Exemplo n.º 1
def test_get_spline_values():                            # 9. get_spline_values
    # Check one example
    filt = filters.key_81_CosSin_2009()
    out, new_inp = transform.get_spline_values(filt, np.arange(1, 6), -1)
    # Expected values
    oout = np.array([[6.70925256e-05, 8.19469958e-05, 1.00090287e-04,
                      1.22250552e-04, 1.49317162e-04, 1.82376393e-04,
                      2.22755030e-04, 2.72073608e-04, 3.32311455e-04,
                      4.05886127e-04, 4.95750435e-04, 6.05510949e-04,
                      7.39572743e-04, 9.03316189e-04, 1.10331288e-03,
                      1.34758940e-03, 1.64594941e-03, 2.01036715e-03,
                      2.45546798e-03, 2.99911536e-03, 3.66312778e-03,
                      4.47415437e-03, 5.46474449e-03, 6.67465399e-03,
                      8.15244080e-03, 9.95741367e-03, 1.21620125e-02,
                      1.48547156e-02, 1.81435907e-02, 2.21606317e-02,
                      2.70670566e-02, 3.30597776e-02, 4.03793036e-02,
                      4.93193928e-02, 6.02388424e-02, 7.35758882e-02,
                      8.98657928e-02, 1.09762327e-01, 1.34064009e-01,
                      1.63746151e-01, 2.00000000e-01, 2.44280552e-01,
                      2.98364940e-01, 3.64423760e-01, 4.45108186e-01,
                      5.43656366e-01, 6.64023385e-01, 8.11039993e-01,
                      9.90606485e-01, 1.20992949e+00, 1.47781122e+00,
                      1.80500270e+00, 2.20463528e+00, 2.69274761e+00,
                      3.28892935e+00, 4.01710738e+00, 4.90650604e+00,
                      5.99282001e+00, 7.31964689e+00, 8.94023690e+00,
                      1.09196300e+01, 1.33372662e+01, 1.62901737e+01,
                      1.98968631e+01, 2.43020835e+01, 2.96826318e+01,
                      3.62544484e+01, 4.42812832e+01, 5.40852815e+01,
                      6.60599120e+01, 8.06857587e+01, 9.85498082e+01,
                      1.20369008e+02, 1.47019038e+02, 1.79569458e+02,
                      2.19326632e+02, 2.67886153e+02, 3.27196886e+02,
                      3.99639179e+02, 4.88120396e+02, 5.96191597e+02,
                      7.28190061e+02, 8.89413350e+02, 1.08633192e+03,
                      1.32684880e+03, 1.62061679e+03, 1.97942581e+03,
                      2.41767615e+03, 2.95295631e+03, 3.60674899e+03]])
    onew_inp = np.array([5., 4.09365377, 3.35160023, 2.74405818, 2.24664482,
                         1.83939721, 1.50597106, 1.23298482, 1.00948259,
    # Comparison
    assert_allclose(out, oout)
    assert_allclose(new_inp, onew_inp)

    # Ensure output dimension
    hfilt = filters.anderson_801_1982()
    out, _ = transform.get_spline_values(hfilt, np.array([1, 1.1]), -1)
    assert_allclose(out.size, 804)

    # Check a hypothetical short filter, with small pts_per_dec, and ensure
    # at least four points are returned
    filt = filters.DigitalFilter('shortest')
    filt.base = np.array([1., 1.1])
    out, new_inp = transform.get_spline_values(filt, np.array([1.]), 1)
    assert_allclose(out.size, 4)

    # Check standard example
    ffilt = filters.key_81_CosSin_2009()
    inp = np.arange(1, 6)
    out, new_inp = transform.get_spline_values(ffilt, inp, 0)
    assert_allclose(inp, new_inp)
    assert_allclose(out, ffilt.base/inp[:, None])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_dlf():  # 10. dlf
    # DLF is integral of fht and ffht, and therefore tested a lot through
    # those. Here we just ensure status quo. And if a problem arises in fht or
    # ffht, it would make it obvious if the problem arises from dlf or not.

