Exemplo n.º 1
 def cb_func(tag,name,desc,file):
     s = EnchantStr("")
     tag = s.decode(tag)
     name = s.decode(name)
     desc = s.decode(desc)
     file = s.decode(file)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def add_to_pwl(self, word):
     """Add a word to the user's personal word list."""
     warnings.warn("Dict.add_to_pwl is deprecated, please use Dict.add",
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     _e.dict_add_to_pwl(self._this, word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 3
 def cb_func(tag,name,desc,file):
     s = EnchantStr("")
     tag = s.decode(tag)
     name = s.decode(name)
     desc = s.decode(desc)
     file = s.decode(file)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def add_to_pwl(self,word):
     """Add a word to the user's personal word list."""
     warnings.warn("Dict.add_to_pwl is deprecated, please use Dict.add",
     word = EnchantStr(word)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def is_in_session(self, word):
     """Check whether a word is in the session list."""
     warnings.warn("Dict.is_in_session is deprecated, "\
                   "please use Dict.is_added",
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     return _e.dict_is_in_session(self._this, word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_param(self, name):
        """Get the value of a named parameter on this broker.

        Parameters are used to provide runtime information to individual
        provider backends.  See the method 'set_param' for more details.
        name = EnchantStr(name)
        return name.decode(_e.broker_get_param(self._this, name.encode()))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_param(self,name):
        """Get the value of a named parameter on this broker.

        Parameters are used to provide runtime information to individual
        provider backends.  See the method 'set_param' for more details.
        name = EnchantStr(name)
        return name.decode(_e.broker_get_param(self._this,name.encode()))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def is_in_session(self,word):
     """Check whether a word is in the session list."""
     warnings.warn("Dict.is_in_session is deprecated, "\
                   "please use Dict.is_added",
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     return _e.dict_is_in_session(self._this,word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 9
 def suggest(self, word):
     """Suggest possible spellings for a word.
     This method tries to guess the correct spelling for a given
     word, returning the possibilities in a list.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     suggs = _e.dict_suggest(self._this, word.encode())
     return [word.decode(w) for w in suggs]
Exemplo n.º 10
 def suggest(self,word):
     """Suggest possible spellings for a word.
     This method tries to guess the correct spelling for a given
     word, returning the possibilities in a list.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     suggs = _e.dict_suggest(self._this,word.encode())
     return [word.decode(w) for w in suggs]
Exemplo n.º 11
    def dict_exists(self,tag):
        """Check availability of a dictionary.

        This method checks whether there is a dictionary available for
        the language specified by 'tag'.  It returns True if a dictionary
        is available, and False otherwise.
        tag = EnchantStr(tag)
        val = _e.broker_dict_exists(self._this,tag.encode())
        return bool(val)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def set_param(self,name,value):
        """Set the value of a named parameter on this broker.

        Parameters are used to provide runtime information to individual
        provider backends.  For example, the myspell provider will search
        any directories given in the "enchant.myspell.dictionary.path"
        parameter when looking for its dictionary files.
        name = EnchantStr(name)
        value = EnchantStr(value)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def dict_exists(self,tag):
     """Check availability of a dictionary.
     This method checks whether there is a dictionary available for
     the language specified by 'tag'.  It returns True if a dictionary
     is available, and False otherwise.
     tag = EnchantStr(tag)
     val = _e.broker_dict_exists(self._this,tag.encode())
     return bool(val)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __describe_callback(self,name,desc,file):
        """Collector callback for dictionary description.

        This method is used as a callback into the _enchant function
        'enchant_broker_describe'.  It collects the given arguments in
        a tuple and appends them to the list '__describe_result'.
        s = EnchantStr("")
        name = s.decode(name)
        desc = s.decode(desc)
        file = s.decode(file)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __describe_callback(self,name,desc,file):
     """Collector callback for dictionary description.
     This method is used as a callback into the _enchant function
     'enchant_broker_describe'.  It collects the given arguments in
     a tuple and appends them to the list '__describe_result'.
     s = EnchantStr("")
     name = s.decode(name)
     desc = s.decode(desc)
     file = s.decode(file)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def store_replacement(self, mis, cor):
     """Store a replacement spelling for a miss-spelled word.
     This method makes a suggestion to the spellchecking engine that the 
     miss-spelled word <mis> is in fact correctly spelled as <cor>.  Such
     a suggestion will typically mean that <cor> appears early in the
     list of suggested spellings offered for later instances of <mis>.
     mis = EnchantStr(mis)
     cor = EnchantStr(cor)
     _e.dict_store_replacement(self._this, mis.encode(), cor.encode())
Exemplo n.º 17
    def set_param(self,name,value):
        """Set the value of a named parameter on this broker.

