def getSignatures(message, circle):
    signatures = []

    hashMessage = encryptionUtilities.getHashofInput(message)

    for agent in circle:
        signatures.append({agent : encryptionUtilities.signMessage(hashMessage, agentPriKeys[agent])})

    return signatures
def validateInstruction(instruction):
  returnValue = {
        'message': f'Instruction Accepted',
        'return': True

  body = instruction['instruction']
  hash = instruction['instructionHash']
  sign = instruction['signature']
  sender = body['sender']

  if redisUtilities.getInstructionLuaHash(body['name']) == None:
      returnValue['message'] = f"Instruction name: {body['name']} in invalid"
      returnValue['return'] = False
      return returnValue

  #TODO add check for lua hash matching, args list matching and keys list matching

  if encryptionUtilities.getHashofInput(body) != hash:'hash of instruction does not match: {encryptionUtilities.getHashofInput(body)}')
      returnValue['message'] = f'Incorrect hash for Instruction at {hash}'
      returnValue['return'] = False
      return returnValue

  publicKey = redisUtilities.getPublicKey(sender)

  logging.debug(f'publicKey is {publicKey}')

  # if getPubKey of sender is None, we dont know the sender (not on chain).  We deny them
  if publicKey == None:'Sender not known, reject')
      returnValue['message'] = f'Public Key of sender not registered on chain'
      returnValue['return'] = False
      return returnValue

  # TODO confirm signature - if this is false then reject (sohuld we untrust sender?)
  if encryptionUtilities.verifyMessage(hash, sign, publicKey) != True:'Instruction for {hash} not verified - signature {sign} for {publicKey} pkey incorrect')
      returnValue['message'] = f'Signature does not match'
      returnValue['return'] = False

  return returnValue
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, blockID, entityInstructions):

        self.block = redisUtilities.getCandidateBlock(blockID)

        logging.debug(f'in parseBlock')
        self.blockHash = self.block['blockHash']
        logging.debug(f'Block Hash is {self.blockHash}')
        self.blockHeader = self.block['blockHeader']
        self.convergenceHeader = self.blockHeader['convergenceHeader']
        self.consensusCircle = self.blockHeader['consensusCircle']
        self.blockSignatures = self.blockHeader['blockSignatures']
        self.instructionCount = self.convergenceHeader['instructionCount']
        self.instructionsMerkleRoot = self.convergenceHeader[
        self.previousBlock = self.convergenceHeader['previousBlock']
        self.blockHeight = self.convergenceHeader['blockHeight']
        self.randomNumbers = self.convergenceHeader[
            'randomNumbers']  # Need to parse by circle for convergence matrix
        self.instructions = self.block['instructions']

        self.randomMatrix = []
        self.ccKeys = []
        self.blockSigs = []

        self.instructionHashes = []
        self.instructionBodies = []

        self.blockPass = True
        self.blockComment = 'Block Conforms'

        logging.debug(f'checking block not on chain {self.blockHash}')
        if (redisUtilities.blockExists(self.blockHash)):
            self.blockPass = False
            self.blockComment = "this block is already on the chain"

        logging.debug(f'checking previous block {self.previousBlock} exists')
        if not (redisUtilities.blockExists(self.previousBlock)):
            self.blockPass = False
            self.blockComment = "previous block is not known to this agent"

            f'checking the block height is correct relative to the identified previous block'
        if (self.blockHeight !=
            (redisUtilities.getBlockHeight(self.previousBlock) + 1)):
            self.blockPass = False
            self.blockComment = "block height incorrect"
                f'block height is not valid. was: {self.blockHeight}, should be: {redisUtilities.getBlockHeight()+1}'

        logging.debug(f'random Numbers are {self.randomNumbers}')
        for e in self.randomNumbers:
            for f in e.values():

        for e in self.consensusCircle:
            self.ccKeys.append(e['agentID'])'randomMatrix is {self.randomMatrix}')

        # Now do checks:
        # Is blockhash the same
        # TODO confirm json.dumps is deterministic.  If order changes then hash will change.  May need more reliable approach
        # TODO use orderedDict for loading:
        self.calculatedHash = encryptionUtilities.getHashofInput(
            f'blockhash is: \n{self.blockHash}\nCalculated:\n{self.calculatedHash}\n'
        if self.blockHash != self.calculatedHash:
            self.blockPass = False
            self.blockComment = 'blockHash is not correct'

        # Are the instructions hashed and signed?
        for e in self.instructions:
            validInstruction = blockUtilities.validateInstruction(e)
            if not validInstruction['return']:
                self.blockPass = False
                self.blockComment = validInstruction['message']

        # Check instruction count is the same from header
        if self.instructionCount != len(self.instructionHashes):
            self.blockPass = False
            self.blockComment = f'instructionCount is not same as number instructions'

        # Does the merkleroot of the instructions map to the header?
        if encryptionUtilities.returnMerkleRoot(
                self.instructionHashes) != self.instructionsMerkleRoot:
            self.blockPass = False
                f'merkle root does not match got {encryptionUtilities.returnMerkleRoot(self.instructionHashes)} expected {self.instructionsMerkleRoot}'
            self.blockComment = f'instruction merkle root of {self.instructionsMerkleRoot} != calculated merkle root of {encryptionUtilities.returnMerkleRoot(self.instructionHashes)}'

        # Check consensus circle has signed off on the convergenceHeader
        logging.debug(f'parsing  blockSig {self.blockSignatures}')
        for e in self.blockSignatures:

        rlen, clen, blen, j, i = len(self.randomMatrix), len(self.ccKeys), len(
            self.blockSigs), 0, 0

