Exemplo n.º 1
def stage_server_file(projroot: str, mode: str, infilename: str,
                      outfilename: str) -> None:
    """Stage files for the server environment with some filtering."""
    import batools.build
    from efrotools import replace_exact
    if mode not in ('debug', 'release'):
        raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid server-file-staging mode '{mode}';"
                           f" expected 'debug' or 'release'.")

    print(f'Building server file: {os.path.basename(outfilename)}')

    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfilename), exist_ok=True)

    basename = os.path.basename(infilename)
    if basename == 'config_template.yaml':
        # Inject all available config values into the config file.
            batools.build.filter_server_config(str(projroot), infilename))

    elif basename == 'ballisticacore_server.py':
        # Run Python in opt mode for release builds.
        with open(infilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
            lines = infile.read().splitlines()
            if mode == 'release':
                lines[0] = replace_exact(
                    lines[0], f'#!/usr/bin/env python{PYVER}',
                    f'#!/usr/bin/env -S python{PYVER} -O')
                          '\n'.join(lines) + '\n',
    elif basename == 'README.txt':
        with open(infilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
            readme = infile.read()
        _write_if_changed(outfilename, readme)
    elif basename == 'launch_ballisticacore_server.bat':
        # Run Python in opt mode for release builds.
        with open(infilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
            lines = infile.read().splitlines()
        if mode == 'release':
            lines[1] = replace_exact(
                lines[1], ':: Python interpreter.', ':: Python interpreter.'
                ' (in opt mode so we use bundled .opt-1.pyc files)')
            lines[2] = replace_exact(
                lines[2], 'dist\\\\python.exe ballisticacore_server.py',
                'dist\\\\python.exe -O ballisticacore_server.py')
            # In debug mode we use the bundled debug interpreter.
            lines[2] = replace_exact(
                lines[2], 'dist\\\\python.exe ballisticacore_server.py',
                'dist\\\\python_d.exe ballisticacore_server.py')

        _write_if_changed(outfilename, '\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown server file for staging: '{basename}'.")
Exemplo n.º 2
def android_patch_ssl() -> None:
    """Run necessary patches on an android ssl before building."""

    # We bundle our own SSL root certificates on various platforms and use
    # the OpenSSL 'SSL_CERT_FILE' env var override to get them to be used
    # by default. However, OpenSSL is picky about allowing env-vars to be
    # used and something about the Android environment makes it disallow
    # them. So we need to force the issue. Alternately we could explicitly
    # pass 'cafile' args to SSLContexts whenever we do network-y stuff
    # but it seems cleaner to just have things work by default.
    fname = 'crypto/getenv.c'
    txt = readfile(fname)
    txt = replace_exact(
        ('char *ossl_safe_getenv(const char *name)\n'
        ('char *ossl_safe_getenv(const char *name)\n'
         '    return getenv(name);\n'),
    writefile(fname, txt)
Exemplo n.º 3
def gather() -> None:
    """Gather per-platform python headers, libs, and modules together.

    This assumes all embeddable py builds have been run successfully,
    and that PROJROOT is the cwd.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    # pylint: disable=too-many-statements

    do_android = True

    # First off, clear out any existing output.
    existing_dirs = [
        os.path.join('src/external', d) for d in os.listdir('src/external')
        if d.startswith('python-') and d != 'python-notes.txt'
    existing_dirs += [
        os.path.join('assets/src', d) for d in os.listdir('assets/src')
        if d.startswith('pylib-')
    if not do_android:
        existing_dirs = [d for d in existing_dirs if 'android' not in d]

    for existing_dir in existing_dirs:
        subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', existing_dir], check=True)

    apost2 = f'src/Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Android/sysroot'
    for buildtype in ['debug', 'release']:
        debug = buildtype == 'debug'
        bsuffix = '_debug' if buildtype == 'debug' else ''
        bsuffix2 = '-debug' if buildtype == 'debug' else ''
        libname = 'python' + PY_VER + ('d' if debug else '')

        bases = {
            'mac': f'build/python_apple_mac{bsuffix}/build/macOS',
            'ios': f'build/python_apple_ios{bsuffix}/build/iOS',
            'tvos': f'build/python_apple_tvos{bsuffix}/build/tvOS',
            'android_arm': f'build/python_android_arm{bsuffix}/build',
            'android_arm64': f'build/python_android_arm64{bsuffix}/build',
            'android_x86': f'build/python_android_x86{bsuffix}/build',
            'android_x86_64': f'build/python_android_x86_64{bsuffix}/build'
        bases2 = {
            'android_arm': f'build/python_android_arm{bsuffix}/{apost2}',
            'android_arm64': f'build/python_android_arm64{bsuffix}/{apost2}',
            'android_x86': f'build/python_android_x86{bsuffix}/{apost2}',
            'android_x86_64': f'build/python_android_x86_64{bsuffix}/{apost2}'

