Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_init(self):
     # errors
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher([0.1, 0.1, 0.2], 1)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher([0.1], 1)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher([0.1, 0.2], 0)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher([0.1, 0.2], 2)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher([], 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_math(self):
     """Test math properties of interpolator"""
     xgrid = np.linspace(0.09, 1, 10)
     poly_deg = 4
     for log in [True, False]:
         inter_x = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
             xgrid, poly_deg, log=log, mode_N=False
         inter_N = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
             xgrid, poly_deg, log=log, mode_N=True
         check_correspondence_interpolators(inter_x, inter_N)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_evaluate_x(self):
     xgrid = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10)
     poly_degree = 4
     for log in [True, False]:
         inter_x = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
             xgrid, poly_degree, log=log, mode_N=False
         inter_N = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
             xgrid, poly_degree, log=log, mode_N=True
         for x in [0.2, 0.5]:
             for bx, bN in zip(inter_x, inter_N):
                 assert_almost_equal(bx.evaluate_x(x), bN.evaluate_x(x))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_is_below_x(self):
     for log in [False, True]:
         for cfg in [
             {"xg": [0.1, 0.2, 1.0], "pd": 1, "x": 0.2, "res": [True, False, False]},
                 "xg": [0.1, 0.2, 1.0],
                 "pd": 2,
                 "x": 0.2,
                 "res": [False, False, False],
             {  # this tests the correct attributions of blocks
                 # i.e. in case of doubt use the one higher
                 # | | | | |
                 # |B0-|
                 #   |B1-|
                 #     |B2-|
                 # A0 -> B0, A1 -> B1, A2 -> B2, A3 -> B2
                 "xg": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 1.0],
                 "pd": 2,
                 "x": 0.35,  # -> A2
                 "res": [True, True, False, False, False],
             inter_x = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
                 cfg["xg"], cfg["pd"], log=log
             actual = [bf.is_below_x(cfg["x"]) for bf in inter_x]
             assert actual == cfg["res"]
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_eval_N(self):
     xg = [0.0, 1.0]
     inter_N = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(xg, 1, log=False)
     # p_0(x) = 1-x -> \tilde p_0(N) = 1/N - 1/(N+1)
     p0N = inter_N[0]
     assert len(p0N.areas) == 1
     p0_cs_ref = [1, -1]
     for act_c, res_c in zip(p0N.areas[0], p0_cs_ref):
         assert_almost_equal(act_c, res_c)
     p0Nref = lambda N, lnx: (1 / N - 1 / (N + 1)) * np.exp(-N * lnx)
     # p_1(x) = x -> \tilde p_1(N) = 1/(N+1)
     p1N = inter_N[1]
     assert len(p1N.areas) == 1
     p1_cs_ref = [0, 1]
     for act_c, res_c in zip(p1N.areas[0], p1_cs_ref):
         assert_almost_equal(act_c, res_c)
     p1Nref = lambda N, lnx: (1 / (N + 1)) * np.exp(-N * lnx)
     # iterate configurations
     for N in [1.0, 2.0, complex(1.0, 1.0)]:
         # check skip
         assert_almost_equal(p0N(N, 0), 0)
         assert_almost_equal(p1N(N, 0), 0)
         # check values
         for lnx in [-2, -1]:
             assert_almost_equal(p0N(N, lnx), p0Nref(N, lnx))
             assert_almost_equal(p1N(N, lnx), p1Nref(N, lnx))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_get_interpolation(self):
     xg = [0.5, 1.0]
     inter_x = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(xg, 1, False, False)
     i = inter_x.get_interpolation(xg)
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(i, np.eye(len(xg)))
     # .75 is exactly inbetween
     i = inter_x.get_interpolation([0.75])
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(i, [[0.5, 0.5]])
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_eq(self):
     a = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
         np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10), 4, log=False, mode_N=False
     b = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
         np.linspace(0.1, 1, 9), 4, log=False, mode_N=False
     assert a != b
     c = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
         np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10), 3, log=False, mode_N=False
     assert a != c
     d = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
         np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10), 4, log=True, mode_N=False
     assert a != d
     e = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(
         np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10), 4, log=False, mode_N=False
     assert a == e
     # via dict
     dd = a.to_dict()
     assert isinstance(dd, dict)
     assert a == interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher.from_dict(dd)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_log_eval_N(self):
     xg = [np.exp(-1), 1.0]
     inter_N = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(xg, 1, log=True)
     # p_0(x) = -ln(x)
     p0N = inter_N[0]
     assert len(p0N.areas) == 1
     p0_cs_ref = [0, -1]
     for act_c, res_c in zip(p0N.areas[0], p0_cs_ref):
         assert_almost_equal(act_c, res_c)
     # Full -> \tilde p_0(N) = exp(-N)(exp(N)-1-N)/N^2
     # MMa: Integrate[x^(n-1) (-Log[x]),{x,1/E,1}]
     p0Nref_full = lambda N, lnx: ((np.exp(N) - 1 - N) / N ** 2) * np.exp(
         -N * (lnx + 1)
     # partial = lower bound is neglected;
     p0Nref_partial = lambda N, lnx: (1 / N ** 2) * np.exp(-N * lnx)
     p1N = inter_N[1]
     assert len(p1N.areas) == 1
     p1_cs_ref = [1, 1]
     for act_c, res_c in zip(p1N.areas[0], p1_cs_ref):
         assert_almost_equal(act_c, res_c)
     # p_1(x) = 1+\ln(x) -> \tilde p_1(N) = (exp(-N)-1+N)/N^2
     # MMa: Integrate[x^(n-1) (1+Log[x]),{x,1/E,1}]
     p1Nref_full = lambda N, lnx: ((np.exp(-N) - 1 + N) / N ** 2) * np.exp(-N * lnx)
     p1Nref_partial = lambda N, lnx: (1 / N - 1 / N ** 2) * np.exp(-N * lnx)
     # iterate configurations
     for N in [1.0, 2.0, complex(1.0, 1.0)]:
         # check skip
         assert_almost_equal(p0N(N, 0), 0)
         assert_almost_equal(p1N(N, 0), 0)
         # check values for full
         for lnx in [-1, -0.5]:
             assert_almost_equal(p0N(N, lnx), p0Nref_partial(N, lnx))
             assert_almost_equal(p1N(N, lnx), p1Nref_partial(N, lnx))
         # check values for full
         for lnx in [-2, -3]:
             assert_almost_equal(p0N(N, lnx), p0Nref_full(N, lnx))
             assert_almost_equal(p1N(N, lnx), p1Nref_full(N, lnx))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_iter(self):
     xgrid = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10)
     poly_degree = 4
     inter_x = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(xgrid, poly_degree)
     for bf, k in zip(inter_x, range(len(xgrid))):
         assert bf == inter_x[k]
Exemplo n.º 10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pathlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from eko import interpolation

# setup
logxmin = -5
xgrid = np.logspace(logxmin, 0, 9)
polynomial_degree = 3
disp = interpolation.InterpolatorDispatcher(xgrid, polynomial_degree, True,

# show grid
xs = np.logspace(logxmin, 0, 150)
plt.plot(xgrid, [0] * len(xgrid), "o", color="black")
# plot
for j in [0, 1, 4, 8]:
    ys = [disp[j](x) for x in xs]
    plt.plot(xs, ys, label=f"$p_{j}(x)$")

# global
plt.title("Example configuration")

# output