Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_stratified_interior_pixel_generator(self):
        b = 10  # b := border size

        # For a 50/50 split of pixels in the interior, the generator
        # should reproduce the entire interior.
        Y = np.zeros((2, 100, 100))
        Y[:, 0:50, :] = 1

        Z = np.zeros(Y.shape)
        for idx, pct in emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, b, 30):
            Z[idx[:, 0], idx[:, 1], idx[:, 2]] += 1

        self.assertTrue(np.all(Z[:, b:-b, b:-b] == 1))
        Z[:, b:-b, b:-b] = 0
        self.assertTrue(np.all(Z == 0))

        # For a random input, should see a 50/50 split of class
        # labels, but not necessarily hit the entire interior.
        Y = np.random.rand(2, 100, 100) > 0.5
        nOne = 0
        nZero = 0
        for idx, pct in emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, b, 30):
            slices = idx[:, 0]
            rows = idx[:, 1]
            cols = idx[:, 2]
            nOne += np.sum(Y[slices, rows, cols] == 1)
            nZero += np.sum(Y[slices, rows, cols] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(nOne == nZero)

        # For an input tensor with "no-ops", the sampler should only
        # return pixels with a positive or negative label.
        Y = np.zeros((2, 100, 100))
        Y[:, 0:20, 0:20] = 1
        Y[:, 50:70, 50:70] = -1
        Z = np.zeros(Y.shape)
        nPos = 0
        nNeg = 0
        nTotal = 0
        for idx, pct in emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(
                Y, 0, 10, omitLabels=[0]):
            slices = idx[:, 0]
            rows = idx[:, 1]
            cols = idx[:, 2]
            Z[slices, rows, cols] = Y[slices, rows, cols]
            nPos += np.sum(Y[slices, rows, cols] == 1)
            nNeg += np.sum(Y[slices, rows, cols] == -1)
            nTotal += len(slices)

        self.assertTrue(nPos == 20 * 20 * 2)
        self.assertTrue(nNeg == 20 * 20 * 2)
        self.assertTrue(nTotal == 20 * 20 * 2 * 2)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(Y == Z))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_stratified_interior_pixel_generator(self):
        b = 10  # b := border size

        # For a 50/50 split of pixels in the interior, the generator
        # should reproduce the entire interior.
        Y = np.zeros((2,100,100))
        Y[:,0:50,:] = 1

        Z = np.zeros(Y.shape)
        for idx,pct in emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y,b,30):
            Z[idx[:,0],idx[:,1],idx[:,2]] += 1

        Z[:,b:-b,b:-b] = 0

        # For a random input, should see a 50/50 split of class
        # labels, but not necessarily hit the entire interior.
        Y = np.random.rand(2,100,100) > 0.5
        nOne=0; nZero=0;
        for idx,pct in emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y,b,30):
            slices = idx[:,0];  rows = idx[:,1];  cols = idx[:,2]
            nOne += np.sum(Y[slices,rows,cols] == 1)  
            nZero += np.sum(Y[slices,rows,cols] == 0)
        self.assertTrue(nOne == nZero) 

        # For an input tensor with "no-ops", the sampler should only
        # return pixels with a positive or negative label.
        Y = np.zeros((2,100,100))
        Y[:,0:20,0:20] = 1      
        Y[:,50:70,50:70] = -1
        Z = np.zeros(Y.shape)
        nPos=0; nNeg=0; nTotal=0;
        for idx,pct in emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y,0,10,omitLabels=[0]):
            slices = idx[:,0];  rows = idx[:,1];  cols = idx[:,2]
            Z[slices,rows,cols] = Y[slices,rows,cols]
            nPos += np.sum(Y[slices,rows,cols] == 1)
            nNeg += np.sum(Y[slices,rows,cols] == -1)
            nTotal += len(slices)
        self.assertTrue(nPos == 20*20*2);
        self.assertTrue(nNeg == 20*20*2);
        self.assertTrue(nTotal == 20*20*2*2);
        self.assertTrue(np.all(Y == Z))
Exemplo n.º 3
def _training_loop(solver,
    """Main CNN training loop.
    assert (batchDim[2] == batchDim[3])  # tiles must be square

    # Some variables and storage that we'll use in the loop below
    tileRadius = int(batchDim[2] / 2)
    Xi = np.zeros(batchDim, dtype=np.float32)
    yi = np.zeros((batchDim[0], ), dtype=np.float32)
    yMax = np.max(Y).astype(np.int32)

    losses = np.zeros((solverParam.max_iter, ))
    acc = np.zeros((solverParam.max_iter, ))
    currIter = 0
    currEpoch = 0

