: spect=spectra[k]; spectnew=spect.copyxy(); spectnew.subtract(spectref); #print "spectranew type after:", type(spectranew); spectranew.insert(spectnew,k); resultdatagrouped[0]['datagroups'][igroup]=spectranew; resultdatagrouped[0]['dataname']=""; spectranew.plot();
def analyze(self,igroup): database=self.gettmpdata('database'); spectraspl=database[0]['resultdatatablegroups'][igroup]; spectraref=database[1]['resultdatatablegroups'][igroup]; spectranew=spectraspl.getemptyinstance(); #spectra.plot(); #print "spectranew type:",type(spectranew); print spectraref.keys() refchosen=easygui.choicebox("choose the second spectrum","binary calculation",spectraref.keys()); if refchosen is not None: spectref=spectraref[refchosen]; operatorstr=self['operatorstr'].get(); for k in spectraspl.keys(): spectnew=spectraspl[k]; spectnew.binop(spectref,operatorstr); spectnew.log({"operation":"binop","operator":operatorstr}); #spectnew.displog(); spectranew.insert(spectnew,k); #spectranew[k].displog(); database[0]['resultdatatablegroups'][igroup]=spectranew; database[1]['save']=False; XpyFigure(); spectranew.plot('o');
def main(): urlchoice = "Supply a url to turn into a pdf" filechoice = "Pick a single file to turn into a pdf" dirchoice = "Pick a directory, all .html or .htm files within will be converted to pdf" mainchoices = [urlchoice, filechoice, dirchoice] choice = easygui.choicebox(title="Options", msg="Please select an option", choices=mainchoices) if choice == urlchoice: filetype = "url" fileobject = easygui.enterbox("Please enter a url") try: if "http://" in fileobject or "https://" in fileobject: html = urllib2.urlopen(fileobject).read() convert(filetype, fileobject) else: fileobject = "http://" + fileobject html = urllib2.urlopen(fileobject).read() convert(filetype, fileobject) except urllib2.HTTPError: easygui.msgbox("Invalid url") main() elif choice == filechoice: filetype = "file" fileobject = get_file(filetype) convert(filetype, fileobject) elif choice == dirchoice: filetype = "dir" fileobject = get_file(filetype) convert(filetype, fileobject)
def getForms(self): print "API Key : " + self.apiKey.get() self.jotform = JotformAPIClient(self.apiKey.get().strip()) try: self.statusText["text"] = "Getting forms..." self.statusText.update() self.forms = self.jotform.get_forms() self.keyEntry.pack_forget() self.initButton.pack_forget() except Exception as e: print "Error: " + str(e) self.askAPIKey() formList = [] for form in self.forms: item = form['id'] + " - " + form['title'] item = item.encode('utf-8') formList.append(item) selection = easygui.choicebox(msg="Which form's uploads would you like to download?", title=self.title, choices=formList) self.formID = selection.split(" - ")[0] try: self.createFolder() except Exception as e: print("ERROR : " + str(e)) easygui.msgbox(msg="Sorry, an error ocurred while creating form download folder : " + str(e), title=self.title) sys.exit(0)
def room9(): allvisited() r9.setacts(["Move: Up"]) global actedcount global visitcount if r9.visited == False: r9.visited = True visitcount += 1 choice = easygui.choicebox(r9.txtfile,title,r9.acts) if choice == "Action: Stone": player.items.remove("Action: Stone") #Deatils about items - \resources\items.txt easygui.msgbox("You threw your stone at the target.",title) easygui.msgbox("You found 50 coins!",title) easygui.msgbox("You now have 200 coins.",title) player.coins += 50 r9.acted = True actedcount += 1 room9() elif choice in player.items: nores() room9() elif choice == "Move: Up": room5() else: stop()
def currency_select(): file_dict = {"USD to INR":'usdtoinr.csv', "USD to GBP":"usdgbp.csv","USD to EUR":'USDCAN.csv', "USD to CAN":"usdeuro.csv","USD to AUD":"usd_to_aud.csv","USD to CNY":"usdtocny.csv"} title = "Curreny Selection" msg = "Please select any currency from above:" choice = ["USD to INR","USD to GBP","USD to CAN","USD to EUR","USD to AUD","USD to CNY"] inputfile = eg.choicebox(msg,title,choice) if inputfile == None: flag = 1 return (0,0,0,0,0,0,flag) inputfile = str(inputfile) flag = 0 dateparse = lambda dates: pd.datetime.strptime(dates, '%m/%d/%Y') for keys in file_dict.keys(): if inputfile == keys: file1 = pd.read_csv(file_dict[keys]) myData = list ( csv.reader ( open (file_dict[keys]))) plot_data = pd.read_csv(file_dict[keys],index_col='Date',date_parser=dateparse) else: pass s = file_dict[inputfile] chosen_curr = Currencies_dict[s] end_date = file1["Date"].iloc[-1] start_date = file1["Date"].iloc[0] return (file1,myData,plot_data,chosen_curr,end_date,start_date,flag)
def _get_run_id(self): msg = ''' Please choose one of the following methods for defining gene families. OrthoMCL runs are useful for identifying orthologs (genes likely to share a function) maxbit runs are useful for identifying broader gene families. c_xxx in the following list means xxx was used as a cutoff. Higher cutoffs mean more stringent similarity to define a family of related genes. Note that only the groups of organisms that contain your gene are listed here. ''' valid_choices = self.accumulated_data['run_to_cluster'].keys() if len(valid_choices) == 0: easygui.msgbox('The chosen gene is not found in any clustering results!') return True runid = easygui.choicebox(msg, 'Select a cluster run', valid_choices) # Canceling from here - just go back to the other menu if runid is None: return runid self.accumulated_data['runid'] = runid return runid
def get_quality(): q = ['mobile','low','medium','high','source'] quality = eg.choicebox(msg='Choose video quality(mobile worst, source best)',title='Video quality',choices = q) if quality: return quality else: main()
