Exemplo n.º 1
class distributions_DirichletProcess(Distribution):
    """Dirichlet process $\mathcal{DP}(\\alpha, H)$.

  It has two parameters: a positive real value $\\alpha$, known
  as the concentration parameter (`concentration`), and a base
  distribution $H$ (`base`).
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize a batch of Dirichlet processes.

      concentration: tf.Tensor.
        Concentration parameter. Must be positive real-valued. Its shape
        determines the number of independent DPs (batch shape).
      base: RandomVariable.
        Base distribution. Its shape determines the shape of an
        individual DP (event shape).

    #### Examples

    # scalar concentration parameter, scalar base distribution
    dp = DirichletProcess(0.1, Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0))
    assert dp.shape == ()

    # vector of concentration parameters, matrix of Exponentials
    dp = DirichletProcess(tf.constant([0.1, 0.4]),
    ...                       Exponential(lam=tf.ones([5, 3])))
    assert dp.shape == (2, 5, 3)
        parameters = locals()
        with tf.name_scope(name, values=[concentration]):
            with tf.control_dependencies([
            ] if validate_args else []):
                if validate_args and isinstance(base, RandomVariable):
                    raise TypeError("base must be a ed.RandomVariable object.")

                self._concentration = tf.identity(concentration,
                self._base = base

                # Form empty tensor to store atom locations.
                self._locs = tf.zeros([0] + self.batch_shape.as_list() +

                # Instantiate distribution to draw mixing proportions.
                self._probs_dist = Beta(tf.ones_like(self._concentration),
                # Form empty tensor to store mixing proportions.
                self._probs = tf.zeros([0] + self.batch_shape.as_list(),

        super(distributions_DirichletProcess, self).__init__(
            graph_parents=[self._concentration, self._locs, self._probs],

    def base(self):
        """Base distribution used for drawing the atom locations."""
        return self._base

    def concentration(self):
        """Concentration parameter."""
        return self._concentration

    def locs(self):
        """Atom locations. It has shape [None] + batch_shape +
    event_shape, where the first dimension is the number of atoms,
    instantiated only as needed."""
        return self._locs

    def probs(self):
        """Mixing proportions. It has shape [None] + batch_shape, where
    the first dimension is the number of atoms, instantiated only as
        return self._probs

    def _batch_shape_tensor(self):
        return tf.shape(self.concentration)

    def _batch_shape(self):
        return self.concentration.shape

    def _event_shape_tensor(self):
        return tf.shape(self.base)

    def _event_shape(self):
        return self.base.shape

    def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
        """Sample `n` draws from the DP. Draws from the base
    distribution are memoized across `n` and across calls to

    Draws from the base distribution are not memoized across the batch
    shape, i.e., each independent DP in the batch shape has its own
    memoized samples.

      A `tf.Tensor` of shape `[n] + batch_shape + event_shape`,
      where `n` is the number of samples for each DP,
      `batch_shape` is the number of independent DPs, and
      `event_shape` is the shape of the base distribution.

    #### Notes

    The implementation has one inefficiency, which is that it draws
    (batch_shape,) samples from the base distribution when adding a
    new persistent state. Ideally, we would only draw new samples for
    those in the loop which require it.
        if seed is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("seed is not implemented.")

        batch_shape = self.batch_shape.as_list()
        event_shape = self.event_shape.as_list()
        rank = 1 + len(batch_shape) + len(event_shape)
        # Note this is for scoping within the while loop's body function.
        self._temp_scope = [n, batch_shape, event_shape, rank]

        # Start at the beginning of the stick, i.e. the k'th index
        k = tf.constant(0)

        # Define boolean tensor. It is True for samples that require continuing
        # the while loop and False for samples that can receive their base
        # distribution (coin lands heads). Also note that we need one bool for
        # each sample
        bools = tf.ones([n] + batch_shape, dtype=tf.bool)

        # Initialize all samples as zero, they will be overwritten in any case
        draws = tf.zeros([n] + batch_shape + event_shape,

