Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_original(self, P):
        P : array
            Parameter map of the statistic of interest.

        self.clusters = []

        # find clusters
        clusters, n = self._find_clusters(P)
        clusters_v = scipy.ndimage.measurements.sum(P, clusters, xrange(1, n + 1))

        for i in xrange(n):
            v = clusters_v[i]
            p = 1 - percentileofscore(self.dist, np.abs(v), 'mean') / 100
            if p <= self.pmax:
                im = P * (clusters == i + 1)
                name = 'p=%.3f' % p
                threshold = self.t_upper if (v > 0) else self.t_lower
                properties = {'p': p, 'unit': self.unit, 'threshold': threshold}
                ndv = ndvar(im, dims=self.dims, name=name, properties=properties)

        props = {'unit': self.unit, 'cs': self.cs,
                 'threshold_lower': self.t_lower,
                 'threshold_upper': self.t_upper}
        self.P = ndvar(P, dims=self.dims, name=self.name, properties=props)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, Y='MEG', X='condition', sub=None, ds=None,
                 p=.05, contours={.01: '.5', .001: '0'}):
        uses scipy.stats.f_oneway

        Y = asndvar(Y, sub=sub, ds=ds)
        X = ascategorial(X, sub=sub, ds=ds)

        Ys = [Y[X == c] for c in X.cells]
        Ys = [y.x.reshape((y.x.shape[0], -1)) for y in Ys]
        N = Ys[0].shape[1]

        Ps = []
        for i in xrange(N):
            groups = (y[:, i] for y in Ys)
            F, p = scipy.stats.f_oneway(*groups)
        test_name = 'One-way ANOVA'

        dims = Y.dims[1:]
        Ps = np.reshape(Ps, tuple(len(dim) for dim in dims))

        properties = Y.properties.copy()
        properties['colorspace'] = _cs.get_sig(p=p, contours=contours)
        properties['test'] = test_name
        p = ndvar(Ps, dims, properties=properties, name=X.name)

        # store results
        self.name = "anova"
        self.p = p
        self.all = p
Exemplo n.º 3
def fiff_mne(ds, fwd='{fif}*fwd.fif', cov='{fif}*cov.fif', label=None, name=None,
             tstart= -0.1, tstop=0.6, baseline=(None, 0)):
    adds data from one label as

    if name is None:
        if label:
            _, lbl = os.path.split(label)
            lbl, _ = os.path.splitext(lbl)
            name = lbl.replace('-', '_')
            name = 'stc'

    info = ds.info['info']

    raw = ds.info['raw']
    fif_name = raw.info['filename']
    fif_name, _ = os.path.splitext(fif_name)
    if fif_name.endswith('raw'):
        fif_name = fif_name[:-3]

    fwd = fwd.format(fif=fif_name)
    if '*' in fwd:
        d, n = os.path.split(fwd)
        names = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(d), n)
        if len(names) == 1:
            fwd = os.path.join(d, names[0])
            raise IOError("No unique fwd file matching %r" % fwd)

    cov = cov.format(fif=fif_name)
    if '*' in cov:
        d, n = os.path.split(cov)
        names = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(d), n)
        if len(names) == 1:
            cov = os.path.join(d, names[0])
            raise IOError("No unique cov file matching %r" % cov)

    fwd = mne.read_forward_solution(fwd, force_fixed=False, surf_ori=True)
    cov = mne.Covariance(cov)
    inv = _mn.make_inverse_operator(info, fwd, cov, loose=0.2, depth=0.8)
    epochs = mne_Epochs(ds, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, baseline=baseline)

    # mne example:
    snr = 3.0
    lambda2 = 1.0 / snr ** 2

    if label is not None:
        label = mne.read_label(label)
    stcs = _mn.apply_inverse_epochs(epochs, inv, lambda2, dSPM=False, label=label)

    x = np.vstack(s.data.mean(0) for s in stcs)
    s = stcs[0]
    dims = ('case', var(s.times, 'time'),)
    ds[name] = ndvar(x, dims, properties=None, info='')

    return stcs
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _get_vessel_for_Y(self, Ydata):
     Ydata = np.array([self._cfunc(data, axis=0) for data in Ydata])
     T = np.arange(self._tw.tstart, self._tw.tend, 1 / self._samplingrate)
     time = _vsl.var(T, name='time')
     dims = ('case', time)
     properties = {'samplingrate': self._samplingrate}
     Y = _vsl.ndvar(Ydata, dims, properties=properties, name=self._name)
     return Y
Exemplo n.º 5
def evoked_ndvar(evoked, name='MEG'):
    "Convert an mne Evoked object of a list thereof to an ndvar"
    if isinstance(evoked, mne.fiff.Evoked):
        x = evoked.data
        dims = ()
        x = np.array([e.data for e in evoked])
        dims = ('case',)
        evoked = evoked[0]
    sensor = sensor_net(evoked)
    time = var(evoked.times, name='time')
    properties = {'colorspace': _cs.get_MEG(2e-13)}
    return ndvar(x, dims + (sensor, time), properties=properties, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, Y='MEG', X='condition', sub=None, ds=None,
                 p=.05, contours={.01: '.5', .001: '0'}):
        self.name = "anova"
        Y = self.Y = asndvar(Y, sub=sub, ds=ds)
        X = self.X = asmodel(X, sub=sub, ds=ds)

        fitter = _glm.lm_fitter(X)

        properties = Y.properties.copy()
        properties['colorspace'] = _cs.get_sig(p=p, contours=contours)
        kwargs = dict(dims=Y.dims[1:], properties=properties)

        self.all = []
        self.p_maps = {}
        for e, _, Ps in fitter.map(Y.x):
            name = e.name
            P = ndvar(Ps, name=name, **kwargs)
            self.p_maps[e] = P
Exemplo n.º 7
def stc_ndvar(stc, subject='fsaverage', name=None, check=True):
    create an ndvar object from an mne SourceEstimate object

    stc : SourceEstimate | list of SourceEstimates
        The source estimate object(s).
    subject : str
        MRI subject (used for loading MRI in PySurfer plotting)
    name : str | None
        Ndvar name.
    check : bool
        If multiple stcs are provided, check if all stcs have the same times
        and vertices.

