Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_ordering(self):
     chain = FilterChain()
     args = range(10)
     for i in args:
         chain[i] = i
     self.assertEqual(chain.items(), [(i, i) for i in args])
     self.assertEqual(chain.keys(), args)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_ordering(self):
     chain = FilterChain()
     args = range(10)
     for i in args:
         chain[i] = i
     self.assertEqual(chain.items(), [(i, i) for i in args])
     self.assertEqual(chain.keys(), args)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _decode_map_permalink(request, show_default_layers=True, filters=None):
    Permalinks for the big map, with more compact query parameters.

    Returns a map_config dictionary.

    Accepted parameters:

    c - map center, separated by underscore, eg. c=-92.28283_38.95658

    z - map zoom, eg. z=12

    l - layers to display on load, comma- or dash-separated,
        eg. l=p13,t32,p1 or eg. l=p12345-t7-t9,
        where p => place layer
        and t => schema ("type") layer

    i - items to load specificially by id, comma- or dash-separated,
        eg. i=t1234-t456

    p - popup center, with underscore, eg. p=-92.3438_38.9658
    f - popup feature, eg. f=t1234 or f=p1234
        where p = a place and t = a news item

    start_date - start date (inclusive) %m/%d/%Y
    end_date - end date (inclusive) %m/%d/%Y
    d - duration in days (overridden by end date), eg. d=7

    x - show as 'widget', just the map and nothign around it.
        Takes no value, eg. x
    w - width of map (widget only), in pixels
    h - height of map (widget only), in pixels
    v - limits what map controls are displayed (widget only).
        By default, widget-stype map shows none of these.
        Possible values, joined with no separator:
        l - layer switcher
        h - list of headlines next to map
        p - permalink
        eg. to turn them all on: v=lhp

    params = request.GET
    schemas = set()
    place_types = set()
    lids = params.get("l", None)
    show_custom_layer = False
    if lids is not None: 
        no_layers_specified = False
            pat = re.compile('(\w\d+)')
            for lid in pat.findall(lids):
                layer_type = lid[0]
                layer_id = int(lid[1:])
                if layer_type == 'p': 
                elif layer_type == 't': 
                elif layer_type == 'c':
                    show_custom_layer = True
        no_layers_specified = True

    # map center
    center = params.get("c", None)
    if center: 
            center = [float(x) for x in center.split('_')][0:2]
    # map zoom level 
    zoom = params.get("z", None)
    if zoom:
            zoom = float(zoom)
    # popup 
    popup_info = None
    popup_center = params.get("p", None)
    popup_feature = params.get("f", None)
    if popup_center and popup_feature: 
            popup_center = [float(x) for x in popup_center.split('_')][0:2]
            feature_type = popup_feature[0]
            feature_id = int(popup_feature[1:])
            if feature_type == 'p': 
                openblock_type = 'place'
            elif feature_type == 't': 
                openblock_type = 'newsitem'

            popup_info = {
                'id': feature_id,
                'openblock_type': openblock_type,
                'lonlat': [popup_center[0], popup_center[1]]
            popup_center = None
            popup_feature = None

    # start and end date range
    default_interval = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    duration = params.get('d')
    if duration is not None:
            duration = datetime.timedelta(days=int(duration))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            duration = default_interval
        duration = default_interval
    default_enddate = datetime.date.today()
    default_startdate = default_enddate - duration

    startdate = params.get('start_date')
    if startdate is not None:
        for format in ('%m/%d/%Y', '%Y-%m-%d'):
                startdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(startdate, format).date()
            except ValueError:
        if isinstance(startdate, basestring):
            startdate = None

    enddate = params.get('end_date')
    if enddate is not None:
        for format in ('%m/%d/%Y', '%Y-%m-%d'):
                enddate = datetime.datetime.strptime(enddate, format).date()
            except ValueError:
        if isinstance(enddate, basestring):
            enddate = None

