Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_freq2transform(self, capsys):
        times = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 101)
        x = 900
        model = {
            'src': [0, 0, 0],
            'rec': [x, 0, 0],
            'res': 1,
            'depth': [],
            'verb': 1

        # Initiate Fourier instance.
        Fourier = time.Fourier(times, 0.001, 100)

        # Calculate required frequencies.
        data = empymod.dipole(freqtime=Fourier.freq_compute, **model)

        # Transform the data.
        tdata = Fourier.freq2time(data, x)

        # Calculate data in empymod.
        data_true = empymod.dipole(freqtime=times, signal=0, **model)

        # Compare.
        assert_allclose(data_true, tdata, rtol=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_tem():
    # Just ensure functionality stays the same, with one example.
    for i in ['6', '7', '8']:  # Signal = 0, 1, -1
        res = DATAFEMTEM['out'+i][()]
        tEM, _ = tem(**res['inp'])
        assert_allclose(tEM, res['EM'])

    # Test `xdirect=None` through analytical/dipole-comparison with a simple
    # model

    # Fullspace model
    inp = {'src': [[0, -100], [0, -200], 200],
           'rec': [np.arange(1, 11)*500, np.arange(1, 11)*100, 300],
           'freqtime': [0.1, 1, 10], 'res': 1}
    fEM_fs = analytical(**inp)

    # Add two layers
    inp['depth'] = [0, 500]
    inp['res'] = [10, 1, 30]
    fEM_tot1 = dipole(xdirect=False, **inp)
    fEM_tot2 = dipole(xdirect=True, **inp)
    fEM_secondary = dipole(xdirect=None, **inp)

    # `xdirect=False` and `xdirect=True` have to agree
    assert_allclose(fEM_tot2, fEM_tot1)

    # Total field minus minus direct field equals secondary field
    assert_allclose(fEM_tot1 - fEM_fs, fEM_secondary)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_dipole():
    # As this is a subset of bipole, just run two tests to ensure
    # it is equivalent to bipole.

    # 1. Frequency
    src = [5000, 1000, -200]
    rec = [0, 0, 1200]
    model = {'depth': [100, 1000], 'res': [2, 0.3, 100], 'aniso': [2, .5, 2]}
    f = 0.01
    # v  dipole : ab = 26
    # \> bipole : src-dip = 90, rec-azimuth=90, msrc=True
    dip_res = dipole(src, rec, freqtime=f, ab=26, verb=0, **model)
    bip_res = bipole([src[0], src[1], src[2], 0, 90],
                     [rec[0], rec[1], rec[2], 90, 0],
    assert_allclose(dip_res, bip_res)

    # 2. Time
    t = 1
    dip_res = dipole(src, rec, freqtime=t, signal=1, ab=62, verb=0, **model)
    bip_res = bipole([src[0], src[1], src[2], 0, 90],
                     [rec[0], rec[1], rec[2], 90, 0],
    assert_allclose(dip_res, bip_res)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plot_coarse_model(self):
        """Update coarse model."""

        # Calculate the f-responses for required and the calculation range.
        f_req = empymod.dipole(freqtime=self.freq_req, **self.model)
        f_calc = empymod.dipole(freqtime=self.freq_calc, **self.model)

        # Interpolate from calculated to required frequencies and transform.
        f_int = self.interpolate(f_calc)
        t_int = self.freq2time(f_calc, self.model['rec'][0])

        # Calculate the errors.
        f_error = 100*abs((self.reim(f_int)-self.reim(f_req)) /
        t_error = 100*abs((t_int-self.t_base)/self.t_base)

        # Clear existing handles
        self.clear_handle(['f_int', 't_int', 'f_inti', 'f_inte', 't_inte'])

        # Plot frequency-domain result
        self.h_f_inti, = self.axs[0].plot(
                self.freq_req, self.reim(f_int), 'k.', ms=4)
        self.h_f_int, = self.axs[0].plot(
                self.freq_calc, self.reim(f_calc), 'C0.', ms=8)
        self.h_f_inte, = self.axs[2].plot(self.freq_req, f_error, 'k')

        # Plot time-domain result
        self.h_t_int, = self.axs[1].plot(self.time, t_int, 'k--')
        self.h_t_inte, = self.axs[3].plot(self.time, t_error, 'k')

        # Update legend
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_all_depths():
    # Test RHS/LHS low-to-high/high-to-low
    src = [0, 0, 10]
    rec = [500, 100, 50]
    freq = 1
    depth = np.array([-50, 0, 100, 2000])
    res = [6, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    aniso = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
    epermH = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]
    epermV = [1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9]
    mpermH = [2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4]
    mpermV = [2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9]

