Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_unicode(self, key, failobj=None, errors="strict"):
        value = self.get(key, None)
        if value is None:
            return failobj

        header = email.header.Header()
        for string, encoding in email.header.decode_header(value):
            header.append(string, encoding, errors)
        return unicode(header)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_unicode(self, key, failobj=None, errors="strict"):
        value = self.get(key, None)
        if value is None:
            return failobj

        header = email.header.Header()
        for string, encoding in email.header.decode_header(value):
            header.append(string, encoding, errors)
        return unicode(header)
def header_to_string(headervalue):
    decoded = email.header.decode_header(headervalue)
    header = email.header.Header()
    for p in decoded:
            header.append(p[0], p[1])
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            print("error handing header '%s'" % headervalue)
            print("unable to process header %s in encoding %s" %(repr(p[0]), p[1]))
    return str(header)
Exemplo n.º 4
def ParseMessage(fd, pgpmime=True):
  pos = fd.tell()
  header = [fd.readline()]
  while header[-1] not in ('', '\n', '\r\n'):
    line = fd.readline()
    if line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'):
      header[-1] += line

  if pgpmime:
    message = PGPMimeParser().parse(fd)
    message = email.parser.Parser().parse(fd)

  message.raw_header = header
  return message
Exemplo n.º 5
    def parse(msgdata):
        if PYT3:
            msg = email.message_from_bytes(msgdata)
            msg = email.message_from_string(msgdata)
        headers = accounting.utils.cidict()
        for name, val in msg._headers:
            parts = email.header.decode_header(val)
            header = headers.setdefault(name, [])
            for decoded, charset in parts:
                if PYT3:
                    header.append(decoded.decode(charset or 'ascii'))

        payload = msg.get_payload(decode=True)
        payload = payload.decode(msg.get_content_charset())

        return payload, headers
Exemplo n.º 6
        def usersAsHeader(users, header_name):
            header = email.header.Header(header_name=header_name)

            for index, user in enumerate(users):
                if isascii(user.fullname):
                    header.append(user.fullname, "us-ascii")
                    header.append(user.fullname, "utf-8")
                if index < len(users) - 1:
                    header.append("<%s>," % user.email, "us-ascii")
                    header.append("<%s>" % user.email, "us-ascii")

            return header
Exemplo n.º 7
        def usersAsHeader(users, header_name):
            header = email.header.Header(header_name=header_name)

            for index, user in enumerate(users):
                if isascii(user.fullname):
                    header.append(user.fullname, "us-ascii")
                    header.append(user.fullname, "utf-8")
                if index < len(users) - 1:
                    header.append("<%s>," % user.email, "us-ascii")
                    header.append("<%s>" % user.email, "us-ascii")

            return header
Exemplo n.º 8
def ParseMessage(fd, pgpmime=True):
  pos = fd.tell()
  if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
    fd.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    _len = fd.tell()
    logger.debug("Parsing message (fd: %s, len: %d, pos: %d)" % (fd, _len, pos))
  header = [fd.readline()]
  while header[-1] not in ('', '\n', '\r\n'):
    line = fd.readline()
    if line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'):
      header[-1] += line

  if GnuPG and pgpmime:
    message = PGPMimeParser().parse(fd)
    message = email.parser.Parser().parse(fd)

  message.raw_header = header
  return message
Exemplo n.º 9
def format_addresses(addresses, header_name=None, charset='iso-8859-1'):
    """This is an extension of email.utils.formataddr.
       Function expect a list of addresses [ ('name', 'name@domain'), ...].
       The len(header_name) is used to limit first line length.
       The function mix the use Header(), formataddr() and check for 'us-ascii'
       string to have valid and friendly 'address' header.
       If one 'name' is not unicode string, then it must encoded using 'charset',
       Header will use 'charset' to decode it.
       Unicode string will be encoded following the "Header" rules : (
       try first using ascii, then 'charset', then 'uft8')
       'name@address' is supposed to be pure us-ascii, it can be unicode
       string or not (but cannot contains non us-ascii)

