Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_sae(self):
        Tests if the matrix returned by the sylvester calculation matches all the expected values
        s_tr = normalize(self.data['S_tr'], norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False)
        x_tr, _ = ZSL.dimension_reduction(self.data['X_tr'], self.data['X_te'], self.labels)
        ref = loadmat('mockfiles/sae.mat')['sae']
        w = ZSL.sae(x_tr.transpose(), s_tr.transpose(), .2).transpose()

        self.assertTrue((np.around(ref, decimals=5) == np.around(w, decimals=5)).all())
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_zsl_el(self):
        Tests if accuracy of Zero Shot Learning computed is the same as the expected one and if
        the returned classes of 1NN is the same as the reference
        s_tr = normalize(self.data['S_tr'], norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False)
        x_tr, x_te = ZSL.dimension_reduction(self.data['X_tr'], self.data['X_te'], self.labels)
        w = ZSL.sae(x_tr.transpose(), s_tr.transpose(), .2).transpose()
        temp_labels = np.array([int(x) for x in self.data['te_cl_id']])
        test_labels = np.array([int(x) for x in self.data['test_labels_cub']])
        ref = loadmat('mockfiles/y_hit.mat')['Y_hit5']

        acc, y_hit = ZSL.zsl_el(x_te.dot(w), self.data['S_te_pro'], test_labels, temp_labels, 1, z_score=True)
        self.assertEqual(0.61405, np.around(acc, decimals=5))
        self.assertTrue((ref == y_hit).all())
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_sub2ind(self):
     Tests if the returned value is equal to indexed position of rows and columns combinations
     row = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0])
     col = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2])
     self.assertEqual([3, 4, 5, 6], ZSL.sub2ind((3, 3), row, col))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _compute_weights(self):
        Computes the weights that estimates the latent space using SAE

        :return: a 2D numpy array with the matrix of weights computed
        return ZSL.sae(self.x_tr.transpose(), self.s_tr.transpose(), self.lambda_).transpose()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def classify_vis_data(self, vis_data, labels, reduce_dim=False):
        fold = 0
        accuracies = []
        skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=self.n_folds,

        for train_index, test_index in skf.split(vis_data, labels):
            logging.info('Running VIS classification for fold %d' % fold)

            tr_data, te_data = vis_data[train_index], vis_data[test_index]
            tr_labels, te_labels = labels[train_index][:, 0], labels[
                test_index][:, 0]

            if reduce_dim:
                tr_data, te_data = ZSL.dimension_reduction(
                    tr_data, te_data, list(tr_labels))

            clf = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(),
                                SVC(gamma='auto', C=1.0, kernel='linear'))
            clf.fit(tr_data, tr_labels)
            prediction = clf.predict(te_data)

            fold += 1
            accuracies.append(balanced_accuracy_score(te_labels, prediction))

        return accuracies
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_label_matrix(self):
        Tests if the matrix of labels returned matches all the expected values
        ref = loadmat('mockfiles/label_matrix.mat')['label_matrix']
        mat = ZSL.label_matrix(self.labels)

        self.assertTrue((mat == ref).all())
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _compute_weights(self):
        Computes the weights that estimates the latent space using SAE

        :return: a 2D numpy array with the matrix of weights computed
        s_tr = normalize(self.s_tr, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=False)
        return ZSL.sae(self.x_tr.transpose(), s_tr.transpose(), self.lambda_).transpose()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_dimension_reduction(self):
        Tests if the x_tr and x_te returned matches all the expected values
        x_tr, x_te = ZSL.dimension_reduction(self.data['X_tr'], self.data['X_te'], self.labels)
        ref = loadmat('mockfiles/dimension_reduction.mat')['dimension_reduction']

        self.assertTrue((np.around(x_tr, decimals=5) == np.around(ref['X_tr'][0][0], decimals=5)).all())
        self.assertTrue((np.around(x_te, decimals=5) == np.around(ref['X_te'][0][0], decimals=5)).all())
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_is_member(self):
        Tests if the returned value labels is equal to all available labels in the data set, and if the
        indexes correspond to the index of the latest occurrence of a label
        ref = loadmat('mockfiles/indexes.mat')['indexes'][0]
        indexes, labels = ZSL.is_member(self.labels)

        self.assertTrue((list(map(int, ref - 1)) == indexes).all())
        self.assertTrue((list(set(self.labels)) == labels).all())
Exemplo n.º 10
    def s2v_projection(self):
        Applies zero shot learning in the estimated data, classifies each test sample with the class of the closest
        neighbor and computes the accuracy of classification comparing the estimated class with the one stated in the
        template array. The projection goes from the semantic space to the feature space (visual features extracted
        from a CNN).