def browse_stream (ole, stream): """ Browse a stream (hex view or save to file) """ #print 'stream:', stream while True: msg ='Select an action for the stream "%s", or press Esc to exit' % repr(stream) actions = [ 'Hex view', ## 'Text view', ## 'Repr view', 'Save stream to file', '~ Back to main menu', ] action = easygui.choicebox(msg, title='olebrowse', choices=actions) if action is None or 'Back' in action: break elif action.startswith('Hex'): data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() ezhexviewer.hexview_data(data, msg='Stream: %s' % stream, title='olebrowse') ## elif action.startswith('Text'): ## data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() ## easygui.codebox(title='Text view - %s' % stream, text=data) ## elif action.startswith('Repr'): ## data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() ## easygui.codebox(title='Repr view - %s' % stream, text=repr(data)) elif action.startswith('Save'): data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue() fname = easygui.filesavebox(default='stream.bin') if fname is not None: f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() easygui.msgbox('stream saved to file %s' % fname)
def main(): """ Main function """ try: filename = sys.argv[1] except: filename = easygui.fileopenbox() try: ole = olefile.OleFileIO(filename) listdir = ole.listdir() streams = [] for direntry in listdir: #print direntry streams.append('/'.join(direntry)) streams.append(ABOUT) streams.append(QUIT) stream = True while stream is not None: msg ="Select a stream, or press Esc to exit" title = "olebrowse" stream = easygui.choicebox(msg, title, streams) if stream is None or stream == QUIT: break if stream == ABOUT: about() else: browse_stream(ole, stream) except: easygui.exceptionbox()
def show_windows(): while 1: # title = "Message from" # eg.msgbox("Hello, world!", title) msg ="Run with which classification model?" title = "Classification model" models = ["Multinomial Naive Bayes", "Support Vector Machines", "Maximum Entropy"] model_choice = str(eg.choicebox(msg, title, models)) msg = "Use saved preset values?" choices = ["Yes","No"] choice = eg.buttonbox(msg,choices=choices) if str(choice)=="Yes": model_preset_functions[model_choice]() else: model_select_functions[model_choice]() # note that we convert choice to string, in case # the user cancelled the choice, and we got None. # eg.msgbox("You chose: " + str(choice), "Survey Result") message = "Sentiments over time period something something" image = "temporal_sentiments.png" eg.msgbox(message, image=image) msg = "Do you want to continue?" title = "Please Confirm" if eg.ccbox(msg, title): # show a Continue/Cancel dialog pass # user chose Continue else: sys.exit(0) # user chose Cancel
def main(): msg = "Welcome to Old Sheets Flying. Please choose a service." title = "Old Sheets Flying : The Harvard Crimson" QUOTE_NEWS = "Quote Card : News" QUOTE_OPINION = "Quote Card : Opinion" GRAPHIC_DONUT = "Graphic : Donut - Simple" GRAPHIC_DONUT_CUSTOM = "Graphic : Donut - Custom" ABOUT = "About This Program" choices = [ QUOTE_NEWS, QUOTE_OPINION, GRAPHIC_DONUT, GRAPHIC_DONUT_CUSTOM, ABOUT ] gain_focus() choice = gui.choicebox(msg, title, choices) if (choice == None): return elif (choice == QUOTE_NEWS): quote(False) elif (choice == QUOTE_OPINION): quote(True) elif (choice == GRAPHIC_DONUT): graphic_donut() elif (choice == GRAPHIC_DONUT_CUSTOM): graphic_donut_custom() elif (choice == ABOUT): about() else: return
def gui_choose_note(self, person, title): if person not in self.notes: return None chosen = easygui.choicebox("Which note?", title, ["- " + note for note in self.notes[person]] ) return chosen[2: ]
def uicolumn2xy(self,xcolumn=None,ycolumn=None): spect=None; rownames=self.keys(); #print "1st rowname",rownames[0] numcolumns=self[rownames[0]].numerickeys(); if xcolumn is None: answer=easygui.choicebox("Pick x column","Convert columns to XyPlotable",numcolumns); xcolumn=answer; if xcolumn is not None: #print "xcolumn" if ycolumn is None: answer=easygui.choicebox("Pick y column","Convert columns to XyPlotable",numcolumns); ycolumn=answer; if ycolumn is not None: spect=self.column2xy(xcolumn,ycolumn); spect.plot() return spect;
def viewRoot(): global curRoom print(places) print(places.keys()) rooms = [key for key in places] s = eg.choicebox(msg="Select a place:", choices=rooms) curRoom = places[s] editRoom()
def cadastrar_projeto(): # SEMELHANTE A LINHA ABAIXO. # pesquisadores = [] # for x in # pesquisadores.append(x.nome) pesquisadores = [x.nome for x in] msg = "Selecione o(a) Coordenador(a) do Projeto." title = "Cadastro de Projeto" coordenador = choicebox(msg, title, pesquisadores) if coordenador == None: return msg = "Entre com os dados do Projeto: " fieldNames = ["Titulo: ", "Resumo: ", "Palavras-chave: ", "Ano de Início: ", "Ano de Término: "] fieldValues = [] fieldValues = multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) while 1: if fieldValues == None: break errmsg = "" for i in range(len(fieldNames)): if fieldValues[i].strip() == "": errmsg = errmsg + ('"%s" e um campo requisido.\n\n' % fieldNames[i]) if errmsg == "": break # no problems found fieldValues = multenterbox(errmsg, title, fieldNames, fieldValues) if fieldValues == None: return else: # Tira acentos fieldValues = array_to_ascii(fieldValues) # Converte para Maiúsculo o Titulo do Projeto fieldValues[0] = fieldValues[0].upper() projeto = MProjeto.create( titulo=fieldValues[0], coordenador=coordenador, resumo=fieldValues[1], keywords=fieldValues[2], inicio=fieldValues[3], final=fieldValues[4], ) msgbox( msg="Projeto: " + fieldValues[0] + " cadastrado com sucesso!", title=title, ok_button="Continuar", image=None, root=None, ) return
def show_svm_presets(): """ Shows a selection of preset running values for Suport Vector Machine and returns the user selection. """ msg ="Select preset values for Support Vector Machines" title = "SVM presets" choices = ["something", "somethingsomething", "something else"] preset_choice = eg.choicebox(msg, title, choices) pass
def show_me_presets(): """ Shows a selection of preset running values for Maximum Entropy and returns the user selection. """ msg ="Select preset values for Maximum Entropy" title = "MaxEnt presets" choices = ["something", "something else", "aaand more"] preset_choice = eg.choicebox(msg, title, choices) pass
