Exemplo n.º 1
def orderByQueries():
    orderBy = [{
        "count how many city there are ordered by name",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId ORDER BY emp.name ASC;"
    }, {
        "count how many city there are ordered by name in descending order and ordered by score in ascending order",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId ORDER BY emp.name DESC, emp.score ASC;"
    }, {
        "count how many city there are ordered by name in descending order and ordered by score?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId ORDER BY emp.name DESC, emp.score ASC;"
    for test in orderBy:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 2
def countQueries():
    count = [{
        'input': 'What is the number of the city in this database?',
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        'output': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city;'
    }, {
        'input': "Combien y a t'il de client ?",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client;"
    }, {
        "Compte les nom des élève dont les nom sont BELLE",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve WHERE eleve.nom = 'belle';"
    for test in countQueries:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 3
def countWithConditionQueries():
    countWithCondition = [{
        'Count how many city there are where the name is Matthew ?',
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId WHERE emp.name = 'matthew';"
    }, {
        'Count how many city there are where the score is greater than 2 ?',
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId WHERE emp.score > '2';"
    }, {
        "Combien y a t'il de client dont le nom est Jean ?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean';"
    for test in countWithCondition:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 4
def oneConditionQueries():
    oneCondition = [{
        'input': 'What is the emp with the name is rupinder ?',
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        'output': "SELECT * FROM emp WHERE emp.name = 'rupinder';"
    }, {
        "Show data for city where cityName is 'Pune Agra'",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT * FROM city WHERE city.cityName = 'pune agra';"
    }, {
        "Quel est l'age du client dont le nom est Jean ?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        "SELECT client.age FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean';"
    for test in oneCondition:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_post_javascript_data():
    #jsdata = "fndbfkjd" #request.form['javascript_data']
    jsdata = request.get_json()
    res = Eng2sql(
        database_path=  'database_store/city.sql',
        language_path=  'lang_store/english.csv',
    #return res
    #res = lower(res)
    field_name = [field[0] for field in cursor.description]
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    c= "The Generated Query : \n\n " + res + "\n\n" + "Results \n \n"
    for k in field_name:
         c += k + "  "
    c += "\n\n"
    for i in results:
        for j in i:
            c+=str(j) + "  "
        c += "\n"
    return c
Exemplo n.º 6
def multiColumnsSelectQueries():
    multiColumnsSelect = [{
        'input': 'List all name and score of all emp',
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        'output': 'SELECT emp.name, emp.score FROM emp;'
    for test in multiColumnsSelect:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 7
def selectAllQueries():
    selectAll = [{
        'input': 'List me the info of city table',
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        'output': 'SELECT * FROM city;'
    for test in selectAll:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 8
def noTableFoundExceptionQueries():
    noTable = [{
        'Quel est le nom des reservation ?',  # No table name found in sentence!
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv'
    for test in noTable:
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
Exemplo n.º 9
def aggregateQueries():
    aggregate = [{
        'input': "Quel est la moyenne d'age des eleve ?",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'output': "SELECT AVG(eleve.age) FROM eleve;"
    for test in aggregate:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 10
def groupByQueries():
    groupBy = [{
        "Quel est l'adresse et le numéro de téléphone du client dont le nom est Marc et dont l'age est supérieur à 14 groupé par adresse ?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        "SELECT client.adresse, client.telephone FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'marc' AND client.age > '14' GROUP BY client.adresse;"
    for test in groupBy:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 11
def distinctQueries():
    distinct = [{
        'input': "Quels sont distinctivement les age des eleve ?",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'output': "SELECT DISTINCT eleve.age FROM eleve;"
    }, {
        'input': "compte distinctivement les eleve ?",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eleve;"
    }, {
        'input': "Compte distinctivement les age des eleve ?",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'output': "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT eleve.age) FROM eleve;"
    }, {
        "count distinctly how many city there are ordered by name in descending and ordered by score?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId ORDER BY emp.name DESC, emp.score ASC;"
    }, {
        "Count distinctly how many different name of city there are ordered by name in descending and ordered by score?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT emp.name) FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId ORDER BY emp.name DESC, emp.score ASC;"
    }, {
        "What are the distinct name of city with a score equals to 9?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT DISTINCT emp.name FROM city INNER JOIN emp ON city.id = emp.cityId WHERE emp.score = '9';"
    for test in distinct:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 12
def oneColumnSelectQueries():
    oneColumnSelect = [{
        'input': 'Tell me all id from city',
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        'output': 'SELECT city.id FROM city;'
    }, {
        'input': 'What are the name of emp',
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        'output': 'SELECT emp.name FROM emp;'
    for test in oneColumnSelect:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 13
def noKeywordFoundExceptionQueries():
    noKeyword = [
            'input': 'Affiche moi.',  # No keyword found in sentence!
            'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
            'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv'
            'Affiche moi les étudiants',  # No keyword found in sentence!
            'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
            'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv'
    for test in noKeyword:
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
Exemplo n.º 14
def noLinkForJoinFoundExceptionQueries():
    noLink = [
            'input': "Quel est le professeur qui enseigne la matière SVT ?",
            # There is at least column `matiere` that is unreachable from table `PROFESSEUR`!
            'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
            'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv'
            'input': "compte les salle des élève",
            # There is at least column `salle` that is unreachable from table `ELEVE`!
            'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
            'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv'
    for test in noLink:
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
Exemplo n.º 15
def multiConditionQueries():
    multiCondition = [{
        "Show data for city where cityName is not Pune and id like 1",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT * FROM city WHERE city.cityName != 'pune' AND city.id LIKE '%1%';"
    }, {
        "Quel est l'adresse du client dont le nom est Jean et dont l'age est supérieur à 14 ?",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'hotel.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        "SELECT client.adresse FROM client WHERE client.nom = 'jean' AND client.age > '14';"
    for test in multiCondition:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 16
def joinQueries():
    join = [{
        'What is the cityName and the score of the emp whose name is matthew',
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT city.cityName, emp.score FROM emp INNER JOIN city ON emp.cityId = city.id WHERE emp.name = 'matthew';"
    }, {
        "What is the cityName and the score of the emp whose name is rupinder",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'city.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'english.csv',
        "SELECT city.cityName, emp.score FROM emp INNER JOIN city ON emp.cityId = city.id WHERE emp.name = 'rupinder';"
    for test in join:
        assert _clean_output(
            Eng2sql(test['database'], test['language']).get_query(
                test['input'])) == test['output']
Exemplo n.º 17
def frenchThesaurusUsing():
    frenchThesaurusUsing = [{
        'input': "Compte le nombre d'étudiant",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        'output': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eleve;"
    }, {
        'input': "Compte le nombre des dénomination des étudiant",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        'output': "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve;"
    }, {
        'input': "Quelles sont les ancienneté et les dénomination des élève ?",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        'output': "SELECT eleve.age, eleve.nom FROM eleve;"
    }, {
        "Quelles sont les ancienneté et les dénomination des étudiant ?",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        'output': "SELECT eleve.age, eleve.nom FROM eleve;"
    }, {
        'input': "Quelles sont les salle des classe",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        'output': "SELECT classe.salle FROM classe;"
    }, {
        'input': "Quelles sont les salle des cours",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        'output': "SELECT classe.salle FROM classe;"
    }, {
        'input': "Quelles sont les pièce des cours",
        'database': DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        'language': LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        'thesaurus': THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        'output': "SELECT classe.salle FROM classe;"
    }, {
        "Compte les dénomination des étudiant dont les dénomination sont BELLE",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve WHERE eleve.nom = 'belle';"
    }, {
        "Compte les dénomination des étudiant dont les dénomination sont BELLE et l'ancienneté est 25",
        DATABASE_PATH + 'ecole.sql',
        LANG_PATH + 'french.csv',
        THESAURUS_PATH + 'th_french.dat',
        "SELECT COUNT(eleve.nom) FROM eleve WHERE eleve.nom = 'belle' AND eleve.age = '25';"
    for test in frenchThesaurusUsing:
        assert _clean_output(
                        test['input'])) == test['output']