    # 1. Ordering as internally used:
    inp = {
        'ab': 11,
        'aniso': aniso,
        'epermH': epermH,
        'epermV': epermV,
        'mpermH': mpermH,
        'mpermV': mpermV

    # LHS low-to-high (+1, ::+1)
    lhs_l2h = dipole(src, rec, depth, res, freq, **inp)

    # RHS high-to-low (-1, ::+1)
    rhs_h2l = dipole([src[0], src[1], -src[2]], [rec[0], rec[1], -rec[2]],
                     -depth, res, freq, **inp)

    # 2. Reversed ordering:
    inp_r = {
        'ab': 11,
        'aniso': aniso[::-1],
        'epermH': epermH[::-1],
        'epermV': epermV[::-1],
        'mpermH': mpermH[::-1],
        'mpermV': mpermV[::-1]

    # LHS high-to-low (+1, ::-1)
    lhs_h2l = dipole(src, rec, depth[::-1], res[::-1], freq, **inp_r)

    # RHS low-to-high (-1, ::-1)
    rhs_l2h = dipole([src[0], src[1], -src[2]], [rec[0], rec[1], -rec[2]],
                     -depth[::-1], res[::-1], freq, **inp_r)

    assert_allclose(lhs_l2h, lhs_h2l)
    assert_allclose(lhs_l2h, rhs_l2h)
    assert_allclose(lhs_l2h, rhs_h2l)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_dipole():
    # As this is a subset of bipole, just run two tests to ensure
    # it is equivalent to bipole.

    # 1. Frequency
    src = [5000, 1000, -200]
    rec = [0, 0, 1200]
    model = {'depth': [100, 1000], 'res': [2, 0.3, 100], 'aniso': [2, .5, 2]}
    f = 0.01
    # v  dipole : ab = 26
    # \> bipole : src-dip = 90, rec-azimuth=90, msrc=True
    dip_res = dipole(src, rec, freqtime=f, ab=26, verb=0, **model)
    bip_res = bipole([src[0], src[1], src[2], 0, 90],
                     [rec[0], rec[1], rec[2], 90, 0], msrc=True, freqtime=f,
                     verb=0, **model)
    assert_allclose(dip_res, bip_res)

    # 2. Time
    t = 1
    dip_res = dipole(src, rec, freqtime=t, signal=1, ab=62, verb=0, **model)
    bip_res = bipole([src[0], src[1], src[2], 0, 90],
                     [rec[0], rec[1], rec[2], 90, 0], msrc=True, freqtime=t,
                     signal=1, verb=0, **model)
    assert_allclose(dip_res, bip_res)

    # 3. Check user-hook for eta/zeta
    def func_eta(inp, pdict):
        # Dummy function to check if it works.
        etaH = pdict['etaH'].real*inp['fact'] + 1j*pdict['etaH'].imag
        etaV = pdict['etaV'].real*inp['fact'] + 1j*pdict['etaV'].imag

        return etaH, etaV

    def func_zeta(inp, pdict):
        # Dummy function to check if it works.
        etaH = pdict['zetaH']/inp['fact']
        etaV = pdict['zetaV']/inp['fact']

        return etaH, etaV

    model = {'src': [0, 0, 500], 'rec': [500, 0, 600], 'depth': [0, 550],
             'freqtime': [0.1, 1, 10]}
    res = np.array([2, 10, 5])
    fact = np.array([2, 2, 2])
    eta = {'res': fact*res, 'fact': fact, 'func_eta': func_eta}
    zeta = {'res': res, 'fact': fact, 'func_zeta': func_zeta}

    # Frequency domain
    standard = dipole(res=res, **model)
    outeta = dipole(res=eta, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outeta)
    outzeta = dipole(res=zeta, mpermH=fact, mpermV=fact, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outzeta)
    # Time domain
    standard = dipole(res=res, signal=0, **model)
    outeta = dipole(res=eta, signal=0, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outeta)
    outzeta = dipole(res=zeta, signal=0, mpermH=fact, mpermV=fact, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outzeta)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_intracasing_segment(self):
         'VEB_Ez, Gij, and dipole agree for distant segments within one casing'
     zi = 52.5
     zj = 1352.5
     segment_length = 5
     zj1 = zj - segment_length / 2
     zj2 = zj + segment_length / 2
     gij = chs.Gij(zi,
     gij = np.conj(gij)
     epm_gij = dipole([0, 0, zj], [.01, 0, zi],
                      res=[3e14, 1 / con],
                      verb=0) * casing_area * segment_length
     veb_gij = chs.VEB_Ez(0,
                          frequency=freq) * casing_area
     self.assertTrue(np.isclose(gij, epm_gij, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-20))
     self.assertTrue(np.isclose(gij, veb_gij, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-20))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_regres():
    # Comparison to self (regression test)
    # 1836 cases; f = [0.01, 1, 100] Hz.; 18 models, 34 ab's, f altern.
    dat = REGRES['res'][()]
    for _, val in dat.items():
        res = dipole(**val[0])
        assert_allclose(res, val[1], 3e-2, 1e-17, True)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def plot_base_model(self):
        """Update smooth, 'correct' model."""

