Exemplo n.º 1
class Searchengine:

    def __init__(self):
        self.INDEX_NAME = "paper"
        self.es_client = Elasticsearch()

    def create_index(self):
        """ Creates an Elasticsearch index."""
        is_created = False
        # Index settings
        analyzer = {"tokenizer": "standard", "filter": ["lowercase", "porter_stem"]}
        settings = {
            "settings": {
                "number_of_shards": 1,
                "number_of_replicas": 1,
                "analysis": {
                    "analyzer": {
            "mappings": {
                "dynamic": "true",
                "_source": {
                    "enabled": "true"
                "properties": {
                    "title": {"type": "text"},
                    "dblpKey": {"type": "keyword"},
                    "doi": {"type": "keyword"},
                    "authors": {"type": "keyword"},
                    "publisher": {"type": "keyword"},
                    "booktitle": {"type": "text"},
                    "keyqueries": {"type": "flattened"},
                    "keywords": {"type": "flattened"},
                    "abstract": {"type": "text"},
                    "fulltext": {"type": "text"}
        print(f'Creating {self.INDEX_NAME} index...')
            if self.es_client.indices.exists(self.INDEX_NAME):
                self.es_client.indices.delete(index=self.INDEX_NAME, ignore=[404])
            self.es_client.indices.create(index=self.INDEX_NAME, body=settings)
            is_created = True
            print('index created successfully.')
        except Exception as ex:
            return is_created

    def createIndexAndIndexDocs_(self, path):

    def createIndexAndIndexDocs(self, path):

    def index_data(self, data, batch_size=10000):
        """ Indexs all the rows in data"""
        for chunk in [data[x:x + batch_size] for x in range(0, len(data), batch_size)]:
            # print(f'Indexed {doc} document.')

        print("Done indexing!!! Wuhu")

    def index_batch(self, docs):
        """ Indexes a batch of documents."""
        requests = []
        for doc in docs:
            request = dict()
            request["_op_type"] = "index"
            request["_index"] = self.INDEX_NAME
            request["_source"] = doc
        bulk(self.es_client, requests, refresh=True)

    def run_query_loop(self):
        """ Asks user to enter a query to search."""
        while True:
                self.title_search(input('enter query\n'))
            except KeyboardInterrupt:

    def title_search(self, title, size=10000):
        """ Searches the user query and finds the best matches using elasticsearch."""
        search = {
            "size": size,
            "query": {
                "match": {
                    "title": {
                        "query": title,
                        "operator": "and"
        return self.es_client.search(index=self.INDEX_NAME, body=search)

    def normal_search(self, query, size=10000):
        """ Searches the user query and finds the best matches using elasticsearch."""
        search = {
            "size": size,
            "query": {
                "multi_match": {
                    "query": query,
                    "fields": ["title", "abstract", "fulltext"]
        return self.es_client.search(index=self.INDEX_NAME, body=search)

    def id_search(self, _id, size=10000):
        return self.es_client.get(index=self.INDEX_NAME, id=_id)

    def normal_search_exclude_ids(self, query, ids, size=10000):
        """ Searches the user query and finds the best matches using elasticsearch."""
        if not isinstance(ids, list):
            return None
        search = {
            "size": size,
            "query": {
                "bool": {
                    "must": [
                            "multi_match": {
                                "query": query,
                                "fields": ["title", "abstract", "fulltext"]
                    "must_not": [
                            "ids": {
                                "values": ids
        return self.es_client.search(index=self.INDEX_NAME, body=search)

    def fill_documents(self, path):
        docs = readJSON(path)
        doi_id = {hit["_source"]["doi"]: hit["_id"] for hits in self.chunk_iterate_docs() for hit in hits}

        gen = ((doi_id[doc["doi"]], {
            "abstract": doc.get("abstract"),
            "fulltext": doc.get("fulltext"),
            "acmId": doc.get("acmId")
        }) for doc in docs if doc["doi"] in doi_id)


    def start(self, size=20):
        papers = []
        while True:
            query = input("Enter the paper you want to keyquerie: (empty input to cancel)")
            if not query:

            response = self.title_search(query)

            if response["hits"]["total"]["value"] == 0:
                print("no documents found, specify another search string please")

            print("Please select the paper(s) you want to use like so ('1, 3, 10')")
                [f'{index} : {paper["_source"]["title"]}' for index, paper in enumerate(response["hits"]["hits"])]))

            while True:
                numbers = input()
                if not numbers:
                numbers = numbers.split(",")
                if all(elem.isdigit() and int(elem) in range(0, len(response["hits"]["hits"])) for elem in numbers):
                    for n in numbers:
                    print("Wrong Input, pls try again!")

