Exemplo n.º 1
 def newSession( self ):
     self.theSession = Session()
     self.theModelWalker = ModelWalker( self.theSession.theSimulator )
     self.theDataGenerator = DataGenerator( self )
     self.theSession.theSimulator.setEventHandler( lambda:
         gtk.events_pending() and gtk.main_iteration()  )
     self.theSession.setMessageMethod( self.theMessageMethod )
Exemplo n.º 2
 def newSession( self ):
     self.theSession = Session()
     self.theModelWalker = ModelWalker( self.theSession.theSimulator )
     self.theDataGenerator = DataGenerator( self )
     self.theSession.theSimulator.setEventHandler( lambda:
         gtk.events_pending() and gtk.main_iteration()  )
     self.theSession.setMessageMethod( self.theMessageMethod )
Exemplo n.º 3
class GtkSessionMonitor(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """sets up the osogo session, creates Mainwindow and other fundamental
        windows but doesn't show them"""

        self.theSession = None
        self.theModelWalker = None
        self.theMessageMethod = None
        self.theDataGenerator = None

        self.updateCallbackList = []
        # -------------------------------------
        # reads defaults from osogo.ini 
        # -------------------------------------
        self.theConfigDB = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        self.theIniFileName = os.path.join( home_dir, '.ecell', 'osogo.ini' )
        theDefaultIniFileName = os.path.join( conf_dir, 'osogo.ini' )
        if not os.path.isfile( self.theIniFileName ):
            # get from default
            self.theConfigDB.read( theDefaultIniFileName )
            # try to write into home dir
            # read from default

        self.theUpdateInterval = 150
        self.stuckRequests = 0
        self.theStepSizeOrSec = 1.0
        self.theRunningFlag = False

        # -------------------------------------
        # creates PluginManager
        # -------------------------------------
        self.thePluginManager = OsogoPluginManager.OsogoPluginManager( self )

        # -------------------------------------
        # creates FundamentalWindow
        # -------------------------------------
        # key:window name(str) value:window instance
        self.theFundamentalWindows = {}

        # creates fundamental windows
        aLoggerWindow     = LoggerWindow.LoggerWindow(  self )
        anInterfaceWindow = InterfaceWindow.InterfaceWindow( self )
        aStepperWindow    = StepperWindow.StepperWindow(  self )
        aBoardWindow      = BoardWindow.BoardWindow(  self )
        aMainWindow	      = MainWindow.MainWindow( self ) 

        # saves them to map
        self.theFundamentalWindows['LoggerWindow'] = aLoggerWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['InterfaceWindow'] = anInterfaceWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['StepperWindow'] = aStepperWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['BoardWindow'] = aBoardWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['MainWindow'] = aMainWindow

        # key:EntityListWindow instance value:None
        # In deleteEntityListWindow method, an instance of EntityListWindow is
        # accessed directory. The sequence information of EntityListWindow does
        # not need. So the references to EntityListWindow instances should be 
        # held dict's key. Values of dict are not also imported.

        self.theEntityListInstanceMap = {}  

        # -------------------------------------
        # creates MainWindow
        # -------------------------------------
        self.theMainWindow = aMainWindow

    def GUI_interact(self):
        "hands over controlto the user (gtk.main_loop())"


    def QuitGUI( self ):
        """ quits gtk.main_loop() after saving changes """

    def doesExist( self, aWindowName ):
        """ aWindowName: (str) name of Window
             returns True if window is opened
                 False if window is not opened
             checks both plugin and fundamental windows 

        # check fundamentalwindows
        if self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key(aWindowName):
            return self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ].exists()

        # check entity list windows
        if aWindowName == 'EntityListWindow' and len( self.theEntityListInstanceMap>0):
            return True
        # check pluginwindow instances
        aPluginInstanceList = self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict.keys()

        for aPluginInstance in aPluginInstanceList:
            if aWindowName == self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict[aPluginInstance]:
                return True
        return False

    def openWindow( self, aWindowName, rootWidget = None, rootWindow = None ): 
        """opens up window and returns aWindowname instance
        aWindowName   ---  Window name (str)
        Returns FundamentalWindow or EntityListWindow list
        # When the WindowName does not match, create nothing.
        if self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key( aWindowName ):
            if rootWidget == None:
                self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ].openWindow()
                self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ].openWindow(rootWidget, rootWindow)
            return self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ]
        elif aWindowName == 'EntityListWindow':
            return self.createEntityListWindow()
            message( "No such WindowType (%s) " %aWindowName )
            return None

    def getWindow( self, aWindowName ):
        aWindowName   ---  Window name (str)
        Returns FundamentalWindow or EntityListWindow list