def gameflow(player): while Game.status is True: player.lap += 1 cats = list() for category in Game.questions: cats.append(category) title = "Jeopardy SuperCool de ICC" category = eg.choicebox(Game.getMessage(player), title, cats) if not category: break choices = list() for quest in Game.questions[category]['preguntas']: if not quest['answered']: choices.append(quest['value']) image = "Assets/imagenes/" + category + ".gif" msg = "Selecciona el valor que quieres ganar" if len(choices) > 0: chosen = eg.buttonbox(msg, image=image, choices=choices) for quest in Game.questions[category]['preguntas']: if not quest['answered'] and quest['value'] == chosen: msg = quest['Pregunta'] options = list() for option in quest['opciones']: options.append(option['opcion']) try: Correcta = option['Correcta'] Correcta = option['opcion'] except KeyError: pass random.shuffle(options) reply = eg.buttonbox(msg, image=image, choices=options) quest['answered'] = True if reply == Correcta: eg.msgbox(random.choice(Game.correctAnswers) + "\n\nHaz ganado $" + str(quest['value']), ok_button="seguir...") player.right += 1 += quest['value'] else: eg.msgbox(random.choice(Game.incorrectAnswers) + "\nLa respuesta es:\n" + Correcta + "\n\nHaz perdido $" + str(Game.LooseMoney), ok_button="okaaaay :("); player.mistakes += 1 -= Game.LooseMoney if player.mistakes > Game.ErrorLimit or < Game.MoneyLimit: Game.status = False eg.msgbox("Has perdido, este jeopardy es mucho para ti...\n\n" + Game.getMessage(player), ok_button="byeeeee :(") exit() if player.lap > Game.GameLimit and > Game.MoneyLimit and player.mistakes < Game.ErrorLimit: Game.status = False Game.Win = True if Game.Win: eg.msgbox("Has Ganado, te mereces el respeto de un pythonista...\ny te llevas $" + str( + "\n" + Game.getMessage(player), ok_button="Salir")
def list_streams_ui(streams,game): msg = "choose your "+game+" stream" title = 'Choose stream' choices = streams choicebox = eg.choicebox(msg,title,choices) if choicebox: return choicebox else: main()
def show_naivebayes_presets(): """ Shows a selection of preset running values for Naive Bayes and returns the user selection. """ msg ="Select preset values for Naive Bayes" title = "Naive Bayes presets" choices = ["Multinomial Naive Bayes", "Support Vector Machines", "Maximum Entropy"] preset_choice = eg.choicebox(msg, title, choices) pass
def bs(): while True: appinfo = gui.buttonbox( msg="Application: Waterf0x", title="HUGEHARD System", choices=("Open", "Info", "Cancel"), image= "/Users/jacobduan/Desktop/WORK/MY_NAME_IS_HACK-BETA/Images/waterf0x.gif" ) if appinfo == "Open": web = gui.enterbox( msg="Welcome to Waterf0X broswer, type the website here", title="HUGEHARD System -- Waterf0X") if web == "": gui.textbox( msg="The user has been locked", text= "The user has been locked might be you don't have a account or your account is not safe, or your account has been hacked" ) if web == "": gui.textbox( msg="PROBLEM\nNo.8", text= "The account cannot be hack might because the account has protect by some encrypt system that we don't know, until this encrypt system's source code is open to us, the hack might be succed", title="Waterf0X") if web == "": gui.textbox( msg="\nCOPYRIGHT TOOLS.ME, TEMPLE MONKEY COMPANY", text= "Welcome to, there are a lot of free tools and fee-paying tools here", title="HUGEHARD System -- Waterf0X") dl = gui.choicebox( msg="Tools", choices=[ "Waterf0X - Fast and simple broswer", "Mail Box - Fast speed email tools", "HTTP Catcher - Powerful HTTP catching tools" ], title="HUGEHARD System -- Waterf0X") if dl == "Waterf0X": gui.msgbox( msg= "You already download this application in your computer", title="HUGEHARD System -- Waterf0X") continue else: gui.msgbox( msg= "You already download this application in your computer", title="HUGEHARD System -- Waterf0X") continue else: chs = gui.buttonbox(msg="Can't found the server, continue?", choices=["continue searching", "exit"], title="HUGEHARD System -- Waterf0X") if chs == "continue searching": continue if chs == "exit": exit() if appinfo == "Info": gui.msgbox( msg=ve + "1.13" + "\n" + sp + "95.3M" + "\n" + de + "WATERF0X GRUOP", title="HUGEHARD System", image= "/Users/jacobduan/Desktop/WORK/MY_NAME_IS_HACK-BETA/Images/waterf0x.gif" )
import sys import easygui as g while 1: print(g.msgbox('嘿,你好')) msg='这段时间你学到了什么?' title='互动选项' choices = ['编程','谈恋爱','玩游戏'] choice = g.choicebox(msg,title,choices) g.msgbox('你选择的是'+str(choice),'结果') if g.ccbox(msg,title): pass else: sys.exit(0)
import easygui flavor=easygui.choicebox("What is your favorite ice cream flavor?" ,choices=['Vanilla','Chocolate','Strawberry']) easygui.msgbox("You picked"+flavor) print(flavor)
import easygui a=easygui.choicebox("enter the choice","choices",["encryption","decryption"]) if a=="encryption": print "you have selected encryption" if a=="decryption": print "you have selected decryption"
