Exemplo n.º 1
    def create_coverage_dataset(self,name,wms_url,netcdf_url,low_res_url,
                                data_range_from, data_range_to, is_categorical):
        Creates a coverage dataset in the EcoMaps DB
            @param name: Display name of the dataset
            @param wms_url: Endpoint for the mapping server
            @param netcdf_url: URL of the OpenDAP endpoint for this dataset
            @param low_res_url: URL for accessing the NetCDF file over the HTTP protocol
            @param data_range_from: Low range for the data
            @param data_range_to: High range for the data
            @param is_categorical: Set to true if the data is categorical (not continuous)
        with self.transaction_scope() as session:

            dataset_type = session.query(DatasetType).filter(DatasetType.type=='Coverage').one()

            dataset = Dataset()
            dataset.name = name
            dataset.dataset_type = dataset_type
            dataset.netcdf_url = netcdf_url
            dataset.wms_url = wms_url
            dataset.low_res_url = low_res_url
            dataset.data_range_from = data_range_from
            dataset.data_range_to  = data_range_to
            dataset.is_categorical = is_categorical

Exemplo n.º 2
def registerThreddsDatasets(url, types, session):
    """Scan over the given url for thredds datasets. Add to the session"""
    xml = parse(urllib2.urlopen(url))

    for dataset in xml.getElementsByTagName("dataset"):
        if dataset.hasAttribute("urlPath"):
            # Here we should lookup the sevicename which (contained in this element)
            # and find out the services base.
            ds = Dataset()
            ds.dataset_type = types["GRID"]  # Set to GRID type by default

            # See if a dataType has been defined for this dataset. If so, look
            # it up
            dataTypes = dataset.getElementsByTagName("dataType")
            if dataTypes.length == 1:
                ds.dataset_type = types[dataTypes[0].firstChild.nodeValue]

            path = dataset.attributes["urlPath"].value
            ds.name = dataset.attributes["name"].value
            ds.wms_url = urljoin(url, "/thredds/wms/" + path + "?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities")
            ds.netcdf_url = urljoin(url, "/thredds/dodsC/" + path)

            session.add(ds)  # Register the dataset to the session

    # Group sibling catalogRefs together. If any of these have an aggregation we will scan them
    # otherwise just scan all of the catalogueRegs
    catalogRefs = xml.getElementsByTagName("catalogRef")
    for key, group in groupby(catalogRefs, lambda e: e.parentNode):
        groupList = list(group)
        aggregations = filter(lambda x: x.attributes["xlink:title"].value.lower().endswith("aggregation"), groupList)

        scan = aggregations if len(aggregations) > 0 else groupList  # Were there any aggregations?

        for catRef in scan:
            # Check if the current catRef node has any sibling datasets which are aggregations.
            # If it does, ignore this catRef
            if not hasSiblingAggregationDatasets(catRef):
                path = urljoin(url, catRef.attributes["xlink:href"].value)
                registerThreddsDatasets(path, types, session)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_point_dataset(self,name,wms_url,netcdf_url):
        Creates a point dataset in the EcoMaps DB
            @param name: Display name of the dataset
            @param wms_url: Endpoint for the mapping server
            @param netcdf_url: URL of the OpenDAP endpoint for this dataset

        with self.transaction_scope() as session:

            dataset_type = session.query(DatasetType).filter(DatasetType.type=='Point').one()

            dataset = Dataset()
            dataset.name = name
            dataset.dataset_type = dataset_type
            dataset.netcdf_url = netcdf_url
            dataset.wms_url = wms_url
            dataset.low_res_url = None

Exemplo n.º 4
    def _populate_session(self):

        with self._service.transaction_scope() as session:

            user = User()
            user.username = "******"
            user.name = "Test User"
            user.email = "*****@*****.**"
            user.access_level = "CEH"


            pointDst = DatasetType()
            pointDst.type = "Point"

            coverDst = DatasetType()
            coverDst.type = "Coverage"

            resultDst = DatasetType()
            resultDst.type = "Result"


            dataset_a = Dataset()
            dataset_a.dataset_type = pointDst
            dataset_a.viewable_by_user_id = self._user_id
            dataset_a.name = "Dataset1"


            dataset_b = Dataset()
            dataset_b.dataset_type = pointDst
            dataset_b.name = "Dataset2"


            dataset_c = Dataset()
            dataset_c.dataset_type = pointDst
            dataset_c.viewable_by_user_id = self._another_user_id
            dataset_c.name = "Dataset3"


            dataset_d = Dataset()
            dataset_d.dataset_type = resultDst
            dataset_d.name = "Results Dataset 1"
            dataset_d.viewable_by_user_id = 1


            analysis_a = Analysis()
            analysis_a.point_dataset = dataset_a
            analysis_a.viewable_by = self._user_id
            analysis_a.result_dataset = dataset_d
            analysis_a.deleted = False

            analysis_b = Analysis()
            analysis_b.point_dataset = dataset_a
            analysis_b.run_by = self._user_id
            analysis_b.result_dataset = dataset_d
            analysis_b.deleted = False

            analysis_c = Analysis()
            analysis_c.point_dataset = dataset_a
            analysis_c.viewable_by = self._another_user_id
            analysis_c.result_dataset = dataset_d
            analysis_c.deleted = False
