Exemplo n.º 1
        def checkNodeContext(node):
            context = 'interesting' # every context is interesting, mybe we get more specific
            #context = ''

            # filter out the occurrences like 'c' in a.b().c
            myFirst = node.getFirstChild(mandatory=False, ignoreComments=True)
            if not treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(myFirst): # see if myFirst is the first identifier in a chain
                context = ''

            # filter out variable in lval position -- Nope! (qx.ui.form.ListItem.prototype.setValue = 
            # function(..){...};)
            #elif (node.hasParentContext("assignment/left")):
            #    context = ''

            # fitler out a.b[c] -- Nope! E.g. foo.ISO_8601_FORMAT might carry further dependencies
            # (like 'new qx.util.format.DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")')
            elif (treeutil.selectNode(node, "accessor")):
                context = 'accessor'

            # check name in 'new ...' position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("instantiation/*/*/operand")):
                context = 'new'

            # check name in call position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("call/operand")):
                context = 'call'

            # check name in "'extend' : ..." position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("keyvalue/*") and node.parent.parent.get('key') in ['extend']): #, 'include']):
                #print "-- found context: %s" % node.parent.parent.get('key')
                context = 'extend'

            return context
Exemplo n.º 2
        def checkNodeContext(node):
            context = 'interesting' # every context is interesting, mybe we get more specific
            #context = ''

            # filter out the occurrences like 'c' in a.b().c
            myFirst = node.getFirstChild(mandatory=False, ignoreComments=True)
            if not treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(myFirst): # see if myFirst is the first identifier in a chain
                context = ''

            # filter out variable in lval position -- Nope! (qx.ui.form.ListItem.prototype.setValue = 
            # function(..){...};)
            #elif (node.hasParentContext("assignment/left")):
            #    context = ''

            # fitler out a.b[c] -- Nope! E.g. foo.ISO_8601_FORMAT might carry further dependencies
            # (like 'new qx.util.format.DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")')
            elif (treeutil.selectNode(node, "accessor")):
                context = 'accessor'

            # check name in 'new ...' position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("instantiation/*/*/operand")):
                context = 'new'

            # check name in call position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("call/operand")):
                context = 'call'

            # check name in "'extend' : ..." position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("keyvalue/*") and node.parent.parent.get('key') in ['extend']): #, 'include']):
                #print "-- found context: %s" % node.parent.parent.get('key')
                context = 'extend'

            return context
Exemplo n.º 3
        def checkNodeContext(node):
            context = 'interesting' # every context is interesting, mybe we get more specific
            #context = ''

            # filter out the occurrences like 'c' in a.b().c
            myFirst = node.getFirstChild(mandatory=False, ignoreComments=True)
            if not treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(myFirst): # see if myFirst is the first identifier in a chain
                context = ''

            # filter out ... = position (lvals) - Nope! (qx.ui.form.ListItem.prototype.setValue = 
            # function(..){...};)
            #elif (node.hasParentContext("assignment/left")):
            #    context = ''

            # check name in 'new ...' position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("instantiation/*/*/operand")):
                context = 'new'

            # check name in call position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("call/operand")):
                context = 'call'

            # check name in "'extend' : ..." position
            elif (node.hasParentContext("keyvalue/*") and node.parent.parent.get('key') in ['extend']): #, 'include']):
                #print "-- found context: %s" % node.parent.parent.get('key')
                context = 'extend'

            return context
Exemplo n.º 4
 def visit_identifier(self, node):
     # only treat leftmost identifier (e.g. in a dotaccessor expression)
     if treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(node):
         var_name = node.get('value')
         # lookup var
         var_scope = self.curr_scope.lookup_decl(var_name)
         if not var_scope:  # it's a global reference
             self.curr_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = self.curr_scope
         else:  # it's a scoped variable
             var_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = var_scope
Exemplo n.º 5
 def visit_identifier(self, node):  
     # only treat leftmost identifier (e.g. in a dotaccessor expression)
     if treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(node):
         var_name = node.get('value')
         # lookup var
         var_scope = self.curr_scope.lookup_decl(var_name)
         if not var_scope: # it's a global reference
             self.curr_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = self.curr_scope
         else: # it's a scoped variable
             var_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = var_scope
Exemplo n.º 6
    def usedVariablesIterator(node):

        # Switch on node context:
        # "function", "catch":
        if node.type in ["function", "catch"]:

        # "catch": skip the identifier of catch clauses, e.g. the 'e' in 'catch(e)'
        # (it belongs to the catch scope)
        if node.parent and node.parent.type == "catch" and node == node.parent.children[0]:

        # "for-in": treat variables used in for-in loops as used variables (why?)
        # (undeclared variables are handled by the normal "identifier" rule
        # further down)
        if (
            node.type == "var" and
            node.parent.type == "operation" and
            node.parent.get("operator") == "IN"
            use = node.getChild("definition").getDefinee()
            if use:
                name = use.get("value", False)
                name = None if name == False else name
                yield (name, use)

        # "identifier": 
        if node.type == "identifier":
            isFirstChild     = False
            isVariableMember = False

            if node.parent.isVar(): # (the old code added "accessor" for the types to check)
                isVariableMember = True
                isFirstChild = treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(node)

            # inside a variable only respect the first member
            if not isVariableMember or isFirstChild:
                name = node.get("value", False)
                name = None if name == False else name                
                if name:
                    yield (name, node)

