Exemplo n.º 1
 def inner(text=''):
     module = 'sys'
     while module_imported(module):
         name = f'temp_module_{random.randint(0, 10 ** 6)}'
         module_path = fs.current_module_path(name) + '.py'
         with open(module_path, 'w') as f:
         module = f'tests.ext.{name}'
     return module
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_metric__callable_works(tmpdir):
    from metric import my_custom_metric
    metric: CallableMetric = MetricAnalyzer.analyze(my_custom_metric)

    write(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'metric.json'), metric)

    shutil.copy(fs.current_module_path('use_metric.py'), tmpdir)

    cp = subprocess.run('python use_metric.py', shell=True, cwd=tmpdir)
    assert cp.returncode == 0, cp.stderr
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_requirements_analyzer__model_works(tmpdir):
    from proxy_model import model
    reqs = get_object_requirements(model)

    for r in reqs.custom:
        for p, src in r.to_sources_dict().items():
            join = os.path.join(tmpdir, p)
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(join), exist_ok=True)
            with open(join, 'w') as f:

    with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'model.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
        dill.dump(model, f)

    shutil.copy(fs.current_module_path('use_model.py'), tmpdir)

    cp = subprocess.run('python use_model.py', shell=True, cwd=tmpdir)
    assert cp.returncode == 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_module_dir_path():
    assert fs.current_module_path('test_fs.py') == __file__
Exemplo n.º 5
class FlaskServer(Server):
    HTTP-based Ebonite runtime server.

    Interface definition is exposed for clients via HTTP GET call to `/interface.json`,
    method calls - via HTTP POST calls to `/<name>`,
    server health check - via HTTP GET call to `/health`.

    Host to which server binds is configured via `EBONITE_HOST` environment variable:
    default is `` which means any local or remote, for rejecting remote connections use `localhost` instead.

    Port to which server binds to is configured via `EBONITE_PORT` environment variable: default is 9000.
    additional_sources = [
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'flask-site-nginx.conf'),
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'nginx.conf'),
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'supervisord.conf'),
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'uwsgi.ini')

    def __init__(self):
        # we do not reference real Flask/Flasgger objects here and this breaks `get_object_requirements`
        self.__requires = Swagger

    def _create_app(self):
        app = flask.Flask(__name__)

        def handle_bad_request(e: FlaskServerError):
            return e.to_response()

        def health():
            return 'OK'

        def log_request_info():
            flask.g.ebonite_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            app.logger.debug('Headers: %s', request.headers)
            app.logger.debug('Body: %s', request.get_data())

        return app

    def _prepare_app(self, app, interface):
        create_interface_routes(app, interface)
        create_schema_route(app, interface)

    def run(self, interface: Interface):
        Starts flask service

        :param interface: runtime interface to expose via HTTP
        global current_app
        app = self._create_app()
        self._prepare_app(app, interface)

        current_app = app
        if FlaskConfig.run_flask:
            rlogger.debug('Running flask on %s:%s', FlaskConfig.host,
            app.run(FlaskConfig.host, FlaskConfig.port)
            rlogger.debug('Skipping direct flask application run')
Exemplo n.º 6
class FlaskServer(BaseHTTPServer):
    Flask- and Flasgger-based :class:`.BaseHTTPServer` implementation

    additional_sources = [
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'flask-site-nginx.conf'),
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'nginx.conf'),
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'supervisord.conf'),
        current_module_path('build_templates', 'uwsgi.ini')

    # TODO somehow make this depend on builder implementation?
    additional_options = {
        'templates_dir': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        'run_cmd': '["/usr/bin/supervisord"]'

    def __init__(self):
        # we do not reference real Flask/Flasgger objects here and this breaks `get_object_requirements`
        self.__requires = Swagger

    def _create_app(self):
        app = flask.Flask(__name__)
        app.config['SWAGGER'] = {'uiversion': 3, 'openapi': '3.0.2'}

        def health():
            return 'OK'

        def root():
            return redirect('/apidocs')

        def log_request_info():
            flask.g.ebonite_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            app.logger.debug('Headers: %s', request.headers)
            app.logger.debug('Body: %s', request.get_data())

        return app

    def _prepare_app(self, app, interface):
        create_interface_routes(app, interface)
        create_schema_route(app, interface)

    def run(self, interface: Interface):
        Starts flask service

        :param interface: runtime interface to expose via HTTP
        global current_app
        app = self._create_app()
        self._prepare_app(app, interface)

        current_app = app
        if FlaskConfig.run_flask:
            rlogger.debug('Running flask on %s:%s', HTTPServerConfig.host,
            app.run(HTTPServerConfig.host, HTTPServerConfig.port)
            rlogger.debug('Skipping direct flask application run')
Exemplo n.º 7
class FlaskServer(BaseHTTPServer):
    Flask- and Flasgger-based :class:`.BaseHTTPServer` implementation

    additional_sources = [
        current_module_path('build', 'app.py')  # replace stub in base image

    additional_options = {'docker': {
        'templates_dir': current_module_path('build'),
        'base_image': lambda python_version: BASE_IMAGE_TEMPLATE.format(python_version),
        'run_cmd': False,  # base image has already specified command
        'prebuild_hook': prebuild_hook

    def _create_app(self):
        from flasgger import Swagger
        from flask import Flask, g, redirect, request

        app = Flask(__name__)
        app.config['SWAGGER'] = {
            'uiversion': 3,
            'openapi': '3.0.2'

        def health():
            return 'OK'

        def root():
            return redirect('/apidocs')

        def log_request_info():
            g.ebonite_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            app.logger.debug('Headers: %s', request.headers)
            app.logger.debug('Body: %s', request.get_data())

        return app

    def _prepare_app(self, app, interface):
        create_interface_routes(app, interface)
        create_schema_route(app, interface)

    def run(self, interface: Interface):
        Starts flask service

        :param interface: runtime interface to expose via HTTP
        global current_app
        app = self._create_app()
        self._prepare_app(app, interface)

        current_app = app
        if FlaskConfig.run_flask:
            rlogger.debug('Running flask on %s:%s', HTTPServerConfig.host, HTTPServerConfig.port)
            app.run(HTTPServerConfig.host, HTTPServerConfig.port)
            rlogger.debug('Skipping direct flask application run')
Exemplo n.º 8
def create_schema_route(app, interface: Interface):
    from flask import jsonify

    schema = InterfaceDescriptor.from_interface(interface).to_dict()
    rlogger.debug('Creating /interface.json route with schema: %s', schema)
    app.add_url_rule('/interface.json', 'schema', lambda: jsonify(schema))

class FlaskConfig(Config):
    run_flask = Param('run_flask', default='true', parser=bool)

if Core.DEBUG:

PREBUILD_PATH = current_module_path('prebuild')
BASE_IMAGE_TEMPLATE = 'zyfraai/flask:{}'

def prebuild_hook(python_version):
    from ebonite.ext.docker.prebuild import prebuild_image
    prebuild_image(PREBUILD_PATH, BASE_IMAGE_TEMPLATE, python_version)

class FlaskServer(BaseHTTPServer):
    Flask- and Flasgger-based :class:`.BaseHTTPServer` implementation

    additional_sources = [
        current_module_path('build', 'app.py')  # replace stub in base image