        # Calculate responses
        self.f_dense = empymod.dipole(freqtime=self.freq_dense, **self.model)
        self.t_base = empymod.dipole(
            freqtime=self.time, signal=self.signal, **self.model)

        # Clear existing handles
        self.clear_handle(['f_base', 't_base'])

        # Plot new result
        self.h_f_base, = self.axs[0].plot(
                self.freq_dense, self.reim(self.f_dense), 'C3')
        self.h_t_base, = self.axs[1].plot(self.time, self.t_base, 'C3')

Exemplo n.º 10
def test_analytical():
    # 1. fullspace
    model = {'src': [500, -100, -200],
             'rec': [0, 1000, 200],
             'res': 6.71,
             'aniso': 1.2,
             'freqtime': 40,
             'ab': 42,
             'verb': 0}
    dip_res = dipole(depth=[], **model)
    ana_res = analytical(**model)
    assert_allclose(dip_res, ana_res)
    # \= Check 36/63
    model['ab'] = 63
    ana_res2 = analytical(**model)
    assert_allclose(ana_res.shape, ana_res.shape)
    assert np.count_nonzero(ana_res2) == 0

    # 2. halfspace
    for signal in [0, 1]:  # Frequency, Time
        model = {'src': [500, -100, 5],
                 'rec': [0, 1000, 20],
                 'res': 6.71,
                 'aniso': 1.2,
                 'freqtime': 1,
                 'signal': signal,
                 'ab': 12,
                 'verb': 0}
        # Check dhs, dsplit, and dtetm
        ana_res = analytical(solution='dhs', **model)
        res1, res2, res3 = analytical(solution='dsplit', **model)
        dTE, dTM, rTE, rTM, air = analytical(solution='dtetm', **model)
        model['res'] = [2e14, model['res']]
        model['aniso'] = [1, model['aniso']]
        dip_res = dipole(depth=0, **model)
        # Check dhs, dsplit
        assert_allclose(dip_res, ana_res, rtol=1e-3)
        assert_allclose(ana_res, res1+res2+res3)
        # Check dsplit and dtetm
        assert_allclose(res1, dTE+dTM)
        assert_allclose(res2, rTE+rTM)
        assert_allclose(res3, air)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_HED_Ez(self):
     print('HED_Ez and dipole agree')
     epm_hed = dipole([0, 0, 1e-2], [1, 0, 100],
                      res=[3e14, 1 / con],
                      epermH=[0, 1],
                      epermV=[0, 1],
     chs_hed = chs.HED_Ez(1, 0, 100, 0, 0, conductivity=con, frequency=freq)
     self.assertTrue(np.isclose(epm_hed, chs_hed, atol=1e-20))
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_analytical():
    # 1. fullspace
    model = {
        'src': [500, -100, -200],
        'rec': [0, 1000, 200],
        'res': 6.71,
        'aniso': 1.2,
        'freqtime': 40,
        'ab': 42,
        'verb': 0
    dip_res = dipole(depth=[], **model)
    ana_res = analytical(**model)
    assert_allclose(dip_res, ana_res)

    # 2. halfspace
    model = {
        'src': [500, -100, 5],
        'rec': [0, 1000, 20],
        'res': 6.71,
        'aniso': 1.2,
        'freqtime': 10,
        'signal': 1,
        'ab': 12,
        'verb': 0
    # Check dhs, dsplit, and dtetm
    ana_res = analytical(solution='dhs', **model)
    res1, res2, res3 = analytical(solution='dsplit', **model)
    dTE, dTM, rTE, rTM, air = analytical(solution='dtetm', **model)
    model['res'] = [2e14, model['res']]
    model['aniso'] = [1, model['aniso']]
    dip_res = dipole(depth=0, **model)
    # Check dhs, dsplit
    assert_allclose(dip_res, ana_res, rtol=1e-4)
    assert_allclose(ana_res, res1 + res2 + res3)
    # Check dsplit and dtetm
    assert_allclose(res1, dTE + dTM)
    assert_allclose(res2, rTE + rTM)
    assert_allclose(res3, air)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_interpolation(self, capsys):
        times = np.logspace(-2, 1, 201)
        model = {
            'src': [0, 0, 0],
            'rec': [900, 0, 0],
            'res': 1,
            'depth': [],
            'verb': 1
        Fourier = time.Fourier(times, 0.005, 10)

