def write_mime_message_payloads(
    output_dir: str,
    transaction_id: str,
    msg: MIMEMessage,
    """For each payload in the MIME message, write out the ones that are
    attached as files.

        msg (MIMEMessage): The parsed MIME message.
        transaction_id (str): The transaction ID of the email.
        output_dir (str): The directory to write the payloads in.
    for part in msg.walk():
        if is_html(part) and not is_file(part):
            write_html(output_dir, transaction_id, part)

            # for some reason, outlook doesn't like EML files with HTML in them,
            # so we blank out the HTML payload here to display it correctly
        elif is_file(part) and not part.is_multipart():
            write_attachment(output_dir, transaction_id, part)
def anonymise_mime_message(msg: MIMEMessage) -> MIMEMessage:
    """Replace all of the sensitive fields in the MIME message with messages
    indicating that this message has been anonymised.

    The fields that get replaced are "Subject", "Thread-Topic", as well as the
    body of the email. Attachments are preserved.
    msg.replace_header("Subject", "The subject has been removed for anonymity")

    # the thread topic isn't always present
    if msg.get("Thread-Topic") is not None:
                           "The topic has been removed for anonymity")

    for part in msg.walk():
        # the only parts that contain the body are text/html and text/plain
        # TODO(sam): I think sometimes these can be encoded as base64?
        #            Might need special handling...
        if part.get_content_type() == "text/html" \
                or part.get_content_type() == "text/plain":
            if not is_file(part):
                part.set_payload("The body has been removed for anonymity")

    return msg