        # Note: only need pylib for the first in each group.
        mac_arch_dir = 'macos-arm64_x86_64'
        ios_arch_dir = 'ios-arm64'
        tvos_arch_dir = 'tvos-arm64'
        builds: list[dict[str, Any]] = [{
                bases['mac'] +
            'libs': [
                bases['mac'] +
                bases['mac'] +
                bases['mac'] +
                bases['mac'] +
                (bases['mac'] + f'/Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}-macOS/lib'),
        }, {
                bases['ios'] +
            'libs': [
                bases['ios'] +
                bases['ios'] +
                bases['ios'] +
                bases['ios'] +
        }, {
                bases['tvos'] +
            'libs': [
                bases['tvos'] +
                bases['tvos'] +
                bases['tvos'] +
                bases['tvos'] +
        }, {
            'name': 'android_arm',
            'group': 'android',
            'headers': bases['android_arm'] + f'/usr/include/{libname}',
            'libs': [
                bases['android_arm'] + f'/usr/lib/lib{libname}.a',
                bases2['android_arm'] + '/usr/lib/libssl.a',
                bases2['android_arm'] + '/usr/lib/libcrypto.a',
                bases2['android_arm'] + '/usr/lib/liblzma.a',
                bases2['android_arm'] + '/usr/lib/libsqlite3.a',
                bases2['android_arm'] + '/usr/lib/libbz2.a',
                bases2['android_arm'] + '/usr/lib/libuuid.a',
            'libinst': 'android_armeabi-v7a',
            'pylib': (bases['android_arm'] + '/usr/lib/python' + PY_VER),
        }, {
            'name': 'android_arm64',
            'group': 'android',
            'headers': bases['android_arm64'] + f'/usr/include/{libname}',
            'libs': [
                bases['android_arm64'] + f'/usr/lib/lib{libname}.a',
                bases2['android_arm64'] + '/usr/lib/libssl.a',
                bases2['android_arm64'] + '/usr/lib/libcrypto.a',
                bases2['android_arm64'] + '/usr/lib/liblzma.a',
                bases2['android_arm64'] + '/usr/lib/libsqlite3.a',
                bases2['android_arm64'] + '/usr/lib/libbz2.a',
                bases2['android_arm64'] + '/usr/lib/libuuid.a',
            'libinst': 'android_arm64-v8a',
        }, {
            'name': 'android_x86',
            'group': 'android',
            'headers': bases['android_x86'] + f'/usr/include/{libname}',
            'libs': [
                bases['android_x86'] + f'/usr/lib/lib{libname}.a',
                bases2['android_x86'] + '/usr/lib/libssl.a',
                bases2['android_x86'] + '/usr/lib/libcrypto.a',
                bases2['android_x86'] + '/usr/lib/liblzma.a',
                bases2['android_x86'] + '/usr/lib/libsqlite3.a',
                bases2['android_x86'] + '/usr/lib/libbz2.a',
                bases2['android_x86'] + '/usr/lib/libuuid.a',
            'libinst': 'android_x86',
        }, {
            'name': 'android_x86_64',
            'group': 'android',
            'headers': bases['android_x86_64'] + f'/usr/include/{libname}',
            'libs': [
                bases['android_x86_64'] + f'/usr/lib/lib{libname}.a',
                bases2['android_x86_64'] + '/usr/lib/libssl.a',
                bases2['android_x86_64'] + '/usr/lib/libcrypto.a',
                bases2['android_x86_64'] + '/usr/lib/liblzma.a',
                bases2['android_x86_64'] + '/usr/lib/libsqlite3.a',
                bases2['android_x86_64'] + '/usr/lib/libbz2.a',
                bases2['android_x86_64'] + '/usr/lib/libuuid.a',
            'libinst': 'android_x86_64',

        for build in builds:
            grp = build['group']
            if not do_android and grp == 'android':
            builddir = f'src/external/python-{grp}{bsuffix2}'
            header_dst = os.path.join(builddir, 'include')
            lib_dst = os.path.join(builddir, 'lib')
            assets_src_dst = f'assets/src/pylib-{grp}'

