Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    files = my.get_grouped_files(source_path=source_path,
    path = delay_path + "delay_" + str(delay[index_delay]) + ".json"
    data_delay = my.open_file_and_return_data(path=path)

    i = 1
    err = list()
    dictionaries = dict()
    data = dict()
    for item in files:
        data = my.open_file_and_return_data(path=item)
        print("\x1b[1;30;43m " + item[28:] + " \x1b[0m ")
        start = dt.datetime.strptime(data_delay[str(i)]['_info']['start'],
                                     '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
        end = dt.datetime.strptime(data_delay[str(i)]['_info']['end_sent'],
                                   '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
        # TODO shift focus about data --- duration 4 minute
        new_start = start + dt.timedelta(0, 30)  # right shift --> default 40 s
        new_end = new_start + dt.timedelta(0, 240)  # 4m <- (60s*4)
        # end = end - dt.timedelta(0, 15)
        new_diff = new_end - new_start
        h, m, s = my.convert_timedelta(new_diff)
        fault, outcome = analysis(data, new_start, new_end, i)
        print("start: {} -- end: {} --- {}:{}.{} -- min: {} -- max: {}".format(
            new_start, new_end, h, m, s, outcome['smaller'],
        time = str(h) + ":" + str(m) + "." + str(s) + " [h:m.s]"
        outcome['time'] = {
            'old_start': start,
            'old_end': end,
            'new_start': new_start,
            'new_end': new_end,
            'new_time': time
        dictionaries[i] = outcome
        i += 1
    mex_removed = (60 * 1000) / delay[index_delay]
    total = data['_command']['n_mex'] - mex_removed
    print("\x1b[1;34;40m [{}] Mex_removed: {} --> total: {} \x1b[0m ".format(
        delay[index_delay], mex_removed, total))
    print("err: --> ", err)
    dictionaries['error'] = err
    dictionaries['info'] = {'mex_removed': mex_removed, 'n_mex': total}
Exemplo n.º 2
def preprocessing(data):
    print("- {}".format(preprocessing.__name__))
    wrong_mex = dict()
    time_change = list()
    mex_correct = list()
    end_sent = ""
    for i, mex in enumerate(data['messages']):
        string = mex['message_id']
        string = string.split(',')
        if re.match(regular_expression_mex, mex['message_id']):
            # MEX string
                'mex_id': int(string[1]),
                'type_mex': string[0],
                'ttl': string[2],
                'time': mex['time']
        elif re.match(regular_expression_time, mex['message_id']):
            # DELAY check WIFI string
                'type_mex': string[0],
                'delay': int(string[1]),
                'time': mex['time']
        elif re.match(regular_expression_final, mex['message_id']):
            end_sent = {'type_mex': string[0], 'time': mex['time']}
            # wrong saving
            match = re.findall(find_all_matches, mex['message_id'])
            wrong_mex[i] = {
                'datetime': mex['time'],
                'valid_mex_found': match,
                'string': mex['message_id']

    new_wrong_mex = dict()
    for index in wrong_mex:
            string = wrong_mex[index]['string']
            datetime = wrong_mex[index]['datetime']
            if len(wrong_mex[index]['valid_mex_found']) > 0:
                for m in wrong_mex[index]['valid_mex_found']:
                    string = string.replace(m, '')
                    m1 = m.split(',')
                    if re.match(regular_expression_mex, m):
                            'mex_id': int(m1[1]),
                            'type_mex': m1[0],
                            'ttl': m1[2],
                            'time': datetime
                    elif re.match(regular_expression_time, m):
                            'type_mex': m1[0],
                            'delay': int(m1[1]),
                            'time': datetime
                    elif re.match(regular_expression_final, m):
                        end_sent = {'type_mex': m1[0], 'time': datetime}
                if len(string) > 0:
                    new_wrong_mex[index] = {
                        'datetime': datetime,
                        'string': string
                new_wrong_mex[index] = {'datetime': datetime, 'string': string}
        except Exception:
            print("Erore index: ", index)

    # 1. creo una lista contenente tutte le strings con k propedeutici (23,24,25)
    # 2. appena trovo un numero che non è immediatamente consecutivo agli elementi in key_list, analizzo la string creata
    # 3. cerco tutti i possibili match con (mex, time, etc) e procedo a sistemare il tutto
    string = ""
    time_list = list()
    key_list = list()
    for k, v in new_wrong_mex.items():
        if key_list:
            if abs(k - key_list[-1]) != 1:
                match = re.findall(find_all_matches, string)
                i = 0
                for m in match:
                    string = string.replace(m, '')
                    m1 = m.split(',')
                    if re.match(regular_expression_mex, m):
                            'mex_id': int(m1[1]),
                            'type_mex': m1[0],
                            'ttl': m1[2],
                            'time': time_list[i]
                    elif re.match(regular_expression_time, m):
                            'type_mex': m1[0],
                            'delay': int(m1[1]),
                            'time': time_list[i]
                    elif re.match(regular_expression_final, m):
                        end_sent = {'type_mex': m1[0], 'time': time_list[i]}
                    i += 1
        if string == "":
            string = str(v['string'])
            if v['datetime'] == "2020-02-01 09:16:59.943322":
            string += str(v['string'])
            if v['datetime'] == "2020-02-01 09:16:59.943322":

    if string != "":
        match = re.findall(find_all_matches, string)
        i = 0
        for m in match:
            string = string.replace(m, '')
            m1 = m.split(',')
            if re.match(regular_expression_mex, m):
                    'mex_id': int(m1[1]),
                    'type_mex': m1[0],
                    'ttl': m1[2],
                    'time': time_list[i]
            elif re.match(regular_expression_time, m):
                    'type_mex': m1[0],
                    'delay': int(m1[1]),
                    'time': time_list[i]
            elif re.match(regular_expression_final, m):
                end_sent = {'type_mex': m1[0], 'time': time_list[i]}
            i += 1