    # Check DLF for Fourier
    t = DATA['t'][()]
    for i in [0, 1, 2]:
        dat = DATA['ffht' + str(i)][()]
        tres = DATA['tEM' + str(i)][()]
        finp = dat['fEM']
        ftarg = dat['ftarg']
        if i > 0:
            finp /= 2j * np.pi * dat['f']
        if i > 1:
            finp *= -1

        if ftarg[1] == 0:
            finp = finp.reshape(t.size, -1)

        tEM = transform.dlf(finp,
                            2 * np.pi * dat['f'],
        assert_allclose(tEM * 2 / np.pi, tres, rtol=1e-3)

    # Check DLF for Hankel
    for ab in [12, 22, 13, 33]:
        model = utils.check_model([], 10, 2, 2, 5, 1, 10, True, 0)
        depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, isfullspace = model
        frequency = utils.check_frequency(1, res, aniso, epermH, epermV,
                                          mpermH, mpermV, 0)
        freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = frequency
        src = [0, 0, 0]
        src, nsrc = utils.check_dipole(src, 'src', 0)
        ab, msrc, mrec = utils.check_ab(ab, 0)
        ht, htarg = utils.check_hankel('fht', None, 0)
        options = utils.check_opt(None, None, ht, htarg, 0)
        use_ne_eval, loop_freq, loop_off = options
        xdirect = False  # Important, as we want to comp. wavenumber-frequency!
        rec = [np.arange(1, 11) * 500, np.zeros(10), 300]
        rec, nrec = utils.check_dipole(rec, 'rec', 0)
        off, angle = utils.get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, 0)
        lsrc, zsrc = utils.get_layer_nr(src, depth)
        lrec, zrec = utils.get_layer_nr(rec, depth)
        fhtfilt = htarg[0]
        pts_per_dec = htarg[1]

        # # # 0. No Spline # # #

        # fht calculation
        lambd = fhtfilt.base / off[:, None]
        PJ = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV,
                               zetaH, zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec,
        factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)

        # dlf calculation
        fEM0 = transform.dlf(PJ,

        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        freq1 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                 zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
        # Compare
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(fEM0), np.squeeze(freq1))

        # # # 1. Spline; One angle # # #
        options = utils.check_opt('spline', None, ht, htarg, 0)
        use_ne_eval, loop_freq, loop_off = options

        # fht calculation
        lambd, _ = transform.get_spline_values(fhtfilt, off, pts_per_dec)
        PJ1 = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV,
                                zetaH, zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec,

        # dlf calculation
        fEM1 = transform.dlf(PJ1,

        # Compare
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(fEM1), np.squeeze(freq1), rtol=1e-4)

        # # # 2.a Lagged; One angle # # #
        rec = [np.arange(1, 11) * 500, np.arange(-5, 5) * 0, 300]
        rec, nrec = utils.check_dipole(rec, 'rec', 0)
        off, angle = utils.get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, 0)

        # fht calculation
        lambd, _ = transform.get_spline_values(fhtfilt, off, -1)
        PJ2 = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV,
                                zetaH, zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec,
        factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)

        # dlf calculation
        fEM2 = transform.dlf(PJ2,

        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        freq2 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                 zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
        # Compare
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(fEM2), np.squeeze(freq2), rtol=1e-4)

        # # # 2.b Lagged; Multi angle # # #
        rec = [np.arange(1, 11) * 500, np.arange(-5, 5) * 200, 300]
        rec, nrec = utils.check_dipole(rec, 'rec', 0)
        off, angle = utils.get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, 0)

        # fht calculation
        lambd, _ = transform.get_spline_values(fhtfilt, off, -1)
        PJ2 = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV,
                                zetaH, zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec,
        factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)

        # dlf calculation
        fEM2 = transform.dlf(PJ2,

        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        freq2 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                 zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
        # Compare
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(fEM2), np.squeeze(freq2), rtol=1e-4)