    # SGD parameters.  SGD with momentum is of the form:
    #    V_{t+1} = \mu V_t - \alpha \nablaL(W_t)
    #    W_{t+1} = W_t + V_{t+1}
    # where W are the weights and V the previous update.
    # Ref: http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/solver.html
    alpha = solverParam.base_lr  # alpha := learning rate
    mu = solverParam.momentum  # mu := momentum
    gamma = solverParam.gamma  # gamma := step factor
    isModeStep = (solverParam.lr_policy == u'step')
    isTypeSGD = (
        solverParam.solver_type == solverParam.SolverType.Value('SGD'))
    Vall = {}  # stores previous SGD steps (for all layers)

    if not (isModeStep and isTypeSGD):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Sorry - only support SGD "step" mode at the present')

    # TODO: weight decay
    # TODO: layer-specific weights

    cnnTime = 0.0  # time spent doing core CNN operations
    tic = time.time()

    while currIter < solverParam.max_iter:

        # Each generator provides a single epoch's worth of data.
        # However, Caffe doesn't really recognize the notion of an epoch; instead,
        # they specify a number of training "iterations" (mini-batch evaluations, I assume).
        # So the inner loop below is for a single epoch, which we may terminate
        # early if the max # of iterations is reached.
        currEpoch += 1
        it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y,
        for Idx, epochPct in it:
            # Map the indices Idx -> tiles Xi and labels yi
            # Note: if Idx.shape[0] < batchDim[0] (last iteration of an epoch) a few examples
            # from the previous minibatch will be "recycled" here. This is intentional
            # (to keep batch sizes consistent even if data set size is not a multiple
            #  of the minibatch size).
            for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]):
                yi[jj] = Y[Idx[jj, 0], Idx[jj, 1], Idx[jj, 2]]
                a = Idx[jj, 1] - tileRadius
                b = Idx[jj, 1] + tileRadius + 1
                c = Idx[jj, 2] - tileRadius
                d = Idx[jj, 2] + tileRadius + 1
                Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = X[Idx[jj, 0], a:b, c:d]

            # label-preserving data transformation (synthetic data generation)
            if syn_func is not None:
                #Xi = _xform_minibatch(Xi)
                Xi = syn_func(Xi)

            # one forward/backward pass and update weights
            # (SGD with momentum term)
            _tmp = time.time()
            solver.net.set_input_arrays(Xi, yi)
            # XXX: could call preprocess() here?
            rv = solver.net.forward()

            for lIdx, layer in enumerate(solver.net.layers):
                for bIdx, blob in enumerate(layer.blobs):
                    key = (lIdx, bIdx)
                    V = Vall.get(key, 0.0)
                    Vnext = mu * V - alpha * blob.diff
                    blob.data[...] += Vnext
                    Vall[key] = Vnext
            cnnTime += time.time() - _tmp

            # update running list of losses with the loss from this mini batch
            losses[currIter] = np.squeeze(rv['loss'])
            acc[currIter] = np.squeeze(rv['accuracy'])
            currIter += 1

            # Some events occur on mini-batch intervals.
            # Deal with those now.
            if (currIter % solverParam.snapshot) == 0:
                fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'iter_%06d.caffemodel' % (currIter))

            if isModeStep and ((currIter % solverParam.stepsize) == 0):
                alpha *= gamma

            if (currIter % solverParam.display) == 1:
                elapsed = (time.time() - tic) / 60.
                print "[train]: completed iteration %d (of %d; %0.2f min elapsed; %0.2f CNN min)" % (
                    currIter, solverParam.max_iter, elapsed, cnnTime / 60.)
                print "[train]:    epoch: %d (%0.2f), loss: %0.3f, acc: %0.3f, learn rate: %0.3e" % (
                    currEpoch, 100 * epochPct,
                    np.mean(losses[max(0, currIter - 10):currIter]),
                    np.mean(acc[max(0, currIter - 10):currIter]), alpha)

            if currIter >= solverParam.max_iter:
                break  # in case we hit max_iter on a non-epoch boundary

        # After each training epoch is complete, if we have validation
        # data, evaluate it.
        # Note: this only requires forward passes through the network
        if (Xvalid is not None) and (Xvalid.size != 0) and (
                Yvalid is not None) and (Yvalid.size != 0):
            # Mask out pixels whose label we don't care about.
            Mvalid = np.ones(Yvalid.shape, dtype=bool)
            for yIgnore in omitLabels:
                Mvalid[Yvalid == yIgnore] = False

            print "[train]:    Evaluating on validation data (%d pixels)..." % np.sum(
            Confusion = np.zeros((yMax + 1, yMax + 1))  # confusion matrix

            it = emlib.interior_pixel_generator(Yvalid,
            for Idx, epochPct in it:
                # Extract subtiles from validation data set
                for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]):
                    yi[jj] = Yvalid[Idx[jj, 0], Idx[jj, 1], Idx[jj, 2]]
                    a = Idx[jj, 1] - tileRadius
                    b = Idx[jj, 1] + tileRadius + 1
                    c = Idx[jj, 2] - tileRadius
                    d = Idx[jj, 2] + tileRadius + 1
                    Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = Xvalid[Idx[jj, 0], a:b, c:d]

                # one forward pass; no backward pass
                solver.net.set_input_arrays(Xi, yi)
                # XXX: could call preprocess() here?
                rv = solver.net.forward()