        # check fundamentalwindows
        if self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key(aWindowName):
            return self.theFundamentalWindows[aWindowName]

        # check entity list windows
        if aWindowName == 'EntityListWindow':
            return self.theEntityListInstanceMap.keys()
        # check pluginwindow instances
        aPluginInstanceList = self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict.keys()

        for aPluginInstance in aPluginInstanceList:
            aWindowName = self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict[aPluginInstance]
            return aPluginInstance
        return None

    def displayWindow( self, aWindowName ):
        """When the Window is not created, calls its openWidow() method.
        When already created, move it to the top of desktop.
        aWindowName   ---  window name(str)
        Return None
        [None]:When the WindowName does not matched, creates nothing.

        # When the WindowName does not match, creates nothing.
        if not self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key( aWindowName ):
            message ( "No such WindowType (%s) " %aWindowName )
            return None

        # When the Window is already created, move it to the top of desktop
        if self.theFundamentalWindows[aWindowName].exists():
    def toggleWindow( self, aWindowName, aNewState=None ):
        aState = self.theFundamentalWindows[aWindowName].exists()
        if aNewState is None:
            aNewState = not aState
        if aState != aNewState:
            if aNewState:
        if self.theFundamentalWindows['MainWindow'].exists():

    def createPluginWindow(self, aType, aFullPNList):
        """ opens and returns _PluginWindow instance of aType showing aFullPNList 
            returns None if pluginwindow could not have been created """
        anInstance = self.thePluginManager.createInstance( aType, aFullPNList)
        if anInstance == None:
            self.message ( 'Pluginwindow has not been created. %s may not be a valid plugin type' %aType )
        return anInstance

    def createPluginOnBoard(self, aType, aFullPNList):
        """ creates and adds plugin to pluginwindow and returns plugininstance """
        aBoardWindow = self.getWindow('BoardWindow')
        if aBoardWindow == None:
            self.message('Board Window does not exist. Plugin cannot be added.')
            return None
        return aBoardWindow.addPluginWindows( aType, aFullPNList)

    def openLogPolicyWindow(self,  aLogPolicy, aTitle ="Set log policy" ):
        """ pops up a modal dialog window
            with aTitle (str) as its title
            and displaying loggingpolicy
            and with an OK and a Cancel button
            users can set logging policy
            logging policy if OK is pressed
            None if cancel is pressed
        aLogPolicyWindow = LoggingPolicy.LoggingPolicy( self, aLogPolicy, aTitle )
        return aLogPolicyWindow.return_result()
    def createEntityListWindow( self, rootWidget = 'EntityListWindow', aStatusBar=None ):
        """creates and returns an EntityListWindow
        anEntityListWindow = None

        # when Model is already loaded.
        if self.theSession is not None:
            # creates new EntityListWindow instance
            anEntityListWindow = EntityListWindow.EntityListWindow( self, rootWidget, aStatusBar )
            # saves the instance into map
            self.theEntityListInstanceMap[ anEntityListWindow ] = None
            # updates all fundamental windows

            anEntityListWindow = EntityListWindow.EntityListWindow( self, rootWidget, aStatusBar )

            # saves the instance into map
            self.theEntityListInstanceMap[ anEntityListWindow ] = None
        return anEntityListWindow

    def registerUpdateCallback( self, aFunction ):
        self.updateCallbackList.append( aFunction )        

    def deleteEntityListWindow( self, anEntityListWindow ):
        """deletes the reference to the instance of EntityListWindow
        anEntityListWindow   ---  an instance of EntityListWindow(EntityListWindow)
        Return None
        [Note]: When the argument is not anEntityListWindow, throws exception.
                When this has not the reference to the argument, does nothing.