    # TODO Sort given list of dictionaries by date
        key=lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))
        key=lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))

    start = dt.datetime.strptime(mex_correct[0]['time'],
                                 '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    end_sent_ = dt.datetime.strptime(end_sent['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    end_test = dt.datetime.strptime(mex_correct[-1]['time'],
                                    '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

    diff_ = end_sent_ - start
    h2, m2, s2 = my.convert_timedelta(diff_)
    diff = end_test - start
    h1, m1, s1 = my.convert_timedelta(diff)

    print("Start: {}".format(start))
    print("End_sent: {}".format(end_sent_))
    print("End_test: {}".format(end_test))
    print("Sent: {}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(m2, s2, diff_.total_seconds()))
    print("Test: {}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(m1, s1, diff.total_seconds()))

    # Salvare Preprocessing
    t1 = str(h2) + ":" + str(m2) + "." + str(s2) + " [h:m.s]"
    t2 = str(h1) + ":" + str(m1) + "." + str(s1) + " [h:m.s]"
    my_data = dict()
    my_data['_command'] = data['_command']
    my_data['_info'] = {
        'start': start,
        'end_sent': end_sent_,
        'end_test': end_test,
        'time_send': t1,
        'time_test': t2
    my_data['_mex'] = mex_correct
    my_data['_time'] = time_change

    # TODO saving
    print("Saving Preprocessing File")
    my.save_json_data_elegant(path=preprocessing_path, data=my_data)

    hash_table = dict()
    length = len(mex_correct)
    for i in range(length):
        k = mex_correct[i]['mex_id']
        if k in hash_table:
            hash_table[k] = list()

    word_info = dict()
    info_statistic = {
        'send_ble': 0,
        'receive_ble': 0,
        'error_ble': 0,
        'lost_ble': 0,
        'double_sent': 0,
        'send_wifi': 0,
        'receive_wifi': 0,
        'error_wifi': 0,
        'lost_wifi': 0,
        'sent_received': 0
    ttl_receive = 3 - int(data['_command']['relay'])
    list_wait = list()
    error_1 = list()
    error_2 = list()
    diff_ble = list()
    latency_ble = list()
    diff_wifi = list()
    latency_wifi = list()
    hash_json_data = dict()
    double = list()
    set_1 = set()
    set_2 = set()
    for k, v in hash_table.items():
        for i in v:
            word_info, info_statistic, double = my.look_into_it(
                word_info, info_statistic, mex_correct[i], double)
            if mex_correct[i]['type_mex'] == "O":
            if not k in hash_json_data:
                hash_json_data[k] = []
        # BLE
        if 'receive_ble' in word_info:
            if not int(word_info['send_ble']['ttl']) == 3:
                print('\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Error analysis_ttl --> send_: ' +
                      word_info['send_ble']['time'] + '\x1b[0m')
                error_1.append({'k': k, 'time': word_info['send_ble']['time']})
            if not int(word_info['receive_ble']['ttl']) == ttl_receive:
                print('\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Error analysis_ttl --> receive_: ' +
                      word_info['receive_ble']['time'] + '\x1b[0m')
                error_2.append({'k': k, 'time': word_info['send_ble']['time']})

            sent = dt.datetime.strptime(word_info['send_ble']['time'],
                                        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            receive_wifi = dt.datetime.strptime(
                word_info['receive_ble']['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            difference = receive_wifi - sent
            latency_ble.append(abs(difference.total_seconds()) / 2)
            info_statistic['sent_received'] += 1
                'ble': {
                    'send_time': sent,
                    'status_time': receive_wifi,
                    'difference': abs(difference.total_seconds()),
                    'latency': (abs(difference.total_seconds()) / 2)
        elif 'error_ble' in word_info:
            info_statistic['send_ble'] -= 1
            info_statistic['lost_ble'] += 1
        # WIFI
        if 'send_wifi' in word_info:
            if 'receive_wifi' in word_info:
                sent = dt.datetime.strptime(word_info['send_wifi']['time'],
                                            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                receive_wifi = dt.datetime.strptime(
                    word_info['receive_wifi']['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                difference = receive_wifi - sent
                latency_wifi.append(abs(difference.total_seconds()) / 2)
                info_statistic['sent_received'] += 1
                    'wifi': {
                        'send_time': sent,
                        'status_time': receive_wifi,
                        'difference': abs(difference.total_seconds()),
                        'latency': (abs(difference.total_seconds()) / 2)
            elif 'error_wifi' in word_info:
                info_statistic['send_wifi'] -= 1
                info_statistic['lost_wifi'] += 1
            # waiting
            send_ble = dt.datetime.strptime(word_info['send_ble']['time'],
                                            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            send_wifi = dt.datetime.strptime(word_info['send_wifi']['time'],
                                             '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            wait = abs(send_wifi - send_ble)
            if 'receive_wifi' in word_info:
                receive_wifi = dt.datetime.strptime(
                    word_info['receive_wifi']['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                diff_1 = (receive_wifi - send_ble).total_seconds() / 2
                diff_2 = wait.total_seconds() + (
                    (receive_wifi - send_wifi).total_seconds() / 2)
                    'ble_wifi': {
                        'send_ble': send_ble,
                        'send_wifi': send_wifi,
                        'receive_wifi': receive_wifi,
                        'wait': wait.total_seconds(),
                        'latency_1': diff_1,
                        'latency_2': diff_2
                    'ble_wifi': {
                        'send_ble': send_ble,
                        'send_wifi': send_wifi,
                        'wait': wait.total_seconds()

        if 'receive_ble' in word_info and 'send_wifi' in word_info:
            info_statistic['double_sent'] += 1

    if len(double) != 0:
        for k in double:
        raise Exception(
            'Indici Duplicati, esempio R,34,2 - R,34,1 --> Rimuovere R,34,2')

