def extract(encoder, token_lang, bpe_codes, ifname, output, remove=False, verbose=False): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: # ifname = '' if token_lang != '--': tok_fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'tok') Token(ifname, tok_fname, lang=token_lang, romanize=True if token_lang == 'el' else False, lower_case=True, gzip=False, verbose=verbose, over_write=False) ifname = tok_fname if bpe_codes: bpe_fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bpe') BPEfastApply(ifname, bpe_fname, bpe_codes, verbose=verbose, over_write=True) ifname = bpe_fname EncodeFile(encoder, ifname, output, verbose=verbose, over_write=False, buffer_size=10000) return EmbedLoad(output)
def _loadTextAndEmb(textF, encoding, embF, encoderDim, unify, verbose): inds, sents = TextLoadUnify(textF, encoding, unify, verbose) emb = EmbedLoad(embF, encoderDim, verbose=verbose) if unify: emb = unique_embeddings(emb, inds) faiss.normalize_L2(emb) return inds, sents, emb
def load_embeds(input_file, dimension): x = EmbedLoad(input_file, dimension, verbose=False) faiss.normalize_L2(x) return x
def Mine(src_doc_ind, trg_doc_ind, src, trg, encoding, src_embeddings, trg_embeddings, output, unify, mode, retrieval, margin, neighborhood, gpu, dim, threshold, verbose): print('LASER: tool to search, score or mine bitexts', file=sys.stderr) if gpu: print(' - knn will run on all available GPUs (recommended)', file=sys.stderr) else: print(' - knn will run on CPU (slow)', file=sys.stderr) args = AttrDict({"encoding": encoding, "unify": unify, "verbose": verbose}) src_inds, src_sents = TextLoadUnify(src, args) trg_inds, trg_sents = TextLoadUnify(trg, args) def unique_embeddings(emb, ind, verbose=False): aux = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(ind)} if verbose: print(' - unify embeddings: {:d} -> {:d}'.format( len(emb), len(aux)), file=sys.stderr) return emb[[aux[i] for i in range(len(aux))]] # load the embeddings x = EmbedLoad(src_embeddings, dim, verbose=verbose) if unify: x = unique_embeddings(x, src_inds, verbose) faiss.normalize_L2(x) y = EmbedLoad(trg_embeddings, dim, verbose=verbose) if unify: y = unique_embeddings(y, trg_inds, verbose) faiss.normalize_L2(y) # calculate knn in both directions if retrieval != 'bwd': if verbose: print(' - perform {:d}-nn source against target'.format( neighborhood), file=sys.stderr) x2y_sim, x2y_ind = knn(x, y, min(y.shape[0], neighborhood), gpu) x2y_mean = x2y_sim.mean(axis=1) if retrieval != 'fwd': if verbose: print(' - perform {:d}-nn target against source'.format( neighborhood), file=sys.stderr) y2x_sim, y2x_ind = knn(y, x, min(x.shape[0], neighborhood), gpu) y2x_mean = y2x_sim.mean(axis=1) # margin function if margin == 'absolute': def margin(a, b): return a elif margin == 'distance': def margin(a, b): return a - b else: # margin == 'ratio': def margin(a, b): return a / b if output: if output.endswith('.xz'): fout =, mode='at', encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape') else: fout = open(output, mode='a', encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape') else: output = "stdout" fout = sys.stdout if mode == 'search': if verbose: print(' - Searching for closest sentences in target', file=sys.stderr) print(' - writing alignments to {:s}'.format(output), file=sys.stderr) scores = score_candidates(x, y, x2y_ind, x2y_mean, y2x_mean, margin, verbose) best = x2y_ind[np.arange(x.shape[0]), scores.argmax(axis=1)] nbex = x.shape[0] ref = np.linspace(0, nbex - 1, nbex).astype(int) # [0, nbex) err = nbex - np.equal(best.reshape(nbex), ref).astype(int).sum() print(' - errors: {:d}={:.2f}%'.format(err, 100 * err / nbex), file=sys.stderr) for i in