                # extract statistics
                Prob = np.squeeze(
                )  # matrix of estimated probabilities for each object
                yHat = np.argmax(
                    1)  # estimated class is highest probability in vector
                for yTmp in range(
                        yMax + 1
                ):  # note: assumes class labels are in {0, 1,..,n_classes-1}
                    bits = (yi.astype(np.int32) == yTmp)
                    for jj in range(yMax + 1):
                        Confusion[yTmp, jj] += np.sum(yHat[bits] == jj)

            print '[train]: Validation results:'
            print '      %s' % str(Confusion)
            if yMax == 1:
                # Assume a binary classification problem where 0 is non-target and 1 is target.
                # precision := TP / (TP + FP)
                # recall    := TP / (TP + FN)
                #  Confusion Matrix:
                #                  yHat=0       yHat=1
                #     y=0           TN            FP
                #     y=1           FN            TP
                precision = (1.0 * Confusion[1, 1]) / np.sum(Confusion[:, 1])
                recall = (1.0 * Confusion[1, 1]) / np.sum(Confusion[1, :])
                f1Score = (2.0 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
                print '    precision=%0.3f, recall=%0.3f' % (precision, recall)
                print '    F1=%0.3f' % f1Score
            print '[train]: Not using a validation data set'

        # ----- end one epoch -----

    # complete
    print "[train]:    all done!"
    return losses, acc
Exemplo n.º 4
def _train_one_epoch(model, X, Y, 
    """Trains the model for one epoch.
    # Pre-allocate some variables & storage.
    nChannels, nRows, nCols = model.input_shape[1:4]
    assert(nRows == nCols)
    ste = emlib.SimpleTileExtractor(nRows, X, Y, omitLabels=omitLabels)

    # some variables we'll use for reporting progress    
    lastChatter = -2
    startTime = time.time()
    gpuTime = 0
    accBuffer = []
    lossBuffer = []

    # Loop over mini-batches
    it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, 0, batchSize,

    for mbIdx, (Idx, epochPct) in enumerate(it): 
        Xi, Yi = ste.extract(Idx)

        # label-preserving data transformation (synthetic data generation)
        Xi = _xform_minibatch(Xi)

        assert(not np.any(np.isnan(Xi)))
        assert(not np.any(np.isnan(Yi)))

        # do training
        tic = time.time()
        loss, acc = model.train_on_batch(Xi, Yi)
        gpuTime += time.time() - tic

        accBuffer.append(acc);  lossBuffer.append(loss)

        # Some events occur on regular intervals.
        # Address these here.
        elapsed = (time.time() - startTime) / 60.0
        if (lastChatter+2) < elapsed:  
            # notify progress every 2 min
            lastChatter = elapsed

            if len(accBuffer) < 10:
                recentAcc = np.mean(accBuffer)
                recentLoss = np.mean(lossBuffer)
                recentAcc = np.mean(accBuffer[-10:])
                recentLoss = np.mean(lossBuffer[-10:])

            if log:
                log.info("  just completed mini-batch %d" % mbIdx)
                log.info("  we are %0.2g%% complete with this epoch" % (100.*epochPct))
                log.info("  recent accuracy, loss: %0.2f, %0.2f" % (recentAcc, recentLoss))
                fracGPU = (gpuTime/60.)/elapsed
                log.info("  pct. time spent on CNN ops.: %0.2f%%" % (100.*fracGPU))

    # return statistics
    return accBuffer, lossBuffer
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(args):
    tileRadius = np.floor(args.tileSize/2)
    nMiniBatch = 1000 # here, a "mini-batch" specifies LMDB transaction size

    # make sure we don't clobber an existing output
    if os.path.exists(args.outDir):
        raise RuntimeError('Output path "%s" already exists; please move out of the way and try again' % args.outDir)

    # load the data volumes (EM image and labels, if any)
    print('[make_lmdb]: loading EM data file: %s' % args.emFileName)
    X = emlib.load_cube(args.emFileName, np.float32)

    if args.labelsFileName: 
        print('[make_lmdb]: loading labels file: %s' % args.labelsFileName) 
        Y = emlib.load_cube(args.labelsFileName, np.float32)
        Y = emlib.fix_class_labels(Y, eval(args.omitLabels))
        assert(Y.shape == X.shape)
        print('[make_lmdb]: no labels file; assuming this is a test volume')
        Y = np.zeros(X.shape)

    # usually we expect fewer slices in Z than pixels in X or Y.
    # Make sure the dimensions look ok before proceeding.
    assert(X.shape[0] < X.shape[1])
    assert(X.shape[0] < X.shape[2])

    # Identify the subset of the data to use for training.
    # (default is to use it all)
    if len(args.slicesExpr): 
        sliceIdx = eval(args.slicesExpr) 
        X = X[sliceIdx, :, :]  # python puts the z dimension first... 
        Y = Y[sliceIdx, :, :]
    X = X.astype(np.uint8)  # critical!! otherwise, Caffe just flails...