        :return: float number with the accuracy of the ZSL classification
        if self.w is None:
            self.w = self._compute_weights()

        x_te_pro = self.data['S_te_pro'].dot(self.w.transpose())
        acc, _ = ZSL.zsl_el(self.x_te, x_te_pro, self.test_labels, self.temp_labels, self.hit_k, self.z_score)
        return acc
Exemplo n.º 11
    def estimate_sae_data(self, tr_vis_data, te_vis_data, tr_sem_data,
        if self.data_type == DataType.CUB:
            tr_vis, te_vis = ZSL.dimension_reduction(tr_vis_data, te_vis_data,
            tr_sem = normalize(tr_sem_data, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=True)

            sae_w = ZSL.sae(tr_vis.transpose(), tr_sem.transpose(),
            tr_sem, te_sem = tr_vis.dot(sae_w), te_vis.dot(sae_w)
            tr_vis = normalize(tr_vis_data.transpose(),
            sae_w = ZSL.sae(tr_vis.transpose(), tr_sem_data.transpose(),

            tr_sem = tr_vis.dot(
                normalize(sae_w, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=True).transpose())
            te_sem = te_vis_data.dot(
                normalize(sae_w, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=True).transpose())

        return tr_sem, te_sem
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, data_path):
        Defines parameters, loads data and computes weights using SAE

        :param data_path: string with path with .mat file with data set
        self.hit_k = 1
        self.lambda_ = .2
        self.z_score = True
        self.s_tr = None
        self.w = None

        self.data = loadmat(data_path)
        self.temp_labels = np.array([int(x) for x in self.data['te_cl_id']])
        self.test_labels = np.array([int(x) for x in self.data['test_labels_cub']])

        labels = list(map(int, self.data['train_labels_cub']))
        self.x_tr, self.x_te = ZSL.dimension_reduction(self.data['X_tr'], self.data['X_te'], labels)
Exemplo n.º 13
def cal_acc(te_est_or):
    te_labels = {label: [] for label in set([lb for lb in _data['test_labels']])}

    te_est_pt = te_est_or[mask, :]
    te_est_st = te_est_or[[not v for v in mask], :]
    test_labels_pt = test_labels[mask]
    test_labels_st = test_labels[[not v for v in mask]]

    for i, sample in enumerate(te_est_pt):

    prototypes = []
    for lb in template_labels:
        prototypes.append(np.mean(te_labels[lb], axis=0))

    prototypes = np.array(prototypes)

    acc_value, _ = ZSL.zsl_el(te_est_st, prototypes, test_labels_st, template_labels, 1, True)
    return acc_value
Exemplo n.º 14
def cal_acc_sec(te_est):
    acc_value, _ = ZSL.zsl_el(te_est, _data['S_te_pro'], test_labels, template_labels, 1, True)
    return acc_value
Exemplo n.º 15
    tr_vis_data = normalize(tr_vis_data, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=True)

    te_vis_data = normalize(te_vis_data, norm='l2', axis=1, copy=True)

    input_length = output_length = tr_vis_data.shape[1] + tr_sem_data.shape[1]
    ae = Encoder(input_length, tr_sem_data.shape[1], output_length,
                 ModelType.ZSL_AE, 50, res_path)
    tr_sem, te_sem = ae.estimate_semantic_data_zsl(tr_vis_data, te_vis_data,
                                                   tr_sem_data, False)

    return tr_sem, te_sem

# data = loadmat('../Datasets/SEM/cub_demo_data_resnet.mat')
# tr_est, te_est = estimate_sem_data(data['X_tr'], data['X_te'], data['S_tr'], '.')
# template_labels = np.array([int(x) for x in data['te_cl_id']])
# test_labels = np.array([int(x) for x in data['test_labels_cub']])

data = loadmat('../Datasets/SEM/awa_demo_data_resnet.mat')
tr_est, te_est = estimate_sem_data(data['X_tr'], data['X_te'], data['S_tr'],

template_labels = np.array(
    [int(x) for x in data['param']['testclasses_id'][0][0]])
test_labels = np.array([int(x) for x in data['param']['test_labels'][0][0]])

acc, _ = ZSL.zsl_el(te_est, data['S_te_pro'], test_labels, template_labels, 1,