       In short Header() ignore syntax rules about 'address' field,
       and formataddr() ignore encoding of non us-ascci chars.
    header=email.header.Header(charset=charset, header_name=header_name)
    for i, (name, addr) in enumerate(addresses):
        if i!=0:
            # add separator between addresses
            header.append(',', charset='us-ascii')
        # check if address name is a unicode or byte string in "pure" us-ascii
            if isinstance(name, str):
                # convert name in byte string
                # check id byte string contains only us-ascii chars
        except UnicodeError:
            # Header will use "RFC2047" to encode the address name
            # if name is byte string, charset will be used to decode it first
            # here us-ascii must be used and not default 'charset'
            header.append('<%s>' % (addr,), charset='us-ascii')
            # name is a us-ascii byte string, i can use formataddr
            formated_addr=email.utils.formataddr((name, addr))
            # us-ascii must be used and not default 'charset'
            header.append(formated_addr, charset='us-ascii')

    return header
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_mail_header_by_data(maildata):
    header = []
    break_flag = False
    for x in xrange(len(maildata)):
        if maildata[x] == '\r': continue
        if maildata[x] != '\n':
            break_flag = False
        if break_flag: break
        break_flag = True
    return ''.join(header)
    def decode_header(self, s):
        if not s:
            return s

        header = []
        for text, charset in email.header.decode_header(s):
            if not charset:
                header.append(unicode(text, charset, 'replace'))

        return u' '.join(header)
Exemplo n.º 12
def decode_any_header(value):
    '''Wrapper around email.header.decode_header to absorb all errors.'''
    value = re.sub(r'[\r\n]\s*', ' ', value)
        chunks = email.header.decode_header(value)
    except email.errors.HeaderParseError:
        chunks = [(value, None)]

    header = email.header.Header()
    for string, charset in chunks:
        if charset is not None:
            if not isinstance(charset, email.header.Charset):
                charset = email.header.Charset(charset)
                header.append(string, charset, errors='strict')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                header.append(string, 'latin1', errors='strict')
            header.append(string, charset, errors='replace')
    return header
Exemplo n.º 13
    def send(self, recipients=None, **kwargs):
        Sends the email.

            List of email addresses of recipients.
        if recipients is None or recipients is []:

        log.debug('Getting mail template: %s' % self.template)

        to = ', '.join(recipients)
        sender = '%s <%s>' % (pylons.config['debexpo.sitename'], pylons.config['debexpo.email'])

        c = FakeC(to=to, sender=sender, config=pylons.config, **kwargs)

        template_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'templates/email/%s.mako' % self.template)
        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.path.dirname(template_file)])
        template = Template(filename=template_file, lookup=lookup, module_directory=pylons.config['app_conf']['cache_dir'])
        # Temporarily set up routes.util.url_for as the URL renderer used for h.url() in templates

        rendered_message = template.render_unicode(_=gettext, h=h, c=c).encode("utf-8")

            # Parse the email message
            message = email.message_from_string(rendered_message)
        except email.errors.MessageParseError:
            # Parsing the message failed, let's send the raw data...
            message = rendered_message.encode("utf-8")
            # By default, python base64-encodes all UTF-8 text which is annoying. Force quoted-printable
            email.charset.add_charset('utf-8', email.charset.QP, email.charset.QP, 'utf-8')
            # Create a new, MIME-aware message
            new_message = email.mime.text.MIMEText(message.get_payload().decode("utf-8"), "plain", "utf-8")

            for key in message.keys():
                    contents = message[key].decode("utf-8").split(u" ")
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    # Bad encoding in the header, don't try to do anything more...
                    header = message[key]
                    # Do some RFC2047-encoding of the headers.  We split on word-boundaries so that
                    # python doesn't encode the whole header in a RFC2047 blob, but only what's
                    # needed.
                    header = email.header.Header()
                    for c in contents:
                new_message[key] = header
            # And get that back as a string to pass onto sendmail
            message = new_message.as_string()