    print('[make_lmdb]: EM volume shape: %s' % str(X.shape))
    print('[make_lmdb]: yAll is %s' % np.unique(Y))
    print('[make_lmdb]: %0.2f%% pixels will be omitted' % (100.0*np.sum(Y==-1)/numel(Y)))
    print('[make_lmdb]: writing results to: %s' % args.outDir)

    # Create the output database.
    # Multiply the actual size by a fudge factor to get a safe upper bound
    dbSize = (X.nbytes * args.tileSize * args.tileSize + Y.nbytes) * 10
    env = lmdb.open(args.outDir, map_size=dbSize)

    # Extract all possible tiles.
    # This corresponds to extracting one "epoch" worth of tiles.
    tileId = 0
    lastChatter = -1
    tic = time.time()
    yCnt = np.zeros(sum(np.unique(Y) >= 0))

    if np.any(Y > 0): 
        # generates a balanced training data set (subsamples and shuffles)
        it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, tileRadius, nMiniBatch, omitLabels=[-1])
        # enumerates all possible tiles in order (no shuffling)
        it = emlib.interior_pixel_generator(X, tileRadius, nMiniBatch)

    for Idx, epochPct in it: 
        # respect upper bound on number of examples
        if tileId > args.maxNumExamples: 
            print('[make_lmdb]: stopping at %d (max number of examples reached\n)' % (tileId-1))

        # Each mini-batch will be added to the database as a single transaction.
        with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
            # Translate indices Idx -> tiles Xi and labels yi.
            for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]):
                yi = Y[ Idx[jj,0], Idx[jj,1], Idx[jj,2] ]
                yi = int(yi)
                a = Idx[jj,1] - tileRadius
                b = Idx[jj,1] + tileRadius + 1
                c = Idx[jj,2] - tileRadius
                d = Idx[jj,2] + tileRadius + 1
                Xi = X[ Idx[jj,0], a:b, c:d ]
                assert(Xi.shape == (args.tileSize, args.tileSize))

                datum = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()
                datum.channels = 1
                datum.height = Xi.shape[0]
                datum.width = Xi.shape[1]
                datum.data = Xi.tostring() # use tobytes() for newer numpy
                datum.label = yi
                strId = '{:08}'.format(tileId)

                txn.put(strId.encode('ascii'), datum.SerializeToString())
                tileId += 1
                yCnt[yi] += 1

                # check early termination conditions
                if tileId > args.maxNumExamples:

        #if np.floor(epochPct) > lastChatter: 
        print('[make_lmdb] %% %0.2f done (%0.2f min;   yCnt=%s)' % ((100*epochPct), (time.time() - tic)/60, str(yCnt)))
        lastChatter = epochPct
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: emcnn.py Projeto: livst/coca
def train_one_epoch(solver,
    """ Trains a CNN for a single epoch.
      batchDim := (nExamples, nFilters, width, height)

    # Pre-allocate some variables & storate.
    tileRadius = int(batchDim[2] / 2)
    Xi = np.zeros(batchDim, dtype=np.float32)
    yi = np.zeros((batchDim[0], ), dtype=np.float32)
    yMax = np.max(Y).astype(np.int32)

    tic = time.time()
    it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y,

    for Idx, epochPct in it:
        # Map the indices Idx -> tiles Xi and labels yi
        # Note: if Idx.shape[0] < batchDim[0] (last iteration of an epoch)
        # a few examples from the previous minibatch will be "recycled" here.
        # This is intentional (to keep batch sizes consistent even if data
        # set size is not a multiple of the minibatch size).
        for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]):
            a = Idx[jj, 1] - tileRadius
            b = Idx[jj, 1] + tileRadius + 1
            c = Idx[jj, 2] - tileRadius
            d = Idx[jj, 2] + tileRadius + 1
            Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = X[Idx[jj, 0], a:b, c:d]
            yi[jj] = Y[Idx[jj, 0], Idx[jj, 1], Idx[jj, 2]]

        # label-preserving data transformation (synthetic data generation)
        if data_augment is not None:
            Xi = data_augment(Xi)

        # one forward/backward pass and update weights
        _tmp = time.time()
        solver.net.set_input_arrays(Xi, yi)
        out = solver.net.forward()

        # SGD with momentum
        for lIdx, layer in enumerate(solver.net.layers):
            for bIdx, blob in enumerate(layer.blobs):
                key = (lIdx, bIdx)
                V = trainInfo.V.get(key, 0.0)
                Vnext = (trainInfo.mu * V) - (trainInfo.alpha * blob.diff)
                blob.data[...] += Vnext
                trainInfo.V[key] = Vnext

        # (try to) extract some useful info from the net
        loss = out.get('loss', None)
        acc = out.get('acc', None)  # accuracy is not required...