        # Calculate data.
        data_true = empymod.dipole(freqtime=Fourier.freq_required, **model)
        data = empymod.dipole(freqtime=Fourier.freq_compute, **model)

        # Interpolate.
        data_int = Fourier.interpolate(data)

        # Compare, extrapolate < 0.05; interpolate equal.

        # Now set every_x_freq and again.
        Fourier.every_x_freq = 2

        data = empymod.dipole(freqtime=Fourier.freq_compute, **model)

        # Interpolate.
        data_int = Fourier.interpolate(data)

        # Compare, extrapolate < 0.05; interpolate < 0.01.
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_dipole():
    for lay in [0, 1, 5]:  # Src/rec in first, second, and last layer
        for f in freq:  # One freq at a time
            src = [0, 0, depth[lay + 1] - 50]

            # Offset depending on frequency
            if f < 1:
                rec = [10000, 0, depth[lay + 1] - 10]
            elif f > 10:
                rec = [2, 0, depth[lay + 1] - 10]
                rec = [1000, 0, depth[lay + 1] - 10]
            inp = {
                'src': src,
                'rec': rec,
                'depth': depth[1:-1],
                'res': res,
                'freqtime': f,
                'aniso': aniso,
                'verb': 0

            # empymod-version
            out = dipole(epermH=eperm,

            # empymod.scripts-version
            TM, TE = tmtemod.dipole(eperm=eperm, mperm=mperm, **inp)
            TM = TM[0] + TM[1] + TM[2] + TM[3] + TM[4]
            TE = TE[0] + TE[1] + TE[2] + TE[3] + TE[4]

            # Check
            assert_allclose(out, TM + TE, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-50)

    # Check the 3 errors
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # scr/rec not in same layer
        tmtemod.dipole([0, 0, 90], [4000, 0, 180], depth[1:-1], res, 1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # more than one frequency
        tmtemod.dipole([0, 0, 90], [4000, 0, 110], depth[1:-1], res, [1, 10])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # only one layer
        tmtemod.dipole([0, 0, 90], [4000, 0, 110], [], 10, 1)
Exemplo n.º 15
def plotresult(depth, res, zsrc, zrec):
    x = np.arange(1, 101) * 200
    inp = {
        'src': [0, 0, depth[1] - zsrc],
        'rec': [x, x * 0, depth[1] - zrec],
        'depth': depth,
        'res': res,
        'ab': 11,
        'freqtime': 1,
        'verb': 1,

    kong241 = empymod.dipole(htarg={'dlf': 'kong_241_2007'}, **inp)
    key201 = empymod.dipole(htarg={'dlf': 'key_201_2012'}, **inp)
    and801 = empymod.dipole(htarg={'dlf': 'anderson_801_1982'}, **inp)
    test = empymod.dipole(htarg={'dlf': filt}, **inp)
    wer201 = empymod.dipole(htarg={'dlf': 'wer_201_2018'}, **inp)
    qwe = empymod.dipole(ht='qwe', **inp)

    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3.5))
    plt.semilogy(x, qwe.amp(), c='0.5', label='QWE')
    plt.semilogy(x, kong241.amp(), 'k--', label='Kong241')
    plt.semilogy(x, key201.amp(), 'k:', label='Key201')
    plt.semilogy(x, and801.amp(), 'k-.', label='And801')
    plt.semilogy(x, test.amp(), 'r', label='This filter')
    plt.semilogy(x, wer201.amp(), 'b', label='Wer201')
    plt.xticks([0, 5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3])
    plt.xlim([0, 20e3])

    plt.semilogy(x, np.abs((kong241 - qwe) / qwe), 'k--', label='Kong241')
    plt.semilogy(x, np.abs((key201 - qwe) / qwe), 'k:', label='Key201')
    plt.semilogy(x, np.abs((and801 - qwe) / qwe), 'k-.', label='And801')
    plt.semilogy(x, np.abs((test - qwe) / qwe), 'r', label='This filter')
    plt.semilogy(x, np.abs((wer201 - qwe) / qwe), 'b', label='Wer201')
    plt.xticks([0, 5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3])
    plt.xlim([0, 20e3])
    plt.ylim([1e-14, 1])

Exemplo n.º 16
    'depth': [],  # Homogenous space
    'res': 3,  # 3 Ohm.m
    'ab': 11,  # Ex-source, Ex-receiver}