        # # # 3. Spline; Multi angle # # #

        lambd, _ = transform.get_spline_values(fhtfilt, off, 10)
        # fht calculation
        PJ3 = kernel.wavenumber(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV,
                                zetaH, zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec,

        # dlf calculation
        fEM3 = transform.dlf(PJ3,

        # Compare
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(fEM3), np.squeeze(freq2), rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def forward(self, m, output_type='response'):
            Return Bz or dBzdt

        self.model = m

        n_frequency = self.survey.n_frequency
        flag = self.survey.field_type
        n_layer = self.survey.n_layer
        depth = self.survey.depth
        I = self.survey.I
        n_filter = self.n_filter

        # Get lambd and offset, will depend on pts_per_dec
        if self.survey.src_type == "VMD":
            r = self.survey.offset
            # a is the radius of the loop
            r = self.survey.a * np.ones(n_frequency)

        # Use function from empymod
        # size of lambd is (n_frequency x n_filter)
        lambd = np.empty([self.survey.frequency.size, n_filter], order='F')
        lambd[:, :], _ = get_spline_values(self.fhtfilt, r, self.hankel_pts_per_dec)

        # lambd, _ = get_spline_values(self.fhtfilt, r, self.hankel_pts_per_dec)
        # TODO: potentially store
        f = np.empty([self.survey.frequency.size, n_filter], order='F')
        f[:,:] = np.tile(self.survey.frequency.reshape([-1, 1]), (1, n_filter))
        # h is an inversion parameter
        if self.hMap is not None:
            h = self.h
            h = self.survey.h

        z = h + self.survey.dz

        chi = self.chi

        if np.isscalar(self.chi):
            chi = np.ones_like(self.sigma) * self.chi

        # TODO: potentially store
        sig = self.sigma_cole()

        if output_type == 'response':
            # for simulation
            if self.survey.src_type == 'VMD':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_vertical_magnetic_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                # kernels for each bessel function
                # (j0, j1, j2)
                PJ = (hz, None, None)  # PJ0

            elif self.survey.src_type == 'CircularLoop':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_circular_loop(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                # kernels for each bessel function
                # (j0, j1, j2)
                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

            # TODO: This has not implemented yet!
            elif self.survey.src_type == "piecewise_line":
                # Need to compute y
                hz = self.hz_kernel_horizontal_electric_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type
                # kernels for each bessel function
                # (j0, j1, j2)
                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

                raise Exception("Src options are only VMD or CircularLoop!!")

        elif output_type == 'sensitivity_sigma':

            # for simulation
            if self.survey.src_type == 'VMD':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_vertical_magnetic_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (hz, None, None)  # PJ0

            elif self.survey.src_type == 'CircularLoop':

                hz = self.hz_kernel_circular_loop(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

                raise Exception("Src options are only VMD or CircularLoop!!")

            r = np.tile(r, (n_layer, 1))

        elif output_type == 'sensitivity_height':

            # for simulation
            if self.survey.src_type == 'VMD':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_vertical_magnetic_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (hz, None, None)  # PJ0

            elif self.survey.src_type == 'CircularLoop':

                hz = self.hz_kernel_circular_loop(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

                raise Exception("Src options are only VMD or CircularLoop!!")

        # Carry out Hankel DLF
        # ab=66 => 33 (vertical magnetic src and rec)
        # For response
        # HzFHT size = (n_frequency,)
        # For sensitivity
        # HzFHT size = (n_layer, n_frequency)

        HzFHT = dlf(PJ, lambd, r, self.fhtfilt, self.hankel_pts_per_dec,
                    factAng=None, ab=33)

        if output_type == "sensitivity_sigma":
            return HzFHT.T

        return HzFHT
Exemplo n.º 4
    def forward(self, m, output_type='response'):
            Return Bz or dBzdt

        self.model = m

        n_frequency = self.survey.n_frequency
        flag = self.survey.field_type
        n_layer = self.survey.n_layer
        depth = self.survey.depth
        I = self.survey.I
        n_filter = self.n_filter