            # Do some setup only once per group.
            if not os.path.exists(builddir):
                subprocess.run(['mkdir', '-p', builddir], check=True)
                subprocess.run(['mkdir', '-p', lib_dst], check=True)

                # Only pull modules into game assets on release pass.
                if not debug:
                    # Copy system modules into the src assets
                    # dir for this group.
                    subprocess.run(['mkdir', '-p', assets_src_dst], check=True)
                            'rsync', '--recursive', '--include', '*.py',
                            '--exclude', '__pycache__', '--include', '*/',
                            '--exclude', '*', build['pylib'] + '/',

                    # Prune a bunch of modules we don't need to cut
                    # down on size.
                    subprocess.run('cd "' + assets_src_dst + '" && rm -rf ' +
                                   ' '.join(PRUNE_LIB_NAMES),

                    # Some minor filtering to system scripts:
                    # on iOS/tvOS, addusersitepackages() leads to a crash
                    # due to _sysconfigdata_dm_ios_darwin module not existing,
                    # so let's skip that.
                    fname = f'{assets_src_dst}/site.py'
                    txt = readfile(fname)
                    txt = replace_exact(
                        '    known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)',
                        '    # efro tweak: this craps out on ios/tvos.\n'
                        '    # (and we don\'t use it anyway)\n'
                        '    # known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)')
                    writefile(fname, txt)

                # Copy in a base set of headers (everything in a group should
                # be using the same headers)
                subprocess.run(f'cp -r "{build["headers"]}" "{header_dst}"',

                # Clear whatever pyconfigs came across; we'll build our own
                # universal one below.
                subprocess.run('rm ' + header_dst + '/pyconfig*',

                # Write a master pyconfig header that reroutes to each
                # platform's actual header.
                with open(header_dst + '/pyconfig.h', 'w',
                          encoding='utf-8') as hfile:
                        '#if BA_OSTYPE_MACOS\n'
                        '#include "pyconfig-macos.h"\n\n'
                        '#elif BA_OSTYPE_IOS\n'
                        '#include "pyconfig-ios.h"\n\n'
                        '#elif BA_OSTYPE_TVOS\n'
                        '#include "pyconfig-tvos.h"\n\n'
                        '#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__arm__)\n'
                        '#include "pyconfig-android_arm.h"\n\n'
                        '#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__aarch64__)\n'
                        '#include "pyconfig-android_arm64.h"\n\n'
                        '#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__i386__)\n'
                        '#include "pyconfig-android_x86.h"\n\n'
                        '#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__x86_64__)\n'
                        '#include "pyconfig-android_x86_64.h"\n\n'
                        '#error unknown platform\n\n'

            # Now copy each build's config headers in with unique names.
            cfgs = [
                f for f in os.listdir(build['headers'])
                if f.startswith('pyconfig')

            # Copy config headers to their filtered names.
            for cfg in cfgs:
                out = cfg.replace('pyconfig', 'pyconfig-' + build['name'])
                if cfg == 'pyconfig.h':

                    # For platform's root pyconfig.h we need to filter
                    # contents too (those headers can themselves include
                    # others; ios for instance points to a arm64 and a
                    # x86_64 variant).
                    contents = readfile(build['headers'] + '/' + cfg)
                    contents = contents.replace('pyconfig',
                                                'pyconfig-' + build['name'])
                    writefile(header_dst + '/' + out, contents)
                    # other configs we just rename
                    subprocess.run('cp "' + build['headers'] + '/' + cfg +
                                   '" "' + header_dst + '/' + out + '"',

            # Copy in libs. If the lib gave a specific install name,
            # use that; otherwise use name.
            targetdir = lib_dst + '/' + build.get('libinst', build['name'])
            subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', targetdir], check=True)
            subprocess.run(['mkdir', '-p', targetdir], check=True)
            for lib in build['libs']:
                subprocess.run(['cp', lib, targetdir], check=True)

    print('Great success!')
Exemplo n.º 4
def build_apple(arch: str, debug: bool = False) -> None:
    """Run a build for the provided apple arch (mac, ios, or tvos)."""
    import platform
    from efro.error import CleanError