    # The filters argument can override startdate & enddate.
    if startdate is None and enddate is None and filters:
        date_filter = filters.get('date') or filters.get('pubdate')
        if date_filter:
            startdate = date_filter.start_date
            enddate = date_filter.end_date

    if startdate is None and enddate is None:
        enddate = datetime.date.today()
        startdate = enddate - duration
    elif startdate is None:
        startdate = enddate - duration
    elif enddate is None:
        enddate = startdate + duration

    if enddate < startdate:
        enddate = startdate + duration

    # inject date range into filters if none was specified:
    if filters and filters.get('date') is None: 
        filters.add('date', startdate, enddate)

    api_startdate = startdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")  
    api_enddate = (enddate + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    layers = []

    if (startdate != default_startdate) or (enddate != default_enddate):
        show_custom_layer = True

    # All available place layers.
    for place_type in PlaceType.objects.filter(is_mappable=True).all():
            'id': 'p%d' % place_type.id,
            'title': place_type.plural_name,
            'url': reverse('place_detail_json', args=[place_type.slug]),
            'params': {'limit': 1000},
            'minZoom': 15,
            'bbox': True,
            'visible': place_type.id in place_types # off by default

    # All available NewsItem layers.
    for schema in get_schema_manager(request).all():
        # if filters and 'schema' in filters and filters['schema'].schema == schema:
        #     visible = True
        if no_layers_specified and show_default_layers and not show_custom_layer:
            # default on if no 't' param given
            visible = True
        elif schemas and schema.id in schemas:
            visible = True
            visible = False
            'id': 't%d' % schema.id,
            'title':  schema.plural_name,
            'url':    reverse('map_items_json'),
            'params': {'type': schema.slug, 'limit': 1000,
                       'startdate': api_startdate,
                       'enddate': api_enddate},
            'bbox': False,
            'visible': visible

    # Explicit filtering by ID.
    ids = params.get('i') or u''
    ids = [i.strip() for i in re.split(r'[^\d]+', ids)
           if i.strip()]
    if ids:
        show_custom_layer = True
        if filters is None:
            filters = FilterChain(request)
        filters.replace('id', *ids)

    # 'Custom' layer. This is a catch-all for all filtering
    # that isn't just enabling a default layer with the default
    # date range.
    # Not visible unless there is something like that to show.
    if filters and sorted(filters.keys()) not in ([],
                                                  ['date', 'schema'],
        show_custom_layer = True

    if filters is not None:
        # Don't inspect filters['schema']; that's already covered by schemas above.
        base_url = reverse('map_items_json')
        layer_url = filters.make_url(base_url=base_url)
        # Quick ugly hacks to make the itemquery api happy.
        # Hooray proliferation of spellings.
        layer_url = layer_url.replace('locations=', 'locationid=')
        layer_url = layer_url.replace('start_date=', 'startdate=')
        layer_url = layer_url.replace('end_date=', 'enddate=')

        if 'schema' in filters:
            # Normally, filters.make_url() captures the schema in the
            # path part of the URL. But map_items_json doesn't,
            # so we add a query parameter.
            params = {'type': [s.slug for s in filters['schema'].schemas]}
            params = {}
        custom_layer = {
            'url': layer_url,
            'params': params,
            'title': u"Custom Filter",
            'visible': show_custom_layer,
            'id': 'c1',

    is_widget = params.get('x', None) is not None
    controls = {}
    control_list = params.get("v", None)
    if control_list is not None: 
        if 'l' in control_list: 
            controls['layers'] = True
        if 'h' in control_list: 
            controls['headline_list'] = True
        if 'p' in control_list: 
            controls['permalink'] = True

    width = params.get("w", None)
    if width:
            width = int(width)
            width = None

    height = params.get("h", None)
    if height:
            height = int(height)
            height = None

    config = {
      'center': center or [settings.DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER_LON,

      'zoom': zoom or settings.DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM,
      'layers': layers, 
      'is_widget': is_widget,
      'permalink_params': {
        'start_date': startdate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),
        'end_date': enddate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),

    if 'id' in filters:
        # Put them in the params so the js code can construct, well,
        # permalinks with these ids, on the client side.
        ids = '-'.join(map(str, filters['id'].ids))
        config['permalink_params']['i'] = ids
    if popup_info:
        config['popup'] = popup_info

    if is_widget: 
        config['controls'] = controls
        if width is not None: 
            config['width'] = width
        if height is not None: 
            config['height'] = height
    return config
Exemplo n.º 4
def _decode_map_permalink(request, show_default_layers=True, filters=None):
    Permalinks for the big map, with more compact query parameters.