        # Get lambd and offset, will depend on pts_per_dec
        if self.survey.src_type == "VMD":
            r = self.survey.offset
            # a is the radius of the loop
            r = self.survey.a * np.ones(n_frequency)

        # Use function from empymod
        # size of lambd is (n_frequency x n_filter)
        lambd = np.empty([self.survey.frequency.size, n_filter], order='F')
        lambd[:, :], _ = get_spline_values(
            self.fhtfilt, r, self.hankel_pts_per_dec

        # TODO: potentially store
        f = np.empty([self.survey.frequency.size, n_filter], order='F')
        f[:, :] = np.tile(
            self.survey.frequency.reshape([-1, 1]), (1, n_filter)
        # h is an inversion parameter
        if self.hMap is not None:
            h = self.h
            h = self.survey.h

        z = h + self.survey.dz

        chi = self.chi

        if np.isscalar(self.chi):
            chi = np.ones_like(self.sigma) * self.chi

        # TODO: potentially store
        sig = self.sigma_cole()

        if output_type == 'response':
            # for simulation
            if self.survey.src_type == 'VMD':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_vertical_magnetic_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                # kernels for each bessel function
                # (j0, j1, j2)
                PJ = (hz, None, None)  # PJ0

            elif self.survey.src_type == 'CircularLoop':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_circular_loop(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                # kernels for each bessel function
                # (j0, j1, j2)
                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

            # TODO: This has not implemented yet!
            elif self.survey.src_type == "piecewise_line":
                # Need to compute y
                hz = self.hz_kernel_horizontal_electric_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type
                # kernels for each bessel function
                # (j0, j1, j2)
                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

                raise Exception("Src options are only VMD or CircularLoop!!")

        elif output_type == 'sensitivity_sigma':

            # for simulation
            if self.survey.src_type == 'VMD':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_vertical_magnetic_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (hz, None, None)  # PJ0

            elif self.survey.src_type == 'CircularLoop':

                hz = self.hz_kernel_circular_loop(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

                raise Exception("Src options are only VMD or CircularLoop!!")

            r = np.tile(r, (n_layer, 1))

        elif output_type == 'sensitivity_height':

            # for simulation
            if self.survey.src_type == 'VMD':
                hz = self.hz_kernel_vertical_magnetic_dipole(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (hz, None, None)  # PJ0

            elif self.survey.src_type == 'CircularLoop':

                hz = self.hz_kernel_circular_loop(
                    lambd, f, n_layer,
                    sig, chi, depth, h, z, I, r,
                    flag, output_type=output_type

                PJ = (None, hz, None)  # PJ1

                raise Exception("Src options are only VMD or CircularLoop!!")

        # Carry out Hankel DLF
        # ab=66 => 33 (vertical magnetic src and rec)
        # For response
        # HzFHT size = (n_frequency,)
        # For sensitivity
        # HzFHT size = (n_layer, n_frequency)

        HzFHT = dlf(PJ, lambd, r, self.fhtfilt, self.hankel_pts_per_dec,
                    factAng=None, ab=33)

        if output_type == "sensitivity_sigma":
            return HzFHT.T

        return HzFHT
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_hankel(htype):                           # 1. fht / 2. hqwe / 3. hquad
    # Compare wavenumber-domain calculation / FHT with analytical
    # frequency-domain fullspace solution
    calc = getattr(transform, htype)
    model = utils.check_model([], 10, 2, 2, 5, 1, 10, True, 0)
    depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, _ = model
    frequency = utils.check_frequency(1, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH,
                                      mpermV, 0)
    _, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = frequency
    src = [0, 0, 0]
    src, nsrc = utils.check_dipole(src, 'src', 0)
    for ab_inp in [11, 12, 13, 33]:
        ab, msrc, mrec = utils.check_ab(ab_inp, 0)
        _, htarg = utils.check_hankel(htype, None, 0)
        xdirect = False  # Important, as we want to compare wavenr-frequency!
        rec = [np.arange(1, 11)*500, np.zeros(10), 300]
        rec, nrec = utils.check_dipole(rec, 'rec', 0)
        off, angle = utils.get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, 0)
        factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)
        lsrc, zsrc = utils.get_layer_nr(src, depth)
        lrec, zrec = utils.get_layer_nr(rec, depth)