            print('currently selected papers: [\n    {}\n]'.format(
                "\n    ".join(str(paper['_source']["title"]) for paper in papers)))

            ask = input("Do you want to add another paper [Y/n]?")
            if ask == 'n':
        if papers:
            print("\n##################### Searchresult #########################")
            ids = list({paper["_id"] for paper in papers})
            kq, _ = self.select_keyquerie(papers)
            if isinstance(kq, tuple):
                print("Selected KQ: " + " ".join(kq[0]) + "\n")
                result = self.normal_search_exclude_ids(" ".join(kq[0]), ids=ids, size=size)["hits"]["hits"]
                print("Selected KQ: " + str(kq) + "\n")
                result = self.normal_search_exclude_ids(kq, ids=ids, size=size)["hits"]["hits"]
            i = 0
            for hit in result:
                print(str(i) + " " + hit["_source"]["title"] + " \nwith score: " + str(hit["_score"])+ "\n")
                i += 1

    def chunk_iterate_docs(self, page_size=10000, keep_alive="12h"):
        if page_size > 10000:
            page_size = 10000
        pit: dict = self.es_client.open_point_in_time(index=self.INDEX_NAME, keep_alive=keep_alive)

        query = {
            "size": page_size,
            "sort": [{"_doc": "asc"}],
            "pit": pit

        response = self.es_client.search(body=query)

        while response["hits"]["hits"]:
            yield response["hits"]["hits"]
            query["search_after"] = response["hits"]["hits"][-1]["sort"]
            query["pit"]["id"] = response["pit_id"]
            response = self.es_client.search(body=query)

        self.es_client.close_point_in_time(body={"id": response["pit_id"]})

    def update_keyqueries_without_noise(self, new_inputs, num_keywords=9, min_rank=50, candidate_pos=('NOUN', 'PROPN')):
        hits = []

        for titles in new_inputs.values():
            for title in titles:
                hits.extend(self.title_search(title, size=1)["hits"]["hits"])

        kwqss = calc_kwss_kqss(hits, num_keywords=num_keywords, min_rank=min_rank, candidate_pos=candidate_pos)
        if kwqss:
            try_n = 1
            while try_n < 5:
                    self.chunk_update_field(((_id, {"keywords": kws, "keyqueries": kqs})
                                            for (_id, (kws, kqs)) in kwqss.items()),
                except ElasticsearchException as e:
                    print(f"exception {e} occured on try {try_n}")
                    try_n += 1
                print("could not read that stuff in")
                raise Exception()
            print("no keyqueries calculated")
        return True

    def update_keyqueries(self, num_keywords=9, min_rank=50, candidate_pos=('NOUN', 'PROPN')):
        doc_count = self.es_client.indices.stats(index=self.INDEX_NAME, metric="docs")["indices"][self.INDEX_NAME]["total"]["docs"]["count"]
        cpu_count = ceil(multiprocessing.cpu_count()*2)
        chunk_size = min(max(ceil(doc_count / cpu_count), 1), 1000)
        # cpu_count = ceil(doc_count / chunk_size)

        # cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        # chunk_size = 10000

        unhandled = "json/unhandled.json"