    print("[relay: {} -> ttl: {}]".format(data['_command']['relay'],
    print("Changing Delay: {}".format(len(time_change)))

    if len(error_1) > 0 or len(error_2) > 0:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Error TTL: sent: ' +
                        str(len(error_1)) + ' --> received: ' +
                        str(len(error_2)) + ' \x1b[0m')

    print("Media DIff BLE: {}s".format(statistics.mean(diff_ble)))
    print("Media Latency BLE: {}s".format(statistics.mean(latency_ble)))
    print("Media Diff WIFI: {}s".format(statistics.mean(diff_wifi)))
    print("Media Latency WIFI: {}s".format(statistics.mean(latency_wifi)))
    print("Media Waiting BLE -> WIFI: {}s".format(statistics.mean(list_wait)))

    info_statistic['valid_mex'] = info_statistic[
        'sent_received'] - info_statistic['double_sent']
    print("Total Send -> [{}]".format(data['_command']['n_mex']))
    print("S (ble) -> {}".format(info_statistic['send_ble']))
    print("R (ble) -> {}".format(info_statistic['receive_ble']))
    print("E (ble) -> {}".format(info_statistic['error_ble']))  # not_sent_ble
    print("Lost BLE: {}".format(info_statistic['lost_ble']))
    print("I (wifi) -> {}".format(info_statistic['send_wifi']))
    print("O (wifi) -> {}".format(info_statistic['receive_wifi']))
    print("W (wifi) -> {}".format(
        info_statistic['error_wifi']))  # not_sent_wifi
    print("Lost WiFi: {}".format(info_statistic['lost_wifi']))
    print("Double Sent -> {}".format(info_statistic['double_sent']))
    print("Sent & Received -> {}".format(info_statistic['sent_received']))
    print("Valid Mex -> {}".format(info_statistic['valid_mex']))

    # Check statistics
    if data['_command']['n_mex'] - info_statistic['send_ble'] - info_statistic[
            'error_ble'] != 0:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m Error BLE: mex number [T-S-E] \x1b[0m')
    elif info_statistic['send_ble'] - info_statistic[
            'receive_ble'] != info_statistic['lost_ble']:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m Error BLE: mex number [S-R] \x1b[0m')
    elif info_statistic['send_wifi'] - info_statistic[
            'lost_wifi'] != info_statistic['receive_wifi']:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m Error WIFI: mex number [I-O] \x1b[0m')
    elif info_statistic['valid_mex'] > data['_command']['n_mex']:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m Error MEX: Valid Mex \x1b[0m')
        print('\x1b[1;31;42m Check OK \x1b[0m')
    my_data_2 = dict()
    my_data_2['_command'] = my_data['_command']
    my_data_2['_info'] = my_data['_info']
    my_data_2['_info_2'] = {
        'mean': {
            'ble_mean_diff': statistics.mean(diff_ble),
            'ble_mean_latency': statistics.mean(latency_ble),
            'wifi_mean_diff': statistics.mean(diff_wifi),
            'wifi_mean_latency': statistics.mean(latency_wifi),
            'wait_mean': statistics.mean(list_wait)
        'mex_': {
            'ble': {
                'send_ble': info_statistic['send_ble'],
                'receive_ble': info_statistic['receive_ble'],
                'not_send_ble': info_statistic['error_ble'],
                'lost_ble': info_statistic['lost_ble']
            'wifi': {
                'send_wifi': info_statistic['send_wifi'],
                'receive_wifi': info_statistic['receive_wifi'],
                'not_send_wifi': info_statistic['error_wifi'],
                'lost_wifi': info_statistic['lost_wifi']
            'double_sent': info_statistic['double_sent'],
            'valid_mex': info_statistic['valid_mex'],
            'sent_received_total': info_statistic['sent_received']
    my_data_2['_time'] = my_data['_time']
    my_data_2['_mex'] = hash_json_data
    print("Saving Analysis File")
    my.save_json_data_elegant(path=analysis_path, data=my_data_2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def statistics(data, run, x):
    mex = data['_mex']
    min_index = x[str(run)]['smaller']
    max_index = x[str(run)]['bigger']
    latency_ble = dict()
    outcomes = {'S': 0, 'R': 0, 'L': 0, 'L1': 0, 'E': 0}
    end_test = dt.datetime.strptime(x[str(run)]['time']['new_end'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    end_send = dt.datetime.strptime(x[str(run)]['time']['new_end'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    for index, list_of_value in mex.items():
        for v in list_of_value:
            if min_index <= int(index) <= max_index:
                if 'type_mex' in v and v['type_mex'] == "S":
                    outcomes['S'] += 1
                if 'type_mex' in v and v['type_mex'] == "E":
                    outcomes['E'] += 1

                if 'ble' in v:
                    outcomes['R'] += 1
                    latency_ble[int(index)] = v['ble']['latency']
                    rcv = dt.datetime.strptime(v['ble']['status_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    if rcv > end_test:
                        end_test = rcv

    outcomes['L1'] = outcomes['S'] - outcomes['R'] - outcomes['E']
    outcomes['L'] = outcomes['S'] - outcomes['R']

    if outcomes['S'] - outcomes['R'] - outcomes['L'] != 0:
        raise Exception("Error counting: {} -- {}".format('ble', outcomes))

    if outcomes['S'] != x[str(run)]['S'] or outcomes['R'] != x[str(run)]['R'] or outcomes['L'] != x[str(run)]['L']:
        raise Exception('Error counting: {} -- {}\n{}'.format('total', outcomes, x[str(run)]))

    if len(latency_ble) != outcomes['R']:
        raise Exception(
            'Error counting: size_total: {} -- total_R: {}'.format(len(latency_ble), outcomes['R']))

    l_ble = list(latency_ble.values())
    ble_ = my.intervalli_di_confidenza(dataset=l_ble)