        log.debug('Starting SMTP session to %s' % self.server)
        session = smtplib.SMTP(self.server)

        if self.auth:
            log.debug('Authentication requested; logging in')
            session.login(self.auth['user'], self.auth['password'])

        log.debug('Sending email to %s' % ', '.join(recipients))
        result = session.sendmail(pylons.config['debexpo.email'], recipients, message)

        if result:
            # Something went wrong.
            for recipient in result.keys():
                log.critical('Failed sending to %s: %s, %s' % (recipient, result[recipient][0],
            log.debug('Successfully sent')
Exemplo n.º 14
def format_addresses(addresses, header_name=None, charset=None):
    Convert a list of addresses into a MIME-compliant header for a From, To, Cc,
    or any other I{address} related field.
    This mixes the use of email.utils.formataddr() and email.header.Header().

    @type addresses: list
    @param addresses: list of addresses, can be a mix of string a tuple  of the form
        C{[ 'address@domain', (u'Name', 'name@domain'), ...]}.
        If C{u'Name'} contains non us-ascii characters, it must be a
        unicode string or encoded using the I{charset} argument.
    @type header_name: string or None
    @keyword header_name: the name of the header. Its length is used to limit
        the length of the first line of the header according the RFC's
        requirements. (not very important, but it's better to match the
        requirements when possible)
    @type charset: str
    @keyword charset: the encoding charset for non unicode I{name} and a B{hint}
        for encoding of unicode string. In other words,
        if the I{name} of an address in a byte string containing non
        I{us-ascii} characters, then C{name.decode(charset)}
        must generate the expected result. If a unicode string
        is used instead, charset will be tried to encode the
        string, if it fail, I{utf-8} will be used.
        With B{Python 3.x} I{charset} is no more a hint and an exception will
        be raised instead of using I{utf-8} has a fall back.
    @rtype: str
    @return: the encoded list of formated addresses separated by commas,
    ready to use as I{Header} value.

    >>> print format_addresses([('John', '*****@*****.**') ], 'From', 'us-ascii').encode()
    John <*****@*****.**>
    >>> print format_addresses([(u'l\\xe9o', '*****@*****.**') ], 'To', 'iso-8859-1').encode()
    =?iso-8859-1?q?l=E9o?= <*****@*****.**>
    >>> print format_addresses([(u'l\\xe9o', '*****@*****.**') ], 'To', 'us-ascii').encode()
    ... # don't work in 3.X because charset is more than a hint
    ... #doctest: +SKIP
    =?utf-8?q?l=C3=A9o?= <*****@*****.**>
    >>> # because u'l\xe9o' cannot be encoded into us-ascii, utf8 is used instead
    >>> print format_addresses([('No\\xe9', '*****@*****.**'), (u'M\u0101ori', '*****@*****.**')  ], 'Cc', 'iso-8859-1').encode()
    ... # don't work in 3.X because charset is more than a hint
    ... #doctest: +SKIP
    =?iso-8859-1?q?No=E9?= <*****@*****.**> , =?utf-8?b?TcSBb3Jp?= <*****@*****.**>
    >>> # 'No\xe9' is already encoded into iso-8859-1, but u'M\u0101ori' cannot be encoded into iso-8859-1
    >>> # then utf8 is used here
    >>> print format_addresses(['*****@*****.**', ('John', '*****@*****.**') ], 'From', 'us-ascii').encode()
    [email protected] , John <*****@*****.**>
    header=email.header.Header(charset=charset, header_name=header_name)
    for i, address in enumerate(addresses):
        if i!=0:
            # add separator between addresses
            header.append(',', charset='us-ascii')