def parse_generic(self,lines): if lines: (amount,vat) = extract_amount_and_vat(lines,self.vat_rates) if lines and amount: self.vat[self.default_vat] = vat self.totals[self.default_vat] = amount-self.vat[self.default_vat] self.shipping = 0.0 = extract_date(lines) = extract_no(lines) self.supplier = extract_supplier(lines) if self.check_if_present(): return None else: amount = "" self.vat[self.default_vat] = "" self.totals[self.default_vat] = "" self.shipping = 0.0 = "" = "" self.supplier = "" suppliers = gui_api_wrapper(Api.api.get_list,"Supplier") supplier_names = [supp['name'] for supp in suppliers]+['neu'] def_supp = self.supplier if self.supplier in supplier_names else "neu" def_new_supp = "" if self.supplier in supplier_names else self.supplier layout = [ [sg.Text('Lieferant')], [sg.OptionMenu(values=supplier_names, k='-supplier-', default_value = def_supp)], [sg.Text('ggf. neuer Lieferant')], [sg.Input(default_text = def_new_supp, k='-supplier-name-')], [sg.Text('Rechnungsnr.')], [sg.Input(default_text =, k='-no-')], [sg.Text('Datum')], [sg.Input(key='-date-', default_text = utils.show_date4(, sg.CalendarButton('Kalender', target='-date-', format = '%d.%m.%Y', begin_at_sunday_plus=1)], [sg.Text('MWSt')], [sg.Input(default_text = str(self.vat[self.default_vat]), k='-vat-')], [sg.Text('Brutto')], [sg.Input(default_text = str(amount), k='-gross-')], [sg.Checkbox('Schon selbst bezahlt', default=False, k='-paid-')], [sg.Text('Kommentar')], [sg.Input(k='-remarks-')], [sg.Button('Speichern')] ] window1 = sg.Window("Einkaufsrechnung", layout, finalize=True) window1.bring_to_front() event, values = #print(event, values) window1.close() if values: if '-supplier-' in values: self.supplier = values['-supplier-'] if self.supplier == 'neu' and '-supplier-name-' in values: self.supplier = values['-supplier-name-'] if '-no-' in values: = values['-no-'] if '-date-' in values: date = utils.convert_date4(values['-date-']) if date: = date if '-vat-' in values: self.vat[self.default_vat] = \ float(values['-vat-'].replace(",",".")) if '-gross-' in values: self.totals[self.default_vat] = \ float(values['-gross-'].replace(",","."))\ -self.vat[self.default_vat] if '-paid-' in values and values['-paid-']: self.paid_by_submitter = True if '-remarks-' in values: self.remarks = values['-remarks-'] else: return None self.compute_total() accounts = account_names = [acc['name'] for acc in accounts] pinvs =[self.supplier] paccs = [pi['expense_account'] for pi in pinvs if 'expense_account' in pi] paccs = list(set(paccs)) for acc in paccs: try: account_names.remove(j) except Exception: pass account_names = paccs + account_names title = 'Buchungskonto wählen' msg = 'Bitte ein Buchungskonto wählen\n' account = easygui.choicebox(msg, title, account_names) if not account: return None self.assign_default_e_items({self.default_vat:account}) return self
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plot function library import sys import pandas as pd #csv file deal function library import os from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import tkinter as tk #obtain the file path library from tkinter import filedialog #obtain the file path library import easygui as fgui #obtain the file path library with easygui ModLabel = ['WindowsMod', 'ConsoleMod', 'Thank~U'] ModLabelReturn = fgui.choicebox('Select The Mod ?', choices=ModLabel) if ModLabelReturn == 'WindowsMod': title = fgui.msgbox(msg='Select the BCGFile', title=' ', ok_button='OK', image=None, root=None) BCGFile = fgui.fileopenbox() title = fgui.msgbox(msg='Select the ECGFile', title=' ', ok_button='OK', image=None, root=None) ECGFile = fgui.fileopenbox() print(BCGFile) print(ECGFile)
writer.writerow(line) writer.writerow([team, totRes]) def ask_question(tq): a = tq.possibles random.shuffle(a) q = easygui.buttonbox(tq.question, "?", choices=[a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]]) answer = tq.answer if q == answer: result = 1 easygui.msgbox("Yay!") else: result = 0 easygui.msgbox("Try again!") return result ms = ['Leader board', 'Play', 'Quit'] mainMenu = "" while mainMenu != "Quit": mainMenu = "" while not mainMenu in ms: mainMenu = easygui.choicebox( 'Welcome! We are very excited to have you here to play the Acolympics!', 'Pick what to do', ms) if mainMenu == 'Leader board': show_leader_board() elif mainMenu == 'Play': show_play()
sem_string = c_programacao + r"\*" + sem + r"*" c_sem = glob.glob(sem_string) c_sem = c_sem[0] #Seleciona arquivo com string "original" for filename in os.listdir(c_sem): if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, "*oficial*.xlsm"): L.append(filename) print(filename) #Trata quando acha mais de um arquivo if len(L) != 1: msg = "Mais de um arquivo foi encontrado. Selecione o arquivo desejado:" title = "Escolha um arquivo para carga" choice = g.choicebox(msg, title, L) L = choice if type(L) == list: L = L[0] #Abrir as ordens no pandas e copiar na área de transferência c_arquivo = os.path.join(c_sem, L) dados = pd.read_excel(c_arquivo, skiprows=5, sheet_name='Programação Semanal', convert_float=False, skip_blank_lines=True) dados.dropna(subset=['CONFIRMAÇÃO'], inplace=True) dados1 = dados.astype({"CONFIRMAÇÃO": "int32"}) dados1["CONFIRMAÇÃO"].to_clipboard(excel=True, index=False, header=None)
# Initialize user info, and data available based on that ########################################################################### users = ['dgranville', 'mmacpherson', 'dlarussa'] user = easygui.enterbox('Enter your TOH username') while user not in users: user = easygui.enterbox('Username not found.\nEnter your TOH username') # read in previous user data if it exists, if not create fresh set of user data if user + '.p' in os.listdir(results_folder): user_data = pickle.load( open( results_folder + '\\' + user + ".p", "rb" ) ) else: user_data = [] ########################################################################### # Allow user to select structure to evaluate ########################################################################### structure_wanted_human = easygui.choicebox('Select the structure to evaluate:', 'Structure Options', structure_choices) structure_wanted_machine = structure_wanted_human.upper() + '_1' # generate list of patient folder names patient_list = [dicom_data_folder + '//' + x for x in os.listdir(dicom_data_folder)] # generate list of structure dicom paths (patient + machine/human combinations) structure_dicom_list = [x + '//' + machine_rts_filename for x in patient_list] + \ [x + '//' + human_rts_filename for x in patient_list] structure_list = [] for dicom in structure_dicom_list: for structure in structure_choices: structure_list.append({'rts filename': dicom, 'structure': structure}) # delete structure sets that have already been tests from this user!
