Exemplo n.º 1
def events(vhdr_path=None):
    if vhdr_path is None:
        vhdr_path = ui.ask_file("Pick a Brain Vision EEG Header File", 
                                "Pick a Brain Vision EEG Header File",
                                ext=[('vhdr', 'Brain Vision Header File')])
        if not vhdr_path:
    hdr = vhdr(vhdr_path)
    if hdr.markerfile is None:
        raise IOError("No marker file referenced in %r" % vhdr_path)
    elif hdr.DataType == 'FREQUENCYDOMAIN':
        raise NotImplementedError
    txt = open(hdr.markerfile).read()
    m = marker_re.findall(txt)
    m = np.array(m)
    name, _ = os.path.split(os.path.basename(hdr.path))
    ds = dataset(name=name)
    ds['Mk'] = var(np.array(m[:,0], dtype=int))
    ds['event_type'] = factor(m[:,1])
    ds['event_ID'] = var(np.array(m[:,3], dtype=int))
    ds['i_start'] = var(np.array(m[:,4], dtype=int))
    ds['points'] = var(np.array(m[:,5], dtype=int))
    ds['channel'] = var(np.array(m[:,6], dtype=int))
    ds.info['hdr'] = hdr
    ds.info['samplingrate'] = hdr.samplingrate
    return ds
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_triggers(self, Id='Id', T='t_edf'):
        Returns a dataset with trigger Ids and corresponding Edf time values

        ds = dataset()
        ds[Id] = var(self.triggers['Id'])
        ds[T] = self.get_T(name=T)
        return ds
Exemplo n.º 3
 def export_durs(self):
     ds = dataset()
     idx = self.words == 'sp'
     words = self.words[~idx]
     durs = self.word_durs[~idx]
     ds['words'] = factor([first.lower() + second.lower() for first, second in 
                           zip(words[::2], words[1::2])])
     ds['c1_dur'] = var(durs[::2])
     ds['c2_dur'] = var(durs[1::2])
     return ds
Exemplo n.º 4
 def export_durs(self):
     ds = dataset()
     idx = self.words == 'sp'
     words = self.words[~idx]
     durs = self.word_durs[~idx]
     ds['words'] = factor([
         first.lower() + second.lower()
         for first, second in zip(words[::2], words[1::2])
     ds['c1_dur'] = var(durs[::2])
     ds['c2_dur'] = var(durs[1::2])
     return ds
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_dataset(self):
        "get a dataframe containing Y and covariates"
        Y, covs = self._collect_data()
        indexes = Y.keys()
        Ydata = [Y[index] for index in indexes]
        Y = self._get_vessel_for_Y(Ydata)
        ds = _vsl.dataset(Y)

        # create _data objects
        for var, valdict in covs.iteritems():
            X = [valdict[index] for index in indexes]
            if var.dict_enabled:
                Y = _vsl.factor(X, name=var.name, random=var.random,
                                labels=var.dictionary, colors=var._color_dict)
                Y = _vsl.var(X, name=var.name)
        return ds
Exemplo n.º 6
def events(raw=None, merge= -1, proj=False, name=None,
           stim_channel='STI 014',
           stim_channel_bl=0, verbose=False):
    Read events from a raw fiff file.

    Use :func:`fiff_epochs` to load MEG data corresponding to those events.

    raw : str(path) | None | mne.fiff.Raw
        The raw fiff file from which to extract events (if ``None``, a file
        dialog will be displayed).
    merge : int
        use to merge events lying in neighboring samples. The integer value
        indicates over how many samples events should be merged, and the sign
        indicates in which direction they should be merged (negative means
        towards the earlier event, positive towards the later event).
    proj : bool | str
        Path to the projections file that will be loaded with the raw file.
        ``'{raw}'`` will be expanded to the raw file's path minus extension.
        With ``proj=True``, ``'{raw}_*proj.fif'`` will be used,
        looking for any projection file starting with the raw file's name.
        If multiple files match the pattern, a ValueError will be raised.
    name : str | None
        A name for the dataset. If ``None``, the raw filename will be used.
    stim_channel : str
        Name of the trigger channel.
    stim_channel_bl : int
        For corrupted event channels:
        After kit2fiff conversion of sqd files with unused trigger channels,
        the resulting fiff file's event channel can contain a baseline other
        than 0. This interferes with normal event extraction. If the baseline
        value is provided as parameter, the events can still be extracted.