            name, addr=address
        except ValueError:
            # address is not a tuple, their is no name, only email address
            header.append(address, charset='us-ascii')
            # check if address name is a unicode or byte string in "pure" us-ascii
            if utils.is_usascii(name):
                # name is a us-ascii byte string, i can use formataddr
                formated_addr=email.utils.formataddr((name, addr))
                # us-ascii must be used and not default 'charset'
                header.append(formated_addr, charset='us-ascii')
                # this is not as "pure" us-ascii string
                # Header will use "RFC2047" to encode the address name
                # if name is byte string, charset will be used to decode it first
                # here us-ascii must be used and not default 'charset'
                header.append('<%s>' % (addr,), charset='us-ascii')

    return header
Exemplo n.º 15
    def send(self, recipients=None, **kwargs):
        Sends the email.

            List of email addresses of recipients.
        if recipients is None or recipients is []:

        log.debug('Getting mail template: %s' % self.template)

        to = ', '.join(recipients)
        sender = '%s <%s>' % (pylons.config['debexpo.sitename'], pylons.config['debexpo.email'])

        c = FakeC(to=to, sender=sender, config=pylons.config, **kwargs)

        template_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'templates/email/%s.mako' % self.template)
        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[os.path.dirname(template_file)])
        template = Template(filename=template_file, lookup=lookup, module_directory=pylons.config['app_conf']['cache_dir'])
        # Temporarily set up routes.util.url_for as the URL renderer used for h.url() in templates

        rendered_message = template.render_unicode(_=gettext, h=h, c=c).encode("utf-8")

            # Parse the email message
            message = email.message_from_string(rendered_message)
        except email.errors.MessageParseError:
            # Parsing the message failed, let's send the raw data...
            message = rendered_message.encode("utf-8")
            # By default, python base64-encodes all UTF-8 text which is annoying. Force quoted-printable
            email.charset.add_charset('utf-8', email.charset.QP, email.charset.QP, 'utf-8')
            # Create a new, MIME-aware message
            new_message = email.mime.text.MIMEText(message.get_payload().decode("utf-8"), "plain", "utf-8")

            for key in message.keys():
                    contents = message[key].decode("utf-8").split(u" ")
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    # Bad encoding in the header, don't try to do anything more...
                    header = message[key]
                    # Do some RFC2047-encoding of the headers.  We split on word-boundaries so that
                    # python doesn't encode the whole header in a RFC2047 blob, but only what's
                    # needed.
                    header = email.header.Header()
                    for c in contents:
                new_message[key] = header
            # And get that back as a string to pass onto sendmail
            message = new_message.as_string()


        log.debug('Starting SMTP session to %s:%s' % (self.server, self.port))
        session = smtplib.SMTP(self.server, self.port)

        if self.auth:
            log.debug('Authentication requested; logging in')
            session.login(self.auth['user'], self.auth['password'])

        log.debug('Sending email to %s' % ', '.join(recipients))
        result = session.sendmail(pylons.config['debexpo.email'], recipients, message)

        if result:
            # Something went wrong.
            for recipient in result.keys():
                log.critical('Failed sending to %s: %s, %s' % (recipient, result[recipient][0],
            log.debug('Successfully sent')
Exemplo n.º 16
        def usersAsHeader(users, header_name):
            header = email.header.Header(header_name=header_name)

            for index, user in enumerate(users):
                if isascii(user.fullname):
                    header.append(user.fullname, "us-ascii")
                    header.append(user.fullname, "utf-8")
                if index < len(users) - 1:
                    if header_name == "From" and configuration.smtp.USE_SYSTEM_MAIL_FOR_FROM_FIELD == True:
                        header.append("<%s>," % configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_EMAIL, "us-ascii")
                        header.append("<%s>," % user.email, "us-ascii")
                    if header_name == "From" and configuration.smtp.USE_SYSTEM_MAIL_FOR_FROM_FIELD == True:
                        header.append("<%s>," % configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_EMAIL, "us-ascii")
                        header.append("<%s>" % user.email, "us-ascii")

            return header
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __parse(self, binary):
        # CR は全て削除。
        binary = binary.replace(b'\r', b'')
        # print(binary)
        # ヘッダとボディに分離。
        if binary[0] != 0x0a:
            hofs = binary.find(b'\n\n')
            if hofs == -1:
                raise RuntimeError('ヘッダの終端が見つからない。')
            header_binary = binary[:hofs]  # 最後の LR は除く。
            body_binary = binary[hofs + 2:]
            header_binary = b''
            body_binary = binary[1:]