    Returns a map_config dictionary.

    Accepted parameters:

    c - map center, separated by underscore, eg. c=-92.28283_38.95658

    z - map zoom, eg. z=12

    l - layers to display on load, comma- or dash-separated,
        eg. l=p13,t32,p1 or eg. l=p12345-t7-t9,
        where p => place layer
        and t => schema ("type") layer

    i - items to load specificially by id, comma- or dash-separated,
        eg. i=t1234-t456

    p - popup center, with underscore, eg. p=-92.3438_38.9658
    f - popup feature, eg. f=t1234 or f=p1234
        where p = a place and t = a news item

    start_date - start date (inclusive) %m/%d/%Y
    end_date - end date (inclusive) %m/%d/%Y
    d - duration in days (overridden by end date), eg. d=7

    x - show as 'widget', just the map and nothign around it.
        Takes no value, eg. x
    w - width of map (widget only), in pixels
    h - height of map (widget only), in pixels
    v - limits what map controls are displayed (widget only).
        By default, widget-stype map shows none of these.
        Possible values, joined with no separator:
        l - layer switcher
        h - list of headlines next to map
        p - permalink
        eg. to turn them all on: v=lhp

    params = request.GET
    schemas = set()
    place_types = set()
    lids = params.get("l", None)
    show_custom_layer = False
    if lids is not None:
        no_layers_specified = False
            pat = re.compile('(\w\d+)')
            for lid in pat.findall(lids):
                layer_type = lid[0]
                layer_id = int(lid[1:])
                if layer_type == 'p':
                elif layer_type == 't':
                elif layer_type == 'c':
                    show_custom_layer = True
        no_layers_specified = True

    # map center
    center = params.get("c", None)
    if center:
            center = [float(x) for x in center.split('_')][0:2]

    # map zoom level
    zoom = params.get("z", None)
    if zoom:
            zoom = float(zoom)

    # popup
    popup_info = None
    popup_center = params.get("p", None)
    popup_feature = params.get("f", None)
    if popup_center and popup_feature:
            popup_center = [float(x) for x in popup_center.split('_')][0:2]
            feature_type = popup_feature[0]
            feature_id = int(popup_feature[1:])
            if feature_type == 'p':
                openblock_type = 'place'
            elif feature_type == 't':
                openblock_type = 'newsitem'

            popup_info = {
                'id': feature_id,
                'openblock_type': openblock_type,
                'lonlat': [popup_center[0], popup_center[1]]
            popup_center = None
            popup_feature = None

    # start and end date range
    default_interval = datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    duration = params.get('d')
    if duration is not None:
            duration = datetime.timedelta(days=int(duration))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            duration = default_interval
        duration = default_interval
    default_enddate = datetime.date.today()
    default_startdate = default_enddate - duration

    startdate = params.get('start_date')
    if startdate is not None:
        for format in ('%m/%d/%Y', '%Y-%m-%d'):
                startdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(startdate,
            except ValueError:
        if isinstance(startdate, basestring):
            startdate = None

    enddate = params.get('end_date')
    if enddate is not None:
        for format in ('%m/%d/%Y', '%Y-%m-%d'):
                enddate = datetime.datetime.strptime(enddate, format).date()
            except ValueError:
        if isinstance(enddate, basestring):
            enddate = None

