def import_bo(): """ Test if edbo is installed and the main method can be instantiated """ from edbo.bro import BO bo = BO() return len(bo.obj.domain) == 0
def BO_pred(acq_func, plot=False, return_='pred', append=False, init='external'): # Experiment index X = np.linspace(0,1,1000) exindex = pd.DataFrame([[x, f(x)] for x in X], columns=['x', 'f(x)']) training_points = [50, 300, 500, 900] # Instatiate BO class bo = BO(exindex=exindex, domain=exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1), results=exindex.iloc[training_points], acquisition_function=acq_func, init_method=init, lengthscale_prior=[GammaPrior(1.2,1.1), 0.2], noise_prior=None, batch_size=random.sample([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],1)[0], fast_comp=True, gpu=True) # Check prediction if return_ == 'pred': try: bo.model.predict(to_torch(bo.obj.domain)) # torch.tensor bo.model.predict(bo.obj.domain.values) # numpy.array bo.model.predict(list(bo.obj.domain.values)) # list bo.model.predict(exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1)) # pandas.DataFrame except: return False pred = bo.model.predict(bo.obj.domain.iloc[[32]]) pred = bo.obj.scaler.unstandardize(pred) return (pred[0] - 1.33) < 0.1 # Check predictive postrior variance elif return_ == 'var': try: bo.model.predict(to_torch(bo.obj.domain)) # torch.tensor bo.model.predict(bo.obj.domain.values) # numpy.array bo.model.predict(list(bo.obj.domain.values)) # list bo.model.predict(exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1)) # pandas.DataFrame except: return False var = bo.model.variance(bo.obj.domain.iloc[[32]]) return (var[0] - 0.04) < 0.1 # Make sure sampling works with tensors, arrays, lists, and DataFrames elif return_ == 'sample': try: bo.model.sample_posterior(to_torch(bo.obj.domain)) # torch.tensor bo.model.sample_posterior(bo.obj.domain.values) # numpy.array bo.model.sample_posterior(list(bo.obj.domain.values)) # list bo.model.sample_posterior(exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1)) # pandas.DataFrame return True except: return False # Plot model elif return_ == 'plot': next_points = bo.obj.get_results(bo.proposed_experiments) mean = bo.obj.scaler.unstandardize(bo.model.predict(bo.obj.domain)) std = np.sqrt(bo.model.variance(bo.obj.domain)) * bo.obj.scaler.std * 2 samples = bo.obj.scaler.unstandardize(bo.model.sample_posterior(bo.obj.domain, batch_size=3)) plt.figure(1, figsize=(6,6)) # Model mean and standard deviation plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(X, exindex['f(x)'], color='black') plt.plot(X, mean, label='GP') plt.fill_between(X, mean-std, mean+std, alpha=0.4) # Known results and next selected point plt.scatter(bo.obj.results_input()['x'], bo.obj.results_input()['f(x)'], color='black', label='known') plt.scatter(next_points['x'],next_points['f(x)'], color='red', label='next_experiments') plt.ylabel('f(x)') # Samples plt.subplot(212) for sample in samples: plt.plot(X, torch_to_numpy(sample, gpu=True)) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('Posterior Samples') return True elif return_ == 'simulate': if init != 'external': bo.init_seq.batch_size = random.sample([2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],1)[0] bo.simulate(iterations=5) bo.plot_convergence() bo.model.regression() return True
def BO_pred(acq_func, plot=False, return_='pred', append=False, init='external', fast_comp=True): # Experiment index X = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) exindex = pd.DataFrame([[x, f(x)] for x in X], columns=['x', 'f(x)']) training_points = [50, 300, 500, 900] # Instatiate BO class bo = BO(exindex=exindex, domain=exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1), results=exindex.iloc[training_points], acquisition_function=acq_func, init_method=init, lengthscale_prior=[GammaPrior(1.2, 1.1), 0.2], noise_prior=None, batch_size=random.sample([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 1)[0], fast_comp=fast_comp) # Check prediction if return_ == 'pred': try: bo.model.predict(to_torch(bo.obj.domain)) # torch.tensor bo.model.predict(bo.obj.domain.values) # numpy.array bo.model.predict(list(bo.obj.domain.values)) # list bo.model.predict(exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1)) # pandas.DataFrame except: return False pred = bo.model.predict(bo.obj.domain.iloc[[32]]) pred = bo.obj.scaler.unstandardize(pred) return (pred[0] - 1.33) < 0.1 # Check predictive postrior variance elif return_ == 'var': try: bo.model.predict(to_torch(bo.obj.domain)) # torch.tensor bo.model.predict(bo.obj.domain.values) # numpy.array bo.model.predict(list(bo.obj.domain.values)) # list bo.model.predict(exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1)) # pandas.DataFrame except: return False var = bo.model.variance(bo.obj.domain.iloc[[32]]) return (var[0] - 0.04) < 0.1 # Make sure sampling works with tensors, arrays, lists, and DataFrames elif return_ == 'sample': try: bo.model.sample_posterior(to_torch(bo.obj.domain)) # torch.tensor bo.model.sample_posterior(bo.obj.domain.values) # numpy.array bo.model.sample_posterior(list(bo.obj.domain.values)) # list bo.model.sample_posterior(exindex.drop('f(x)', axis=1)) # pandas.DataFrame return True except: return False elif return_ == 'simulate': if init != 'external': bo.init_seq.batch_size = random.sample( [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 1)[0] bo.simulate(iterations=5) return True elif return_ == 'none': return True