        exceptions = list()
        with open(unhandled, "w+") as fc:
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=cpu_count) as executor:
            for kwqss in executor.map(calc_kwss_kqss,
                                      (n for n in infinite(num_keywords)),
                                      (m for m in infinite(min_rank)),
                                      (c for c in infinite(candidate_pos))):
                if not kwqss:
                try_n = 1
                while try_n < 5:
                        self.chunk_update_field(((_id, {"keywords": kws, "keyqueries": kqs})
                                                 for (_id, (kws, kqs)) in kwqss.items()),
                        # every "_id" has a field called "keyqueries" which contains a dict consisting of a space
                        # separated concatenation of the keywords of the keyquery and the score of the respective "_id"
                        # regarding this particular keyquery
                        print(f"done {len(kwqss)}")
                        # break
                    except ElasticsearchException as e:
                        print(f"exception occured on try {try_n}")
                        try_n += 1
                    with open(unhandled, "a") as fjson:
                        for (_id, (kws, kqs)) in kwqss.items():
                            fjson.write(f'"{_id}": ')
                            fjson.write(json.dumps((kws, kqs)) + ',')
            with open(unhandled, "r") as fr:
                content = fr.read()
                if content != '{':
                    content = content[:-1]
                content += '}'
            with open(unhandled, "w") as fa:

        with open("exceptions.txt", "w") as fexc:
            fexc.writelines(str(e) for e in exceptions)

    def chunk_update_field(self, gen, chunk_size=1000, page_size=None):

        :param gen: iterable yielding at most page_size update lines
        :param chunk_size: batching the update process via bulk(client, update) in steps of size chunk_size
        :param page_size: how many updates are retrievable by gen
        :return: None
        gen_ = ({"_index": self.INDEX_NAME,
                 "_op_type": "update",
                 "_id": _id,
                 "doc": print_return(fields)} for (_id, fields) in itertools.islice(gen, chunk_size))

        if page_size and page_size <= chunk_size:
            bulk(self.es_client, gen_)
                while True:
                    actions = [next(gen_)]
                    bulk(self.es_client, actions)
                    bulk(self.es_client, itertools.islice(gen_, chunk_size))
            except StopIteration:
        print(f"{page_size} documents successfully read")
        # self.es_client.indices.refresh(index=self.INDEX_NAME)

    def select_keyquerie(self, papers, final_kws=9, min_rank=50):
        # return self.dontcareaboutcoverageofkeyqueries(papers), "dcacok-algorithm"

        # return self.option5(papers, num_keywords=final_kws)

        kqss_v = [paper["_source"].get("keyqueries") for paper in papers if paper["_source"].get("keyqueries")]
        ids = {paper["_id"] for paper in papers}
        allkeys = []
        for dic in kqss_v:
            for key in dic:

        revindex = Counter(allkeys)

        # print(sorted(revindex.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))

        candidates = [k for k, v in revindex.items() if float(v) >= len(papers)]
        selected = ""
        if candidates:
            print("\n---------------------- Option 1 ------------------------")
            score = 0
            for temp in candidates:
                aver = 0
                for number in kqss_v:
                    aver += number[temp]
                maybe = aver / len(papers)
                if maybe > score:
                    score = maybe
                    selected = temp
            return selected, 1

        # print("\n---------------------- dcacok --------------------------")
        # return self.dontcareaboutcoverageofkeyqueries(papers), "dcacok"

        solutions = self.option2(papers)
        if solutions:
            print("\n---------------------- Option 2 ------------------------")
            max_keywords = frozenset.union(*solutions.keys())
            k = keyqueries.Keyqueries()
            keyout = set()

            if len(max_keywords) <= final_kws:
                output = k.best_kq(_ids=list(ids), keywords=list(max_keywords), min_rank=min_rank)
                return output, 2

            max_anz = sum(len(v) for v in solutions.values())
            for solution, _ids in solutions.items():
                keywords = dict()
                for _id in _ids:
                    for keyword, value in self.id_search(_id)["_source"].get("keywords").items():
                        if keyword in solution:
                            old_v = keywords.get(keyword, 0)
                            keywords[keyword] = old_v + value
                sorted_merge = sorted(keywords.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
                allowed_n = math.ceil((len(_ids) / max_anz) * final_kws)
                keyout.update({keyword for (keyword, value) in sorted_merge[:allowed_n]})
            output = k.best_kq(_ids=list(ids), keywords=list(keyout), min_rank=min_rank)
            return output, 2

        print("\n---------------------- Option 3 ------------------------")
        k = keyqueries.Keyqueries()
        top_kwss = set()
        for hit in papers:
            kqs_v = hit["_source"].get("keyqueries")
            if kqs_v:
                kqs_v_srtd = sorted(kqs_v.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
        with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as pool:
                return next(pool.map(k.best_kq, (list(ids),), (list(top_kwss),), timeout=120), None), 3
            except TimeoutError:
        return None, None