        # # # 0. No Spline # # #
        if htype != 'hquad':  # hquad is always using spline
            # Wavenumber solution plus transform

            # Adjust htarg for fht
            if htype == 'fht':
                lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(htarg[0], off,
                htarg = (htarg[0], htarg[1], lambd, int_pts)

            wvnr0, _, conv = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, factAng, depth,
                                  ab, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, htarg,
                                  False, msrc, mrec)
            # Analytical frequency-domain solution
            freq0 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                     zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
            # Compare
            assert_allclose(conv, True)
            assert_allclose(np.squeeze(wvnr0), np.squeeze(freq0))

        # # # 1. Spline; One angle # # #
        htarg, _ = utils.spline_backwards_hankel(htype, None, 'spline')
        _, htarg = utils.check_hankel(htype, htarg, 0)
        if htype == 'hquad':  # Lower atol to ensure convergence
            _, htarg = utils.check_hankel('quad', [1e-8], 0)
        elif htype == 'fht':  # Adjust htarg for fht
            lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(htarg[0], off,
            htarg = (htarg[0], htarg[1], lambd, int_pts)

        # Wavenumber solution plus transform
        wvnr1, _, conv = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, factAng, depth, ab,
                              etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, htarg, False,
                              msrc, mrec)
        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        freq1 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                 zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
        # Compare
        if htype == 'hqwe' and ab in [13, 33]:
            assert_allclose(conv, False)
            assert_allclose(conv, True)
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(wvnr1), np.squeeze(freq1), rtol=1e-4)

        # # # 2. Spline; Multi angle # # #
        rec = [np.arange(1, 11)*500, np.arange(-5, 5)*200, 300]
        rec, nrec = utils.check_dipole(rec, 'rec', 0)
        off, angle = utils.get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, 0)
        factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)
        if htype == 'hqwe':  # Put a very low diff_quad, to test it.; lower err
            _, htarg = utils.check_hankel('qwe', [1e-8, '', '', 200, 80, .1,
                                                  1e-6, .1, 1000], 0)
        elif htype == 'fht':  # Adjust htarg for fht
            lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(htarg[0], off,
            htarg = (htarg[0], htarg[1], lambd, int_pts)

        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        wvnr2, _, conv = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, factAng, depth, ab,
                              etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, htarg, False,
                              msrc, mrec)
        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        freq2 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                 zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
        # Compare
        assert_allclose(conv, True)
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(wvnr2), np.squeeze(freq2), rtol=1e-4)

        # # # 3. Spline; pts_per_dec # # #
        if htype == 'fht':
            _, htarg = utils.check_hankel('fht', ['key_201_2012', 20], 0)
            lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(htarg[0], off,
            htarg = (htarg[0], htarg[1], lambd, int_pts)
        elif htype == 'hqwe':
            _, htarg = utils.check_hankel('qwe', ['', '', '', 80, 100], 0)
        if htype != 'hquad':  # hquad is always pts_per_dec
            # Analytical frequency-domain solution
            wvnr3, _, conv = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, factAng, depth,
                                  ab, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, htarg,
                                  False, msrc, mrec)
            # Analytical frequency-domain solution
            freq3 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                     zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
            # Compare
            assert_allclose(conv, True)
            assert_allclose(np.squeeze(wvnr3), np.squeeze(freq3), rtol=1e-4)

