def test_multiple_models(self):
       Test running running with two different pysd models
       relative_path_to_file = '../models/Sales_Agent_Market_Building_Dynamics.mdl'
       directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
       mdl_file = os.path.join(directory, relative_path_to_file)
       market_model = PysdModel(mdl_file=mdl_file)
       market_model.uncertainties = [RealParameter('Startup Subsidy',0, 3),
                                     RealParameter('Startup Subsidy Length', 0, 10)]
       market_model.outcomes = [TimeSeriesOutcome('Still Employed')]
       relative_path_to_file = '../models/Sales_Agent_Motivation_Dynamics.mdl'
       directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
       mdl_file = os.path.join(directory, relative_path_to_file)
       motivation_model = PysdModel(mdl_file=mdl_file)
       motivation_model.uncertainties = [RealParameter('Startup Subsidy', 0, 3),
                                     RealParameter('Startup Subsidy Length', 0, 10)]
       motivation_model.outcomes =[TimeSeriesOutcome('Still Employed')]
       ensemble = ModelEnsemble()  # instantiate an ensemble
       ensemble.model_structures = [market_model, motivation_model]  # set the model on the ensemble
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_running_lookup_uncertainties(self):
     This is the more comprehensive test, given that the lookup
     uncertainty replaces itself with a bunch of other uncertainties, check
     whether we can successfully run a set of experiments and get results
     back. We assert that the uncertainties are correctly replaced by
     analyzing the experiments array. 
     if != 'nt':
     model = LookupTestModel( r'../models/', 'lookupTestModel')
     #model.step = 4 #reduce data to be stored
     ensemble = ModelEnsemble()
     ensemble.model_structure = model
   def test_parallel_experiment(self):
       Test running an experiment in parallel
       relative_path_to_file = '../models/Teacup.mdl'
       directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
       mdl_file = os.path.join(directory, relative_path_to_file)
       model = PysdModel(mdl_file=mdl_file)
       model.uncertainties = [RealParameter('Room Temperature', 33, 120)]
       model.outcomes = [TimeSeriesOutcome('Teacup Temperature')]
       ensemble = ModelEnsemble()  # instantiate an ensemble
       ensemble.model_structures = model  # set the model on the ensemble
       ensemble.parallel = True
    def test_parallel_experiment(self):
        Test running an experiment in parallel

        from ema_workbench.connectors import PySDConnector
        model = PySDConnector('../models/Teacup.mdl',
                              uncertainties_dict={'Room Temperature': (33, 120)},
                              outcomes_list=['Teacup Temperature'])

        ensemble = ModelEnsemble()  # instantiate an ensemble
        ensemble.model_structure = model  # set the model on the ensemble
        ensemble.parallel = True
        results = ensemble.perform_experiments(cases=20)
    def test_add_outcomes(self):
        from ema_workbench.connectors import PySDConnector
        model = PySDConnector('../models/Teacup.mdl',
                              uncertainties_dict={'Room Temperature': (33, 120)},
                              outcomes_list=['Teacup Temperature'])

        ensemble = ModelEnsemble()  # instantiate an ensemble
        ensemble.model_structure = model  # set the model on the ensemble
        ensemble.parallel = False

        nr_runs = 10
        experiments, outcomes = ensemble.perform_experiments(nr_runs)

        self.assertEqual(experiments.shape[0], nr_runs)
        self.assertIn('TIME', outcomes.keys())
        self.assertIn('Teacup Temperature', outcomes.keys())
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_vensim_model(self):
     #instantiate a model
     wd = r'../models'
     model = VensimExampleModel(wd, "simpleModel")
     #instantiate an ensemble
     ensemble = ModelEnsemble()
     #set the model on the ensemble
     ensemble.model_structure = model
     nr_runs = 10
     experiments, outcomes = ensemble.perform_experiments(nr_runs)
     self.assertEqual(experiments.shape[0], nr_runs)
     self.assertIn('TIME', outcomes.keys())
     self.assertIn(model.outcomes[0].name, outcomes.keys())
    def test_multiple_models(self):
        Test running running with two different pysd models

        from ema_workbench.connectors import PySDConnector
        market_model = PySDConnector('../models/Sales_Agent_Market_Building_Dynamics.mdl',
                                     uncertainties_dict={'Startup Subsidy': (0, 3),
                                                         'Startup Subsidy Length': (0, 10)},
                                     outcomes_list=['Still Employed'])

        motivation_model = PySDConnector('../models/Sales_Agent_Market_Building_Dynamics.mdl',
                                         uncertainties_dict={'Startup Subsidy': (0, 3),
                                                             'Startup Subsidy Length': (0, 10)},
                                         outcomes_list=['Still Employed'])

        ensemble = ModelEnsemble()  # instantiate an ensemble
        ensemble.model_structures = [market_model, motivation_model]  # set the model on the ensemble
        results = ensemble.perform_experiments(cases=20)
                             "susceptible to immune population delay time region 1"),
                             "susceptible to immune population delay time region 2"),
        ParameterUncertainty((0.01, 5), 
                             "root contact rate region 1"),
        ParameterUncertainty((0.01, 5), 
                             "root contact ratio region 2"),
        ParameterUncertainty((0, 0.15), 
                             "infection ratio region 1"),
        ParameterUncertainty((0, 0.15), 
                             "infection rate region 2"),
        ParameterUncertainty((10, 100), 
                             "normal contact rate region 1"),
        ParameterUncertainty((10, 200), 
                             "normal contact rate region 2")]
if __name__ == "__main__":
    model = FluModel(r'./models/flu', "fluCase")
    ensemble = ModelEnsemble()
    ensemble.model_structure = model
    ensemble.parallel = True #turn on parallel processing