        # When the argument is not anEntityListWindow, throws exception.
        if anEntityListWindow.__class__.__name__ != 'EntityListWindow':
            raise "(%s) must be EntityListWindow" %anEntityListWindow

        # deletes the reference to the PropertyWindow instance on the EntityListWindow

        self.thePluginManager.deletePropertyWindowOnEntityListWinsow( anEntityListWindow.thePropertyWindow )

        # deletes the reference to the EntityListWindow instance
        if self.theEntityListInstanceMap.has_key( anEntityListWindow ):
            del self.theEntityListInstanceMap[ anEntityListWindow ]
    def __updateByTimeOut( self, arg ):
        """when time out, calls updates method()
        Returns None
        if not gtk.events_pending():
            if self.stuckRequests > 0:
                self.stuckRequests -= 1
            elif self.theUpdateInterval >=225:
                self.theUpdateInterval /=1.5
            self.stuckRequests +=1
            if self.stuckRequests >6:
                self.theUpdateInterval *= 1.5
                self.stuckRequests = 3
        self.theTimer = gobject.timeout_add( int(self.theUpdateInterval), self.__updateByTimeOut, 0 )

    def __removeTimeOut( self ):
        """removes time out
        Returns None

        gobject.source_remove( self.theTimer )

    def updateWindows( self ):
        # updates all plugin windows
        for aFunction in self.updateCallbackList:
            apply( aFunction )

    def setUpdateInterval(self, Secs):
        "plugins are refreshed every secs seconds"
        self.theMainWindow.theUpdateInterval = Secs
    def getUpdateInterval(self ):        #
        "returns the rate by plugins are refreshed "
        return self.theMainWindow.theUpdateInterval 

    def updateFundamentalWindows( self ):
        """updates fundamental windows
        Return None

        # updates all fundamental windows
        for aFundamentalWindow in self.theFundamentalWindows.values():

        # updates all EntityListWindow
        for anEntityListWindow in self.theEntityListInstanceMap.keys():

        #update MainWindow

    def __readIni(self,aPath):
        """read osogo.ini file
        an osogo.ini file may be in the given path
        that have an osogo section or others but no default
        argument may be a filename as well

        # first delete every section apart from default
        for aSection in self.theConfigDB.sections():

        # gets pathname
        if not os.path.isdir( aPath ):
            aPath=os.path.dirname( aPath )

        # checks whether file exists
        aFilename = os.path.join( aPath, 'osogo.ini' )
        if not os.path.isfile( aFilename ):
            # self.message('There is no osogo.ini file in this directory.\n Falling back to system defauls.\n')
            return None

        # tries to read file

            self.message('Reading osogo.ini file from directory [%s]' %aPath)
            self.theConfigDB.read( aFilename )

        # catch exceptions
            self.message(' error while executing ini file [%s]' %aFileName)
            anErrorMessage = '\n'.join( traceback.format_exception( sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback ) )

    def getParameter(self, aParameter):
        """tries to get a parameter from ConfigDB
        if the param is not present in either osogo or default section
        raises exception and quits

        # first try to get it from osogo section
        if self.theConfigDB.has_section('osogo'):
            if self.theConfigDB.has_option('osogo',aParameter):
                return self.theConfigDB.get('osogo',aParameter)

        # gets it from default
        return self.theConfigDB.get('DEFAULT',aParameter)

    def setParameter(self, aParameter, aValue):
        """tries to set a parameter in ConfigDB
        if the param is not present in either osogo or default section
        raises exception and quits
        # first try to set it in osogo section
        if self.theConfigDB.has_section('osogo'):
            if self.theConfigDB.has_option('osogo',aParameter):
                self.theConfigDB.set('osogo',aParameter, str(aValue))

            # sets it in default
            self.theConfigDB.set('DEFAULT',aParameter, str(aValue))

    def saveParameters( self ):
        """tries to save all parameters into a config file in home directory
            aDirName = os.path.dirname( self.theIniFileName )
            if not os.path.exists( aDirName ):
                os.makedirs( aDirName )
            fp = open( self.theIniFileName, 'w' )
            self.theConfigDB.write( fp )
            self.message("Could not save preferences into file %s.\n Please check permissions for home directory.\n"%self.theIniFileName)
    def getLogPolicyParameters( self ):
        gets logging policy from config database
        logPolicy = []
        logPolicy.append ( int( self.getParameter( 'logger_min_step' ) ) )
        logPolicy.append ( float ( self.getParameter( 'logger_min_interval' ) ) )
        logPolicy.append ( int( self.getParameter( 'end_policy' ) ) )
        logPolicy.append ( int (self.getParameter( 'available_space' ) ) )
        if logPolicy[0]<=0 and logPolicy[1]<=0:
        return logPolicy