        # Check Lengths
        if rlen != clen:
            selfblockPass = False
            self.blockComment = 'array length of random Numbers not same as consensusCircle'

        if blen != clen:
            selfblockPass = False
            self.blockComment = 'length of block Signatures not same as consensusCircle'

        hashConvergenceHeader = encryptionUtilities.getHashofInput(
            f'\nhash of convergenceHeader is {hashConvergenceHeader}\n')
        while i < clen:
            if encryptionUtilities.verifyMessage(
                    hashConvergenceHeader, self.blockSigs[i],
                    redisUtilities.getPublicKey(self.ccKeys[i])) != True:
                self.blockPass = False
                self.blockComment = f'signature for Circle at {i} is not valid'
            i += 1

        # Converge the Matrix
        self.outputMatrix = [
            g for g in encryptionUtilities.converge(self.randomMatrix, 2**256)
        ]'Converged Matrix is {self.outputMatrix}')

        self.circleDistance = encryptionUtilities.returnCircleDistance(
            redisUtilities.getOutputMatrix(self.previousBlock), self.ccKeys,
            self.instructionCount, entityInstructions)

        # remove anything that there is duplicates of for printing
        del self.block
        del self.convergenceHeader
        del self.consensusCircle
        del self.blockSignatures
        del self.instructionCount
        del self.instructionsMerkleRoot
        del self.previousBlock
        del self.blockHeight
        del self.randomNumbers
        del self.randomMatrix

    }, {
    "blockSignatures": [{
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {

print('Block hash:')
Exemplo n.º 5
def generateNextCircle():

    logging.debug("in generateNextCircle")

    # should always be the latest block that you are generating the next circle from
    circle = nextCircle(redisUtilities.getOutputMatrix(
    ))  # No excluded agents for now, get matrix of last block

    logging.debug(f'next circle outputMatrix is {circle}')

    # Am I in the circle?

    if not (redisUtilities.getMyID() in circle):
        # what should happen if not in next circle?"I AM NOT IN THE NEXT CIRCLE.")

    logging.debug("Agent is in next circle")
    # gather and check instructions
    possibleInstructions = redisUtilities.getInstructionHashes()
    logging.debug(f'possible instructions are {possibleInstructions}')
    validInstructions = []
    validInstructionHashes = []
    # TODO here: clear any mining pool from previous iterations.  (clearMining.lua script).  Hardcoded for now but put in redisUtilities
    luaHash = 'b5ef661e48d6306417d1f645c358f3d98a6148a1'
    red.evalsha(luaHash, 0)
    # TODO catch around this.  If instruction fails on a non matching script it should be removed.
    for instructionHash in possibleInstructions:
        if blockUtilities.tryInstruction(instructionHash):
            logging.debug('instruction was valid')

    logging.debug(f'valid instructions are: {validInstructionHashes}')
    if len(validInstructionHashes) == 0:"there are no valid instructions and so, no valid block")
        # TODO - do we broadcast no valid block?  Or do we pause and retry in 10s?

    # TODO: global static (in Redis?) for random number size, agents in the CIRCLE
    myRandoms = [g for g in encryptionUtilities.getRandomNumbers(32, 5)]
    logging.debug(f'myRandoms are {myRandoms}')

    mySeed = encryptionUtilities.getRandomNumber(32)
    logging.debug(f'mySeed is {mySeed}')

    mySeededRandomHash = encryptionUtilities.getHashWithSeed(myRandoms, mySeed)
    logging.debug(f'seeded hash is {mySeededRandomHash}')

    convergenceHeader = {
        "blockHeight": (redisUtilities.getBlockHeight() + 1),

    logging.debug(f'convergenceHeader is {convergenceHeader}')

    signature = encryptionUtilities.signMessage(

    logging.debug(f'signature is {signature}')

    blockSignatures = [{redisUtilities.getMyID(): signature}]
    logging.debug(f'blockSignatures is {blockSignatures}')
    proposedBlock = {
        "convergenceHeader": json.dumps(convergenceHeader),
        "blockSignatures": blockSignatures,
        "instructions": json.dumps(validInstructions),
        "broadcaster": redisUtilities.getMyID()
    }'Proposed Block for initial convergence is {proposedBlock}')

    # Write these to blockchain?  (or after all done?)

    # TODO setup signature for convergence header

    # TODO create proposedBlock and convergence header.  Broadcast proposed block. Need to lookup addresses of the

    # TODO also update consensus emulator to emit new block type structure.

    # TODO update NODE to accumulate latest block (same convergence header) with all the random numbers

    # GREG: I think this is where we emulate the full block creation?
    approval = consensusEmulator.proposeConvergenceHeader(
        proposedBlock, circle)
    # (proposedBlock, broadcaster, signature, circle, randomHashes)

    convergenceHeader = approval['header']
    signatures = approval['signatures']
    broadcaster = approval['broadcaster']
    validInstruction = approval['validInstructions']
    circleAgents = approval['agentInfo']

    # GREG: Do in a Lucid Chart on how the circle converges
    # Setup the candidate structure and post to our convergenceProcessor to kick off the convergence process
    candidate = {}
    candidate['blocksize'] = 0  #TODO
    candidate['blockHeader'] = {
        "version": "entityVersionUsed",  #TODO
        "staticHeight": "height below which a fork is not allowed",  #TODO
        "convergenceHeader": convergenceHeader,
        "consensusCircle": circleAgents,
        "blockSignatures": signatures,
    candidate["blockHash"] = encryptionUtilities.getHashofInput(
    candidate["blockOriginatedAgent"] = broadcaster
    candidate["instructions"] = validInstructions

    logging.debug(f'candidate = {candidate}')

    # writing out a file doesnt work because in the rq worker container