# Single offset and offsets
offs = np.linspace(1000, 15000, 201)
off = 5000

# Single frequency and frequencies
freqs = np.logspace(-3, 2, 201)
freq = 1

# Responses
oresp = empymod.dipole(
    rec=(offs, offs * 0, 0),  # Inline receivers
fresp = empymod.dipole(
    rec=(5000, 0, 0),  # Inline receiver

# Relative error, noise floor, mean of noise
rel_error = 0.05
noise_floor = 1e-15
n_stack = 1000

# Phase settings: wrapped, radians, lag-defined (+iw)
phase = {'unwrap': False, 'deg': False, 'lag': True}
Exemplo n.º 17
inp3 = {
    'src': [0, 0, 900],
    'rec': [x, np.zeros(x.shape), 1000],
    'depth': [0, 1000, 2000, 2100],
    'res': [2e14, 0.3, 1, 100, 1],
    'freqtime': 1,
    'verb': 1

# HS model
inp4 = dc(inp3)
inp4['depth'] = inp3['depth'][:2]
inp4['res'] = inp3['res'][:3]

# Compute radial responses
rhs = empymod.dipole(**inp4)  # Step, HS
rhs = empymod.utils.EMArray(np.nan_to_num(rhs))
rtg = empymod.dipole(**inp3)  # " "   Target
rtg = empymod.utils.EMArray(np.nan_to_num(rtg))

# Compute azimuthal response
ahs = empymod.dipole(**inp4, ab=22)  # Step, HS
ahs = empymod.utils.EMArray(np.nan_to_num(ahs))
atg = empymod.dipole(**inp3, ab=22)  # " "   Target
atg = empymod.utils.EMArray(np.nan_to_num(atg))

# Plot
# ----

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 13))
Exemplo n.º 18
def plot_t(EM, HS, title, i):
    plt.figure(title, figsize=(10, 8))
    plt.semilogx(t, EM)
    plt.semilogx(t, HS, '--')

# Impulse HS

plt.figure('Impulse HS')
i = 330
for ab in all_abs:
    i += 1
    EM = empymod.dipole(**inpEM, **modHS, ab=ab, signal=0, depth=0)
    HS = empymod.analytical(**inpEM, **modFS, solution='dhs', ab=ab, signal=0)
    plot_t(EM, HS, 'Impulse HS', i)
plt.suptitle('Impulse HS')

# Switch-on HS

plt.figure('Switch-on HS')
i = 330
for ab in all_abs:
    i += 1
    EM = empymod.dipole(**inpEM, **modHS, ab=ab, signal=1, depth=0)
    HS = empymod.analytical(**inpEM, **modFS, solution='dhs', ab=ab, signal=1)
    plot_t(EM, HS, 'Switch-on HS', i)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_analytical():
    # 1. fullspace
    model = {'src': [500, -100, -200],
             'rec': [0, 1000, 200],
             'res': 6.71,
             'aniso': 1.2,
             'freqtime': 40,
             'ab': 42,
             'verb': 0}
    dip_res = dipole(depth=[], **model)
    ana_res = analytical(**model)
    assert_allclose(dip_res, ana_res)
    # \= Check 36/63
    model['ab'] = 63
    ana_res2 = analytical(**model)
    assert_allclose(ana_res.shape, ana_res.shape)
    assert np.count_nonzero(ana_res2) == 0

    # 2. halfspace
    for signal in [None, 0, 1]:  # Frequency, Time
        model = {'src': [500, -100, 5],
                 'rec': [0, 1000, 20],
                 'res': 6.71,
                 'aniso': 1.2,
                 'freqtime': 1,
                 'signal': signal,
                 'ab': 12,
                 'verb': 0}
        # Check dhs, dsplit, and dtetm
        ana_res = analytical(solution='dhs', **model)
        res1, res2, res3 = analytical(solution='dsplit', **model)
        dTE, dTM, rTE, rTM, air = analytical(solution='dtetm', **model)
        model['res'] = [2e14, model['res']]
        model['aniso'] = [1, model['aniso']]
        dip_res = dipole(depth=0, **model)
        # Check dhs, dsplit
        assert_allclose(dip_res, ana_res, rtol=1e-3)
        assert_allclose(ana_res, res1+res2+res3)
        # Check dsplit and dtetm
        assert_allclose(res1, dTE+dTM)
        assert_allclose(res2, rTE+rTM)
        assert_allclose(res3, air)