batch_detection) from easygui import choicebox, textbox, fileopenbox from docx import Document import os import pyperclip """ Module that provides a destination language choice. Further languages can be added from the following list under choices: """ source_lang = "en" choices = ["el"] desti_lang = choicebox( "What is the Destination Language?", "translator", choices=choices ) """ Module that extracts text from MS XML Word document (.docx). (Inspired by python-docx <>) """ WORD_NAMESPACE = "{}" PARA = WORD_NAMESPACE + "p" TEXT = WORD_NAMESPACE + "t" def get_docx_text(filename): """
pygame.init() # offer user to choose resolution of the window resolutions = { '640 × 480': [640, 480], '800 × 600': [800, 600], '1024 × 768': [1024, 768], '1280 × 1024': [1280, 1024], '1440 × 900': [1440, 900], '1680 × 1050': [1680, 1050], '1920 × 1080': [1920, 1080], '2560 × 1440': [2560, 1440] } resolution_choice = easygui.choicebox("Please select resolution", choices=resolutions.keys(), preselect=1) resolution = resolution_x, resolution_y = resolutions[resolution_choice] screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution) screen.fill([255, 255, 255]) # resolution_x = resolution[0] # resolution_y = resolution[1] cell_size = 40 cell_size_work = copy(cell_size) field0 = int(cell_size_work / 2) step = cell_size_work center_field_x = field0 + step * (int(resolution_x / step / 2) - 1) center_field_y = field0 + step * (int(resolution_y / step / 2) - 1)
def four(): result = gui.choicebox(breadtext, title, choices) print(result) # Returnere værdien
def choisebox(self, message, dictfiles): return g.choicebox(msg=message, choices=dictfiles)
# scriptWS = args.filepath # aircraft = args.aircraft_type # print("filepath:{0}".format(scriptWS)) # print("aircraft is {0}".format(aircraft)) easygui.msgbox( msg= "the next window will ask you to select the date_aircraft folder, hit the button to continue", title="hello!", ok_button="OK") scriptWS = easygui.diropenbox(msg="date_aircraft folder") msg = "select aircraft type" title = "Aircraft Type" choices = ['alta', 'lemhex'] aircraft = easygui.choicebox(msg, title, choices) #set up folders rootWS = os.path.dirname(scriptWS) day_aircraft = os.path.split(scriptWS)[1] #make lists AllImgList = [] ImgList = [] #this list will contain all the image names ImgTime = [] #this list will contain the original image time stamp CorrTimeList = [] #this list will contain the corrected image time stamps LaserList = [] #this list will contain the laser altitudes LaserImg = [] #the image that the laser was pulled for Time130List = [ ] #if the laser value was pulled from a different time, which time BaroImg = [] #the image that the barometer was pulled for
import easygui as ei menu_options = [ "Cadastrar cliente", "Remover cliente", "Consultar clientes", "Sair" ] new_clients_fields = ["CPF/CNPJ", "Nome"] cliente = dict() clientes = dict() result = '' new_client = [] clientes_list = [] while True: result = ei.choicebox("Escolha uma opção", "Menu", menu_options) if result == menu_options[0]: # Cadastrar Cliente new_cliente = ei.multenterbox("Informe os dados do cliente", "Cadastrar cliente", new_clients_fields) cliente["cpfcnpj"] = new_cliente[ 0] #Salva o CPF em um objeto "Cliente" cliente["nome"] = new_cliente[ 1] #Salva o Nome no mesmo objeto "Cliente" clientes[new_cliente[ 0]] = cliente #Salva o objeto "Cliente" acima, em um objeto "Clientes", com vários outros elif result == menu_options[1]: if len(clientes) == 0: ei.msgbox("Não há clientes cadastrados", "Ops...") else:
from pydub.utils import mediainfo import easygui __author__ = "Aaron Frank" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2020" __credits__ = ["Aaron Frank"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.0.1" # use easygui to get filepath and file name fp = easygui.fileopenbox("Select Audio File", "MP3 to TXT", filetypes=['*.mp3']) fl = easygui.choicebox("Select a Language", "MP3 to TXT", choices=['de-DE', 'en-US', 'en-CA', 'es-ES']) fn = fp.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] fi = mediainfo(fp) # Connect To storage client an upload file to bucket. storage_client = storage.Client() speech_client = speech_v1p1beta1.SpeechClient() try: bucket_name = 'mp3-to-speech-audio' # TODO: Set unique bucket name. [within your organisation] bucket = storage_client.create_bucket(bucket_name) except Conflict: bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name) finally: blob = bucket.blob('%s.mp3' % fn)
import easygui title = "Cuantas lineas de conteo?" msg = "Seleccione el numero de lineas de conteo que quiere poner, se recomiendan maximo 6 lineas de conteo" choices = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"] choice = easygui.choicebox(msg, title, choices) type(choice) lineasDeConteo = int(choice) print "usted ha seleccionado ", lineasDeConteo, " lineas de conteo"
def _choicebox(msg='', choices=[], title=''): return eg.choicebox(msg, title, choices)
files = (file for file in files if os.path.isfile(path=os.path.join(dir_path, file))) files = sorted(files, key=lambda fn: os.path.getatime(os.path.join(dir_path, fn))) hash_table = dict() duplicates = [] for filename in files: file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) with open(file_path, 'rb') as filepointer: content = hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(content) _hash = hasher.hexdigest() if _hash in hash_table.keys(): duplicates.append(file_path) else: hash_table[_hash] = file_path for dup in duplicates: filename = os.path.split(dup)[1] selection = easygui.choicebox( title="Delete Duplicates?", msg="Delete file permanently {FILENAME}?".format(FILENAME=filename), choices=['delete-it', 'keep-it']) if selection == 'delete-it': os.remove(dup)