    start_test = dt.datetime.strptime(x[str(run)]['time']['new_start'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    time_test = abs(end_test - start_test)
    time_ = abs(end_send - start_test)
    # TODO BLE
    pdr_ble = outcomes['R'] / outcomes['S']
    goodput_ble = (outcomes['R'] * 2) / time_test.total_seconds()  # 2 byte di dati utili
    goodput_ble_1 = (outcomes['R'] * 2) / time_.total_seconds()  # 2 byte di dati utili

    h, m, s = my.convert_timedelta(time_)
    time_send_ = str(h) + ":" + str(m) + "." + str(s) + " [h:m.s]"
    h, m, s = my.convert_timedelta(time_test)
    time_test_ = str(h) + ":" + str(m) + "." + str(s) + " [h:m.s]"

    my_dictionary[str(run)] = {'_info_0': data['_info'],
                               '_info_1': {'end_sent': x[str(run)]['time']['new_end'], 'end_test': end_test,
                                           'start': x[str(run)]['time']['new_start'], 'time_send': time_send_,
                                           'time_test': time_test_},
                               'mex_': {'S': outcomes['S'], 'R': outcomes['R'], 'L': outcomes['L'], 'E': outcomes['E']},
                               'statistic_': {'sample_size': len(l_ble),
                                              'pdr': pdr_ble,
                                              'goodput': goodput_ble,
                                              'goodput_1': goodput_ble_1,
                                              'latency': {'mean': ble_['mean'], 'std': ble_['std'],
                                                          'm_e': ble_['m_e'],
                                                          'low': ble_['low'],
                                                          'up': ble_['up']}}}
    return latency_ble
Exemplo n.º 4
def statistics(data, run, x):
    mex = data['_mex']
    min_index = x[str(run)]['smaller']
    max_index = x[str(run)]['bigger']
    latency_ble = dict()
    latency_wifi = dict()
    latency_total = dict()
    outcomes = {'ble': {'S': 0, 'R': 0, 'L': 0, 'E': 0},
                'wifi': {'S': 0, 'R': 0, 'L': 0, 'E': 0},
                'total': {'S': 0, 'R': 0, 'L': 0}}
    end_test = dt.datetime.strptime(x[str(run)]['time']['new_end'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    for index, list_of_value in mex.items():
        ble = False
        wifi = False
        for v in list_of_value:
            if min_index <= int(index) <= max_index:
                if 'type_mex' in v and v['type_mex'] == "S":
                    outcomes['ble']['S'] += 1
                    outcomes['total']['S'] += 1
                if 'type_mex' in v and v['type_mex'] == "E":
                    outcomes['ble']['E'] += 1
                if 'type_mex' in v and v['type_mex'] == "I":
                    wifi = True
                    outcomes['wifi']['S'] += 1
                if 'type_mex' in v and v['type_mex'] == "W":
                    outcomes['wifi']['W'] += 1

                if 'ble' in v:
                    ble = True
                    outcomes['ble']['R'] += 1
                    outcomes['total']['R'] += 1
                    latency_ble[int(index)] = v['ble']['latency']
                    latency_total[int(index)] = v['ble']['latency']
                    rcv = dt.datetime.strptime(v['ble']['status_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    if rcv > end_test:
                        end_test = rcv
                if 'wifi' in v:
                    outcomes['wifi']['R'] += 1
                    outcomes['total']['R'] += 1
                    latency_wifi[int(index)] = v['wifi']['latency']
                    rcv = dt.datetime.strptime(v['wifi']['status_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    if rcv > end_test:
                        end_test = rcv
                if 'ble_wifi' in v and 'latency_1' in v['ble_wifi']:
                    latency_total[int(index)] = v['ble_wifi']['latency_1']
        if ble and wifi:
            raise Exception('Double Sent: {}'.format(index))

    outcomes['ble']['L'] = outcomes['ble']['S'] - outcomes['ble']['R'] - outcomes['ble']['E']
    outcomes['wifi']['L'] = outcomes['wifi']['S'] - outcomes['wifi']['R'] - outcomes['wifi']['L']

    outcomes['total']['L'] = outcomes['total']['S'] - outcomes['total']['R']

    if outcomes['ble']['S'] - outcomes['ble']['R'] - outcomes['ble']['L'] - outcomes['ble']['E'] != 0:
        raise Exception("Error counting: {} -- {}".format('ble', outcomes['ble']))

    if outcomes['wifi']['S'] - outcomes['wifi']['R'] - outcomes['wifi']['L'] - outcomes['wifi']['E'] != 0:
        raise Exception("Error counting: {} -- {}".format('wifi', outcomes['wifi']))

    if outcomes['total']['S'] != x[str(run)]['S'] or outcomes['total']['S'] != x[str(run)]['S'] or outcomes['total'][
        'S'] != \
        raise Exception('Error counting: {} -- {}\n{}'.format('total', outcomes['total'], x[str(run)]))

    if len(latency_total) != outcomes['total']['R']:
        raise Exception(
            'Error counting: size_total: {} -- total_R: {}'.format(len(latency_total), outcomes['total']['R']))

    l_ble = list(latency_ble.values())
    l_wifi = list(latency_wifi.values())
    ble_ = my.intervalli_di_confidenza(dataset=l_ble)
    wifi_ = my.intervalli_di_confidenza(dataset=l_wifi)

    l_ = list(latency_total.values())
    latency_ = my.intervalli_di_confidenza(dataset=l_)

    start_test = dt.datetime.strptime(x[str(run)]['time']['new_start'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    end_send = dt.datetime.strptime(x[str(run)]['time']['new_end'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    time_test = abs(end_test - start_test)
    time_ = abs(end_send - start_test)

    # TODO BLE
    pdr_ble = outcomes['ble']['R'] / outcomes['ble']['S']
    goodput_ble = (outcomes['ble']['R'] * 2) / time_test.total_seconds()  # 2 byte di dati utili

    s_t = start_test + dt.timedelta(0, 40)  # aggiungo 40 secondi
    t_t = end_test - s_t
    pdr_wifi = outcomes['wifi']['R'] / outcomes['wifi']['S']
    goodput_wifi = (outcomes['wifi']['R'] * 2) / t_t.total_seconds()  # 2 byte di dati utili

