Exemplo n.º 1
# explore it in fancy 3D
# fire up a mayavi2 window showing base mesh, charges on final mesh
# and isosurfaces of the pseudopotential
# Result.view(prefix, "RF")
# need to start the full eventloop for the window.
# close it to return control to the notebook
# from pyface.api import GUI
# GUI().start_event_loop()

from electrode import System, GridElectrode

# load the electrostatics results into a electrode.System()
s = System()
for name in "DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 RF".split():
    r = Result.from_vtk(prefix, name)
    e = GridElectrode.from_result(r)
    e.name = name
s["RF"].rf = 1.

n = 30
xyz = grid.to_mgrid()
p = s.potential(xyz.reshape(3, -1).T, 0).reshape(xyz[0].shape)
v = np.linspace(0, 2e-2, 21)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.contour(xyz[1, 10, :, :],
           xyz[2, 10, :, :],
           p[10, :, :],