Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_dsnu(self):
     # Init the parameters
     h, w = [480, 640]
     value8 = 5
     rep = 200
     # create the pattern of the dsnu
     dsnu_array = np.ones((8))
     dsnu_array[-1] = value8
     dsnu = routines.get_tile(dsnu_array, h, w)
     # Set the camera for testing the dsnu
     cam = Camera(width=w, height=h, dsnu=dsnu)
     var = np.sqrt(cam._sigma2_dark_0)
     # The target is the number of electrons who are not affected
     # by the dsnu. To resume, we suppose to observe is a combinaison of
     # electrons from the dark signal and the temperature. The total need
     # to be multiplied by the gain of the system (K).
     # for more eplination see the grab function in emva1288.camera.camera
     target = cam.K * (cam._dark_signal_0 + cam._u_therm())
     # Here the target (top_target) is the part who is affected by
     # the dsnu. Physicaly, the same phenomen append but this time the
     # dark signal is NonUniform so thw value who represent the dsnu is
     # added to the dark signal befor the multiplication of the gain.
     top_target = cam.K * (cam._dark_signal_0 + cam._u_therm() + value8)
     img = cam.grab(0)
     # create the mask
     dsnu_mask = np.zeros((8))
     dsnu_mask[-1] = 1
     dsnu_mask_resize = routines.get_tile(dsnu_mask, h, w)
     dsnu_non_mask = np.ones((8))
     dsnu_non_mask[-1] = 0
     dsnu_non_mask_resize = routines.get_tile(dsnu_non_mask, h, w)
     # Test if the mean it's 100% of the target +/- variance
         target, delta=var,
         msg="values are not in range")
     # Test if the mean of the 8th value it's value8
     # multiplied be the target +/- variance
         top_target, delta=var,
         msg="8th value it's not in range")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_prnu(self):
     # Init the parameters
     h, w = [480, 640]
     rep = 200
     value8 = 3
     # create the pattern of the prnu
     prnu_array = np.ones((8))
     prnu_array[-1] = value8
     prnu = routines.get_tile(prnu_array, h, w)
     # Set the camera for testing the prnu
     cam = Camera(width=w, height=h, prnu=prnu)
     var = np.sqrt(cam._sigma2_dark_0)
     target = cam.img_max / 2
     # The target (top_target) is the multiplication of the target
     # (what we expect without prnu) and the value8(prnu). We can do it
     # because if we look at the _u_e function in emva1288.camera.camera
     # the prnu affect the QE with a multiplication. So if we just
     # multiplied the target by the prnu it's the same thing.
     # But this value can go over the maximal value for one pixel, this
     # is why we use the min() function to take the maximal value than the
     # camera can take.
     top_target = min(target * value8, cam.img_max)
     radiance = cam.get_radiance_for(mean=target)
     img = cam.grab(radiance)
     # create the mask
     prnu_mask = np.zeros((8))
     prnu_mask[-1] = 1
     prnu_mask_resize = routines.get_tile(prnu_mask, h, w)
     prnu_non_mask = np.ones((8))
     prnu_non_mask[-1] = 0
     prnu_non_mask_resize = routines.get_tile(prnu_non_mask, h, w)
     # Test if the mean it's 100% of the target +/- variance
         img, mask=prnu_mask_resize).mean(),
                            msg="values are not in range")
     # Test if the mean of the 8th value it's value8
     # multiplied be the target +/- variance
         img, mask=prnu_non_mask_resize).mean(),
                            msg="8th value it's not in range")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_bayer_layer(self):
        # Init the parameters
        h = 480
        w = 640
        transmition_red = 0.15
        transmition_blue = 0.02
        transmition_green = 1.

        b_layer = routines.get_bayer_filter(transmition_green,
                                            transmition_green, w, h)

        # Test if the b_layer have the same shape than what we give it
        self.assertEqual((h, w), b_layer.shape)

        # Set the camera for testing the layer
        cam = Camera(width=w, height=h, radiance_factor=b_layer)
        target = cam.img_max / 2
        radiance = cam.get_radiance_for(mean=target)
        img = cam.grab(radiance)
        green_filter = routines.get_bayer_filter(0, 1, 1, 0, w, h)
        blue_filter = routines.get_bayer_filter(1, 1, 0, 1, w, h)
        red_filter = routines.get_bayer_filter(1, 0, 1, 1, w, h)
        # Test if the mean of the green it's 100% of the target +/- 5%
            target, delta=5.0,
            msg="green not in range")
        # Test if the mean of the red it's 15% of the target +/- 5%
            target*transmition_red, delta=5.0,
            msg="red not in range")
        # Test if the mean of the green it's 2% of the target +/- 5%
            target*transmition_blue, delta=5.0,
            msg="blue not in range")
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     self.cam = Camera()