        # ヘッダを行ごとに分離。継続行も処理。
        header = []
        for line in header_binary.split(b'\n'):
            if len(line) == 0:
            first_byte = line[0]
            if first_byte == 32 or first_byte == 9:
                for i in range(len(line)):
                    if line[i] not in (32, 9):
                header[len(header) - 1] += b' ' + line[i:]

        subject = None
        content_type = None
        charset = None
        boundary = None
        content_transfer_encoding = None
        for hdr in header:
            m = re.match(self.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_REGEX, hdr)
            if m:
                content_type = m.group(1).decode('utf-8', 'replace').lower()
                #print('content_type=', content_type)
                m = re.search(self.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_CHARSET_REGEX, hdr)
                if m:
                    charset = m.group(2)
                    if not charset:
                        charset = m.group(3)
                    charset = charset.decode('utf-8', 'replace').lower()
                    #print('charset=', charset)
                m = re.search(self.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_BOUNDARY_REGEX, hdr)
                if m:
                    boundary = m.group(2)
                    if not boundary:
                        boundary = m.group(3)
                    #print('boundary=', boundary)

            m = re.match(self.HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING_REGEX, hdr)
            if m:
                content_transfer_encoding = m.group(1).decode(
                    'utf-8', 'replace').lower()
                #print('content_transfer_encoding=', content_transfer_encoding)

            m = re.match(self.HEADER_SUBJECT, hdr)
            if m:
                subject = m.group(1)

        if subject:
            subject = self.__decode_partially_encoded(subject)

        if content_transfer_encoding == 'quoted-printable':
            body_binary = self.__decode_quoted_printable(body_binary)
        elif content_transfer_encoding == 'base64':
            body_binary = self.__decode_base64(body_binary)

        if content_type == 'text/plain':
            if charset:
                text = body_binary.decode(charset, 'replace')
                text = body_binary.decode('ascii', 'replace')

        if content_type == 'text/html':
            soup = BeautifulSoup(body_binary, 'lxml')
            for s in soup(['script', 'style']):
            self.__mail.texts.append(' '.join(soup.stripped_strings))

        if isinstance(content_type,
                      str) and content_type.startswith('multipart/'):
            bry = b'\n--' + boundary + b'--\n'
            endpos = body_binary.find(bry)
            if endpos == -1:
                raise RuntimeError('multipart terminator not found.')
            endpos += 1  # \n の分。
            bry = b'--' + boundary + b'\n'
            begpos = 0
            while begpos >= 0:
                begpos = body_binary.find(bry, begpos, endpos)
                if begpos == -1:
                    raise RuntimeError('multipart not begin.')
                if begpos == 0:
                if body_binary[begpos - 1] == 0x0a:
                begpos += 1
            begpos += len(bry)

            body_binaries = body_binary[begpos:endpos].split(bry)

            for body_bin in body_binaries:
Exemplo n.º 18
def format_addresses(addresses, header_name=None, charset=None):
    Convert a list of addresses into a MIME-compliant header for a From, To, Cc,
    or any other I{address} related field. 
    This mixes the use of email.utils.formataddr() and email.header.Header().
    @type addresses: list
    @param addresses: list of addresses, can be a mix of string a tuple  of the form 
        C{[ 'address@domain', (u'Name', 'name@domain'), ...]}. 
        If C{u'Name'} contains non us-ascii characters, it must be a 
        unicode string or encoded using the I{charset} argument.
    @type header_name: string or None
    @keyword header_name: the name of the header. Its length is used to limit 
        the length of the first line of the header according the RFC's 
        requirements. (not very important, but it's better to match the 
        requirements when possible)
    @type charset: str
    @keyword charset: the encoding charset for non unicode I{name} and a B{hint}
        for encoding of unicode string. In other words,
        if the I{name} of an address in a byte string containing non 
        I{us-ascii} characters, then C{name.decode(charset)}
        must generate the expected result. If a unicode string
        is used instead, charset will be tried to encode the
        string, if it fail, I{utf-8} will be used.
        With B{Python 3.x} I{charset} is no more a hint and an exception will
        be raised instead of using I{utf-8} has a fall back.
    @rtype: str    
    @return: the encoded list of formated addresses separated by commas, 
    ready to use as I{Header} value.