    def setLogPolicyParameters( self, logPolicy ):
        saves logging policy into config database
        self.setParameter( 'logger_min_step', logPolicy[0] )
        self.setParameter( 'logger_min_interval', logPolicy[1] ) 
        self.setParameter( 'end_policy' , logPolicy[2] )
        self.setParameter( 'available_space' ,logPolicy[3] )

    def interact( self, parameters={} ):
        self.theSession.interact( parameters )

    def unload( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
        self.theSession = None
        self.theModelWalker = None
        self.theDataGenerator = None

    def newSession( self ):
        self.theSession = Session()
        self.theModelWalker = ModelWalker( self.theSession.theSimulator )
        self.theDataGenerator = DataGenerator( self )
        self.theSession.theSimulator.setEventHandler( lambda:
            gtk.events_pending() and gtk.main_iteration()  )
        self.theSession.setMessageMethod( self.theMessageMethod )

    def loadModel( self, aModel ):
        #self.__readIni( aModel )
        self.theSession.loadModel( aModel )

    def saveModel( self , aModel ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception( "Model is not loaded" )
        self.theSession.saveModel( self , aModel )

    def setMessageMethod( self, aMethod ):
        self.theMessageMethod = aMethod
        if self.theSession is not None:
            self.theSession.setMessageMethod( aMethod )

    def restoreMessageMethod( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:

    def message( self, message ):
        if self.theMessageMethod is not None:
            self.theMessageMethod( message )

    def run( self , time = '' ):
        if already running: do nothing
        if time is given, run for the given time
        if time is not given:
            if Mainwindow is not opened create a stop button
            set up a timeout rutin and Running Flag 
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        if self.theRunningFlag == True:

        if time == '' and not self.doesExist('MainWindow'):

            self.theRunningFlag = True
            self.theTimer = gobject.timeout_add( self.theUpdateInterval, self.__updateByTimeOut, False )

            aCurrentTime = self.getCurrentTime()
            self.message("%15s"%aCurrentTime + ":Start\n" )

            self.theSession.run( time )
            self.theRunningFlag = False

            anErrorMessage = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback)
            self.theRunningFlag = False


    def stop( self ):
        """ stop Simulation, remove timeout, set Running flag to false
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

            if self.theRunningFlag == True:

                aCurrentTime = self.getCurrentTime()
                self.message( ("%15s"%aCurrentTime + ":Stop\n" ))
                self.theRunningFlag = False

            anErrorMessage = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback)

    def step( self, num = None ):
        """ step according to num, if num is not given,
            according to set step parameters
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        if self.theRunningFlag == True:

        if num == None:
            #set it to 1
                num = 1
                self.message( "Zero step value overridden to 1\n" )

            self.theRunningFlag = True

            self.message( "Step\n" )
            self.theTimer = gobject.timeout_add( self.theUpdateInterval, self.__updateByTimeOut, 0 )

            self.theSession.step( int( num ) )

            self.theRunningFlag = False

            anErrorMessage = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback)
            self.message( anErrorMessage )
            self.theRunningFlag = False


    def isRunning(self):
        return self.theRunningFlag

    def getNextEvent( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getNextEvent()

    def getCurrentTime( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            return float("nan")

        return self.theSession.getCurrentTime()

    def getStepperList( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getStepperList()

    def createStepperStub( self, id ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.createStepperStub( id )

    def getEntityList( self, entityType, systemPath ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getEntityList( entityType, systemPath )

    def createEntityStub( self, fullid ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.createEntityStub( fullid )

    def getEntityProperty( self, fullPN ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getEntityProperty( fullPN )

    def getEntityPropertyAttributes( self, fullPN ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getEntityPropertyAttributes( createFullPNString( fullPN ) )

    def setEntityProperty( self, fullPN, aValue ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        self.theSession.setEntityProperty( createFullPNString( fullPN ), aValue )

    def getLoggerList( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getLoggerList()

    def createLoggerStub( self, fullpn ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.createLoggerStub( fullpn )