        # update run statistics
        trainInfo.cnnTime += time.time() - _tmp
        trainInfo.iter += 1
        trainInfo.netTime += (time.time() - tic)
        tic = time.time()

        # Some events occur on regular intervals.
        # Address these here.
        if (trainInfo.iter % trainInfo.param.snapshot) == 0:
            fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'iter_%06d.caffemodel' % trainInfo.iter)

        if trainInfo.isModeStep and ((trainInfo.iter %
                                      trainInfo.param.stepsize) == 0):
            trainInfo.alpha *= trainInfo.gamma

        if (trainInfo.iter % trainInfo.param.display) == 1:
            print "[emCNN]: completed iteration %d of %d (epoch=%0.2f);" % (
                trainInfo.iter, trainInfo.param.max_iter,
                trainInfo.epoch + epochPct)
            print "[emCNN]:     %0.2f min elapsed (%0.2f CNN min)" % (
                trainInfo.netTime / 60., trainInfo.cnnTime / 60.)
            if loss:
                print "[emCNN]:     loss=%0.2f" % loss
            if acc:
                print "[emCNN]:     accuracy (train volume)=%0.2f" % acc

        if trainInfo.iter >= trainInfo.param.max_iter:
            break  # we hit max_iter on a non-epoch boundary...all done.

    # all finished with this epoch
    print "[emCNN]:    epoch complete."
    return loss, acc
Exemplo n.º 7
def train_one_epoch(solverMD, X, Y, 
    """ Trains a CNN for a single epoch.

      solverMD  : an SGDSolverMemoryData object
      X         : a data volume/tensor with dimensions (#slices, height, width)
      Y         : a labels tensor with same size as X
      batchDim  : the tuple (#classes, minibatchSize, height, width)
      outDir    : output directory (e.g. for model snapshots)
      omitLabels : class labels to skip during training (or [] for none)
      data_agument : synthetic data augmentation function


    # Pre-allocate some variables & storage.
    tileRadius = int(batchDim[2]/2)
    Xi = np.zeros(batchDim, dtype=np.float32)
    yi = np.zeros((batchDim[0],), dtype=np.float32)
    yMax = np.max(Y).astype(np.int32)
    lastChatter = -2
    startTime = time.time()

    it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, tileRadius, batchDim[0], omitLabels=omitLabels) 

    for Idx, epochPct in it: 
        # Map the indices Idx -> tiles Xi and labels yi 
        # Note: if Idx.shape[0] < batchDim[0] (last iteration of an epoch) 
        # a few examples from the previous minibatch will be "recycled" here. 
        # This is intentional (to keep batch sizes consistent even if data 
        # set size is not a multiple of the minibatch size). 
        for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]): 
            a = Idx[jj,1] - tileRadius 
            b = Idx[jj,1] + tileRadius + 1 
            c = Idx[jj,2] - tileRadius 
            d = Idx[jj,2] + tileRadius + 1 
            Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = X[ Idx[jj,0], a:b, c:d ]
            yi[jj] = Y[ Idx[jj,0], Idx[jj,1], Idx[jj,2] ] 

        # label-preserving data transformation (synthetic data generation)
        if data_augment is not None:
            Xi = data_augment(Xi)

        assert(not np.any(np.isnan(Xi)))
        assert(not np.any(np.isnan(yi)))

        # one forward/backward pass and update weights
        out = solverMD.step(Xi, yi)

        # Some events occur on regular intervals.
        # Address these here.
        if solverMD.is_time_for_snapshot():
            fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'iter_%06d.caffemodel' % solverMD._iter)
            print "[emCNN]: Saved snapshot."

        if solverMD.is_training_complete():
            break  # we hit max_iter on a non-epoch boundary...all done.

        elapsed = (time.time() - startTime) / 60.0
        if (lastChatter+2) < elapsed:  # notify progress every 2 min
            lastChatter = elapsed
            print('[emCNN]: we are %0.2f%% complete with this epoch' % (100.*epochPct))
    # all finished with this epoch
    print "[emCNN]:    epoch complete."
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: train.py Projeto: iscoe/coca
def _training_loop(solver, X, Y, M, solverParam, batchDim, outDir,
                   omitLabels=[], Xvalid=None, Yvalid=None, syn_func=None):
    """Main CNN training loop.
    assert(batchDim[2] == batchDim[3])     # tiles must be square

    # Some variables and storage that we'll use in the loop below
    tileRadius = int(batchDim[2]/2)
    Xi = np.zeros(batchDim, dtype=np.float32)
    yi = np.zeros((batchDim[0],), dtype=np.float32)
    yMax = np.max(Y).astype(np.int32)                
    losses = np.zeros((solverParam.max_iter,)) 
    acc = np.zeros((solverParam.max_iter,))
    currIter = 0
    currEpoch = 0