    def dontcareaboutcoverageofkeyqueries(self, docs_p, top_kqs=5):
        kqs = dict()
        for doc in docs_p:
            for kq_str, score in doc["_source"].get("keyqueries", dict()).items():
                if kq_str and score:
                    kq = frozenset(kq_str.split())
                    kqs[kq] = kqs.get(kq, 0.0) + score

        return sorted(kqs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0]

    def option2(self, docs_p):
        docs = []
        for doc_p in docs_p:
            doc = dict()
            doc["_id"] = doc_p["_id"]
                doc["keyqueries"] = {frozenset(kq_str.split()): score
                                     for kq_str, score in doc_p["_source"]["keyqueries"].items()}
            except KeyError:

        id_src = {doc["_id"]: doc["keyqueries"] for doc in docs}

        kqs = set(kq for doc in docs for kq, score in doc["keyqueries"].items())

        ms = {kq: set(doc["_id"] for doc in docs if kq in doc["keyqueries"]) for kq in kqs}

        def kq_sort(kq__doc_ids):
            :param kq__doc_ids: tuple in ms.items(), 1st is a keyquery and 2nd is the set of ids of the corresponding docs
            :return: a tuple, 1st is the amount of corresponding docs and second the avg of the scores of the kq across the docs
            kq = kq__doc_ids[0]
            doc_ids = kq__doc_ids[1]
            return len(doc_ids), mean(id_src[_id].get(kq) for _id in doc_ids)

        ms = dict(sorted(ms.items(), key=kq_sort, reverse=True))

        return self.greedy(ms, set(id_src.keys()))

    def greedy(self, ms, _ids):
        found_docs = set()
        solution = dict()
        for kq, kq_docs in ms.items():
            if not kq_docs.issubset(found_docs):
                solution[kq] = kq_docs
                if found_docs == _ids:
        return solution

    def full_text_search(self):

    def option4(self, papers):
        print("\n---------------------- Option 4 ------------------------")
        ids = {paper["_id"] for paper in papers}
        score_this = []
        for paper in papers:
            kqs_v = paper["_source"].get("keyqueries")
            kq, _ = sorted(kqs_v.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0]
            score_this.append(self.normal_search_exclude_ids(kq, ids=list(ids))["hits"]["hits"])
        thislist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(score_this))
        thislist.sort(key=lambda x: x["_score"], reverse=True)
        thislist = [item for item in thislist if item["_score"] == max([item2["_score"] for item2 in thislist if item["_id"] == item2["_id"]])]
        # for item in thislist:
        #     for seconditem in thislist:
        #         if not item == seconditem:
        #             if item["_id"] == seconditem["_id"]:
        #                 thislist.remove(item)
        return thislist

    def kqc(self, papers, num_keywords=9, min_rank=50, candidate_pos=('NOUN', 'PROPN')):
        print("\n---------------------- Option 5 ------------------------")

        k = keyqueries.Keyqueries()
        ids = {paper["_id"] for paper in papers}
        kws = k.extract_keywords_kqc(papers, num_keywords=num_keywords, candidate_pos=candidate_pos)
        kq = k.best_kq(_ids=ids, keywords=kws, min_rank=min_rank)

        return kq, "kqc"

    def debug_print(self):
        print("hits without kq:", len(list(hit for hits in self.chunk_iterate_docs() for hit in hits if not hit["_source"].get("keyqueries"))))

    def extract_noise(self, size=5000):
        query = {
            "size": size,
            "query": {
                "function_score": {
                    "query": {"match_all": {}},
                    "random_score": {}
        content = json.dumps([hit["_source"] for hit in self.es_client.search(body=query, index=self.INDEX_NAME)["hits"]["hits"]])
        with open(f"json/noise{size}.json", "w") as file:

    def extract_json(self, search_phrase, file_name=None):
        if not file_name:
            file_name = f"{search_phrase}.json"
        with open(file_name, "w") as file:
                json.dumps([hit["_source"] for hit in self.title_search(search_phrase, size=1000)["hits"]["hits"]]))