        # # # 4. Spline; Only one offset # # #
        rec = [5000, 0, 300]
        rec, nrec = utils.check_dipole(rec, 'rec', 0)
        off, angle = utils.get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, 0)
        factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)
        if htype == 'hqwe':
            _, htarg = utils.check_hankel('qwe', ['', '', '', 200, 80], 0)
        elif htype == 'hquad':
            _, htarg = utils.check_hankel('quad', None, 0)
        elif htype == 'fht':
            lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(htarg[0], off,
            htarg = (htarg[0], htarg[1], lambd, int_pts)
        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        wvnr4, _, conv = calc(zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, off, factAng, depth, ab,
                              etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV, xdirect, htarg, False,
                              msrc, mrec)
        # Analytical frequency-domain solution
        freq4 = kernel.fullspace(off, angle, zsrc, zrec, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                                 zetaV, ab, msrc, mrec)
        # Compare
        assert_allclose(conv, True)
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(wvnr4), np.squeeze(freq4), rtol=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setup(self, size):

        # One big, one small model
        if size == 'Small':  # Total size: 5*1*1*1 = 5
            off = np.array([500., 1000.])
        else:          # Total size: 5*100*1*201 = 100'500
            off = np.arange(1, 101)*200.

        # Define survey
        freq = np.array([1])
        lsrc = 1
        lrec = 1
        angle = np.zeros(off.shape)
        ab = 11
        msrc = False
        mrec = False

        if VERSION2:
            zsrc = 250.
            zrec = 300.
            zsrc = np.array([250.])  # Not sure if this distinction
            zrec = np.array([300.])  # is actually needed
            use_ne_eval = False

        # Define model
        depth = np.array([-np.infty, 0, 300, 2000, 2100])
        res = np.array([2e14, .3, 1, 50, 1])
        aniso = np.ones(res.shape)
        epermH = np.ones(res.shape)
        epermV = np.ones(res.shape)
        mpermH = np.ones(res.shape)
        mpermV = np.ones(res.shape)

        # Other parameters
        xdirect = False
        verb = 0

        # Compute eta, zeta
        etaH = 1/res + np.outer(2j*np.pi*freq, epermH*epsilon_0)
        etaV = 1/(res*aniso*aniso) + np.outer(2j*np.pi*freq, epermV*epsilon_0)
        zetaH = np.outer(2j*np.pi*freq, mpermH*mu_0)
        zetaV = np.outer(2j*np.pi*freq, mpermV*mu_0)

        # Collect input
        self.hankel = {'zsrc': zsrc, 'zrec': zrec, 'lsrc': lsrc, 'lrec': lrec,
                       'off': off, 'depth': depth, 'ab': ab, 'etaH': etaH,
                       'etaV': etaV, 'zetaH': zetaH, 'zetaV': zetaV, 'xdirect':
                       xdirect, 'msrc': msrc, 'mrec': mrec}
        if not VERSION2:
            self.hankel['use_ne_eval'] = use_ne_eval

        # Before c73d6647; you had to give `ab` to `check_hankel`;
        # check_opt didn't exist then.
        if VERSION2:
            charg = (verb, )
            new_version = True
                opt = utils.check_opt(None, None, 'fht', ['', 0], verb)
                charg = (verb, )
                if np.size(opt) == 4:
                    new_version = False
                    new_version = True
            except VariableCatch:
                new_version = False
                charg = (ab, verb)

        # From 9bed72b0 onwards, there is no `use_spline`; `htarg` input
        # changed (29/04/2018; before v1.4.1).
        if new_version:
            if VERSION2:
                htarg = {'dlf': 'key_201_2009', 'pts_per_dec': -1}
                htarg = ['key_201_2009', -1]
            htarg = ['key_201_2009', None]

        # HT arguments
        if VERSION2:
            dlfargname = 'htarg'
            qweargname = 'htarg'
            quadargname = 'htarg'
            htarg1 = {'dlf': 'key_201_2009', 'pts_per_dec': 0}
            htarg2 = {'dlf': 'key_201_2009', 'pts_per_dec': 10}
            name = 'dlf'
            dlfargname = 'fhtarg'
            qweargname = 'qweargs'
            quadargname = 'quadargs'
            htarg1 = ['key_201_2009', 0]
            htarg2 = ['key_201_2009', 10]
            name = 'fht'