    # SGD parameters.  SGD with momentum is of the form:
    #    V_{t+1} = \mu V_t - \alpha \nablaL(W_t)
    #    W_{t+1} = W_t + V_{t+1}
    # where W are the weights and V the previous update.
    # Ref: http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/solver.html
    alpha = solverParam.base_lr            # alpha := learning rate
    mu = solverParam.momentum              # mu := momentum
    gamma = solverParam.gamma              # gamma := step factor
    isModeStep = (solverParam.lr_policy == u'step')
    isTypeSGD = (solverParam.solver_type == solverParam.SolverType.Value('SGD'))
    Vall = {}                              # stores previous SGD steps (for all layers)

    if not (isModeStep and isTypeSGD):
        raise RuntimeError('Sorry - only support SGD "step" mode at the present')
    # TODO: weight decay
    # TODO: layer-specific weights
    cnnTime = 0.0                          # time spent doing core CNN operations
    tic = time.time()
    while currIter < solverParam.max_iter:

        # Each generator provides a single epoch's worth of data.
        # However, Caffe doesn't really recognize the notion of an epoch; instead,
        # they specify a number of training "iterations" (mini-batch evaluations, I assume).
        # So the inner loop below is for a single epoch, which we may terminate
        # early if the max # of iterations is reached.
        currEpoch += 1
        it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, tileRadius, batchDim[0], mask=M, omitLabels=omitLabels)
        for Idx, epochPct in it:
            # Map the indices Idx -> tiles Xi and labels yi
            # Note: if Idx.shape[0] < batchDim[0] (last iteration of an epoch) a few examples
            # from the previous minibatch will be "recycled" here. This is intentional
            # (to keep batch sizes consistent even if data set size is not a multiple
            #  of the minibatch size).
            for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]):
                yi[jj] = Y[ Idx[jj,0], Idx[jj,1], Idx[jj,2] ]
                a = Idx[jj,1] - tileRadius
                b = Idx[jj,1] + tileRadius + 1
                c = Idx[jj,2] - tileRadius
                d = Idx[jj,2] + tileRadius + 1
                Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = X[ Idx[jj,0], a:b, c:d ]

            # label-preserving data transformation (synthetic data generation)
            if syn_func is not None:
                #Xi = _xform_minibatch(Xi)
                Xi = syn_func(Xi)

            # one forward/backward pass and update weights
            # (SGD with momentum term)
            _tmp = time.time()
            solver.net.set_input_arrays(Xi, yi)
            # XXX: could call preprocess() here?
            rv = solver.net.forward()

            for lIdx, layer in enumerate(solver.net.layers):
                for bIdx, blob in enumerate(layer.blobs):
                    key = (lIdx, bIdx)
                    V = Vall.get(key, 0.0)
                    Vnext = mu*V - alpha * blob.diff
                    blob.data[...] += Vnext
                    Vall[key] = Vnext
            cnnTime += time.time() - _tmp
            # update running list of losses with the loss from this mini batch
            losses[currIter] = np.squeeze(rv['loss'])
            acc[currIter] = np.squeeze(rv['accuracy'])
            currIter += 1

            # Some events occur on mini-batch intervals.
            # Deal with those now.
            if (currIter % solverParam.snapshot) == 0:
                fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'iter_%06d.caffemodel' % (currIter))

            if isModeStep and ((currIter % solverParam.stepsize) == 0):
                alpha *= gamma

            if (currIter % solverParam.display) == 1:
                elapsed = (time.time() - tic)/60.
                print "[train]: completed iteration %d (of %d; %0.2f min elapsed; %0.2f CNN min)" % (currIter, solverParam.max_iter, elapsed, cnnTime/60.)
                print "[train]:    epoch: %d (%0.2f), loss: %0.3f, acc: %0.3f, learn rate: %0.3e" % (currEpoch, 100*epochPct, np.mean(losses[max(0,currIter-10):currIter]), np.mean(acc[max(0,currIter-10):currIter]), alpha)
            if currIter >= solverParam.max_iter:
                break  # in case we hit max_iter on a non-epoch boundary

        # After each training epoch is complete, if we have validation
        # data, evaluate it.
        # Note: this only requires forward passes through the network
        if (Xvalid is not None) and (Xvalid.size != 0) and (Yvalid is not None) and (Yvalid.size != 0):
            # Mask out pixels whose label we don't care about.
            Mvalid = np.ones(Yvalid.shape, dtype=bool)
            for yIgnore in omitLabels:
                Mvalid[Yvalid==yIgnore] = False

            print "[train]:    Evaluating on validation data (%d pixels)..." % np.sum(Mvalid)
            Confusion = np.zeros((yMax+1, yMax+1))    # confusion matrix
            it = emlib.interior_pixel_generator(Yvalid, tileRadius, batchDim[0], mask=Mvalid)
            for Idx, epochPct in it:
                # Extract subtiles from validation data set
                for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]):
                    yi[jj] = Yvalid[ Idx[jj,0], Idx[jj,1], Idx[jj,2] ]
                    a = Idx[jj,1] - tileRadius
                    b = Idx[jj,1] + tileRadius + 1
                    c = Idx[jj,2] - tileRadius
                    d = Idx[jj,2] + tileRadius + 1
                    Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = Xvalid[ Idx[jj,0], a:b, c:d ]