def on_press(key): global brightness, contrast, EV, saturation, zoom global speed, LEDintensity global arrowkey_mode, path, filename, recording_mode ### F1: keyboard shortcuts if key == Key.f1: shortcuts() ######## CAMERA ### Camera preview modes, video or photo if key == if recording_mode == False: camera.resolution = (1920, 1080) camera.annotate_text = "Video mode" recording_mode = True elif recording_mode == True: if HighResolution == True: camera.resolution = (3280, 2464 ) # Pi camera v2 max resolution, 8MP else: camera.resolution = (1920, 1080) # reduced resolution, Full HD camera.annotate_text = "Photo mode" recording_mode = False ### Reset camera settings if key == KeyCode(char='0'): camera_reset() ### digital zoom if key == KeyCode(char='+'): if zoom > 0.2: zoom = zoom - 0.1 camera.zoom = (0, 0, zoom, zoom) annotate_text = "Digital zoom:" + str(round(1 / zoom, 2)) + "X" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text if key == KeyCode(char='-'): if zoom < 1.0: zoom = zoom + 0.1 camera.zoom = (0, 0, zoom, zoom) annotate_text = "Digital zoom:" + str(round(1 / zoom, 2)) + "X" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text ### start and stop camera preview if key == KeyCode(char='P'): camera.start_preview() if key == KeyCode(char='p'): camera.stop_preview() ### brightness if key == KeyCode(char='B'): if brightness != 100: brightness += 5 camera.brightness = brightness annotate_text = "Brightness:" + str(brightness) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text if key == KeyCode(char='b'): if brightness != 0: brightness -= 5 camera.brightness = brightness annotate_text = "Brightness:" + str(brightness) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text ### contrast if key == KeyCode(char='C'): if contrast != 100: contrast += 5 camera.contrast = contrast annotate_text = "Contrast:" + str(contrast) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text if key == KeyCode(char='c'): if contrast != -100: contrast -= 5 camera.contrast = contrast annotate_text = "Contrast:" + str(contrast) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text ### EV compensation if key == KeyCode(char='V'): if EV != 25: EV += 1 camera.exposure_compensation = EV annotate_text = "EV:" + str(EV) camera.annotate_text = annotate_text if key == KeyCode(char='v'): if EV != -25: EV -= 1 camera.exposure_compensation = EV annotate_text = "EV:" + str(EV) camera.annotate_text = annotate_text ### saturation if key == KeyCode(char='S'): if saturation != 100: saturation += 5 camera.saturation = saturation annotate_text = "Saturation:" + str(saturation) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text if key == KeyCode(char='s'): if saturation != -100: saturation -= 5 camera.saturation = saturation annotate_text = "Saturation:" + str(saturation) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text ### ISO if key == KeyCode(char='i'): camera.preview_alpha = 0 ISO_choices = ["0", "100", "200", "320", "400", "500", "640", "800"] ISO_selected = easygui.choicebox("Select ISO (default: 0 for auto)", "ISO", ISO_choices) if ISO_selected is not None: camera.iso = int(ISO_selected) camera.preview_alpha = 255 ### white balance if key == KeyCode(char='W'): camera.preview_alpha = 0 WB_choices = [ "off", "auto", "sunlight", "cloudy", "shade", "tungsten", "fluorescent", "flash", "horizon" ] WB_selected = easygui.choicebox( "Select white balance mode (default: auto)", "White Balance", WB_choices) if WB_selected is not None: camera.awb_mode = WB_selected if WB_selected == "off": WB_gain = easygui.enterbox( "White balance gain - typical values between 0.9 and 1.9", "White balance gain", "1.0") if WB_gain is not None: camera.awb_gains = float(WB_gain) camera.preview_alpha = 255 ### frame rate if key == KeyCode(char='r'): camera.preview_alpha = 0 Framerate_choices = [ "30", "20", "15", "10", "5", "2", "1", "0.5", "0.1", "manual" ] Framerate_selected = easygui.choicebox("Select framerate", "Framerate", Framerate_choices) if Framerate_selected == "manual": Framerate_selected = easygui.enterbox("Framerate", "Input", "") if Framerate_selected is not None: camera.framerate = float(Framerate_selected) camera.preview_alpha = 255 ### exposure time (shutter speed) if key == KeyCode(char='e'): camera.preview_alpha = 0 Exposure_choices = [ "0", "10", "20", "50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "manual" ] Exposure_selected = easygui.choicebox( "Select exposure time in ms (default: 0, auto)\n\ Maximum exposure time is determined by the framerate", "Exposure time (shutter speed)", Exposure_choices) if Exposure_selected == "manual": Exposure_selected = easygui.enterbox("Exposure time (ms)", "Input", "") if Exposure_selected is not None: camera.shutter_speed = int(Exposure_selected) * 1000 camera.preview_alpha = 255 ### exposure modes if key == KeyCode(char='E'): camera.preview_alpha = 0 ExposureMode_choices = [ "off", "auto", "night", "nightpreview", "backlight", "spotlight" ] ExposureMode_selected = easygui.choicebox("Exposure mode", "Exposure mode", ExposureMode_choices) if ExposureMode_selected is not None: camera.exposure_mode = ExposureMode_selected camera.preview_alpha = 255 ### select folder and set filename prefix if key == KeyCode(char='F'): camera.preview_alpha = 0 path = easygui.diropenbox() camera.preview_alpha = 255 if key == KeyCode(char='f'): camera.preview_alpha = 0 filename = easygui.enterbox("Filename prefix", "Input", "") camera.preview_alpha = 255 ######## MOTORIZED STAGE ### Ctrl: change motor speed if key == Key.ctrl_l or key == Key.ctrl_r: if speed == slow: speed = medium camera.annotate_text = "Motor speed = medium" elif speed == medium: speed = fast camera.annotate_text = "Motor speed = fast" elif speed == fast: speed = slow camera.annotate_text = "Motor speed = slow" ### keyboard arrow keys, Alt key toggles between X-Y and Rotate-Tilt ### send Arduino a string to control the motors, e.g. "-100X," or "500Y," ### the integer defines the direction and the speed of the motor, the letter selects the motor if key == Key.alt_l or key == Key.alt_r: if arrowkey_mode == True: arrowkey_mode = False camera.annotate_text = "X-Y" elif arrowkey_mode == False: arrowkey_mode = True camera.annotate_text = "Rotate-Tilt" if key == Key.left: if arrowkey_mode == False: data = str(speed * -1) + "X," else: data = str(speed * -1) + "R," ser.write(data.encode()) if key == Key.right: if arrowkey_mode == False: data = str(speed) + "X," else: data = str(speed) + "R," ser.write(data.encode()) if key == Key.down: if arrowkey_mode == False: data = str(speed * -1) + "Y," else: data = str(speed * -1) + "T," ser.write(data.encode()) if key == Key.up: if arrowkey_mode == False: data = str(speed) + "Y," else: data = str(speed) + "T," ser.write(data.encode()) ### Z