        _, fhtarg_st = utils.check_hankel(name, htarg1, *charg)
        self.fhtarg_st = {dlfargname: fhtarg_st}
        _, fhtarg_sp = utils.check_hankel(name, htarg2, *charg)
        self.fhtarg_sp = {dlfargname: fhtarg_sp}
        _, fhtarg_la = utils.check_hankel(name, htarg, *charg)
        self.fhtarg_la = {dlfargname: fhtarg_la}

        # QWE: We lower the requirements here, otherwise it takes too long
        # ['rtol', 'atol', 'nquad', 'maxint', 'pts_per_dec', 'diff_quad', 'a',
        # 'b', 'limit']

        # Args depend if QUAD included into QWE or not
            if VERSION2:
                args_sp = {'atol': 1e-6, 'rtol': 1e-10, 'nquad': 51,
                           'maxint': 100, 'pts_per_dec': 10,
                           'diff_quad': np.inf}
                args_st = {'atol': 1e-6, 'rtol': 1e-10, 'nquad': 51,
                           'maxint': 100, 'pts_per_dec': 0,
                           'diff_quad': np.inf}
                args_sp = [1e-6, 1e-10, 51, 100, 10, np.inf]
                args_st = [1e-6, 1e-10, 51, 100, 0, np.inf]
            _, qwearg_sp = utils.check_hankel('qwe', args_sp, *charg)
            _, qwearg_st = utils.check_hankel('qwe', args_st, *charg)
        except VariableCatch:
            args_sp = [1e-6, 1e-10, 51, 100, 10]
            args_st = [1e-6, 1e-10, 51, 100, 0]
            _, qwearg_sp = utils.check_hankel('qwe', args_sp, *charg)
            _, qwearg_st = utils.check_hankel('qwe', args_st, *charg)

        self.qwearg_st = {qweargname: qwearg_st}
        self.qwearg_sp = {qweargname: qwearg_sp}

        # QUAD: We lower the requirements here, otherwise it takes too long
        # ['rtol', 'atol', 'limit', 'a', 'b', 'pts_per_dec']
        if VERSION2:
            args = {'atol': 1e-6, 'rtol': 1e-10, 'limit': 100, 'a': 1e-6,
                    'b': 0.1, 'pts_per_dec': 10}
            args = [1e-6, 1e-10, 100, 1e-6, 0.1, 10]
        try:  # QUAD only included since 6104614e (before v1.3.0)
            _, quadargs = utils.check_hankel('quad', args, *charg)
            self.quadargs = {quadargname: quadargs}
        except VariableCatch:
            self.quadargs = {}

        if not new_version and not VERSION2:
            self.fhtarg_la.update({'use_spline': True})
            self.fhtarg_sp.update({'use_spline': True})
            self.fhtarg_st.update({'use_spline': False})
            self.qwearg_sp.update({'use_spline': True})
            self.qwearg_st.update({'use_spline': False})
            self.quadargs.update({'use_spline': True})

        if VERSION2:
            self.hankel['ang_fact'] = kernel.angle_factor(
                    angle, ab, msrc, mrec)
            # From bb6447a onwards ht-transforms take `factAng`, not `angle`,
            # to avoid re-calculation in loops.
                transform.fht(angle=angle, **self.fhtarg_la, **self.hankel)
                self.hankel['angle'] = angle
            except VariableCatch:
                self.hankel['factAng'] = kernel.angle_factor(
                        angle, ab, msrc, mrec)

        if not VERSION2:
            # From b6f6872 onwards fht-transforms calculates lambd/int_pts in
            # model.fem, not in transform.fht, to avoid re-calculation in
            # loops.
                transform.fht(**self.fhtarg_la, **self.hankel)
            except VariableCatch:
                lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(
                        fhtarg_st[0], off, fhtarg_st[1])
                self.fhtarg_st.update({'fhtarg': (
                    fhtarg_st[0], fhtarg_st[1], lambd, int_pts)})
                lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(
                        fhtarg_la[0], off, fhtarg_la[1])
                         (fhtarg_la[0], fhtarg_la[1], lambd, int_pts)})
                lambd, int_pts = transform.get_spline_values(
                        fhtarg_sp[0], off, fhtarg_sp[1])
                         (fhtarg_sp[0], fhtarg_sp[1], lambd, int_pts)})
Exemplo n.º 7
    def setup_cache(self):
        """setup_cache is not parametrized, so we do it manually. """