        # Calculate shape invariance conditions for locs and probs as these
        # can change shape between loop iterations.
        locs_shape = tf.TensorShape([None])
        probs_shape = tf.TensorShape([None])
        if len(self.locs.shape) > 1:
            locs_shape = locs_shape.concatenate(self.locs.shape[1:])
            probs_shape = probs_shape.concatenate(self.probs.shape[1:])

        # While we have not broken enough sticks, keep sampling.
        _, _, self._locs, self._probs, samples = tf.while_loop(
            loop_vars=[k, bools, self.locs, self.probs, draws],
                k.shape, bools.shape, locs_shape, probs_shape, draws.shape

        return samples

    def _sample_n_cond(self, k, bools, locs, probs, draws):
        # Proceed if at least one bool is True.
        return tf.reduce_any(bools)

    def _sample_n_body(self, k, bools, locs, probs, draws):
        n, batch_shape, event_shape, rank = self._temp_scope

        # If necessary, break a new piece of stick, i.e.
        # add a new persistent atom location and weight.
        locs, probs = tf.cond(
            tf.shape(locs)[0] - 1 >= k, lambda: (locs, probs), lambda:
                [locs, tf.expand_dims(self.base.sample(batch_shape), 0)], 0),
                        tf.expand_dims(self._probs_dist.sample(), 0)], 0)))
        locs_k = tf.gather(locs, k)
        probs_k = tf.gather(probs, k)

        # Assign True samples to the new locs_k.
        if len(bools.shape) <= 1:
            bools_tile = bools
            # `tf.where` only index subsets when `bools` is at most a
            # vector. In general, `bools` has shape (n, batch_shape).
            # Therefore we tile `bools` to be of shape
            # (n, batch_shape, event_shape) in order to index per-element.
            bools_tile = tf.tile(
                tf.reshape(bools, [n] + batch_shape + [1] * len(event_shape)),
                [1] + [1] * len(batch_shape) + event_shape)

        locs_k_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(locs_k, 0),
                              [n] + [1] * (rank - 1))
        draws = tf.where(bools_tile, locs_k_tile, draws)

        # Flip coins according to stick probabilities.
        flips = Bernoulli(probs=probs_k).sample(n)
        # If coin lands heads, assign sample's corresponding bool to False
        # (this ends its "while loop").
        bools = tf.where(tf.cast(flips, tf.bool), tf.zeros_like(bools), bools)
        return k + 1, bools, locs, probs, draws
Exemplo n.º 2
class distributions_DirichletProcess(Distribution):
  """Dirichlet process $\mathcal{DP}(\\alpha, H)$.

  It has two parameters: a positive real value $\\alpha$, known
  as the concentration parameter (`concentration`), and a base
  distribution $H$ (`base`).

  #### Examples

  # scalar concentration parameter, scalar base distribution
  dp = DirichletProcess(0.1, Normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0))
  assert dp.shape == ()

  # vector of concentration parameters, matrix of Exponentials
  dp = DirichletProcess(tf.constant([0.1, 0.4]),
                        Exponential(lam=tf.ones([5, 3])))
  assert dp.shape == (2, 5, 3)
  def __init__(self,
    """Initialize a batch of Dirichlet processes.

      concentration: tf.Tensor.
        Concentration parameter. Must be positive real-valued. Its shape
        determines the number of independent DPs (batch shape).
      base: RandomVariable.
        Base distribution. Its shape determines the shape of an
        individual DP (event shape).
    parameters = locals()
    with tf.name_scope(name, values=[concentration]):
      with tf.control_dependencies([
      ] if validate_args else []):
        if validate_args and isinstance(base, RandomVariable):
          raise TypeError("base must be a ed.RandomVariable object.")

        self._concentration = tf.identity(concentration, name="concentration")
        self._base = base

        # Form empty tensor to store atom locations.
        self._locs = tf.zeros(
            [0] + self.batch_shape.as_list() + self.event_shape.as_list(),