up and down, Page up and Page down if key == Key.page_up: data = str(speed) + "Z," ser.write(data.encode()) if key == Key.page_down: data = str(speed * -1) + "Z," ser.write(data.encode()) ### Camera up and down, Home and End if key == Key.home: data = str(speed) + "C," ser.write(data.encode()) if key == Key.end: data = str(speed * -1) + "C," ser.write(data.encode()) ######## LED ### LED intensity, max. value in the data is set to 20 to make it compatible with the joystick ### PWM of the LED driver works in the opposite direction ### Intensity is controlled in 5% increments if key == KeyCode(char='L'): if LEDintensity != 20: LEDintensity += 1 data = str(20 - LEDintensity) + "L," ser.write(data.encode()) annotate_text = "LED intensity:" + str(LEDintensity * 5) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text if key == KeyCode(char='l'): if LEDintensity != 0: LEDintensity -= 1 data = str(20 - LEDintensity) + "L," ser.write(data.encode()) annotate_text = "LED intensity:" + str(LEDintensity * 5) + "%" camera.annotate_text = annotate_text
def TesteRapido(): Variaveis.TesteRapido = 'N' Variaveis.NQtdProd = 0 if Variaveis.CodLoja != '0': msg = "Tipo do Teste" title = "Optar por um Teste Rapido" if Variaveis.DocFiscal == 'NFCE': choices = [ "1 | Informar um Produto e um Vendedor (Teste Rapido)", "2 | Validação com Varios Produtos (Teste Lento)", "99 | Tratar Rejeiçoes" ] else: choices = [ "1 | Informar um Produto e um Vendedor (Teste Rapido)", "2 | Informar Quantidade de produtos e um Vendedor (Teste Rapido 2)", "3 | Validação com Varios Produtos (Teste Lento)" ] Lista = easygui.choicebox(msg, title, choices) if Lista != None: sSelecao = str((Lista[:Lista.find('|')].strip())) else: sSelecao = '0' if sSelecao == '1': Variaveis.TesteRapido = 'S' if sSelecao == '2': Variaveis.TesteRapido = 'Q' if sSelecao == '3': Variaveis.TesteRapido = 'N' if sSelecao == '99': Variaveis.TesteRapido = 'R' if Variaveis.DocFiscal == 'NFCE' and Variaveis.TesteRapido == 'R': Tela.TratamentoRejeicoes() Variaveis.TesteRapido = 'S' if Variaveis.TesteRapido == 'S': msg = "Informe o Produto" title = "VSM - Automação" fieldNames = ["Informao Código do Produto"] fieldValues = easygui.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) if fieldValues == None: sCod = 0 sys.exit() else: sCod = int(''.join(fieldValues)) # Converte Vetor para String Variaveis.CodProd = str(sCod) if Variaveis.TesteRapido == 'Q': msg = "Informe a Quantidade de Produtos" title = "VSM - Automação" fieldNames = ["Informe a Quantidade"] fieldValues = easygui.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) if fieldValues == None: sCod = 0 sys.exit() else: sCod = int(''.join(fieldValues)) # Converte Vetor para String Variaveis.NQtdProd = str(sCod) sCod = 0 if Variaveis.DocFiscal == 'NFE' or Variaveis.TesteRapido == 'Q': msg = "Informe o Cliente" title = "VSM - Automação" fieldNames = ["Informao Código do Cliente"] fieldValues = easygui.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) if fieldValues == None: sCod = 0 sys.exit() else: sCod = int(''.join(fieldValues)) # Converte Vetor para String Variaveis.Cli = str(sCod) if Variaveis.VendedorAutomatico == 'N': msg = "Informe o Vendedor" title = "VSM - Automação" fieldNames = ["Informao Código do Vendedor"] fieldValues = easygui.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) if fieldValues == None: sCod = 0 sys.exit() else: sCod = int(''.join(fieldValues)) # Converte Vetor para String Variaveis.VendedorAutomatico = 'N' Variaveis.CodVendedor = str(sCod)
CAMERA = webCam(id=cam_id, videofile=simulate, size=webcam_size) defect_file = new_log_filename() logDefects = recordDefects(os.path.join(log_folder, defect_file), defect_count) last_long, last_lati = 00, 0.0 count_waiting, count_upload = 0, 0 (s_upload, s_gps, s_cam, msg) = check_env((upload_host, \ upload_port, recv_bit, upload_interval)) if (len(msg) > 0): choices = [ "1) re-scan", "2) continue", "3) exit ap", "4) reboot", "5) poweroff" ] ans = choicebox(msg, title='環境檢查', choices=choices) print("ans=", ans[0]) chk_env_actions(ans[0]) print("ans=", ans[0]) while ans[0] == '1' and len(msg) > 0: gpsDevice = GPS(comport=comPort, portrate=baudRate, test=False) last_gps_logging = time.time() try: CAMERA.release() CAMERA = webCam(id=cam_id, videofile=simulate, size=webcam_size) except: pass (s_upload, s_gps, s_cam, msg) = check_env((upload_host, \
import easygui as eg import physics4u as phy4 eg.msgbox( "Thank you for choosing Vector Calculator\nPlease input the value as instructed to avoid unexpected error\nClick [Continue] to start", "Vector Calculator", "Continue") anotherloop = 1 while anotherloop == 1: msg = "Please select the mode you want" title = "Mode selecting" modes = ["Total Vector", "Force Resolution"] confirm = 0 while confirm == 0: sdmode = eg.choicebox(msg, title, modes) msg = "Are you sure to choose " + sdmode + "?" confirm = eg.boolbox(msg=msg, title="Confirm your choice", choices=("Yes", "No"), image=None) mulcho = [] mulchof = [] nvct = int( eg.enterbox(msg="Number of Vectors", title="", default="", strip=True, image=None, root=None)) for i in range(1, nvct + 1): magn = "Magnitude" + str(i) + "=" mulcho.append(magn) mulchof.append("")
def newbatch(): manufacturedate = ) #the date the batch is manufctured which is todays date with open( "batchindex.json", "r" ) as f: #reads in the "batchindex" json file to append newly created batch numbers indata = json.load(f) f.close() mylist = indata["UsedBatches"] if len( mylist ) == 0: #if there is no batch number, create one, otherwise, start with the first batch number batchindex = 1 else: batchindex = len(mylist) + 1 print("List of numbers extracted from dictionary :", mylist) #prints existing batch numbers batchno = int( (manufacturedate.strftime("%d%m%y") + "{0:04}".format(batchindex)) ) #formats the batch number of DDMMYY0001 (formatting of manufacturedate: mylist.append(batchno) #appends the batch number to a list outdata = {"UsedBatches": mylist} with open("batchindex.json", "w") as f: #writes in the batch list into the json file json.dump(outdata, f) f.close() newbatch = Batch(batchno) #allows a user to select how many components they want newbatch.noofcomponents = (easygui.integerbox( msg="How many components in this batch?