    # IMPORTANT; seems we currently wind up building against /usr/local gettext
    # stuff. Hopefully the maintainer fixes this, but for now I need to
    # remind myself to blow it away while building.
    # (via brew remove gettext --ignore-dependencies)
    # NOTE: Should check to see if this is still necessary on Apple silicon
    # since homebrew stuff is no longer in /usr/local there.
    if ('MacBook-Fro' in platform.node()
            and os.environ.get('SKIP_GETTEXT_WARNING') != '1'):
        if (subprocess.run('which gettext', shell=True,
                           check=False).returncode == 0):
            raise CleanError(

    builddir = 'build/python_apple_' + arch + ('_debug' if debug else '')
    subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', builddir], check=True)
    subprocess.run(['mkdir', '-p', 'build'], check=True)
            'git', 'clone',
            'https://github.com/beeware/Python-Apple-support.git', builddir

    # TEMP: Check out a particular commit while the branch head is broken.
    # We can actually fix this to use the current one, but something
    # broke in the underlying build even on old commits so keeping it
    # locked for now...
    # run('git checkout bf1ed73d0d5ff46862ba69dd5eb2ffaeff6f19b6')
    subprocess.run(['git', 'checkout', PY_VER], check=True)

    txt = readfile('Makefile')

    # Fix a bug where spaces in PATH cause errors (darn you vmware fusion!)
    txt = replace_exact(

    # Turn doc strings on; looks like it only adds a few hundred k.
    txt = replace_exact(txt,

    # Customize our minimum version requirements
    txt = replace_exact(
    txt = replace_exact(
        'CFLAGS-iOS=-mios-version-min=12.0 ',
        'CFLAGS-iOS=-mios-version-min=12.0 ',
    txt = replace_exact(
        'CFLAGS-tvOS=-mtvos-version-min=9.0 ',
        'CFLAGS-tvOS=-mtvos-version-min=9.0 ',

    assert '--with-pydebug' not in txt
    if debug:

        # Add debug build flag
        txt = replace_exact(
            '--enable-ipv6 --without-ensurepip ',
            '--enable-ipv6 --with-pydebug --without-ensurepip ',

        # Debug lib has a different name.
        txt = replace_exact(txt,

        txt = replace_exact(txt,

    # Inject our custom modifications to fire right after their normal
    # Setup.local filtering and right before building (and pass the same
    # 'slice' value they use so we can use it too).
    txt = replace_exact(
        txt, '\t\t\tsed -e "s/{{slice}}/$$(SLICE-$$(SDK-$(target)))/g" \\\n'
        '\t\t\t> $$(PYTHON_DIR-$(target))/Modules/Setup.local\n',
        '\t\t\tsed -e "s/{{slice}}/$$(SLICE-$$(SDK-$(target)))/g" \\\n'
        '\t\t\t> $$(PYTHON_DIR-$(target))/Modules/Setup.local\n'
        '\tcd $$(PYTHON_DIR-$(target)) && '
        f'../../../../../tools/pcommand python_apple_patch {arch} '
    txt = replace_exact(
        txt, '\t\t\tsed -e "s/{{slice}}/$$(SLICE-macosx)/g" \\\n'
        '\t\t\t> $$(PYTHON_DIR-$(os))/Modules/Setup.local\n',
        '\t\t\tsed -e "s/{{slice}}/$$(SLICE-macosx)/g" \\\n'
        '\t\t\t> $$(PYTHON_DIR-$(os))/Modules/Setup.local\n'
        '\tcd $$(PYTHON_DIR-$(os)) && '
        f'../../../../../tools/pcommand python_apple_patch {arch} '

    writefile('Makefile', txt)

    # Ok; let 'er rip.
    # (we run these in parallel so limit to 1 job a piece;
    # otherwise they inherit the -j12 or whatever from the top level)
    # (also this build seems to fail with multiple threads)
            'make', '-j1', {
                'mac': 'Python-macOS',
                'ios': 'Python-iOS',
                'tvos': 'Python-tvOS'
    print('python build complete! (apple/' + arch + ')')
Exemplo n.º 5
def _patch_setup_file(platform: str, arch: str, slc: str) -> None:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    # pylint: disable=too-many-statements

    fname = 'Modules/Setup'
    ftxt = readfile(fname)

    if platform == 'android':
        prefix = '$(srcdir)/Android/sysroot/usr'
        uuid_ex = f' -L{prefix}/lib -luuid'
        zlib_ex = f' -I{prefix}/include -L{prefix}/lib -lz'
        bz2_ex = f' -I{prefix}/include -L{prefix}/lib -lbz2'
        ssl_ex = f' -DUSE_SSL -I{prefix}/include -L{prefix}/lib -lssl -lcrypto'
        sqlite_ex = f' -I{prefix}/include -L{prefix}/lib'
        hash_ex = ' -DUSE_SSL -lssl -lcrypto'
        lzma_ex = ' -llzma'
    elif platform == 'apple':
        # These should basically match what the Python-Apple-support dist
        # does in its patch/Python/Setup.embedded.
        # (We do our own thing and ignore the Setup.local it generates
        # for the sake of cross-platform consistency, but still need to
        # do what we do the same way they do what they do)