    # As above, but Laplace domain.
    model = {'src': [500, -100, 5],
             'rec': [0, 1000, 20],
             'res': 6.71,
             'aniso': 1.2,
             'freqtime': -1,
             'signal': None,
             'ab': 12,
             'verb': 0}
    # Check dhs, dsplit, and dtetm
    ana_res = analytical(solution='dhs', **model)
    res1, res2, res3 = analytical(solution='dsplit', **model)
    dTE, dTM, rTE, rTM, air = analytical(solution='dtetm', **model)
    model['res'] = [2e14, model['res']]
    model['aniso'] = [1, model['aniso']]
    dip_res = dipole(depth=0, **model)
    # Check dhs, dsplit
    assert_allclose(dip_res, ana_res, rtol=1e-3)
    assert_allclose(ana_res, res1+res2+res3)
    # Check dsplit and dtetm
    assert_allclose(res1, dTE+dTM)
    assert_allclose(res2, rTE+rTM)
    assert_allclose(res3, air)

    # 3. Check user-hook for eta/zeta
    def func_eta(inp, pdict):
        # Dummy function to check if it works.
        etaH = pdict['etaH'].real*inp['fact'] + 1j*pdict['etaH'].imag
        etaV = pdict['etaV'].real*inp['fact'] + 1j*pdict['etaV'].imag

        return etaH, etaV

    def func_zeta(inp, pdict):
        # Dummy function to check if it works.
        etaH = pdict['zetaH']/inp['fact']
        etaV = pdict['zetaV']/inp['fact']

        return etaH, etaV

    model = {'src': [0, 0, 500], 'rec': [500, 0, 600],
             'freqtime': [0.1, 1, 10]}
    res = 10
    fact = 2
    eta = {'res': fact*res, 'fact': fact, 'func_eta': func_eta}
    zeta = {'res': res, 'fact': fact, 'func_zeta': func_zeta}

    # Frequency domain fs
    standard = analytical(res=res, **model)
    outeta = analytical(res=eta, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outeta)
    outzeta = analytical(res=zeta, mpermH=fact, mpermV=fact, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outzeta)
    # Time domain dhs
    standard = analytical(res=res, solution='dhs', signal=0, **model)
    outeta = analytical(res=eta, solution='dhs', signal=0, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outeta)
    outzeta = analytical(res=zeta, solution='dhs',
                         signal=0, mpermH=fact, mpermV=fact, **model)
    assert_allclose(standard, outzeta)
Exemplo n.º 20
    'res': [2e14, 10, 100, 10],  # Res: [air, overb., target, half-space]
    'epermH': [1, 1, 1, 1],  # El. permittivity: default values
    'freqtime': t,  # Times
    'signal': 0,  # 0: Impulse response
    'ftarg': {
        'dlf': 'key_81_CosSin_2009'
    },  # Shorter filter then the default
    'verb': 1,  # Verbosity; set to 3 to see all parameters

# Compute
# -------

# Compute with default eperm_air = 1
res_1 = empymod.dipole(**model)

# Set horizontal and vertical electric permittivity of air to 0
model['epermH'][0] = 0
# Note that for empymod < v2.0.0 you have to set `epermH` AND `epermV`. From
# v2.0.0 onwards `eperm` is assumed isotropic if `epermV` is not provided, and
# `epermV` is therefore internally a copy of `epermH`.

# Compute with eperm_air = 0
res_0 = empymod.dipole(**model)

# Plot result
# -----------
# As it can be seen, setting :math:`\varepsilon_{air} =` 0 improves the land
Exemplo n.º 21
                np.repeat(y * scl, 7), (depth[rr] + dfrec[dfsw]) * scl

            # Get model-name
            modname = str(ab) + '_' + str(freq) + '_' + str(sr) + str(rr)

            # Run model
            inp = {
                'src': isrc,
                'rec': irec,
                'depth': depth[:-1] * scl,
                'res': ires,
                'aniso': ianiso,
                'freqtime': ifreq,
                'ab': ab,
                'opt': 'parallel',
                'epermH': iepermH,
                'epermV': iepermV,
                'mpermH': impermH,
                'mpermV': impermV,
                'verb': 0,
                'xdirect': True
            em = dipole(**inp)

            # Store input and result
            out[modname] = (inp, em)

# Store data
np.savez_compressed('../data/regression.npz', res=out)
Exemplo n.º 22
# ----------------------------------
# Calculate
# ~~~~~~~~~

inpdat = {
    'src': [0, 0, zsrc],
    'rec': [fx, fy, zrec],
    'depth': depth,
    'freqtime': 1,
    'aniso': aniso,
    'ab': ab,
    'verb': verb

fEM = empymod.dipole(**inpdat, res=res)
fEMBG = empymod.dipole(**inpdat, res=resBG)

# Plot
# ~~~~

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), facecolor='w')
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.25, hspace=.4)
fig.suptitle(name + ': src-x, rec-x; f = 1 Hz', fontsize=16, y=1)