        # -- Recurse over children
        if node.children:
            for child in node.children:
                for (name, use) in Scope.usedVariablesIterator(child):
                    yield (name, use)

Exemplo n.º 7
 def visit_identifier(self, node):  # var reference
     #print "var use visitor", node
     if treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(node):  # only treat leftmost identifier (e.g. in a dotaccessor expression)
         var_name = node.get('value')
         # lookup var
         #if var_name == "Stack":
         #    import pydb; pydb.debugger()
         var_scope = self.curr_scope.lookup_decl(var_name)
         if not var_scope: # it's a global reference
             self.curr_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = self.curr_scope
         else: # it's a scoped variable
             var_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = var_scope
Exemplo n.º 8
    def usedVariablesIterator(node):

        # Switch on node context:
        # "function", "catch":
        if node.type in ["function", "catch"]:

        # "catch": skip the identifier of catch clauses, e.g. the 'e' in 'catch(e)'
        # (it belongs to the catch scope)
        if node.parent and node.parent.type == "catch" and node == node.parent.children[

        # "for-in": treat variables used in for-in loops as used variables (why?)
        # (undeclared variables are handled by the normal "identifier" rule
        # further down)
        if (node.type == "var" and node.parent.type == "operation"
                and node.parent.get("operator") == "IN"):
            use = node.getChild("definition").getDefinee()
            if use:
                name = use.get("value", False)
                name = None if name == False else name
                yield (name, use)

        # "identifier":
        if node.type == "identifier":
            isFirstChild = False
            isVariableMember = False

            if node.parent.isVar(
            ):  # (the old code added "accessor" for the types to check)
                isVariableMember = True
                isFirstChild = treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(node)

            # inside a variable only respect the first member
            if not isVariableMember or isFirstChild:
                name = node.get("value", False)
                name = None if name == False else name
                if name:
                    yield (name, node)

        # -- Recurse over children
        if node.children:
            for child in node.children:
                for (name, use) in Scope.usedVariablesIterator(child):
                    yield (name, use)

Exemplo n.º 9
def processVariantGet(callNode, variantMap):

    treeModified = False

    # Simple sanity checks
    params = callNode.getChild("params")
    if len(params.children) != 1:
            "Expecting exactly one argument for qx.core.Environment.get. Ignoring this occurrence.",
        return treeModified

    firstParam = params.getChildByPosition(0)
    if not isStringLiteral(firstParam):
        # warning is currently covered in parsing code
        #log("Warning", "First argument must be a string literal! Ignoring this occurrence.", firstParam)
        return treeModified

    # skipping "relative" calls like "a.b.qx.core.Environment.get()"
    qxIdentifier = treeutil.selectNode(callNode,
    if not treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(qxIdentifier):
            "Skipping relative qx.core.Environment.get call. Ignoring this occurrence ('%s')."
            % treeutil.findChainRoot(qxIdentifier).toJavascript())
        return treeModified

    variantKey = firstParam.get("value")
    if variantKey in variantMap:
        confValue = variantMap[variantKey]
        return treeModified

    # Replace the .get() with its value
    resultNode = reduceCall(callNode, confValue)
    treeModified = True

    # Reduce any potential operations with literals (+3, =='hugo', ?a:b, ...)
    treeMod = True
    while treeMod:
        resultNode, treeMod = reduceOperation(resultNode)

    # Reduce a potential condition
    _ = reduceLoop(resultNode)

    return treeModified
Exemplo n.º 10
 def visit_identifier(self, node):  # var reference
     #print "var use visitor", node
     if treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(
     ):  # only treat leftmost identifier (e.g. in a dotaccessor expression)
         var_name = node.get('value')
         # lookup var
         #if var_name == "Stack":
         #    import pydb; pydb.debugger()
         var_scope = self.curr_scope.lookup_decl(var_name)
         if not var_scope:  # it's a global reference
             self.curr_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = self.curr_scope
         else:  # it's a scoped variable
             var_scope.add_use(var_name, node)
             node.scope = var_scope
Exemplo n.º 11
def processVariantGet(callNode, variantMap):

    treeModified = False

    # Simple sanity checks
    params = callNode.getChild("params")
    if len(params.children) != 1:
        log("Warning", "Expecting exactly one argument for qx.core.Environment.get. Ignoring this occurrence.", params)
        return treeModified

    firstParam = params.getChildByPosition(0)
    if not isStringLiteral(firstParam):
        log("Warning", "First argument must be a string literal! Ignoring this occurrence.", firstParam)
        return treeModified

    # skipping "relative" calls like "a.b.qx.core.Environment.get()"
    qxIdentifier = treeutil.selectNode(callNode, "operand/variable/identifier[1]")
    if not treeutil.checkFirstChainChild(qxIdentifier):
            "Skipping relative qx.core.Environment.get call. Ignoring this occurrence ('%s')."
            % treeutil.findChainRoot(qxIdentifier).toJavascript(),
        return treeModified

    variantKey = firstParam.get("value")
    if variantKey in variantMap:
        confValue = variantMap[variantKey]
        return treeModified

    # Replace the .get() with its value
    resultNode = reduceCall(callNode, confValue)
    treeModified = True

    # Reduce any potential operations with literals (+3, =='hugo', ?a:b, ...)
    treeMod = True
    while treeMod:
        resultNode, treeMod = reduceOperation(resultNode)

    # Reduce a potential condition
    _ = reduceLoop(resultNode)

    return treeModified