Exemplo n.º 1
        fig2.savefig("align_zemax_%s_fig2_fit.png" % postfix)
        fig3.savefig("align_zemax_%s_fig3_hist_dlambda.png" % postfix)

if 0:
    from ecfit.ecfit import get_ordered_line_data, fit_2dspec, check_fit

    d_x_wvl = {}
    for order, z in echel.zdata.items():
        xy_T = affine_tr.transform(np.array([z.x, z.y]).T)
        x_T = xy_T[:,0]
        d_x_wvl[order]=(x_T, z.wvl)

    xl, yl, zl = get_ordered_line_data(d_x_wvl)
    # xl : pixel
    # yl : order
    # zl : wvl * order

    x_domain = [0, 2047]
    orders_band = igrins_orders[band]
    #orders = igrins_orders[band]
    y_domain = [orders_band[0]-2, orders_band[-1]+2]
    p = fit_2dspec(xl, yl, zl, x_degree=4, y_degree=3,
                   x_domain=x_domain, y_domain=y_domain)

    if 0:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
        check_fit(fig, xl, yl, zl, p, orders_band, d_x_wvl)
Exemplo n.º 2
    if 0:
        postfix = "%s_%s" % (igrins_log.date, band)
        fig1.savefig("align_zemax_%s_fig1_coverage.png" % postfix)
        fig2.savefig("align_zemax_%s_fig2_fit.png" % postfix)
        fig3.savefig("align_zemax_%s_fig3_hist_dlambda.png" % postfix)

if 0:
    from ecfit.ecfit import get_ordered_line_data, fit_2dspec, check_fit

    d_x_wvl = {}
    for order, z in echel.zdata.items():
        xy_T = affine_tr.transform(np.array([z.x, z.y]).T)
        x_T = xy_T[:, 0]
        d_x_wvl[order] = (x_T, z.wvl)

    xl, yl, zl = get_ordered_line_data(d_x_wvl)
    # xl : pixel
    # yl : order
    # zl : wvl * order

    x_domain = [0, 2047]
    orders_band = igrins_orders[band]
    #orders = igrins_orders[band]
    y_domain = [orders_band[0] - 2, orders_band[-1] + 2]
    p = fit_2dspec(xl,
Exemplo n.º 3
    #     xy_T = affine_tr.transform(np.array([z.x, z.y]).T)
    #     x_T = xy_T[:,0]
    #     d_x_wvl[order]=(x_T, z.wvl)

    reidentified_lines_map = dict(zip(igrins_orders[band], reidentified_lines))

    if band == "K":
        json_name = "hitran_reidentified_K_%s.json" % igrins_log.date
        r = json.load(open(json_name))
        for i, s in r.items():
            ss = reidentified_lines_map[int(i)]
            ss0 = np.concatenate([ss[0], s["pixel"]])
            ss1 = np.concatenate([ss[1], s["wavelength"]])
            reidentified_lines_map[int(i)] = (ss0, ss1)

    xl, yl, zl = get_ordered_line_data(reidentified_lines_map)
    # xl : pixel
    # yl : order
    # zl : wvl * order

    x_domain = [0, 2047]
    orders_band = igrins_orders[band]
    #orders = igrins_orders[band]
    y_domain = [orders_band[0]-2, orders_band[-1]+2]
    x_degree, y_degree = 4, 3
    #x_degree, y_degree = 3, 2
    p, m = fit_2dspec(xl, yl, zl, x_degree=x_degree, y_degree=y_degree,
                      x_domain=x_domain, y_domain=y_domain)

    # filter out the line indices not well fit by the surface
Exemplo n.º 4
    #     xy_T = affine_tr.transform(np.array([z.x, z.y]).T)
    #     x_T = xy_T[:,0]
    #     d_x_wvl[order]=(x_T, z.wvl)

    reidentified_lines_map = dict(zip(igrins_orders[band], reidentified_lines))

    if band == "K":
        json_name = "hitran_reidentified_K_%s.json" % igrins_log.date
        r = json.load(open(json_name))
        for i, s in r.items():
            ss = reidentified_lines_map[int(i)]
            ss0 = np.concatenate([ss[0], s["pixel"]])
            ss1 = np.concatenate([ss[1], s["wavelength"]])
            reidentified_lines_map[int(i)] = (ss0, ss1)

    xl, yl, zl = get_ordered_line_data(reidentified_lines_map)
    # xl : pixel
    # yl : order
    # zl : wvl * order

    x_domain = [0, 2047]
    orders_band = igrins_orders[band]
    #orders = igrins_orders[band]
    y_domain = [orders_band[0] - 2, orders_band[-1] + 2]
    x_degree, y_degree = 4, 3
    #x_degree, y_degree = 3, 2
    p, m = fit_2dspec(xl,