    def saveLoggerData( self, fullpn=0, aSaveDirectory='./Data', aStartTime=-1, anEndTime=-1, anInterval=-1 ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        self.theSession.saveLoggerData( fullpn, aSaveDirectory, aStartTime, anEndTime, anInterval )

    def getDataGenerator( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theDataGenerator
Exemplo n.º 4
class GtkSessionMonitor(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """sets up the osogo session, creates Mainwindow and other fundamental
        windows but doesn't show them"""

        self.theSession = None
        self.theModelWalker = None
        self.theMessageMethod = None
        self.theDataGenerator = None

        self.updateCallbackList = []
        # -------------------------------------
        # reads defaults from osogo.ini 
        # -------------------------------------
        self.theConfigDB = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        self.theIniFileName = os.path.join( home_dir, '.ecell', 'osogo.ini' )
        theDefaultIniFileName = os.path.join( conf_dir, 'osogo.ini' )
        if not os.path.isfile( self.theIniFileName ):
            # get from default
            self.theConfigDB.read( theDefaultIniFileName )
            # try to write into home dir
            # read from default

        self.theUpdateInterval = 150
        self.stuckRequests = 0
        self.theStepSizeOrSec = 1.0
        self.theRunningFlag = False

        # -------------------------------------
        # creates PluginManager
        # -------------------------------------
        self.thePluginManager = OsogoPluginManager.OsogoPluginManager( self )

        # -------------------------------------
        # creates FundamentalWindow
        # -------------------------------------
        # key:window name(str) value:window instance
        self.theFundamentalWindows = {}

        # creates fundamental windows
        aLoggerWindow     = LoggerWindow.LoggerWindow(  self )
        anInterfaceWindow = InterfaceWindow.InterfaceWindow( self )
        aStepperWindow    = StepperWindow.StepperWindow(  self )
        aBoardWindow      = BoardWindow.BoardWindow(  self )
        aMainWindow	      = MainWindow.MainWindow( self ) 

        # saves them to map
        self.theFundamentalWindows['LoggerWindow'] = aLoggerWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['InterfaceWindow'] = anInterfaceWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['StepperWindow'] = aStepperWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['BoardWindow'] = aBoardWindow
        self.theFundamentalWindows['MainWindow'] = aMainWindow

        # key:EntityListWindow instance value:None
        # In deleteEntityListWindow method, an instance of EntityListWindow is
        # accessed directory. The sequence information of EntityListWindow does
        # not need. So the references to EntityListWindow instances should be 
        # held dict's key. Values of dict are not also imported.

        self.theEntityListInstanceMap = {}  

        # -------------------------------------
        # creates MainWindow
        # -------------------------------------
        self.theMainWindow = aMainWindow

    def GUI_interact(self):
        "hands over controlto the user (gtk.main_loop())"


    def QuitGUI( self ):
        """ quits gtk.main_loop() after saving changes """

    def doesExist( self, aWindowName ):
        """ aWindowName: (str) name of Window
             returns True if window is opened
                 False if window is not opened
             checks both plugin and fundamental windows 

        # check fundamentalwindows
        if self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key(aWindowName):
            return self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ].exists()

        # check entity list windows
        if aWindowName == 'EntityListWindow' and len( self.theEntityListInstanceMap>0):
            return True
        # check pluginwindow instances
        aPluginInstanceList = self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict.keys()

        for aPluginInstance in aPluginInstanceList:
            if aWindowName == self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict[aPluginInstance]:
                return True
        return False

    def openWindow( self, aWindowName, rootWidget = None, rootWindow = None ): 
        """opens up window and returns aWindowname instance
        aWindowName   ---  Window name (str)
        Returns FundamentalWindow or EntityListWindow list
        # When the WindowName does not match, create nothing.
        if self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key( aWindowName ):
            if rootWidget == None:
                self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ].openWindow()
                self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ].openWindow(rootWidget, rootWindow)
            return self.theFundamentalWindows[ aWindowName ]
        elif aWindowName == 'EntityListWindow':
            return self.createEntityListWindow()
            message( "No such WindowType (%s) " %aWindowName )
            return None

    def getWindow( self, aWindowName ):
        aWindowName   ---  Window name (str)
        Returns FundamentalWindow or EntityListWindow list

        # check fundamentalwindows
        if self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key(aWindowName):
            return self.theFundamentalWindows[aWindowName]

