def __init__(self, osg_file): # the proxy instance allows us to talk to the display server self.ds_proxy = JSONStimulusOSGController() # create the observer = CarModelSocketObserver(self._observer_callback) # load the provided OSG file self.ds_proxy.set_stimulus_plugin('StimulusOSG') self.ds_proxy.load_osg(osg_file) self.expTrial = -1 self.replicate = -1 self.tSwitch = 0 self.tExp = 0 self.dateStart = '' # set starting position for stimuli self.rootPosition = np.zeros((1, 2)) self.postPosition = np.zeros((numberPost, 2)) self.postDistance = 5.0 # set starting position of fly self.start_position = {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': -0.07} self.ds_proxy.set_position(**self.start_position) # assign experiment a unique id self.expId = uuid.uuid4() # get experiment conditions from database self.getExperiment() # start every experiment with a no post condition self.updateStimuli(0) emailer.twitStatus(self.expId, status=0, t=self.tExp) self.running = True # event counter (number of times fly position is reset) self.cntr = 0
def loop(self): nStimuli = 0 t0 = time.time() sl_t0 = time.time() lastMessage = True # write output file in specified directory path = pathDefine(pathData, self.expId) with open(path + '/results.csv', 'w') as output: while self.running: pos = direc = t = time.time() - t0 sl_t = time.time() - sl_t0 if sl_t < 3: = 0.0 else: = 0.20 if t > self.tExp * 60 * .9 and lastMessage: try: emailer.twitStatus(self.expId, status=1, t=self.tExp * .1) except: pass lastMessage = False if t > self.tExp * 60: self.running = False self.writeInDb() emailer.twitStatus(self.expId, status=2, t=self.tExp) elif t > (nStimuli + 1) * self.tSwitch * 60: nStimuli = nStimuli + 1**self.start_position) self.updateStimuli(nStimuli) sl_t0 = time.time() self.cntr = 0 for nPost in range(0, 10): if distance(pos, self.postPosition[nPost, :], True) < 0.5:**self.start_position) self.cntr += 1 sl_t0 = time.time() break if distance(pos, self.start_position, False) > self.postDistance:**self.start_position) self.cntr += 1 sl_t0 = time.time() #print "XYZ(%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f)" % (pos['x'], pos['y'], pos['z']), self.counter #print(t) output.write('%.8f, %.8f, %.8f, %.4f, %d, %.8f, %s\n' % (pos['x'], pos['y'], pos['z'], direc, self.cntr, t, str(nStimuli))) time.sleep(0.005)