    if isinstance(stc, mne.SourceEstimate):
        case = False
        x = stc.data
        case = True
        stcs = stc
        stc = stcs[0]
        if check:
            vert_lh, vert_rh = stc.vertno
            times = stc.times
            for stc_ in stcs[1:]:
                assert np.all(times == stc_.times)
                lh, rh = stc_.vertno
                assert np.all(vert_lh == lh)
                assert np.all(vert_rh == rh)
        x = np.array([s.data for s in stcs])

    time = var(stc.times, name='time')
    ss = source_space(stc.vertno, subject=subject)
    if case:
        dims = ('case', ss, time)
        dims = (ss, time)

    return ndvar(x, dims, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 8
def epochs_ndvar(epochs, name='MEG', meg=True, eeg=False, exclude='bads',
                 mult=1, unit='T', properties=None, sensors=None):
    Convert an mne.Epochs object to an ndvar.

    epoch : mne.Epochs
        The epochs object
    name : None | str
        Name for the ndvar.
    meg : bool or string
        MEG channels to include (:func:`mne.fiff.pick_types` kwarg).
        If True include all MEG channels. If False include None
        If string it can be 'mag' or 'grad' to select only gradiometers
        or magnetometers. It can also be 'ref_meg' to get CTF
        reference channels.
    eeg : bool
        If True include EEG channels (:func:`mne.fiff.pick_types` kwarg).
    exclude : list of string | str
        Channels to exclude (:func:`mne.fiff.pick_types` kwarg).
        If 'bads' (default), exclude channels in info['bads'].
        If empty do not exclude any.
    mult : scalar
        multiply all data by a constant. If used, the ``unit`` kwarg should
        specify the target unit, not the source unit.
    unit : str
        Unit of the data (default is 'T').
    target : str
        name for the new ndvar containing the epoch data
    reject : None | scalar
        Threshold for rejecting epochs (peak to peak). Requires a for of
        mne-python which implements the Epochs.model['index'] variable.
    raw : None | mne.fiff.Raw
        Raw file providing the data; if ``None``, ``ds.info['raw']`` is used.
    sensors : None | eelbrain.vessels.sensors.sensor_net
        The default (``None``) reads the sensor locations from the fiff file.
        If the fiff file contains incorrect sensor locations, a different
        sensor_net can be supplied through this kwarg.

    props = {'proj': 'z root',
             'unit': unit,
             'ylim': 2e-12 * mult,
             'summary_ylim': 3.5e-13 * mult,
             'colorspace': _cs.get_MEG(2e-12 * mult),
             'summary_colorspace': _cs.get_MEG(2e-13 * mult),
             'samplingrate': epochs.info['sfreq'],

    if properties:

    picks = mne.fiff.pick_types(epochs.info, meg=meg, eeg=eeg, stim=False,
                                eog=False, include=[], exclude=exclude)
    x = epochs.get_data()[:, picks]
    if mult != 1:
        x *= mult

    if sensors is None:
        sensor = sensor_net(epochs, picks=picks)
        sensor = sensors
    time = var(epochs.times, name='time')
    return ndvar(x, ('case', sensor, time), properties=props, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, Y, X, norm=None, sub=None, ds=None,
                 contours={.05: (.8, .2, .0), .01: (1., .6, .0), .001: (1., 1., .0)}):

        Y : ndvar
            Dependent variable.
        X : continuous | None
            The continuous predictor variable.
        norm : None | categorial
            Categories in which to normalize (z-score) X.

        Y = asndvar(Y, sub=sub, ds=ds)
        X = asvar(X, sub=sub, ds=ds)

        if not Y.has_case:
            msg = ("Dependent variable needs case dimension")
            raise ValueError(msg)

        y = Y.x.reshape((len(Y), -1))
        if norm is not None:
            y = y.copy()
            for cell in norm.cells:
                idx = (norm == cell)
                y[idx] = scipy.stats.mstats.zscore(y[idx])

        n = len(X)
        x = X.x.reshape((n, -1))

        # covariance
        m_x = np.mean(x)
        if np.isnan(m_x):
            raise ValueError("np.mean(x) is nan")
        x -= m_x
        y -= np.mean(y, axis=0)
        cov = np.sum(x * y, axis=0) / (n - 1)

        # correlation
        r = cov / (np.std(x, axis=0) * np.std(y, axis=0))

        # p-value calculation
        # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient#Inference
        pcont = {}
        r_ps = {}
        df = n - 2
        for p, color in contours.iteritems():
            t = scipy.stats.distributions.t.isf(p, df)
            r_p = t / np.sqrt(n - 2 + t ** 2)
            pcont[r_p] = color
            r_ps[r_p] = p
            pcont[-r_p] = color
            r_ps[-r_p] = p

        dims = Y.dims[1:]
        shape = Y.x.shape[1:]
        properties = Y.properties.copy()
        cs = _cs.Colorspace(cmap=_cs.cm_xpolar, vmax=1, vmin= -1, contours=pcont, ps=r_ps)
        properties['colorspace'] = cs
        r = ndvar(r.reshape(shape), dims=dims, properties=properties)

        # store results
        self.name = "%s corr %s" % (Y.name, X.name)
        self.r = r
        self.all = r