        def _slrp(val: str) -> str:
            # In the distro, the Makefile does this filtering to Setup.local
            return val.replace('{{slice}}', slc)

        uuid_ex = ''
        zlib_ex = ' -I$(prefix)/include -lz'
        bz2_ex = _slrp(
            ' -I$(srcdir)/../Support/BZip2.xcframework/{{slice}}/Headers'
            ' -L$(srcdir)/../Support/BZip2.xcframework/{{slice}} -lbzip2')
        ssl_ex = _slrp(
            ' -I$(srcdir)/../Support/OpenSSL.xcframework/{{slice}}/Headers'
            ' -L$(srcdir)/../Support/OpenSSL.xcframework/{{slice}}'
            ' -lOpenSSL -DUSE_SSL')
        sqlite_ex = ' -I$(srcdir)/Modules/_sqlite'
        hash_ex = _slrp(
            ' -I$(srcdir)/../Support/OpenSSL.xcframework/{{slice}}/Headers'
            ' -L$(srcdir)/../Support/OpenSSL.xcframework/{{slice}}'
            ' -lOpenSSL -DUSE_SSL')
        lzma_ex = _slrp(
            ' -I$(srcdir)/../Support/XZ.xcframework/{{slice}}/Headers'
            ' -L$(srcdir)/../Support/XZ.xcframework/{{slice}} -lxz')
        raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown platform {platform}')

    # This list should contain all possible compiled modules to start.
    # If any .so files are coming out of builds, their names should be
    # added here to stop that.
    cmodules = [
        '_asyncio', '_bisect', '_blake2', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk',
        '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw',
        '_contextvars', '_crypt', '_csv', '_ctypes_test', '_ctypes',
        '_curses_panel', '_curses', '_datetime', '_decimal', '_elementtree',
        '_heapq', '_json', '_lsprof', '_lzma', '_md5', '_multibytecodec',
        '_multiprocessing', '_opcode', '_pickle', '_posixsubprocess', '_queue',
        '_random', '_sha1', '_sha3', '_sha256', '_sha512', '_socket',
        '_statistics', '_struct', '_testbuffer', '_testcapi',
        '_testimportmultiple', '_testinternalcapi', '_testmultiphase', '_uuid',
        '_xxsubinterpreters', '_xxtestfuzz', '_zoneinfo', 'array', 'audioop',
        'binascii', 'cmath', 'fcntl', 'grp', 'math', 'mmap', 'ossaudiodev',
        'parser', 'pyexpat', 'resource', 'select', 'syslog', 'termios',
        'unicodedata', 'xxlimited', 'zlib'

    # Selectively uncomment some existing modules for static compilation.
    enables = [
        '_asyncio', 'array', 'cmath', 'math', '_contextvars', '_struct',
        '_random', '_elementtree', '_pickle', '_datetime', '_zoneinfo',
        '_bisect', '_heapq', '_json', '_statistics', 'unicodedata', 'fcntl',
        'select', 'mmap', '_csv', '_socket', '_sha3', '_blake2', 'binascii',
    # Note that the _md5 and _sha modules are normally only built if the
    # system does not have the OpenSSL libs containing an optimized
    # version.
    if bool(False):
        enables += ['_md5']

    for enable in enables:
        ftxt = replace_exact(ftxt, f'#{enable} ', f'{enable} ')

    # Disable ones that were enabled:
    disables = ['xxsubtype']
    for disable in disables:
        ftxt = replace_exact(ftxt, f'\n{disable} ', f'\n#{disable} ')

    # Additions:
    ftxt += '\n# Additions by efrotools:\n'

    if bool(True):
        ftxt += f'_uuid _uuidmodule.c{uuid_ex}\n'

    ftxt += f'zlib zlibmodule.c{zlib_ex}\n'