    # The filters argument can override startdate & enddate.
    if startdate is None and enddate is None and filters:
        date_filter = filters.get('date') or filters.get('pubdate')
        if date_filter:
            startdate = date_filter.start_date
            enddate = date_filter.end_date

    if startdate is None and enddate is None:
        enddate = datetime.date.today()
        startdate = enddate - duration
    elif startdate is None:
        startdate = enddate - duration
    elif enddate is None:
        enddate = startdate + duration

    if enddate < startdate:
        enddate = startdate + duration

    # inject date range into filters if none was specified:
    if filters and filters.get('date') is None:
        filters.add('date', startdate, enddate)

    api_startdate = startdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    api_enddate = (enddate + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    layers = []

    if (startdate != default_startdate) or (enddate != default_enddate):
        show_custom_layer = True

    # All available place layers.
    for place_type in PlaceType.objects.filter(is_mappable=True).all():
            'p%d' % place_type.id,
            reverse('place_detail_json', args=[place_type.slug]),
            'params': {
                'limit': 1000
            place_type.id in place_types  # off by default

    # All available NewsItem layers.
    for schema in get_schema_manager(request).all():
        # if filters and 'schema' in filters and filters['schema'].schema == schema:
        #     visible = True
        if no_layers_specified and show_default_layers and not show_custom_layer:
            # default on if no 't' param given
            visible = True
        elif schemas and schema.id in schemas:
            visible = True
            visible = False
            'id': 't%d' % schema.id,
            'title': schema.plural_name,
            'url': reverse('map_items_json'),
            'params': {
                'type': schema.slug,
                'limit': 1000,
                'startdate': api_startdate,
                'enddate': api_enddate
            'bbox': False,
            'visible': visible

    # Explicit filtering by ID.
    ids = params.get('i') or u''
    ids = [i.strip() for i in re.split(r'[^\d]+', ids) if i.strip()]
    if ids:
        show_custom_layer = True
        if filters is None:
            filters = FilterChain(request)
        filters.replace('id', *ids)

    # 'Custom' layer. This is a catch-all for all filtering
    # that isn't just enabling a default layer with the default
    # date range.
    # Not visible unless there is something like that to show.
    if filters and sorted(filters.keys()) not in ([], ['date'], [
            'date', 'schema'
    ], ['schema']):
        show_custom_layer = True

    if filters is not None:
        # Don't inspect filters['schema']; that's already covered by schemas above.
        base_url = reverse('map_items_json')
        layer_url = filters.make_url(base_url=base_url)
        # Quick ugly hacks to make the itemquery api happy.
        # Hooray proliferation of spellings.
        layer_url = layer_url.replace('locations=', 'locationid=')
        layer_url = layer_url.replace('start_date=', 'startdate=')
        layer_url = layer_url.replace('end_date=', 'enddate=')

        if 'schema' in filters:
            # Normally, filters.make_url() captures the schema in the
            # path part of the URL. But map_items_json doesn't,
            # so we add a query parameter.
            params = {'type': [s.slug for s in filters['schema'].schemas]}
            params = {}
        custom_layer = {
            'url': layer_url,
            'params': params,
            'title': u"Custom Filter",
            'visible': show_custom_layer,
            'id': 'c1',

    is_widget = params.get('x', None) is not None
    controls = {}
    control_list = params.get("v", None)
    if control_list is not None:
        if 'l' in control_list:
            controls['layers'] = True
        if 'h' in control_list:
            controls['headline_list'] = True
        if 'p' in control_list:
            controls['permalink'] = True

    width = params.get("w", None)
    if width:
            width = int(width)
            width = None

    height = params.get("h", None)
    if height:
            height = int(height)
            height = None

    config = {
        or [settings.DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER_LON, settings.DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER_LAT],
        zoom or settings.DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM,
        'permalink_params': {
            'start_date': startdate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),
            'end_date': enddate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),

    if 'id' in filters:
        # Put them in the params so the js code can construct, well,
        # permalinks with these ids, on the client side.
        ids = '-'.join(map(str, filters['id'].ids))
        config['permalink_params']['i'] = ids
    if popup_info:
        config['popup'] = popup_info

    if is_widget:
        config['controls'] = controls
        if width is not None:
            config['width'] = width
        if height is not None:
            config['height'] = height

    return config