        Parameters are used to provide runtime information to individual
        provider backends.  For example, the myspell provider will search
        any directories given in the "enchant.myspell.dictionary.path"
        parameter when looking for its dictionary files.
        name = EnchantStr(name).encode()
        if value is not None:
            value = EnchantStr(value).encode()
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __list_dicts_callback(self,tag,name,desc,file):
        """Collector callback for listing dictionaries.

        This method is used as a callback into the _enchant function
        'enchant_broker_list_dicts'.  It collects the given arguments into
        an appropriate tuple and appends them to '__list_dicts_result'.
        s = EnchantStr("")
        tag = s.decode(tag)
        name = s.decode(name)
        desc = s.decode(desc)
        file = s.decode(file)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __list_dicts_callback(self,tag,name,desc,file):
     """Collector callback for listing dictionaries.
     This method is used as a callback into the _enchant function
     'enchant_broker_list_dicts'.  It collects the given arguments into
     an appropriate tuple and appends them to '__list_dicts_result'.
     s = EnchantStr("")
     tag = s.decode(tag)
     name = s.decode(name)
     desc = s.decode(desc)
     file = s.decode(file)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _request_dict_data(self, tag):
        """Request raw C pointer data for a dictionary.

        This method call passes on the call to the C library, and does
        some internal bookkeeping.
        tag = EnchantStr(tag)
        new_dict = _e.broker_request_dict(self._this, tag.encode())
        if new_dict is None:
            eStr = "Dictionary for language '%s' could not be found"
            self._raise_error(eStr % (tag, ), DictNotFoundError)
        return new_dict
Exemplo n.º 21
 def __describe_callback(self,tag,name,desc,file):
     """Collector callback for dictionary description.
     This method is used as a callback into the _enchant function
     'enchant_dict_describe'.  It collects the given arguments in
     a tuple and stores them in the attribute '__describe_result'.
     s = EnchantStr("")
     tag = s.decode(tag)
     name = s.decode(name)
     desc = s.decode(desc)
     file = s.decode(file)
     self.__describe_result = (tag,name,desc,file)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _request_dict_data(self,tag):
        """Request raw C pointer data for a dictionary.

        This method call passes on the call to the C library, and does
        some internal bookkeeping.
        tag = EnchantStr(tag)
        new_dict = _e.broker_request_dict(self._this,tag.encode())
        if new_dict is None:
            eStr = "Dictionary for language '%s' could not be found"
            self._raise_error(eStr % (tag,),DictNotFoundError)
        return new_dict
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __describe_callback(self,tag,name,desc,file):
        """Collector callback for dictionary description.