        # check entity list windows
        if aWindowName == 'EntityListWindow':
            return self.theEntityListInstanceMap.keys()
        # check pluginwindow instances
        aPluginInstanceList = self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict.keys()

        for aPluginInstance in aPluginInstanceList:
            aWindowName = self.thePluginManager.thePluginTitleDict[aPluginInstance]
            return aPluginInstance
        return None

    def displayWindow( self, aWindowName ):
        """When the Window is not created, calls its openWidow() method.
        When already created, move it to the top of desktop.
        aWindowName   ---  window name(str)
        Return None
        [None]:When the WindowName does not matched, creates nothing.

        # When the WindowName does not match, creates nothing.
        if not self.theFundamentalWindows.has_key( aWindowName ):
            message ( "No such WindowType (%s) " %aWindowName )
            return None

        # When the Window is already created, move it to the top of desktop
        if self.theFundamentalWindows[aWindowName].exists():
    def toggleWindow( self, aWindowName, aNewState=None ):
        aState = self.theFundamentalWindows[aWindowName].exists()
        if aNewState is None:
            aNewState = not aState
        if aState != aNewState:
            if aNewState:
        if self.theFundamentalWindows['MainWindow'].exists():

    def createPluginWindow(self, aType, aFullPNList):
        """ opens and returns _PluginWindow instance of aType showing aFullPNList 
            returns None if pluginwindow could not have been created """
        anInstance = self.thePluginManager.createInstance( aType, aFullPNList)
        if anInstance == None:
            self.message ( 'Pluginwindow has not been created. %s may not be a valid plugin type' %aType )
        return anInstance

    def createPluginOnBoard(self, aType, aFullPNList):
        """ creates and adds plugin to pluginwindow and returns plugininstance """
        aBoardWindow = self.getWindow('BoardWindow')
        if aBoardWindow == None:
            self.message('Board Window does not exist. Plugin cannot be added.')
            return None
        return aBoardWindow.addPluginWindows( aType, aFullPNList)

    def openLogPolicyWindow(self,  aLogPolicy, aTitle ="Set log policy" ):
        """ pops up a modal dialog window
            with aTitle (str) as its title
            and displaying loggingpolicy
            and with an OK and a Cancel button
            users can set logging policy
            logging policy if OK is pressed
            None if cancel is pressed
        aLogPolicyWindow = LoggingPolicy.LoggingPolicy( self, aLogPolicy, aTitle )
        return aLogPolicyWindow.return_result()
    def createEntityListWindow( self, rootWidget = 'EntityListWindow', aStatusBar=None ):
        """creates and returns an EntityListWindow
        anEntityListWindow = None

        # when Model is already loaded.
        if self.theSession is not None:
            # creates new EntityListWindow instance
            anEntityListWindow = EntityListWindow.EntityListWindow( self, rootWidget, aStatusBar )
            # saves the instance into map
            self.theEntityListInstanceMap[ anEntityListWindow ] = None
            # updates all fundamental windows

            anEntityListWindow = EntityListWindow.EntityListWindow( self, rootWidget, aStatusBar )

            # saves the instance into map
            self.theEntityListInstanceMap[ anEntityListWindow ] = None
        return anEntityListWindow

    def registerUpdateCallback( self, aFunction ):
        self.updateCallbackList.append( aFunction )        

    def deleteEntityListWindow( self, anEntityListWindow ):
        """deletes the reference to the instance of EntityListWindow
        anEntityListWindow   ---  an instance of EntityListWindow(EntityListWindow)
        Return None
        [Note]: When the argument is not anEntityListWindow, throws exception.
                When this has not the reference to the argument, does nothing.