        # Instantiate distribution to draw mixing proportions.
        self._probs_dist = Beta(tf.ones_like(self._concentration),
        # Form empty tensor to store mixing proportions.
        self._probs = tf.zeros(
            [0] + self.batch_shape.as_list(),

    super(distributions_DirichletProcess, self).__init__(
        graph_parents=[self._concentration, self._locs, self._probs],

  def base(self):
    """Base distribution used for drawing the atom locations."""
    return self._base

  def concentration(self):
    """Concentration parameter."""
    return self._concentration

  def locs(self):
    """Atom locations. It has shape [None] + batch_shape +
    event_shape, where the first dimension is the number of atoms,
    instantiated only as needed."""
    return self._locs

  def probs(self):
    """Mixing proportions. It has shape [None] + batch_shape, where
    the first dimension is the number of atoms, instantiated only as
    return self._probs

  def _batch_shape_tensor(self):
    return tf.shape(self.concentration)

  def _batch_shape(self):
    return self.concentration.shape

  def _event_shape_tensor(self):
    return tf.shape(self.base)

  def _event_shape(self):
    return self.base.shape

  def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
    """Sample `n` draws from the DP. Draws from the base
    distribution are memoized across `n` and across calls to

    Draws from the base distribution are not memoized across the batch
    shape, i.e., each independent DP in the batch shape has its own
    memoized samples.

      A `tf.Tensor` of shape `[n] + batch_shape + event_shape`,
      where `n` is the number of samples for each DP,
      `batch_shape` is the number of independent DPs, and
      `event_shape` is the shape of the base distribution.

    #### Notes

    The implementation has one inefficiency, which is that it draws
    (batch_shape,) samples from the base distribution when adding a
    new persistent state. Ideally, we would only draw new samples for
    those in the loop which require it.
    if seed is not None:
      raise NotImplementedError("seed is not implemented.")

    batch_shape = self.batch_shape.as_list()
    event_shape = self.event_shape.as_list()
    rank = 1 + len(batch_shape) + len(event_shape)
    # Note this is for scoping within the while loop's body function.
    self._temp_scope = [n, batch_shape, event_shape, rank]

    # Start at the beginning of the stick, i.e. the k'th index
    k = tf.constant(0)

    # Define boolean tensor. It is True for samples that require continuing
    # the while loop and False for samples that can receive their base
    # distribution (coin lands heads). Also note that we need one bool for
    # each sample
    bools = tf.ones([n] + batch_shape, dtype=tf.bool)

    # Initialize all samples as zero, they will be overwritten in any case
    draws = tf.zeros([n] + batch_shape + event_shape, dtype=self.base.dtype)

    # Calculate shape invariance conditions for locs and probs as these
    # can change shape between loop iterations.
    locs_shape = tf.TensorShape([None])
    probs_shape = tf.TensorShape([None])
    if len(self.locs.shape) > 1:
      locs_shape = locs_shape.concatenate(self.locs.shape[1:])
      probs_shape = probs_shape.concatenate(self.probs.shape[1:])

    # While we have not broken enough sticks, keep sampling.
    _, _, self._locs, self._probs, samples = tf.while_loop(
        self._sample_n_cond, self._sample_n_body,
        loop_vars=[k, bools, self.locs, self.probs, draws],
            k.shape, bools.shape, locs_shape, probs_shape, draws.shape])

    return samples

  def _sample_n_cond(self, k, bools, locs, probs, draws):
    # Proceed if at least one bool is True.
    return tf.reduce_any(bools)

  def _sample_n_body(self, k, bools, locs, probs, draws):
    n, batch_shape, event_shape, rank = self._temp_scope

    # If necessary, break a new piece of stick, i.e.
    # add a new persistent atom location and weight.
    locs, probs = tf.cond(
        tf.shape(locs)[0] - 1 >= k,
        lambda: (locs, probs),
        lambda: (
                [locs, tf.expand_dims(self.base.sample(batch_shape), 0)], 0),
                [probs, tf.expand_dims(self._probs_dist.sample(), 0)], 0)))
    locs_k = tf.gather(locs, k)
    probs_k = tf.gather(probs, k)