(1-9999)", default=1, lowerbound=1, upperbound=9999)) #allows user to select the component type they want which prints the choice they select newbatch.type = easygui.choicebox( msg="Select Component Type", choices=["Winglet Strut", "Door Handle", "Rudder Pin"]) if newbatch.type == "Winglet Strut": print("Winglet Strut") elif newbatch.type == "Door Handle": print("Door Handle") elif newbatch.type == "Rudder Pin": print("Rudder Pin") #Allows a user to select a component size out of the two options newbatch.size = easygui.buttonbox(msg="Select Component Size", choices=["A320 Series", "A380 Series"]) if newbatch.size == "A320 Series": print("A320 Series") elif newbatch.size == "A380 Series": print("A380 Series") newcomplist = [] #a list for the new components componentstatus = [] #list of the component status for n in range( 1, newbatch.noofcomponents + 1 ): #creates selected number of components based on how many components the user wants batchnostr, strn = batchno, "{0:04}".format(n) number = "{0}-{1}".format( batchno, strn ) #formats the new component numbers as a string. Source used to format as a strong: newcomp = Component(number) newcomp.printcomponent() #prints the new copmonent numbers newcomplist.append( number ) #appends the new component numbers to the new component list componentstatus.append( number + ": Unfininshed Work" ) #prints the component number with their unfinished status #result asking the user to verify the right input, while formatting these variables into a string result = ("This batch contains %d %s %s is this correct? Y/N") % ( newbatch.noofcomponents, newbatch.type, newbatch.size) yn = easygui.ynbox( result) #input the result varliable message into an easygui yes/no box if yn is False: #if the user selects no, it returns them to the main menu main() else: hhmm = str(manufacturedate) ddmmyy = str("%H:%M")) dt = ("Batch and Component records created at %s on %s") % ( ddmmyy, hhmm ) #prints the date and time of when the users new batch was created easygui.msgbox( dt ) #input the date time message into an easygui message box to be displayed to the user #asks the user if they want to see their batch details showdetails = "Show batch details? Y/N" yn = easygui.ynbox(msg=showdetails) if yn is False: #if the user selects no, it returns them to the main menu main() else: #if the user selects yes, this prints out their batch details batchno = "Batch Number: %s" % newbatch.batchno type = "\nComponent Type: %s" % newbatch.type #\n makes the message take a new line after each batch attribute to be displayed to the user properly size = "\nComponent Size: %s" % newbatch.size #%s inserts the new batch attribute into the string without any awkward or additional formatting to the variable noofcomponents = "\nNumber of Components: %s" % newbatch.noofcomponents serialnos = "\nSerial Numbers: %s" % newcomplist componentstatus = "\nComponent Status: %s" % componentstatus easygui.msgbox( msg=batchno + type + size + noofcomponents + serialnos + componentstatus ) #prints the batch details into a user friendly easygui message box main( ) #returns the user to the main menu after completion of batch details
import easygui smak = easygui.choicebox("Jaki jest Twój ulubiony smak lodów?", choices = ['Waniliowy', 'Czekoladowy', 'Truskawkowy'] ) easygui.msgbox ("Wybra³eœ " + smak)
MYSQL.insert(self.IP, self.TIME(), sh) #保存在数据库 # 事件 def BTN3(self, event): # 事件触发删除历史命令 if easygui.ccbox("你确定要删除本地和数据库的历史记录吗?"): pass else: cccccccc MYSQL.delete() # 事件 def ACM(self, event): if == "ok": easygui.msgbox("数据库连接成功,操作历史可以保存到数据库!!", "提示") else: easygui.msgbox("数据库连接失败!!", "提示") #TIME def TIME(self): return (time.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))) if __name__ == "__main__": IP = easygui.choicebox('选择要修改的服务器\n', '选择你需要管理的服务器', ['']) if IP == None: sys.exit(1) Start = Tk() MY_GUI(Start, IP).XIAOXUE() Start.mainloop()
def searchfileface(self): defaultdir = easygui.enterbox(msg="请输入你想查找的文件目录:") target = easygui.enterbox(msg=("请输入你想要查找的文件名:")) choice = SearchFile().searchfile(defaultdir, target) resultbox = easygui.choicebox( msg="在{}路径下搜索到的符合条件的文档如下:".format(defaultdir), choices=choice)
import os import sys import easygui as g title1 = '小唐制作' path = g.enterbox( '输入你工作文件夹的存放路径(请直接去文件管理器复制)', title=title1) #r"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop" # 工作文件夹存放路径 filename1 = '一种专利文案' # 你的模板名称,全部一致 filename2 = g.enterbox('输入你分配的案件名称', title=title1) # 分配的案件名称 user_choice = g.choicebox(msg='确定运行?', title=title1, choices=('yes', 'no')) if user_choice == 'no': g.msgbox(msg='按任意键退出', title=title1) sys.exit(0) elif user_choice == 'yes': path1 = path + '\\' + filename1 path2 = path + '\\' + filename2 path2_1 = path2 + '\\' + filename1 path2_2 = path2 + '\\' + filename2 path2_2_1 = path2_2 + '\\' + filename1 path2_2_2 = path2_2 + '\\' + filename2 os.rename(path1, path2) # 重命名第一层文件夹 os.rename(path2_1, path2_2) # 重命名第二层文件夹 os.rename(path2_2_1 + '————说明书附图.pdf', path2_2_2 + '————说明书附图.pdf') os.rename(path2_2_1 + '————摘要附图.pdf', path2_2_2 + '————摘要附图.pdf') # 重命名两个pdf文件 os.rename(path2 + '\\' + '图' + '\\' + filename1 + '.spolt',
def escolher(msg, opcoes): '''escolher(msg, opcoes) -> opção Exibe uma janela que permite que o usuário escolha uma dentre várias opções e retorna a opção escolhida.''' return eg.choicebox(msg, TITLE, opcoes)
fieldValues = [] # we start with blanks for the values fieldValues = g.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) n = int(fieldValues[0]) for i in range(0, n): msg = "必修课%d-输入分数" % (i + 1) title = "必修课:分数" fieldNames = ["分数"] fieldValues = [] # we start with blanks for the values fieldValues = g.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) a_1.append(int(fieldValues[0])) msg_2 = "必修课%d-选择绩点" % (i + 1) title_2 = "必修课:绩点" choices = list(range(1, max_g + 1)) if max_g != 1: choice = g.choicebox(msg_2, title_2, choices) b_1.append(int(choice)) else: b_1.append(1) a_1_tot = sum(np.array(a_1) * np.array(b_1)) b_1_tot = sum(np.array(b_1)) # print(a_1_tot,b_1_tot) ave_1 = a_1_tot / b_1_tot msg = "选修课" title = "选修课数目" fieldNames = ["数目"] fieldValues = [] # we start with blanks for the values fieldValues = g.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames) m = int(fieldValues[0])