        data = {}
        for size in self.params[0]:  # size

            data[size] = {}

            # One big, one small model
            if size == 'Small':  # Small; Total size: 5*1*1*1 = 5
                x = np.array([500., 1000.])
            else:       # Big; Total size: 5*100*100*201 = 10'050'000
                x = np.arange(1, 101)*200.

            # Define model parameters
            freq = np.array([1])
            src = [0, 0, 250]
            rec = [x, np.zeros(x.shape), 300]
            depth = np.array([-np.infty, 0, 300, 2000, 2100])
            res = np.array([2e14, .3, 1, 50, 1])
            ab = 11
            xdirect = False
            verb = 0

            if not VERSION2:
                use_ne_eval = False

            # Checks (since DLF exists the `utils`-checks haven't changed, so
            # we just use them here.
            model = utils.check_model(depth, res, None, None, None, None, None,
                                      xdirect, verb)
            depth, res, aniso, epermH, epermV, mpermH, mpermV, _ = model
            frequency = utils.check_frequency(freq, res, aniso, epermH, epermV,
                                              mpermH, mpermV, verb)
            freq, etaH, etaV, zetaH, zetaV = frequency
            ab, msrc, mrec = utils.check_ab(ab, verb)
            src, nsrc = utils.check_dipole(src, 'src', verb)
            rec, nrec = utils.check_dipole(rec, 'rec', verb)
            off, angle = utils.get_off_ang(src, rec, nsrc, nrec, verb)
            lsrc, zsrc = utils.get_layer_nr(src, depth)
            lrec, zrec = utils.get_layer_nr(rec, depth)

            for htype in self.params[1]:  # htype

                # pts_per_dec depending on htype
                if htype == 'Standard':
                    pts_per_dec = 0
                elif htype == 'Lagged':
                    pts_per_dec = -1
                    pts_per_dec = 10

                # Compute kernels for dlf
                if VERSION2:
                    # HT arguments
                    _, fhtarg = utils.check_hankel(
                            {'dlf': 'key_201_2009',
                             'pts_per_dec': pts_per_dec},

                    inp = (fhtarg['dlf'], off, fhtarg['pts_per_dec'])
                    lambd, _ = transform.get_dlf_points(*inp)
                    # HT arguments
                    _, fhtarg = utils.check_hankel(
                            'fht', ['key_201_2009', pts_per_dec], 0)

                    inp = (fhtarg[0], off, fhtarg[1])
                    lambd, _ = transform.get_spline_values(*inp)

                if VERSION2:
                    inp = (zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH, etaV, zetaH,
                           zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect, msrc, mrec)
                    inp = (zsrc, zrec, lsrc, lrec, depth, etaH,
                           etaV, zetaH, zetaV, lambd, ab, xdirect,
                           msrc, mrec, use_ne_eval)
                PJ = kernel.wavenumber(*inp)

                factAng = kernel.angle_factor(angle, ab, msrc, mrec)

                # Signature changed at commit a15af07 (20/05/2018; before
                # v1.6.2)
                    dlf = {'signal': PJ, 'points': lambd, 'out_pts': off,
                           'ab': ab}
                    if VERSION2:
                        dlf['ang_fact'] = factAng
                        dlf['filt'] = fhtarg['dlf']
                        dlf['pts_per_dec'] = fhtarg['pts_per_dec']
                        dlf['factAng'] = factAng
                        dlf['filt'] = fhtarg[0]
                        dlf['pts_per_dec'] = fhtarg[1]
                except VariableCatch:
                    dlf = {'signal': PJ, 'points': lambd, 'out_pts': off,
                           'targ': fhtarg, 'factAng': factAng}

                data[size][htype] = dlf

        return data