    # Assign True samples to the new locs_k.
    if len(bools.shape) <= 1:
      bools_tile = bools
      # `tf.where` only index subsets when `bools` is at most a
      # vector. In general, `bools` has shape (n, batch_shape).
      # Therefore we tile `bools` to be of shape
      # (n, batch_shape, event_shape) in order to index per-element.
      bools_tile = tf.tile(tf.reshape(
          bools, [n] + batch_shape + [1] * len(event_shape)),
          [1] + [1] * len(batch_shape) + event_shape)

    locs_k_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(locs_k, 0), [n] + [1] * (rank - 1))
    draws = tf.where(bools_tile, locs_k_tile, draws)

    # Flip coins according to stick probabilities.
    flips = Bernoulli(probs=probs_k).sample(n)
    # If coin lands heads, assign sample's corresponding bool to False
    # (this ends its "while loop").
    bools = tf.where(tf.cast(flips, tf.bool), tf.zeros_like(bools), bools)
    return k + 1, bools, locs, probs, draws
Exemplo n.º 3
class DirichletProcess(RandomVariable, Distribution):
    """Dirichlet process :math:`\mathcal{DP}(\\alpha, H)`.

  It has two parameters: a positive real value :math:`\\alpha`, known
  as the concentration parameter (``alpha``), and a base
  distribution :math:`H` (``base``).
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize a batch of Dirichlet processes.

    alpha : tf.Tensor
      Concentration parameter. Must be positive real-valued. Its shape
      determines the number of independent DPs (batch shape).
    base : RandomVariable
      Base distribution. Its shape determines the shape of an
      individual DP (event shape).

    >>> # scalar concentration parameter, scalar base distribution
    >>> dp = DirichletProcess(0.1, Normal(mu=0.0, sigma=1.0))
    >>> assert dp.shape == ()
    >>> # vector of concentration parameters, matrix of Exponentials
    >>> dp = DirichletProcess(tf.constant([0.1, 0.4]),
    ...                       Exponential(lam=tf.ones([5, 3])))
    >>> assert dp.shape == (2, 5, 3)
        parameters = locals()
        with tf.name_scope(name, values=[alpha]) as ns:
            with tf.control_dependencies([
            ] if validate_args else []):
                if validate_args and isinstance(base, RandomVariable):
                    raise TypeError("base must be a ed.RandomVariable object.")

                self._alpha = tf.identity(alpha, name="alpha")
                self._base = base

                # Form empty tensor to store atom locations.
                self._theta = tf.zeros([0] + self.get_batch_shape().as_list() +

                # Instantiate distribution for stick breaking proportions.
                self._betadist = Beta(a=tf.ones_like(self._alpha),
                # Form empty tensor to store stick breaking proportions.
                self._beta = tf.zeros([0] + self.get_batch_shape().as_list(),

            super(DirichletProcess, self).__init__(
                graph_parents=[self._alpha, self._beta, self._theta],

    def alpha(self):
        """Concentration parameter."""
        return self._alpha

    def base(self):
        """Base distribution used for drawing the atom locations."""
        return self._base

    def beta(self):
        """Stick breaking proportions. It has shape [None] + batch_shape, where
    the first dimension is the number of atoms, instantiated only as
        return self._beta

    def theta(self):
        """Atom locations. It has shape [None] + batch_shape +
    event_shape, where the first dimension is the number of atoms,
    instantiated only as needed."""
        return self._theta

    def _batch_shape(self):
        return tf.shape(self.alpha)

    def _get_batch_shape(self):
        return self.alpha.shape

    def _event_shape(self):
        return tf.shape(self.base)

    def _get_event_shape(self):
        return self.base.shape

    def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None):
        """Sample ``n`` draws from the DP. Draws from the base
    distribution are memoized across ``n`` and across calls to

    Draws from the base distribution are not memoized across the batch
    shape, i.e., each independent DP in the batch shape has its own
    memoized samples.