    nr_experiments = 1000
    results = ensemble.perform_experiments(nr_experiments)
    fh =  r'./data/{} flu cases no policy.tar.gz'.format(nr_experiments)
    save_results(results, fh)
                atomicBehavior.append([last, steps])
                last = entry
                steps = 0
    atomicBehavior.append([last, steps])
    behavior = []
    for entry in atomicBehavior:
        if entry[0] != behavior[-1][0] and entry[1] >2:
        elif entry[1] <2:
            behavior[-1][1] =+ entry[1]
    behavior = [entry[0] for entry in behavior]
    return behavior   

if __name__ == "__main__":
    model = ScarcityModel(r'..\data', "scarcity")
    ensemble = ModelEnsemble()
    ensemble.parallel = True
    results = ensemble.perform_experiments(100)
#    determineBehavior(results)
Exemplo n.º 10
                                        "effect of perceived adequacy on energy drain lookup", self, 0, 10),
                         LookupUncertainty('hearne2', [(-2, 2), (-1, 2), (0, 1.5), (0.1, 1.6), (0.5, 1.5), (0.1, 2)], 
                                        "effect of perceived adequacy of hours worked lookup", self, 0, 2.5),
                         LookupUncertainty('hearne2', [(-1, 1), (-1, 1), (0, 0.9), (0.1, 1), (0.5, 1.5), (1, 1.5)], 
                                        "effect of energy levels on hours worked lookup", self, 0, 1.5),
                         LookupUncertainty('hearne2', [(-1, 1), (-1, 1), (0, 0.9), (0.1, 1), (0.5, 1.5), (1, 1.5)], 
                                        "effect of high energy on further recovery lookup", self, 0, 1.25),
                         LookupUncertainty('hearne2', [(-2, 2), (-1, 1), (0, 100), (20, 120), (0.5, 1.5), (0.5, 2)], 
                                        "effect of hours worked on energy recovery lookup", self, 0, 1.5),
                         LookupUncertainty('approximation', [(-0.5, 0.35), (3, 5), (1, 10), (0.2, 0.4), (0, 120)],
                                        "effect of hours worked on energy drain lookup", self, 0, 3),
                         LookupUncertainty('hearne1', [(0, 1), (0, 0.15), (1, 1.5), (0.75, 1.25)], 
                                        "effect of low energy on further depletion lookup", self, 0, 1)]     


if __name__ == "__main__":
    model = Burnout(r'./models/burnout', "burnout")

    ensemble = ModelEnsemble()
    ensemble.model_structures = model
    #run policy with old cases
    results = ensemble.perform_experiments(100)
    lines(results, 'Energy Level', density=BOXPLOT)

Exemplo n.º 11
        susceptible_population_region_2 = susceptible_population_region_2_NEXT
        immune_population_region_1 = immune_population_region_1_NEXT
        immune_population_region_2 = immune_population_region_2_NEXT
        #End of main code
    return (runTime, deceased_population_region_1) #, Max_infected, Max_time)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    np.random.seed(150) #set the seed for replication purposes
    fluModel = MexicanFlu(None, "mexicanFluExample")
    ensemble = ModelEnsemble()
    ensemble.parallel = True
    ensemble.model_structure = fluModel
    nr_experiments = 500
    results = ensemble.perform_experiments(nr_experiments, reporting_interval=100)

    lines(results, outcomes_to_show="deceased_population_region_1", 
          show_envelope=True, density=KDE, titles=None, 
          experiments_to_show=np.arange(0, nr_experiments, 10)
Exemplo n.º 12
                Outcome('grass', time=True) # TODO patches not working in reporting
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import multiprocessing
    ema_logging.LOG_FORMAT = multiprocessing.util.DEFAULT_LOGGING_FORMAT
    #turn on logging
    ema_logging.log_to_stderr(ema_logging.DEBUG)'in main')
    #instantiate a model
    fh = r"./models/predatorPreyNetlogo"
    model = PredatorPrey(fh, "simpleModel")
    #instantiate an ensemble
    ensemble = ModelEnsemble()
    #set the model on the ensemble
    ensemble.model_structure = model
    #run in parallel, if not set, FALSE is assumed
    ensemble.parallel = True
    ensemble.processes = 2
    #perform experiments
    results = ensemble.perform_experiments(10, reporting_interval=1)

    plotting.lines(results, density=plotting_util.KDE)
Exemplo n.º 13
    # override some of the defaults of the model
    model.constants = [Constant('alpha', 0.41),
                       Constant('nsamples', 150),]
    # set levers, one for each time step
    model.levers = [RealParameter(str(i), 0, 0.1) for i in range(100)]
    ensemble = ModelEnsemble() #instantiate an ensemble
    ensemble.model_structures = model #set the model on the ensemble
    ensemble.parallel = True
    ensemble.processes = 1
    # generate some random policies by sampling over levers
    policies, levers, n = samplers.sample_levers(ensemble.model_structures, 4, 
    # policies is a generator, so let's exhaust the generator
    policies = [policy for policy in policies]
    # policy name defaults to a repr(dict), let's rename
    for i, policy in enumerate(policies): = str(i)
    # let's set the policies on the ensemble
    ensemble.policies = policies
    #run 1000 experiments
    results = ensemble.perform_experiments(1000, reporting_interval=10)