# Plot Amplitude
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.semilogy(fx / 1000, fEMBG.amp, label='BG')
plt.semilogy(fx / 1000, fEM.amp, label='Anomaly')
Exemplo n.º 23
rhs = [2e14, 1 / 3, 1, 1, 1]  # Half-space

# Common model parameters (deep sea parameters)
model = {
    'src': [0, 0, 975],  # Source location
    'rec': [x, x * 0, 1000],  # Receiver location
    'depth': [0, 1000, 2000, 2040],  # 1 km water, target 40 m thick 1 km below
    'freqtime': 0.5,  # Frequencies
    'verb': 1,  # Verbosity

# Calculation
# -----------

target = empymod.dipole(res=rtg, **model)
tgTM, tgTE = empymod.tmtemod.dipole(res=rtg, **model)

# Without reservoir
notarg = empymod.dipole(res=rhs, **model)
ntTM, ntTE = empymod.tmtemod.dipole(res=rhs, **model)

# Figure 1
# ~~~~~~~~
# Plot all reflected contributions (without direct field), for the models with
# and without a reservoir.

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
Exemplo n.º 24
    'aniso': aniso,
    'epermH': eperm,
    'epermV': eperm,
    'ht': 'fht',
    'verb': 2

# Impulse response
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ex = ee_xx_impulse(res[1], aniso[1], rec[0], t)

inparg['signal'] = 0  # signal 0 = impulse
qwe = empymod.dipole(**inparg, ft='qwe')
print('FHT (Sine)')
sin = empymod.dipole(**inparg, ft='sin', ftarg='key_81_CosSin_2009')
ftl = empymod.dipole(**inparg, ft='fftlog')
fft = empymod.dipole(**inparg, ft='fft', ftarg=[.0005, 2**20, '', 10])

# => `FFTLog` is the fastest by quite a margin, followed by the `Sine`-filter.
# What cannot see from the output (set `verb` to something bigger than 2 to see
# it) is how many frequencies each method used:
# - QWE: 159 (0.000794328 - 63095.7 Hz)
# - Sine: 116 (5.33905E-06 - 52028 Hz)
# - FFTLog: 60 (0.000178575 - 141.847 Hz)
Exemplo n.º 25
epm_loop = empymod.loop(src=[0, 0, 0, 0, 90], rec=[rxx, ryy, 10, 0, 0],

# 2.1 Point dipoles at (x, y) using ``empymod.dipole``
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#   - (0.5, 0), ab=42
#   - (0, 0.5), ab=41
#   - (-0.5, 0), ab=-42
#   - (0, -0.5), ab=-41

rec_dip = [rxx, ryy, 10]

square_pts = +empymod.dipole(src=[+0.5, +0.0, 0], rec=rec_dip, ab=42,
square_pts += empymod.dipole(src=[+0.0, +0.5, 0], rec=rec_dip, ab=41,
square_pts -= empymod.dipole(src=[-0.5, +0.0, 0], rec=rec_dip, ab=42,
square_pts -= empymod.dipole(src=[+0.0, -0.5, 0], rec=rec_dip, ab=41,

plot_result(epm_loop, square_pts, x, 'Loop made of four points',
            vmin=-13, vmax=-5, rx=x)

# 2.2 Finite length dipoles using ``empymod.bipole``
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Each simulated with a 5pt Gaussian quadrature. The dipoles are:
Exemplo n.º 26
off = np.linspace(500, 10000, 301)

# ```
# In the left-handed system positive :math:`z` is downwards. So we have to
# define our model by beginning with the air layer, followed by water,
# background, target, and background again. This means that all our
# depth-values are positive, as the air-interface :math:`z_0` is at 0 m.

lhs = empymod.dipole(
    src=[0, 0, 100],
    rec=[off, np.zeros(off.size), 200],
    depth=[0, 300, 1000, 1050],
    res=[1e20, 0.3, 1, 50, 1],
    # depth=[1050, 1000, 300, 0],  # Alternative way, LHS high to low.
    # res=[1, 50, 1, 0.3, 1e20],   # " " "

# ```
# In the right-handed system positive :math:`z` is upwards. So we have to
# define our model by beginning with the background, followed by the target,
# background again, water, and air. This means that all our depth-values are
# negative.

rhs = empymod.dipole(
Exemplo n.º 27
], np.size(y), axis=0)
ry = np.repeat([
], np.size(x), axis=0)
ry = ry.transpose()

# Compute the electric field
efield = empymod.dipole(
    src=[0, 0, 150],
    rec=[rx.ravel(), ry.ravel(), 200],
    depth=[0, 200, 1000, 1200],
    res=[2e14, 1 / 3, 1, 50, 1],
    aniso=[1, 1, np.sqrt(10), 1, 1],
    epermH=[1, 80, 17, 2.1, 17],
    epermV=[1, 80, 17, 2.1, 17],
    mpermH=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    mpermV=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        'pts_per_dec': -1