    # Why isn't this getting built as a shared lib by default?
    # Do we need it for sure?
    ftxt += f'_hashlib _hashopenssl.c{hash_ex}\n'

    ftxt += f'_lzma _lzmamodule.c{lzma_ex}\n'

    ftxt += f'_bz2 _bz2module.c{bz2_ex}\n'

    ftxt += f'_ssl _ssl.c{ssl_ex}\n'

    ftxt += (f'_sqlite3'
             f' _sqlite/cache.c'
             f' _sqlite/connection.c'
             f' _sqlite/cursor.c'
             f' _sqlite/microprotocols.c'
             f' _sqlite/module.c'
             f' _sqlite/prepare_protocol.c'
             f' _sqlite/row.c'
             f' _sqlite/statement.c'
             f' _sqlite/util.c'
             f' -DMODULE_NAME=\'\\"sqlite3\\"\''
             f' -lsqlite3\n')

    # Mac needs this:
    if arch == 'mac':
        ftxt += ('\n'
                 '# efrotools: mac urllib needs this:\n'
                 '_scproxy _scproxy.c '
                 '-framework SystemConfiguration '
                 '-framework CoreFoundation\n')

    # Explicitly mark the remaining ones as disabled
    # (so Python won't try to build them as dynamic libs).
    remaining_disabled = ' '.join(cmodules)
    ftxt += ('\n# Disabled by efrotools build:\n'
    writefile(fname, ftxt)

    # Ok, this is weird.
    # When applying the module Setup, python looks for any line containing *=*
    # and interprets the whole thing a a global define?...
    # This breaks things for our static sqlite compile above.
    # The check used to look for [A-Z]*=* which didn't break, so let' just
    # change it back to that for now.
    # UPDATE: Currently this seems to only be necessary on Android;
    # perhaps this broke between 3.9.6 and 3.9.7 or perhaps the apple
    # bundle already patches it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    fname = 'Modules/makesetup'
    txt = readfile(fname)
    if platform == 'android':
        txt = replace_exact(txt, '		*=*)'
                            '	DEFS="$line$NL$DEFS"; continue;;',
                            '		[A-Z]*=*)	DEFS="$line$NL$DEFS";'
                            ' continue;;')
    assert txt.count('[A-Z]*=*') == 1
    writefile(fname, txt)
Exemplo n.º 6
def build_android(rootdir: str, arch: str, debug: bool = False) -> None:
    """Run a build for android with the given architecture.

    (can be arm, arm64, x86, or x86_64)

    builddir = 'build/python_android_' + arch + ('_debug' if debug else '')
    subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', builddir], check=True)
    subprocess.run(['mkdir', '-p', 'build'], check=True)
        ['git', 'clone', ANDROID_PYTHON_REPO, builddir],

    # TEMP - use 3.9.6 branch
    # subprocess.run(['git', 'checkout', PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID], check=True)

    # These builds require ANDROID_NDK to be set; make sure that's the case.
    os.environ['ANDROID_NDK'] = subprocess.check_output(
        [f'{rootdir}/tools/pcommand', 'android_sdk_utils',

    # Disable builds for dependencies we don't use.
    ftxt = readfile('Android/build_deps.py')
    # ftxt = replace_exact(ftxt, '        NCurses,\n',
    #                    '#        NCurses,\n',)
    ftxt = replace_exact(
        '        '
        'BZip2, GDBM, LibFFI, LibUUID, OpenSSL, Readline, SQLite, XZ, ZLib,\n',
        '        '
        'BZip2, LibUUID, OpenSSL, SQLite, XZ, ZLib,\n',

    # Older ssl seems to choke on newer ndk layouts.
    if bool(False):
        ftxt = replace_exact(
            "source = 'https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1h.tar.gz'",
            "source = 'https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1l.tar.gz'")

    # Give ourselves a handle to patch the OpenSSL build.
    ftxt = replace_exact(
        '        # OpenSSL handles NDK internal paths by itself',
        '        # Ericf addition: do some patching:\n'
        '        self.run(["../../../../../../../tools/pcommand",'
        ' "python_android_patch_ssl"])\n'
        '        # OpenSSL handles NDK internal paths by itself',

    writefile('Android/build_deps.py', ftxt)

    # Tweak some things in the base build script; grab the right version
    # of Python and also inject some code to modify bits of python
    # after it is extracted.
    ftxt = readfile('build.sh')

    ftxt = replace_exact(ftxt, 'PYVER=3.10.4', f'PYVER={PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}')
    ftxt = replace_exact(
        ftxt, '    popd\n', f'    ../../../tools/pcommand'
        f' python_android_patch Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}\n    popd\n')
    writefile('build.sh', ftxt)

    # Ok, let 'er rip
    exargs = ' --with-pydebug' if debug else ''
    subprocess.run(f'ARCH={arch} ANDROID_API=21 ./build.sh{exargs}',
    print('python build complete! (android/' + arch + ')')