    events : dataset
        A dataset with the following variables:
         - *i_start*: the index of the event in the raw file.
         - *eventID*: the event value.
        The dataset's info dictionary contains the following values:
         - *raw*: the mne Raw object.
         - *samplingrate*: the samplingrate of the raw file.

    if raw is None or isinstance(raw, basestring):
        raw = Raw(raw, proj=proj, verbose=verbose)

    if name is None:
        raw_file = raw.info['filename']
        name = os.path.basename(raw_file)

    if stim_channel_bl:
        pick = mne.event.pick_channels(raw.info['ch_names'], include=stim_channel)
        data, _ = raw[pick, :]
        idx = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(data[0])) > 0)[0]

        # find baseline NULL-events
        values = data[0, idx + 1]
        valid_events = np.where(values != stim_channel_bl)[0]
        idx = idx[valid_events]
        values = values[valid_events]

        N = len(values)
        events = np.empty((N, 3), dtype=np.int32)
        events[:, 0] = idx
        events[:, 1] = np.zeros_like(idx)
        events[:, 2] = values
        events = mne.find_events(raw, verbose=verbose, stim_channel=stim_channel)

    if len(events) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No events found!")

    if merge:
        index = np.ones(len(events), dtype=bool)
        diff = np.diff(events[:, 0])
        where = np.where(diff <= abs(merge))[0]

        if merge > 0:
            # drop the earlier event
            index[where] = False
            # drop the later event
            index[where + 1] = False
            # move the trigger value to the earlier event
            for w in reversed(where):
                i1 = w
                i2 = w + 1
                events[i1, 2] = events[i2, 2]

        events = events[index]

    istart = var(events[:, 0], name='i_start')
    event = var(events[:, 2], name='eventID')
    info = {'raw': raw,
            'samplingrate': raw.info['sfreq'],
            'info': raw.info}
    return dataset(event, istart, name=name, info=info)
Exemplo n.º 7
def tsv(path=None, names=True, types='auto', empty='nan', delimiter=None,
    returns a ``dataset`` with data from a tab-separated values file.


    names : list of str | bool
        * ``['name1', ...]`` use these names
        * ``True``: look for names on the first line of the file
        * ``False``: use "v1", "v2", ...
    types : 'auto' | list of int
        * ``'auto'`` -> import as var if all values can be converted float,
          otherwise as factor
        * list of 0=auto, 1=factor, 2=var. e.g. ``[0,1,1,0]``
    empty :
        value to substitute for empty cells
    delimiter : str
        value delimiting cells in the input file (None = any whitespace;
        e.g., ``'\\t'``)
    skiprows : int
        Skip so many rows at the beginning of the file (for tsv files with
        headers). Column names (if names==True) are expected to come after
        the skipped rows.

    if path is None:
        path = ui.ask_file("Select file to import as dataframe",
                           "Select file to import as dataframe")
        if not path:

    with open(path) as f:
        for i in xrange(skiprows):

        # read / create names
        if names == True:
            names = f.readline().split(delimiter)
            names = [n.strip().strip('"') for n in names]

        lines = []
        for line in f:
            values = []
            for v in line.split(delimiter):
                v = v.strip()
                if not v:
                    v = empty

    n_vars = len(lines[0])

    if not names:
        names = ['v%i' % i for i in xrange(n_vars)]

    n = len(names)
    # decide whether to drop first column
    if n_vars == n:
        start = 0
    elif n_vars == n + 1:
        start = 1
        raise ValueError("number of header different from number of data")

    if types in ['auto', None, False, True]:
        types = [0] * n
        assert len(types) == n

    # prepare for reading data
    data = []
    for _ in xrange(n):

    # read rest of the data
    for line in lines:
        for i, v in enumerate(line[start:]):
            for str_del in ["'", '"']:
                if v[0] == str_del:
                    v = v.strip(str_del)
                    types[i] = 1

    ds = _data.dataset(name=os.path.basename(path))

    for name, values, force_type in zip(names, data, types):
        v = np.array(values)
        if force_type in [0, 2]:
                v = v.astype(float)
                f = _data.var(v, name=name)
                f = _data.factor(v, name=name)
            f = _data.factor(v, name=name)

    return ds