def compare(key, plaintext): #define Encryption function from keygen import keygen #importing Key Generation module from enc import enc #importing Encryption module from ecb_enc import ecb_enc #importing Encryption module for i in range(1, 3): enc(key, plaintext, '../data/cbc_cipher' + str(i) + '.txt') #Calling enc function ecb_enc(key, plaintext, '../data/ecb_cipher' + str(i) + '.txt') #Calling enc function
def encode(self): # encode the test episode # create a title, use clips 2,3,4 as source, maybe a credits trailer import enc p=enc.enc() p.set_options( upload_formats=self.upload_formats, rm_temp=False, debug_log=False) p.main() self.episode = p.episode return
def encode(self): # encode the test episode # create a title, use clips 2,3,4 as source, maybe a credits trailer import enc p = enc.enc() p.set_options(upload_formats=self.upload_formats, rm_temp=False, debug_log=False) p.main() self.episode = p.episode return
def avgruntime(length, key, plaintext, ciphertext): #define Average Run Time for Encryption function from keygen import keygen #Importing keygen module from from enc import enc #Importing enc module from import time #Importing time module a = [0] * 5 #Initializing an array of 5 integers for i in range(len(a)): #Iterating the array keygen(length, key) #Calling keygen function start = time.time() #Noting the Start time enc(key, plaintext, ciphertext) #Calling enc function end = time.time() #Noting the end time a[i] = end - start #Calculate the time elapsed for Encryption function print('Time Taken = ' + str(a[i]) + ' seconds') #Printing the elapsed time on Command Prompt averageRunTime = sum(a) / float( len(a)) #Calculating the average time elapsed for Encryption function print( 'Average Run time for lambda=' + length + ' is:' + ' ' + str(averageRunTime) ) #Printing the length of a Secret Key and time elapsed for Encryption function on Command Prompt
def encode(self): # encode the test episode # create a title, use clips 2,3,4 as source, maybe a credits trailer # python -v --client test_client --show test_show --force # --upload-formats "flv ogv" import enc p=enc.enc() p.set_options(force=True, verbose=True, upload_formats=self.upload_formats, rm_temp=False, debug_log=False) p.main() return
def avgruntime(key, iv, plaintext, ciphertext, result): #define Average Run Time for Encryption function from enc import enc #Importing enc module from from dec import dec import time #Importing time module enc_time = [0]*5 #Initializing an array of 5 integers dec_time = [0]*5 #Initializing an array of 5 integers for i in range(5): #Iterating the array enc_start = time.time() #Noting the Start time enc(key, plaintext, ciphertext) #Calling enc function enc_end = time.time() #Noting the end time dec_start = time.time() #Noting the Start time dec(key, iv, ciphertext, result) #Calling enc function dec_end = time.time() #Noting the end time enc_time[i] = enc_start - enc_end #Calculate the time elapsed for Encryption function dec_time[i] = dec_start - dec_end #Calculate the time elapsed for Encryption function print('Encryption time is '+ str(enc_time[i]) +' and Decryption time is '+ str(dec_time[i])) averageEncTime = sum(enc_time) / float(len(enc_time)) #Calculating the average time elapsed for Encryption function averageDecTime = sum(dec_time) / float(len(dec_time)) #Calculating the average time elapsed for Decryption function print('Average Run time for Encryption is ' +str(averageEncTime)+'s') #Printing the time elapsed for Encryption function on Command Prompt print('Average Run time for Decryption is ' +str(averageDecTime)+'s') #Printing the time elapsed for Decryption function on Command Prompt
def counter_thread(self): pub = rospy.Publisher("status_encoder", Status_encoder_msg, queue_size=10, latch=True) msg = Status_encoder_msg() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pls = enc.enc() self.enc_Az = int(pls[0]) * self.resolution self.enc_El = int(pls[1]) * self.resolution + 45 * 3600. msg.enc_az = self.enc_Az msg.enc_el = self.enc_El time.sleep(0.05) pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo('Az :' + str(msg.enc_az / 3600.)) rospy.loginfo('El :' + str(msg.enc_el / 3600.))
from enc import enc #importing Encryption module from dec import dec #importing Decryption module from keygen import keygen #importing Key Generation module from freqdist import freqdist #importing Frequency Distribution module from avgruntime import avgruntime #importing Average Run Time for encryption module if __name__ == '__main__': #calling main function import sys #importing sys module import os #importing os module #First argument i.e sys.argv[0] is always #Second argument i.e sys.argv[1] is the called function #Comparing the second command line argument with respective functions to call if sys.argv[1] == 'enc': #Comparing with enc enc(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) #Calling enc function elif sys.argv[1] == 'dec': #Comparing with dec dec(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) #Calling dec function elif sys.argv[1] == 'keygen': #Comparing with keygen keygen(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) #Calling keygen function elif sys.argv[1] == 'freqdist': #Comparing with freqdist freqdist(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) #Calling freqdist function elif sys.argv[1] == 'avgruntime': #Comparing with avgruntime avgruntime(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5]) #Calling avgruntime function
import enc as sd print(" plain text") print("-" * 80) data = input() ct = [] j = [] l = [] for i in range(0, len(data)): j.append(ord(data[i])) #print(j) for i in range(0, len(j)): temp = [] l = format(j[i], '08b') #print(l) ct.append(sd.enc(l)) #print(str(ct)) f = open("cipher.txt", "w") f.write(str(ct)) f.close() print(" cipher text") print("-" * 80) cip = [] for i in range(0, len(ct)): print((chr(int(str(ct[i]), 2))), end=" ") k = (chr(int(str(ct[i]), 2))) cip.append(k) print() cp = str(cip) cp = cp.replace("[", "") cp = cp.replace("]", "")
def encapsulatePacket(data): leng = len(data) tail = range(1, PACKET_SIZE - leng - SIZE_FIELD_SIZE) return enc(leng + data + tail)