    # TODO General
    pdr = outcomes['total']['R'] / outcomes['total']['S']
    goodput = outcomes['total']['R'] * 2 / time_test.total_seconds()  # 2 byte di dati utili
    goodput_1 = outcomes['total']['R'] * 2 / time_.total_seconds()  # 2 byte di dati utili

    h, m, s = my.convert_timedelta(time_)
    time_send_ = str(h) + ":" + str(m) + "." + str(s) + " [h:m.s]"
    h, m, s = my.convert_timedelta(time_test)
    time_test_ = str(h) + ":" + str(m) + "." + str(s) + " [h:m.s]"

    my_dictionary[str(run)] = {'_info_0': data['_info'],
                               '_info_1': {'end_sent': x[str(run)]['time']['new_end'], 'end_test': end_test,
                                           'start': x[str(run)]['time']['new_start'], 'time_send': time_send_,
                                           'time_test': time_test_},
                               'mex_': {'ble': {'S': outcomes['ble']['S'], 'R': outcomes['ble']['R'],
                                                'L': outcomes['ble']['L'], 'E': outcomes['ble']['E']},
                                        'wifi': {'S': outcomes['wifi']['S'], 'R': outcomes['wifi']['R'],
                                                 'L': outcomes['wifi']['L'], 'E': outcomes['wifi']['E']},
                                        'total': {'S': outcomes['total']['S'], 'R': outcomes['total']['R'],
                                                  'L': outcomes['total']['L']}},
                               'statistic_': {'ble': {'sample_size': len(l_ble),
                                                      'pdr': pdr_ble,
                                                      'goodput': goodput_ble,
                                                      'latency': {'mean': ble_['mean'], 'std': ble_['std'],
                                                                  'm_e': ble_['m_e'],
                                                                  'low': ble_['low'],
                                                                  'up': ble_['up']}},
                                              'wifi': {'sample_size': len(l_wifi),
                                                       'pdr': pdr_wifi,
                                                       'goodput': goodput_wifi,
                                                       'latency': {'mean': wifi_['mean'], 'std': wifi_['std'],
                                                                   'm_e': wifi_['m_e'],
                                                                   'low': wifi_['low'],
                                                                   'up': wifi_['up']
                                              'total': {'sample_size': len(l_),
                                                        'pdr': pdr,
                                                        'goodput': goodput,
                                                        'goodput_1': goodput_1,
                                                        'latency': {'mean': latency_['mean'], 'std': latency_['std'],
                                                                    'm_e': latency_['m_e'],
                                                                    'low': latency_['low'],
                                                                    'up': latency_['up']
    return latency_ble, latency_wifi, latency_total
Exemplo n.º 5
def detect_time(data, new_start, new_end):
    start_ok = False
    end_ok = False
    d = {int(k): v for k, v in data['second_analysis'].items()}
    index = 1
    first_send = 0
    last_send = 0
    s1_datetime = ""
    while not start_ok:
        if int(index) in d:
            s1_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(d[index]['send_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            if (new_start - s1_datetime).total_seconds() < 5:
                print("new_start is {} --> {}".format(s1_datetime, index))
                first_send = index
                start_ok = True
        index += 1

    index = max(d, key=int)
    s2_datetime = ""
    s3_datetime = ""
    while not end_ok:
        if int(index) in d:
            s2_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(d[index]['send_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            if (s2_datetime - new_end).total_seconds() < 5:
                print("new_end is {} --> {}".format(s2_datetime, index))
                last_send = index
                s3_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(d[index]['status_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                print("new_end_correct [receive]: ", s3_datetime)
                diff_new = s3_datetime - s1_datetime
                h1, m1, s1 = my.convert_timedelta(diff_new)
                print("{}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(m1, s1, diff_new.total_seconds()))
                end_ok = True
        index -= 1

    diff = s2_datetime - s1_datetime
    hours, minutes, seconds = my.convert_timedelta(diff)
    print("new_start: {}".format(s1_datetime))
    print("new_end {}".format(s2_datetime))
    print("{m}:{s}.{f} [mm:s.us]".format(m=minutes, s=seconds, f=diff.microseconds))
    start = s1_datetime
    end = s2_datetime
    min_diff = 100
    id_min = 0
    max_diff = 0
    id_max = 0
    new_data = dict()
    l_1 = set()
    for k, v in data['second_analysis'].items():
        s1 = dt.datetime.strptime(v['send_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
        if start <= s1 <= end:
            new_data[int(k)] = v
            if v['difference'] < min_diff:
                min_diff = v['difference']
                id_min = int(k)
            if v['difference'] > min_diff:
                max_diff = v['difference']
                id_max = int(k)

    print("Differeza min:{} [{}] --- max:{} [{}]".format(min_diff, id_min, max_diff, id_max))
    sent, received, error, l_2 = analysis_preprocessing_2(start=start, end=s3_datetime, l_min=first_send,

    lost = sent - received - error
    lost_and_error = lost + error
    if (lost_and_error + received) != sent:
        raise Exception("Errore  conteggio")

    if received != len(new_data):
        raise Exception("ERORORE dimensioni---- received: {} couple: {}".format(received, len(new_data)))
    print("[{}]s Delay: {}".format(diff.total_seconds(), ((s2_datetime - s1_datetime).total_seconds() / sent)))
    return new_data, start, end, s3_datetime, sent, received, error, lost, lost_and_error
Exemplo n.º 6
def second_analysis(data):
    print("- {}".format(second_analysis.__name__))
    # data = my.open_file_and_return_data(path=path)
    messages = data['messages']
    command = data['_command']