                # one forward pass; no backward pass
                solver.net.set_input_arrays(Xi, yi)
                # XXX: could call preprocess() here?
                rv = solver.net.forward()

                # extract statistics 
                Prob = np.squeeze(rv['prob'])       # matrix of estimated probabilities for each object
                yHat = np.argmax(Prob,1)            # estimated class is highest probability in vector
                for yTmp in range(yMax+1):          # note: assumes class labels are in {0, 1,..,n_classes-1}
                    bits = (yi.astype(np.int32) == yTmp)
                    for jj in range(yMax+1):
                        Confusion[yTmp,jj] += np.sum(yHat[bits]==jj)
            print '[train]: Validation results:'
            print '      %s' % str(Confusion)
            if yMax == 1:
                # Assume a binary classification problem where 0 is non-target and 1 is target.
                # precision := TP / (TP + FP)
                # recall    := TP / (TP + FN)
                #  Confusion Matrix:
                #                  yHat=0       yHat=1
                #     y=0           TN            FP
                #     y=1           FN            TP
                precision = (1.0*Confusion[1,1]) / np.sum(Confusion[:,1])
                recall = (1.0*Confusion[1,1]) / np.sum(Confusion[1,:])
                f1Score = (2.0 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall);
                print '    precision=%0.3f, recall=%0.3f' % (precision, recall)
                print '    F1=%0.3f' % f1Score
            print '[train]: Not using a validation data set'
        # ----- end one epoch -----
    # complete
    print "[train]:    all done!"
    return losses, acc
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: emcnn.py Projeto: iscoe/coca
def train_one_epoch(solver, X, Y, 
    """ Trains a CNN for a single epoch.
      batchDim := (nExamples, nFilters, width, height)

    # Pre-allocate some variables & storate.
    tileRadius = int(batchDim[2]/2)
    Xi = np.zeros(batchDim, dtype=np.float32)
    yi = np.zeros((batchDim[0],), dtype=np.float32)
    yMax = np.max(Y).astype(np.int32)
    tic = time.time()
    it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, tileRadius, batchDim[0], omitLabels=omitLabels) 

    for Idx, epochPct in it: 
        # Map the indices Idx -> tiles Xi and labels yi 
        # Note: if Idx.shape[0] < batchDim[0] (last iteration of an epoch) 
        # a few examples from the previous minibatch will be "recycled" here. 
        # This is intentional (to keep batch sizes consistent even if data 
        # set size is not a multiple of the minibatch size). 
        for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]): 
            a = Idx[jj,1] - tileRadius 
            b = Idx[jj,1] + tileRadius + 1 
            c = Idx[jj,2] - tileRadius 
            d = Idx[jj,2] + tileRadius + 1 
            Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = X[ Idx[jj,0], a:b, c:d ]
            yi[jj] = Y[ Idx[jj,0], Idx[jj,1], Idx[jj,2] ] 

        # label-preserving data transformation (synthetic data generation)
        if data_augment is not None:
            Xi = data_augment(Xi)

        # one forward/backward pass and update weights
        _tmp = time.time()
        solver.net.set_input_arrays(Xi, yi)
        out = solver.net.forward()

        # SGD with momentum
        for lIdx, layer in enumerate(solver.net.layers):
            for bIdx, blob in enumerate(layer.blobs):
                key = (lIdx, bIdx)
                V = trainInfo.V.get(key, 0.0)
                Vnext = (trainInfo.mu * V) - (trainInfo.alpha * blob.diff)
                blob.data[...] += Vnext
                trainInfo.V[key] = Vnext

        # (try to) extract some useful info from the net
        loss = out.get('loss', None)
        acc = out.get('acc', None)  # accuracy is not required...

        # update run statistics
        trainInfo.cnnTime += time.time() - _tmp
        trainInfo.iter += 1
        trainInfo.netTime += (time.time() - tic)
        tic = time.time()

        # Some events occur on regular intervals.
        # Address these here.
        if (trainInfo.iter % trainInfo.param.snapshot) == 0:
            fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'iter_%06d.caffemodel' % trainInfo.iter)

        if trainInfo.isModeStep and ((trainInfo.iter % trainInfo.param.stepsize) ==0):
            trainInfo.alpha *= trainInfo.gamma

        if (trainInfo.iter % trainInfo.param.display) == 1: 
            print "[emCNN]: completed iteration %d of %d (epoch=%0.2f);" % (trainInfo.iter, trainInfo.param.max_iter, trainInfo.epoch+epochPct)
            print "[emCNN]:     %0.2f min elapsed (%0.2f CNN min)" % (trainInfo.netTime/60., trainInfo.cnnTime/60.)
            if loss: 
                print "[emCNN]:     loss=%0.2f" % loss
            if acc: 
                print "[emCNN]:     accuracy (train volume)=%0.2f" % acc
        if trainInfo.iter >= trainInfo.param.max_iter:
            break  # we hit max_iter on a non-epoch boundary...all done.
    # all finished with this epoch
    print "[emCNN]:    epoch complete."
    return loss, acc
Exemplo n.º 10
def _training_loop(solver, X, Y, M, solverParam, batchDim, outDir):
    """Performs CNN training.
    assert(batchDim[2] == batchDim[3])     # tiles must be square