      A ``tf.Tensor`` of shape ``[n] + batch_shape + event_shape``,
      where ``n`` is the number of samples for each DP,
      ``batch_shape`` is the number of independent DPs, and
      ``event_shape`` is the shape of the base distribution.

    The implementation has one inefficiency, which is that it draws
    (batch_shape,) samples from the base distribution when adding a
    new persistent state. Ideally, we would only draw new samples for
    those in the loop which require it.
        if seed is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("seed is not implemented.")

        batch_shape = self.get_batch_shape().as_list()
        event_shape = self.get_event_shape().as_list()
        rank = 1 + len(batch_shape) + len(event_shape)
        # Note this is for scoping within the while loop's body function.
        self._temp_scope = [n, batch_shape, event_shape, rank]

        # Start at the beginning of the stick, i.e. the k'th index
        k = tf.constant(0)

        # Define boolean tensor. It is True for samples that require continuing
        # the while loop and False for samples that can receive their base
        # distribution (coin lands heads). Also note that we need one bool for
        # each sample
        bools = tf.ones([n] + batch_shape, dtype=tf.bool)

        # Initialize all samples as zero, they will be overwritten in any case
        draws = tf.zeros([n] + batch_shape + event_shape,

        # Calculate shape invariance conditions for theta and beta as these
        # can change shape between loop iterations.
        theta_shape = tf.TensorShape([None])
        beta_shape = tf.TensorShape([None])
        if len(self.theta.shape) > 1:
            theta_shape = theta_shape.concatenate(self.theta.shape[1:])
            beta_shape = beta_shape.concatenate(self.beta.shape[1:])

        # While we have not broken enough sticks, keep sampling.
        _, _, self._theta, self._beta, samples = tf.while_loop(
            loop_vars=[k, bools, self.theta, self.beta, draws],
                k.shape, bools.shape, theta_shape, beta_shape, draws.shape

        return samples

    def _sample_n_cond(self, k, bools, theta, beta, draws):
        # Proceed if at least one bool is True.
        return tf.reduce_any(bools)

    def _sample_n_body(self, k, bools, theta, beta, draws):
        n, batch_shape, event_shape, rank = self._temp_scope

        # If necessary, break a new piece of stick, i.e.
        # add a new persistent atom to theta and sample another beta
        theta, beta = tf.cond(
            tf.shape(theta)[0] - 1 >= k, lambda: (theta, beta), lambda:
                theta, tf.expand_dims(self.base.sample(batch_shape), 0)
            ], 0),
             tf.concat([beta, tf.expand_dims(self._betadist.sample(), 0)], 0)))
        theta_k = tf.gather(theta, k)
        beta_k = tf.gather(beta, k)

        # Assign True samples to the new theta_k.
        if len(bools.shape) <= 1:
            bools_tile = bools
            # ``tf.where`` only index subsets when ``bools`` is at most a
            # vector. In general, ``bools`` has shape (n, batch_shape).
            # Therefore we tile ``bools`` to be of shape
            # (n, batch_shape, event_shape) in order to index per-element.
            bools_tile = tf.tile(
                tf.reshape(bools, [n] + batch_shape + [1] * len(event_shape)),
                [1] + [1] * len(batch_shape) + event_shape)

        theta_k_tile = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(theta_k, 0),
                               [n] + [1] * (rank - 1))
        draws = tf.where(bools_tile, theta_k_tile, draws)

        # Flip coins according to stick probabilities.
        flips = Bernoulli(p=beta_k).sample(n)
        # If coin lands heads, assign sample's corresponding bool to False
        # (this ends its "while loop").
        bools = tf.where(tf.cast(flips, tf.bool), tf.zeros_like(bools), bools)
        return k + 1, bools, theta, beta, draws