    if len(data['error_first_analysis']) > 0:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Error: List \'error_first_analysis\' not empty ' + '\x1b[0m')

    if data['analysis_status'] != 1:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Phase 2 is already executed ' + '\x1b[0m')

    list_of_m_id = list()
    for item in messages:

    list_of_m_id = list(dict.fromkeys(list_of_m_id))  # definisco una lista contenente i message_id
    if '0' in list_of_m_id:

    packet_received = 0
    packet_not_sent = 0
    differences = list()
    latencies = list()
    dict_analysis = dict()
    new_dataset = {'error_second_analysis': [], 'error_network_buffer': []}
    size_messages = len(messages)
    user_check = False
    error = False
    first_send = messages[0]['time']
    last_received = messages[0]['time']
    min_diff_string = ""
    max_diff_string = ""
    min_diff_time = ""
    max_diff_time = ""
    match_error = "^[E]$"
    list_error = list()
    for m_id in list_of_m_id:
        couple = my.get_mex_couple(messages, m_id)  # individuo le coppie di messaggi

        if len(couple) == 2:
            match_1, e_1, type_1 = my.look_into_element(messages[couple[0]])
            match_2, e_2, type_2 = my.look_into_element(messages[couple[1]])
            if not match_1 or not match_2:
                raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Error: value unexpected about message_id: ' + e_1 + ' \x1b[0m')

            if analysis_string_check(match_error, messages[couple[0]]['type_mex'], messages[couple[1]]['type_mex']):
                if analysis_string_check("^[P]$", messages[couple[0]]['type_mex'], messages[couple[1]]['type_mex']):
                    print("erororre {}".format(messages[couple[1]]['type_mex']))

                if not user_check:
                    user_check = True
                # add to list 'error_network_buffer' an index about mex not sent
                packet_not_sent += 1

                # raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Errors -->1 [' + messages[couple[0]]['type_mex'] + ']\x1b[0m')
                if type_1 == type_2:
                    raise Exception(
                        '\x1b[1;31;40m' + ' Error: couple with same type: ' + messages[couple[0]]['type_mex'] + ' - ' +
                        messages[couple[1]]['type_mex'] + ' \x1b[0m')
                if type_1:
                    send_time = messages[couple[0]]['time']
                    receive_time = messages[couple[1]]['time']
                    analysis_ttl(send_mex=messages[couple[0]]['ttl'], receive_mex=messages[couple[1]]['ttl'],
                    receive_time = messages[couple[0]]['time']
                    send_time = messages[couple[1]]['time']
                    analysis_ttl(send_mex=messages[couple[1]]['ttl'], receive_mex=messages[couple[0]]['ttl'],

                if first_send > send_time:
                    first_send = send_time
                if last_received < receive_time:
                    last_received = receive_time

                packet_received += 1
                send_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(send_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                receive_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(receive_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

                # timedelta output (days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0)
                # 1 millisecond --> 1000 microseconds
                difference = receive_datetime - send_datetime
                latencies.append(difference.total_seconds() / 2)

                dict_analysis[int(m_id)] = {
                    'send_time': send_time,
                    'status_time': receive_time,
                    'difference': difference.total_seconds(),
                    'latency': (difference.total_seconds() / 2)

                if min_diff_time == "":
                    min_diff_time = difference.total_seconds()
                    min_diff_string = m_id
                elif difference.total_seconds() < min_diff_time:
                    min_diff_time = difference.total_seconds()
                    min_diff_string = m_id

                if max_diff_time == "":
                    max_diff_time = difference.total_seconds()
                    max_diff_string = m_id
                elif difference.total_seconds() > max_diff_time:
                    max_diff_time = difference.total_seconds()
                    max_diff_string = m_id

            # print("m_id: {} --> {}".format(m_id, dict_analysis[m_id]['difference']))
        elif len(couple) == 1:
            if not user_check:
                user_check = True
            new_dataset = error_second_analysis(m_id=m_id, index=couple[0], size_messages=size_messages,
                                                new_dataset=new_dataset, messages=messages)
            print("EROROR: {c} couple with same message_id [{id}]".format(id=m_id, c=len(couple)))
            for i in range(len(couple)):
                print("type_mex: {t_m}, mex_id: {m_id}, ttl: {ttl}, time: [{t}]".format(
                    m_id=messages[couple[i]]['message_id'], t=messages[couple[i]]['time'],
                    t_m=messages[couple[i]]['type_mex'], ttl=messages[couple[i]]['ttl']))
                error = True

    # print("Size: Duplicate message Received: {}".format(len(error_ttl)))
    if error:
        raise Exception("\x1b[1;31;40m Error second_analysis --> user_check \x1b[0m")

    first_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(first_send, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    last_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(last_received, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    test_time = last_datetime - first_datetime
    hours, minutes, seconds = my.convert_timedelta(test_time)
    mex_sent = int(data['_command']['n_mex']) - packet_not_sent
    print("--- Mex sent: {}".format(mex_sent))
    print("--- Mex sent and received: {}".format(packet_received))
    print("--- Mex not sent: {}".format(packet_not_sent))
    print("--- Tempo test: {}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(minutes, seconds, test_time.microseconds))
    test_time_m = str(minutes) + " M, " + str(seconds) + " s"