        # When the argument is not anEntityListWindow, throws exception.
        if anEntityListWindow.__class__.__name__ != 'EntityListWindow':
            raise "(%s) must be EntityListWindow" %anEntityListWindow

        # deletes the reference to the PropertyWindow instance on the EntityListWindow

        self.thePluginManager.deletePropertyWindowOnEntityListWinsow( anEntityListWindow.thePropertyWindow )

        # deletes the reference to the EntityListWindow instance
        if self.theEntityListInstanceMap.has_key( anEntityListWindow ):
            del self.theEntityListInstanceMap[ anEntityListWindow ]
    def __updateByTimeOut( self, arg ):
        """when time out, calls updates method()
        Returns None
        if not gtk.events_pending():
            if self.stuckRequests > 0:
                self.stuckRequests -= 1
            elif self.theUpdateInterval >=225:
                self.theUpdateInterval /=1.5
            self.stuckRequests +=1
            if self.stuckRequests >6:
                self.theUpdateInterval *= 1.5
                self.stuckRequests = 3
        self.theTimer = gobject.timeout_add( int(self.theUpdateInterval), self.__updateByTimeOut, 0 )

    def __removeTimeOut( self ):
        """removes time out
        Returns None

        gobject.source_remove( self.theTimer )

    def updateWindows( self ):
        # updates all plugin windows
        for aFunction in self.updateCallbackList:
            apply( aFunction )

    def setUpdateInterval(self, Secs):
        "plugins are refreshed every secs seconds"
        self.theMainWindow.theUpdateInterval = Secs
    def getUpdateInterval(self ):        #
        "returns the rate by plugins are refreshed "
        return self.theMainWindow.theUpdateInterval 

    def updateFundamentalWindows( self ):
        """updates fundamental windows
        Return None

        # updates all fundamental windows
        for aFundamentalWindow in self.theFundamentalWindows.values():

        # updates all EntityListWindow
        for anEntityListWindow in self.theEntityListInstanceMap.keys():

        #update MainWindow

    def __readIni(self,aPath):
        """read osogo.ini file
        an osogo.ini file may be in the given path
        that have an osogo section or others but no default
        argument may be a filename as well

        # first delete every section apart from default
        for aSection in self.theConfigDB.sections():

        # gets pathname
        if not os.path.isdir( aPath ):
            aPath=os.path.dirname( aPath )

        # checks whether file exists
        aFilename = os.path.join( aPath, 'osogo.ini' )
        if not os.path.isfile( aFilename ):
            # self.message('There is no osogo.ini file in this directory.\n Falling back to system defauls.\n')
            return None

        # tries to read file

            self.message('Reading osogo.ini file from directory [%s]' %aPath)
            self.theConfigDB.read( aFilename )

        # catch exceptions
            self.message(' error while executing ini file [%s]' %aFileName)
            anErrorMessage = '\n'.join( traceback.format_exception( sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback ) )

    def getParameter(self, aParameter):
        """tries to get a parameter from ConfigDB
        if the param is not present in either osogo or default section
        raises exception and quits

        # first try to get it from osogo section
        if self.theConfigDB.has_section('osogo'):
            if self.theConfigDB.has_option('osogo',aParameter):
                return self.theConfigDB.get('osogo',aParameter)

        # gets it from default
        return self.theConfigDB.get('DEFAULT',aParameter)

    def setParameter(self, aParameter, aValue):
        """tries to set a parameter in ConfigDB
        if the param is not present in either osogo or default section
        raises exception and quits
        # first try to set it in osogo section
        if self.theConfigDB.has_section('osogo'):
            if self.theConfigDB.has_option('osogo',aParameter):
                self.theConfigDB.set('osogo',aParameter, str(aValue))

            # sets it in default
            self.theConfigDB.set('DEFAULT',aParameter, str(aValue))

    def saveParameters( self ):
        """tries to save all parameters into a config file in home directory
            aDirName = os.path.dirname( self.theIniFileName )
            if not os.path.exists( aDirName ):
                os.makedirs( aDirName )
            fp = open( self.theIniFileName, 'w' )
            self.theConfigDB.write( fp )
            self.message("Could not save preferences into file %s.\n Please check permissions for home directory.\n"%self.theIniFileName)
    def getLogPolicyParameters( self ):
        gets logging policy from config database
        logPolicy = []
        logPolicy.append ( int( self.getParameter( 'logger_min_step' ) ) )
        logPolicy.append ( float ( self.getParameter( 'logger_min_interval' ) ) )
        logPolicy.append ( int( self.getParameter( 'end_policy' ) ) )
        logPolicy.append ( int (self.getParameter( 'available_space' ) ) )
        if logPolicy[0]<=0 and logPolicy[1]<=0:
        return logPolicy