        This method is used as a callback into the _enchant function
        'enchant_dict_describe'.  It collects the given arguments in
        a tuple and stores them in the attribute '__describe_result'.
        s = EnchantStr("")
        tag = s.decode(tag)
        name = s.decode(name)
        desc = s.decode(desc)
        file = s.decode(file)
        self.__describe_result = (tag,name,desc,file)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def check(self, word):
     """Check spelling of a word.
     This method takes a word in the dictionary language and returns
     True if it is correctly spelled, and false otherwise.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     val = _e.dict_check(self._this, word.encode())
     if val == 0:
         return True
     if val > 0:
         return False
Exemplo n.º 25
 def check(self,word):
     """Check spelling of a word.
     This method takes a word in the dictionary language and returns
     True if it is correctly spelled, and false otherwise.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     val = _e.dict_check(self._this,word.encode())
     if val == 0:
         return True
     if val > 0:
         return False
Exemplo n.º 26
 def suggest(self,word):
     """Suggest possible spellings for a word.
     This method tries to guess the correct spelling for a given
     word, returning the possibilities in a list.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     # Enchant asserts that the word is non-empty.
     # Check it up-front to avoid nasty warnings on stderr.
     if len(word) == 0:
         raise ValueError("can't suggest spellings for empty string")
     suggs = _e.dict_suggest(self._this,word.encode())
     return [word.decode(w) for w in suggs]
Exemplo n.º 27
 def suggest(self,word):
     """Suggest possible spellings for a word.
     This method tries to guess the correct spelling for a given
     word, returning the possibilities in a list.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     # Enchant asserts that the word is non-empty.
     # Check it up-front to avoid nasty warnings on stderr.
     if len(word) == 0:
         raise ValueError("can't suggest spellings for empty string")
     suggs = _e.dict_suggest(self._this,word.encode())
     return [word.decode(w) for w in suggs]
Exemplo n.º 28
 def set_ordering(self,tag,ordering):
     """Set dictionary preferences for a language.
     The Enchant library supports the use of multiple dictionary programs
     and multiple languages.  This method specifies which dictionaries
     the broker should prefer when dealing with a given language.  'tag'
     must be an appropriate language specification and 'ordering' is a
     string listing the dictionaries in order of preference.  For example
     a valid ordering might be "aspell,myspell,ispell".
     The value of 'tag' can also be set to "*" to set a default ordering
     for all languages for which one has not been set explicitly.
     tag = EnchantStr(tag)
     ordering = EnchantStr(ordering)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def request_pwl_dict(self, pwl):
     """Request a Dict object for a personal word list.
     This method behaves as 'request_dict' but rather than returning
     a dictionary for a specific language, it returns a dictionary
     referencing a personal word list.  A personal word list is a file
     of custom dictionary entries, one word per line.
     pwl = EnchantStr(pwl)
     new_dict = _e.broker_request_pwl_dict(self._this, pwl.encode())
     if new_dict is None:
         eStr = "Personal Word List file '%s' could not be loaded"
         self._raise_error(eStr % (pwl, ))
     d = Dict(False)
     d._switch_this(new_dict, self)
     return d
Exemplo n.º 30
 def request_pwl_dict(self,pwl):
     """Request a Dict object for a personal word list.
     This method behaves as 'request_dict' but rather than returning
     a dictionary for a specific language, it returns a dictionary
     referencing a personal word list.  A personal word list is a file
     of custom dictionary entries, one word per line.
     pwl = EnchantStr(pwl)
     new_dict = _e.broker_request_pwl_dict(self._this,pwl.encode())
     if new_dict is None:
         eStr = "Personal Word List file '%s' could not be loaded"
         self._raise_error(eStr % (pwl,))
     d = Dict(False)
     return d
Exemplo n.º 31
 def check(self,word):
     """Check spelling of a word.
     This method takes a word in the dictionary language and returns
     True if it is correctly spelled, and false otherwise.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     # Enchant asserts that the word is non-empty.
     # Check it up-front to avoid nasty warnings on stderr.
     if len(word) == 0:
         raise ValueError("can't check spelling of empty string")
     val = _e.dict_check(self._this,word.encode())
     if val == 0:
         return True
     if val > 0:
         return False
Exemplo n.º 32
 def check(self,word):
     """Check spelling of a word.
     This method takes a word in the dictionary language and returns
     True if it is correctly spelled, and false otherwise.
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     # Enchant asserts that the word is non-empty.
     # Check it up-front to avoid nasty warnings on stderr.
     if len(word) == 0:
         raise ValueError("can't check spelling of empty string")
     val = _e.dict_check(self._this,word.encode())
     if val == 0:
         return True
     if val > 0:
         return False
Exemplo n.º 33
 def store_replacement(self, mis, cor):
     """Store a replacement spelling for a miss-spelled word.
     This method makes a suggestion to the spellchecking engine that the 
     miss-spelled word <mis> is in fact correctly spelled as <cor>.  Such
     a suggestion will typically mean that <cor> appears early in the
     list of suggested spellings offered for later instances of <mis>.
     mis = EnchantStr(mis)
     cor = EnchantStr(cor)
     _e.dict_store_replacement(self._this, mis.encode(), cor.encode())
Exemplo n.º 34
    def set_ordering(self,tag,ordering):
        """Set dictionary preferences for a language.

        The Enchant library supports the use of multiple dictionary programs
        and multiple languages.  This method specifies which dictionaries
        the broker should prefer when dealing with a given language.  'tag'
        must be an appropriate language specification and 'ordering' is a
        string listing the dictionaries in order of preference.  For example
        a valid ordering might be "aspell,myspell,ispell".
        The value of 'tag' can also be set to "*" to set a default ordering
        for all languages for which one has not been set explicitly.
        tag = EnchantStr(tag)
        ordering = EnchantStr(ordering)
Exemplo n.º 35
 def _raise_error(self,default="Unspecified Error",eclass=Error):
     """Overrides _EnchantObject._raise_error to check dict errors."""
     err = _e.dict_get_error(self._this)
     if err == "" or err is None:
         raise eclass(default)
     raise eclass(EnchantStr("").decode(err))
Exemplo n.º 36
 def is_removed(self,word):
     """Check whether a word is in the personal exclude list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     return _e.dict_is_removed(self._this,word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 37
 def remove_from_session(self,word):
     """Add a word to the session exclude list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
Exemplo n.º 38
 def add_to_session(self,word):
     """Add a word to the session personal list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def add(self, word):
     """Add a word to the user's personal word list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     _e.dict_add(self._this, word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 40
 def remove(self,word):
     """Add a word to the user's personal exclude list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def add(self,word):
     """Add a word to the user's personal word list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def remove(self, word):
     """Add a word to the user's personal exclude list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     _e.dict_remove(self._this, word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 43
 def add_to_session(self, word):
     """Add a word to the session personal list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     _e.dict_add_to_session(self._this, word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 44
 def remove_from_session(self, word):
     """Add a word to the session exclude list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     _e.dict_remove_from_session(self._this, word.encode())
Exemplo n.º 45
 def is_removed(self, word):
     """Check whether a word is in the personal exclude list."""
     word = EnchantStr(word)
     return _e.dict_is_removed(self._this, word.encode())