    new_dataset['second_analysis'] = dict_analysis
    new_dataset['_command'] = data['_command']
    new_dataset['analysis'] = {
        'packet_received': int(packet_received),
        'packet_sent': int(mex_sent),
        'packet_not_sent': int(packet_not_sent),
        'average_diff_time': statistics.mean(differences),  # seconds
        'min_diff_time': min(differences),
        # 'min_diff_time_2': min_diff_time,
        'min_diff_key': min_diff_string,
        'max_diff_time': max(differences),
        # 'max_diff_time_2': max_diff_time,
        'max_diff_key': max_diff_string,
        'average_latency_time': statistics.mean(latencies),  # seconds
        'min_latency_time': min(latencies),
        'max_latency_time': max(latencies),
        'test_time_first_time': first_send,
        'test_time_last_time': last_received,
        'test_time': test_time.total_seconds(),
        'test_time_m': test_time_m,
        '_comment': 'The times are expressed in seconds'
    new_dataset['analysis_status'] = 2
    return new_dataset, user_check
Exemplo n.º 7
def clean_data(data, approach):
    print("- {}".format(clean_data.__name__))
    start_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(data['analysis']['test_time_first_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    end_datetime = dt.datetime.strptime(data['analysis']['test_time_last_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    difference_1 = (end_datetime - start_datetime) - dt.timedelta(minutes=5)
    sec_1 = int(math.ceil(difference_1.total_seconds() * 50 / 100))  # rimuovo il 65% all'inizio e 35% alla fine

    new_start = start_datetime + dt.timedelta(seconds=sec_1)
    new_end = new_start + dt.timedelta(minutes=5)
    diff_old = end_datetime - start_datetime
    h1, m1, s1 = my.convert_timedelta(diff_old)
    print("Start: {}  --> end: {}".format(start_datetime, end_datetime))
    print("{m1}:{s1}.{f1} [mm:s.us]".format(m1=m1, s1=s1, f1=diff_old.total_seconds()))

    sent = 0
    received = 0
    error = 0
    lost = 0
    lost_and_error = 0
    time_start = ""
    time_end = ""
    time_end_sent = ""
    new_data = dict()
    if approach == "time":
        new_data, time_start, time_end, time_end_sent, sent, received, error, lost, lost_and_error = detect_time(
    elif approach == "packets":
        new_data, time_start, time_end, time_end_sent, sent, received, error, lost, lost_and_error = detect_packets(
            data=data, duration="5m",
        print("Errore approach value")

    hours, minutes, seconds = my.convert_timedelta((time_end - time_start))
    test_time_m = str(minutes) + " M, " + str(seconds) + " s"
    hours, minutes, seconds = my.convert_timedelta((time_end_sent - time_start))
    test_time_sent_m = str(minutes) + " M, " + str(seconds) + " s"
    new_dataset = dict()
    new_dataset['_command'] = data['_command']
    new_dataset['last_analysis'] = data['analysis']
    new_dataset['analysis_value'] = {
        'inviati': sent,  # comprende tutti i mex inviati anche quello con errore
        'ricevuti': received,
        'errore': error,
        'persi': lost,
        'persi_e_error': lost_and_error,
        'time_start': time_start,
        'time_end': time_end,
        'time_end_sent': time_end_sent,
        'test_time_sent_m': test_time_sent_m,
        'test_time_m': test_time_m,
        'test_time_sent': (time_end - time_start).total_seconds(),
        'test_time': (time_end_sent - time_start).total_seconds()
    new_dataset['couples'] = new_data
    return new_dataset
Exemplo n.º 8
def detect_packets(data, duration, percentage):
    delay = int(data['_command']['delay'])
    print("DELAY: {}ms".format(delay))
    formule = 0
    diff = 0
    if duration == "5m":
        formule = (5 * 60 * 1000) / delay
        formule_1 = (6 * 60 * 1000) / delay
        diff = formule_1 - formule
    elif duration == "6m":
        formule = (6 * 60 * 1000) / delay
        print("errore data_packets")

    index_start = int(diff * int(percentage) / 100)
    index_end = int(index_start + formule)
    index_start += 1
    print("start_index: {} end_index {}".format(index_start, index_end))

    data_prepreocessing = my.open_file_and_return_data(code=0, path=path_1)

    sent = 0
    received = 0
    error = 0
    last_received_time = dt.datetime.strptime(data_prepreocessing['messages'][0]['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    last_received_index = 0
    removed = 0
    time_start = ""
    time_end_sent = ""
    l_2 = set()
    for value in data_prepreocessing['messages']:
        if index_start <= int(value['message_id']) <= index_end:
            if value['type_mex'] == 'S':
                if int(value['message_id']) == index_start:
                    time_start = dt.datetime.strptime(value['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    print("start_send: {} [{}]".format(time_start, value['message_id']))
                elif int(value['message_id']) == index_end:
                    time_end_sent = dt.datetime.strptime(value['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    print("end_send: {} [{}]".format(time_end_sent, value['message_id']))
                sent = sent + 1
            elif value['type_mex'] == 'P':
                received = received + 1
                if dt.datetime.strptime(value['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') > last_received_time:
                    last_received_time = dt.datetime.strptime(value['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    last_received_index = value['message_id']
            elif value['type_mex'] == 'E':
                error = error + 1
            removed += 1

    time_end = last_received_time
    lost = sent - received - error
    lost_and_error = lost + error

    if (lost_and_error + received) != sent:
        raise Exception("Errore conteggio!")

    difference = time_end_sent - time_start
    hours, minutes, seconds = my.convert_timedelta(difference)
        "TIME experiment: start: {} end: {} --- {}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(time_start, time_end_sent, minutes, seconds,
    print("Last received at: {}".format(time_end))
    difference_total = time_end - time_start
    hours, minutes, seconds = my.convert_timedelta(difference_total)
    print("TIME total: start: {} end: {} --- {}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(time_start, time_end, minutes, seconds,

    print("end_received: {} - [{}]".format(last_received_time, last_received_index))
    print("Sent: {}\nReceived: {}\nError: {} Persi: {} [{} - comprende anche error]".format(sent, received, error, lost,
    print("Non considerati: {}".format(removed))

    min_diff = 100
    id_min = 0
    max_diff = 0
    id_max = 0
    new_data = dict()
    l_1 = set()
    for k, v in data['second_analysis'].items():
        s1 = dt.datetime.strptime(v['send_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
        if time_start <= s1 <= time_end_sent:
            new_data[int(k)] = v
            if v['difference'] < min_diff:
                min_diff = v['difference']
                id_min = int(k)
            if v['difference'] > min_diff:
                max_diff = v['difference']
                id_max = int(k)