    def setLogPolicyParameters( self, logPolicy ):
        saves logging policy into config database
        self.setParameter( 'logger_min_step', logPolicy[0] )
        self.setParameter( 'logger_min_interval', logPolicy[1] ) 
        self.setParameter( 'end_policy' , logPolicy[2] )
        self.setParameter( 'available_space' ,logPolicy[3] )

    def interact( self, parameters={} ):
        self.theSession.interact( parameters )

    def unload( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
        self.theSession = None
        self.theModelWalker = None
        self.theDataGenerator = None

    def newSession( self ):
        self.theSession = Session()
        self.theModelWalker = ModelWalker( self.theSession.theSimulator )
        self.theDataGenerator = DataGenerator( self )
        self.theSession.theSimulator.setEventHandler( lambda:
            gtk.events_pending() and gtk.main_iteration()  )
        self.theSession.setMessageMethod( self.theMessageMethod )

    def loadModel( self, aModel ):
        #self.__readIni( aModel )
        self.theSession.loadModel( aModel )

    def saveModel( self , aModel ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception( "Model is not loaded" )
        self.theSession.saveModel( self , aModel )

    def setMessageMethod( self, aMethod ):
        self.theMessageMethod = aMethod
        if self.theSession is not None:
            self.theSession.setMessageMethod( aMethod )

    def restoreMessageMethod( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:

    def message( self, message ):
        if self.theMessageMethod is not None:
            self.theMessageMethod( message )

    def run( self , time = '' ):
        if already running: do nothing
        if time is given, run for the given time
        if time is not given:
            if Mainwindow is not opened create a stop button
            set up a timeout rutin and Running Flag 
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        if self.theRunningFlag == True:

        if time == '' and not self.doesExist('MainWindow'):

            self.theRunningFlag = True
            self.theTimer = gobject.timeout_add( self.theUpdateInterval, self.__updateByTimeOut, False )

            aCurrentTime = self.getCurrentTime()
            self.message("%15s"%aCurrentTime + ":Start\n" )

            self.theSession.run( time )
            self.theRunningFlag = False

            anErrorMessage = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback)
            self.theRunningFlag = False


    def stop( self ):
        """ stop Simulation, remove timeout, set Running flag to false
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

            if self.theRunningFlag == True:

                aCurrentTime = self.getCurrentTime()
                self.message( ("%15s"%aCurrentTime + ":Stop\n" ))
                self.theRunningFlag = False

            anErrorMessage = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback)

    def step( self, num = None ):
        """ step according to num, if num is not given,
            according to set step parameters
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        if self.theRunningFlag == True:

        if num == None:
            #set it to 1
                num = 1
                self.message( "Zero step value overridden to 1\n" )

            self.theRunningFlag = True

            self.message( "Step\n" )
            self.theTimer = gobject.timeout_add( self.theUpdateInterval, self.__updateByTimeOut, 0 )

            self.theSession.step( int( num ) )

            self.theRunningFlag = False

            anErrorMessage = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,sys.exc_traceback)
            self.message( anErrorMessage )
            self.theRunningFlag = False


    def isRunning(self):
        return self.theRunningFlag

    def getNextEvent( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getNextEvent()

    def getCurrentTime( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            return float("nan")

        return self.theSession.getCurrentTime()

    def getStepperList( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getStepperList()

    def createStepperStub( self, id ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.createStepperStub( id )

    def getEntityList( self, entityType, systemPath ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getEntityList( entityType, systemPath )

    def createEntityStub( self, fullid ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.createEntityStub( fullid )

    def getEntityProperty( self, fullPN ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getEntityProperty( fullPN )

    def getEntityPropertyAttributes( self, fullPN ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getEntityPropertyAttributes( createFullPNString( fullPN ) )

    def setEntityProperty( self, fullPN, aValue ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        self.theSession.setEntityProperty( createFullPNString( fullPN ), aValue )

    def getLoggerList( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.getLoggerList()

    def createLoggerStub( self, fullpn ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theSession.createLoggerStub( fullpn )

    def saveLoggerData( self, fullpn=0, aSaveDirectory='./Data', aStartTime=-1, anEndTime=-1, anInterval=-1 ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        self.theSession.saveLoggerData( fullpn, aSaveDirectory, aStartTime, anEndTime, anInterval )

    def getDataGenerator( self ):
        if self.theSession is None:
            raise Exception("Model is not loaded")

        return self.theDataGenerator