    >>> print(format_addresses([('John', '*****@*****.**') ], 'From', 'us-ascii').encode())
    John <*****@*****.**>
    >>> print(format_addresses([('l\\xe9o', '*****@*****.**') ], 'To', 'iso-8859-1').encode())
    =?iso-8859-1?q?l=E9o?= <*****@*****.**>
    >>> print(format_addresses([('l\\xe9o', '*****@*****.**') ], 'To', 'us-ascii').encode()) 
    ... # don't work in 3.X because charset is more than a hint 
    ... #doctest: +SKIP
    =?utf-8?q?l=C3=A9o?= <*****@*****.**>
    >>> # because u'l\xe9o' cannot be encoded into us-ascii, utf8 is used instead
    >>> print(format_addresses([('No\\xe9', '*****@*****.**'), ('M\\u0101ori', '*****@*****.**')  ], 'Cc', 'iso-8859-1').encode())
    ... # don't work in 3.X because charset is more than a hint 
    ... #doctest: +SKIP
    =?iso-8859-1?q?No=E9?= <*****@*****.**> , =?utf-8?b?TcSBb3Jp?= <*****@*****.**>
    >>> # 'No\xe9' is already encoded into iso-8859-1, but u'M\\u0101ori' cannot be encoded into iso-8859-1 
    >>> # then utf8 is used here
    >>> print(format_addresses(['*****@*****.**', ('John', '*****@*****.**') ], 'From', 'us-ascii').encode())
    [email protected] , John <*****@*****.**>
    header=email.header.Header(charset=charset, header_name=header_name)
    for i, address in enumerate(addresses):
        if i!=0:
            # add separator between addresses
            header.append(',', charset='us-ascii') 

            name, addr=address
        except ValueError:
            # address is not a tuple, their is no name, only email address
            header.append(address, charset='us-ascii') 
            # check if address name is a unicode or byte string in "pure" us-ascii
            if utils.is_usascii(name):
                # name is a us-ascii byte string, i can use formataddr
                formated_addr=email.utils.formataddr((name, addr))
                # us-ascii must be used and not default 'charset'  
                header.append(formated_addr, charset='us-ascii')
                # this is not as "pure" us-ascii string
                # Header will use "RFC2047" to encode the address name
                # if name is byte string, charset will be used to decode it first
                # here us-ascii must be used and not default 'charset'  
                header.append('<%s>' % (addr,), charset='us-ascii') 
    return header
Exemplo n.º 19
        def usersAsHeader(users, header_name):
            header = email.header.Header(header_name=header_name)

            for index, user in enumerate(users):
                if isascii(user.fullname):
                    header.append(user.fullname, "us-ascii")
                    header.append(user.fullname, "utf-8")
                if index < len(users) - 1:
                    if header_name == "From" and configuration.smtp.USE_SYSTEM_MAIL_FOR_FROM_FIELD == True:
                            "<%s>," % configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_EMAIL,
                        header.append("<%s>," % user.email, "us-ascii")
                    if header_name == "From" and configuration.smtp.USE_SYSTEM_MAIL_FOR_FROM_FIELD == True:
                            "<%s>," % configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_EMAIL,
                        header.append("<%s>" % user.email, "us-ascii")

            return header