    # Some variables and storage that we'll use in the loop below
    tileRadius = int(batchDim[2]/2)
    Xi = np.zeros(batchDim, dtype=np.float32)
    yi = np.zeros((batchDim[0],), dtype=np.float32)
    losses = np.zeros((solverParam.max_iter,)) 
    acc = np.zeros((solverParam.max_iter,))
    currIter = 0
    currEpoch = 0

    # SGD parameters.  SGD with momentum is of the form:
    #    V_{t+1} = \mu V_t - \alpha \nablaL(W_t)
    #    W_{t+1} = W_t + V_{t+1}
    # where W are the weights and V the previous update.
    # Ref: http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/solver.html
    alpha = solverParam.base_lr            # alpha := learning rate
    mu = solverParam.momentum              # mu := momentum
    gamma = solverParam.gamma              # gamma := step factor
    isModeStep = (solverParam.lr_policy == u'step')
    isTypeSGD = (solverParam.solver_type == solverParam.SolverType.Value('SGD'))
    Vall = {}                              # stores previous SGD steps (for all layers)

    if not (isModeStep and isTypeSGD):
        raise RuntimeError('Sorry - only support SGD "step" mode at the present')
    # TODO: weight decay
    # TODO: layer-specific weights
    # TODO: evaluate performance on valid slices instead of train slices?
    #       (complicated by the fact that pycaffe doesn't support test mode)
    cnnTime = 0.0                          # time spent doing core CNN operations
    tic = time.time()
    while currIter < solverParam.max_iter:
        # Each generator provides a single epoch's worth of data.
        # However, Caffe doesn't really recognize the notion of an epoch; instead,
        # they specify a number of training "iterations" (mini-batch evaluations, I assume).
        # So the inner loop below is for a single epoch, which we may terminate
        # early if the max # of iterations is reached.
        currEpoch += 1
        it = emlib.stratified_interior_pixel_generator(Y, tileRadius, batchDim[0], mask=M)
        for Idx, epochPct in it:
            # Map the indices Idx -> tiles Xi and labels yi
            # Note: if Idx.shape[0] < batchDim[0] (last iteration of an epoch) a few examples
            # from the previous minibatch will be "recycled" here. This is intentional
            # (to keep batch sizes consistent even if data set size is not a multiple
            #  of the minibatch size).
            for jj in range(Idx.shape[0]):
                yi[jj] = Y[ Idx[jj,0], Idx[jj,1], Idx[jj,2] ]
                a = Idx[jj,1] - tileRadius
                b = Idx[jj,1] + tileRadius + 1
                c = Idx[jj,2] - tileRadius
                d = Idx[jj,2] + tileRadius + 1
                Xi[jj, 0, :, :] = X[ Idx[jj,0], a:b, c:d ]

            # label-preserving data transformation (synthetic data generation)
            Xi = _xform_minibatch(Xi)

            # one forward/backward pass and update weights
            # (SGD with momentum term)
            _tmp = time.time()
            solver.net.set_input_arrays(Xi, yi)
            # XXX: could call preprocess() here?
            rv = solver.net.forward()

            for lIdx, layer in enumerate(solver.net.layers):
                for bIdx, blob in enumerate(layer.blobs):
                    key = (lIdx, bIdx)
                    V = Vall.get(key, 0.0)
                    Vnext = mu*V - alpha * blob.diff
                    blob.data[...] += Vnext
                    Vall[key] = Vnext
            cnnTime += time.time() - _tmp
            # update running list of losses with the loss from this mini batch
            losses[currIter] = np.squeeze(rv['loss'])
            acc[currIter] = np.squeeze(rv['accuracy'])
            currIter += 1

            # Some events occur on mini-batch intervals.
            # Deal with those now.
            if (currIter % solverParam.snapshot) == 0:
                fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'iter_%05d.caffemodel' % (currIter))

            if isModeStep and ((currIter % solverParam.stepsize) == 0):
                alpha *= gamma

            if (currIter % solverParam.display) == 1:
                elapsed = (time.time() - tic)/60.
                print "[train]: completed iteration %d (of %d; %0.2f min elapsed; %0.2f CNN min)" % (currIter, solverParam.max_iter, elapsed, cnnTime/60.)
                print "[train]:    epoch: %d (%0.2f), loss: %0.3f, acc: %0.3f, learn rate: %0.3e" % (currEpoch, 100*epochPct, np.mean(losses[max(0,currIter-10):currIter]), np.mean(acc[max(0,currIter-10):currIter]), alpha)
            if currIter >= solverParam.max_iter:
                break  # in case we hit max_iter on a non-epoch boundary
    return losses, acc