    if received != len(new_data):
        print("ERORORE dimensioni---- received: {} couple: {}".format(received, len(new_data)))
    print("[{}]s Delay: {}".format(difference.total_seconds(), ((time_end - time_start).total_seconds() / sent)))
    print("min_diff: {} [{}] \nmax_diff: {} [{}]".format(min_diff, id_min, max_diff, id_max))

    return new_data, time_start, time_end, time_end_sent, sent, received, error, lost, lost_and_error
Exemplo n.º 9
def first_analysis(path):
    print("- {}".format(first_analysis.__name__))
    data = my.open_file_and_return_data(code=0, path=path)

    mex_correct = data['_mex']
    hash_table = dict()
    length = len(mex_correct)
    for i in range(length):
        k = mex_correct[i]['mex_id']
        if k in hash_table:
            hash_table[k] = list()

    word_info = dict()
    statistic = {
        'send_ble': 0,
        'receive_ble': 0,
        'error_ble': 0,
        'lost_ble': 0
    ttl_receive = 3 - int(data['_command']['relay'])
    double_mex = list()
    error_1 = list()
    error_2 = list()
    diff_ble = list()
    latency_ble = list()
    hash_json_data = dict()
    start = ""
    end_send = ""
    end_test = ""
    for k, v in hash_table.items():
        for i in v:
            word_info, statistic, double_mex = my.look_into_it(
                word_info, statistic, mex_correct[i], double_mex)
            if not k in hash_json_data:
                hash_json_data[k] = []
        # BLE
        if 'send_ble' in word_info:
            time = dt.datetime.strptime(word_info['send_ble']['time'],
                                        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            if start == '' and end_send == '':
                start = time
                end_send = start
            elif time > end_send:
                end_send = time
        if 'receive_ble' in word_info:
            if not int(word_info['send_ble']['ttl']) == 3:
                print('\x1b[1;31;40m Error analysis_ttl --> send_: ' +
                      word_info['send_ble']['time'] + '\x1b[0m')
                error_1.append({'k': k, 'time': word_info['send_ble']['time']})
            if not int(word_info['receive_ble']['ttl']) == ttl_receive:
                print('\x1b[1;31;40m Error analysis_ttl --> receive_: ' +
                      word_info['receive_ble']['time'] + '\x1b[0m')
                error_2.append({'k': k, 'time': word_info['send_ble']['time']})

            sent = dt.datetime.strptime(word_info['send_ble']['time'],
                                        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            receive_ble = dt.datetime.strptime(
                word_info['receive_ble']['time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            difference = receive_ble - sent
            latency_ble.append(abs(difference.total_seconds()) / 2)
                'ble': {
                    'send_time': sent,
                    'status_time': receive_ble,
                    'difference': abs(difference.total_seconds()),
                    'latency': (abs(difference.total_seconds()) / 2)
            if end_test == '' or receive_ble > end_test:
                end_test = receive_ble
        elif 'error_ble' in word_info:
            statistic['send_ble'] -= 1
            statistic['lost_ble'] += 1

    if len(double_mex) != 0:
        for k in double_mex:
        raise Exception(
            'Indici Duplicati, esempio R,34,2 - R,34,1 --> Rimuovere R,34,2')

    if len(error_1) > 0 or len(error_2) > 0:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m Error TTL: sent: ' + str(len(error_1)) +
                        ' --> received: ' + str(len(error_2)) + ' \x1b[0m')

    print("Media DIff BLE: {}s".format(statistics.mean(diff_ble)))
    print("Media Latency BLE: {}s".format(statistics.mean(latency_ble)))

    print("Total Send -> [{}]".format(data['_command']['n_mex']))
    print("S (ble) -> {}".format(statistic['send_ble']))
    print("R (ble) -> {}".format(statistic['receive_ble']))
    print("E (ble) -> {}".format(statistic['error_ble']))  # not_sent_ble
    print("Lost BLE: {}".format(statistic['lost_ble']))

    # Check statistics
    if data['_command']['n_mex'] - statistic['send_ble'] - statistic[
            'error_ble'] != 0:
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m Error BLE: mex number [T-S-E] \x1b[0m')
    elif statistic['send_ble'] - statistic['receive_ble'] != statistic[
        raise Exception('\x1b[1;31;40m Error BLE: mex number [S-R] \x1b[0m')
        print('\x1b[1;31;42m Check OK \x1b[0m')

    # Time definition
    diff_ = end_send - start
    h2, m2, s2 = my.convert_timedelta(diff_)
    diff = end_test - start
    h1, m1, s1 = my.convert_timedelta(diff)
    t1 = str(h2) + ":" + str(m2) + "." + str(s2) + " [h:m.s]"
    t2 = str(h1) + ":" + str(m1) + "." + str(s1) + " [h:m.s]"
    print("Start: {}".format(start))
    print("End_sent: {}".format(end_send))
    print("End_test: {}".format(end_test))
    print("Sent: {}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(m2, s2, diff_.total_seconds()))
    print("Test: {}:{}.{} [mm:s.us]".format(m1, s1, diff.total_seconds()))

    my_data = dict()
    my_data['_command'] = data['_command']
    my_data['_info'] = {
        'start': start,
        'end_sent': end_send,
        'end_test': end_test,
        'time_send': t1,
        'time_test': t2
    my_data['_info_2'] = {
        'mean': {
            'ble_mean_diff': statistics.mean(diff_ble),
            'ble_mean_latency': statistics.mean(latency_ble)
        'mex_': {
            'ble': {
                'send_ble': statistic['send_ble'],
                'receive_ble': statistic['receive_ble'],
                'not_send_ble': statistic['error_ble'],
                'lost_ble': statistic['lost_ble']
    my_data['_mex'] = hash_json_data
    return my_data