src_inds: print(trg_sents[best[i]], file=fout) elif mode == 'score': for i, j in zip(src_inds, trg_inds): s = score(x[i], y[j], x2y_mean[i], y2x_mean[j], margin) print(s, src_sents[i], trg_sents[j], sep='\t', file=fout) elif mode == 'mine': if verbose: print(' - mining for parallel data', file=sys.stderr) fwd_scores = score_candidates(x, y, x2y_ind, x2y_mean, y2x_mean, margin, verbose) bwd_scores = score_candidates(y, x, y2x_ind, y2x_mean, x2y_mean, margin, verbose) fwd_best = x2y_ind[np.arange(x.shape[0]), fwd_scores.argmax(axis=1)] bwd_best = y2x_ind[np.arange(y.shape[0]), bwd_scores.argmax(axis=1)] if verbose: print(' - writing alignments to {:s}'.format(output), file=sys.stderr) if threshold > 0: print(' - with threshold of {:f}'.format(threshold), file=sys.stderr) if retrieval == 'fwd': for i, j in enumerate(fwd_best): print(fwd_scores[i].max(), src_sents[i], trg_sents[j], sep='\t', file=fout) if retrieval == 'bwd': for j, i in enumerate(bwd_best): print(bwd_scores[j].max(), src_sents[i], trg_sents[j], sep='\t', file=fout) if retrieval == 'intersect': for i, j in enumerate(fwd_best): if bwd_best[j] == i: print(fwd_scores[i].max(), src_sents[i], trg_sents[j], sep='\t', file=fout) if retrieval == 'max': indices = np.stack( (np.concatenate((np.arange(x.shape[0]), bwd_best)), np.concatenate((fwd_best, np.arange(y.shape[0])))), axis=1) scores = np.concatenate( (fwd_scores.max(axis=1), bwd_scores.max(axis=1))) seen_src, seen_trg = set(), set() for i in np.argsort(-scores): src_ind, trg_ind = indices[i] if src_ind not in seen_src and trg_ind not in seen_trg: seen_src.add(src_ind) seen_trg.add(trg_ind) if scores[i] > threshold: print(src_doc_ind, trg_doc_ind, src_sents[src_ind], trg_sents[trg_ind], scores[i], sep='\t', file=fout) if fout != sys.stdout: fout.close()
print(' - knn will run on all available GPUs (recommended)') else: print(' - knn will run on CPU (slow)') src_inds, src_sents = TextLoadUnify(args.src, args) trg_inds, trg_sents = TextLoadUnify(args.trg, args) def unique_embeddings(emb, ind, verbose=False): aux = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(ind)} if verbose: print(' - unify embeddings: {:d} -> {:d}'.format( len(emb), len(aux))) return emb[[aux[i] for i in range(len(aux))]] # load the embeddings x = EmbedLoad(args.src_embeddings, args.dim, verbose=args.verbose) if args.unify: x = unique_embeddings(x, src_inds, args.verbose) faiss.normalize_L2(x) y = EmbedLoad(args.trg_embeddings, args.dim, verbose=args.verbose) if args.unify: y = unique_embeddings(y, trg_inds, args.verbose) faiss.normalize_L2(y) ########################### # modification 20200531 ########################### if args.cmp_embeddings is None: # matching tms z = None else: # matching tmt z = EmbedLoad(args.cmp_embeddings, args.dim, verbose=args.verbose)
src_inds, src_sents = TextLoadUnify(args.src, args) trg_inds, trg_sents = TextLoadUnify(args.trg, args) if args.trans: srcTransFile = ".enTranslated".join(args.src.rsplit('.bn', 1)) srcTrans_inds, srcTrans_sents = TextLoadUnify(srcTransFile, args) def unique_embeddings(emb, ind, verbose=False): aux = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(ind)} if verbose: print(' - unify embeddings: {:d} -> {:d}'.format( len(emb), len(aux))) return emb[[aux[i] for i in range(len(aux))]] # load the embeddings x = EmbedLoad(args.src_embeddings, args.dim, verbose=args.verbose) if args.trans: xTrans = EmbedLoad(".enTranslated".join( args.src_embeddings.rsplit('.bn', 1)), args.dim, verbose=args.verbose) if args.unify: x = unique_embeddings(x, src_inds, args.verbose) if args.trans: xTrans = unique_embeddings(xTrans, src_inds, args.verbose) if args.trans: faiss.normalize_L2(xTrans)