# Plot
# ----

# Create a similar colormap as Hunziker et al., 2015.
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap("jet", 61)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_coordinate_systems():
    srcLHS = (0, 0, -10)
    srcRHS = (0, 0, +10)

    x = np.arange(1, 11) * 1000
    recLHS = (x, x, +3)
    recRHS = (x, x, -3)

    air, hs, tg = 2e14, 100, 1000
    z0, z1, z2 = 0, 10, 20

    inp = {'freqtime': 1, 'verb': 1}
    inpLHS = {'src': srcLHS, 'rec': recLHS}
    inpRHS = {'src': srcRHS, 'rec': recRHS}

    for ab in [11, 31, 23, 33, 25, 35, 16, 66, 51, 61, 43, 63, 44, 65, 56, 66]:
        # Sign switches occur for each z-component; each m-component
        sign = 1
        if ab % 10 > 3:  # If True: magnetic src
            sign *= -1
        if ab // 10 > 3:  # If True: magnetic rec
            sign *= -1
        if str(ab)[0] in ['3', '6']:  # Vertical source component
            sign *= -1
        if str(ab)[1] in ['3', '6']:  # Vertical receiver component
            sign *= -1
        inp['ab'] = ab

        # # 2-layer case

        # Default/original: LHS low to high
        orig = dipole(depth=z0, res=[air, hs], **inpLHS, **inp)

        # Alternatives LHS: low to high and high to low
        LHSl2h = dipole(depth=[z0, np.infty], res=[air, hs], **inpLHS, **inp)
        LHSh2l = dipole(depth=[np.infty, z0], res=[hs, air], **inpLHS, **inp)

        assert_allclose(orig, LHSl2h)
        assert_allclose(orig, LHSh2l)

        # Alternatives LHS: low to high and high to low
        RHSlth = sign * dipole(
            depth=[-np.infty, -z0], res=[hs, air], **inpRHS, **inp)
        RHSh2l = sign * dipole(
            depth=[-z0, -np.infty], res=[air, hs], **inpRHS, **inp)

        assert_allclose(orig, RHSlth)
        assert_allclose(orig, RHSh2l)

        # # 4-layer case

        # Default/original: LHS low to high
        orig = dipole(depth=[z0, z1, z2],
                      res=[air, hs, tg, hs],

        # Alternatives LHS: low to high and high to low
        LHSh2l = dipole(depth=[z2, z1, z0],
                        res=[hs, tg, hs, air],

        assert_allclose(orig, LHSh2l)

        # Alternatives LHS: low to high and high to low
        RHSlth = sign * dipole(
            depth=[-z2, -z1, -z0], res=[hs, tg, hs, air], **inpRHS, **inp)
        RHSh2l = sign * dipole(
            depth=[-z0, -z1, -z2], res=[air, hs, tg, hs], **inpRHS, **inp)

        assert_allclose(orig, RHSlth)
        assert_allclose(orig, RHSh2l)
Exemplo n.º 29
# Calculate analytical solution
resp = empymod.analytical(params['src'],

# Calculate numerically the model using different Hankel options
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

standard = empymod.dipole(**params, htarg=[hfilt, 0])
laggedco = empymod.dipole(**params, htarg=[hfilt, -1])
spline10 = empymod.dipole(**params, htarg=[hfilt, 10])
spline30 = empymod.dipole(**params, htarg=[hfilt, 30])
splin100 = empymod.dipole(**params, htarg=[hfilt, 100])

# Results
# ~~~~~~~

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))
plt.suptitle('Hankel transform example; frequency = ' +
             str(params['freqtime']) + ' Hz',
Exemplo n.º 30
inp2 = {
    'src': [0, 0, 0.001],
    'rec': [1000, 0, 0.001],
    'depth': [0, 500, 525],
    'res': [2e14, 20, 500, 20],
    'freqtime': t,
    'verb': 1

# HS model
inp1 = dc(inp2)
inp1['depth'] = inp2['depth'][0]
inp1['res'] = inp2['res'][:2]

# Calculate responses
sths = empymod.dipole(**inp1, signal=1)  # Step, HS
sttg = empymod.dipole(**inp2, signal=1)  # " "   Target
imhs = empymod.dipole(**inp1, signal=0, ft='fftlog')  # Impulse, HS
imtg = empymod.dipole(**inp2, signal=0, ft='fftlog')  # " "      Target

# Plot
# ~~~~

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4))

# Step response
plt.plot(np.r_[0, 0, t],