Exemplo n.º 1
    def _live_migration_dest_check(self, context, instance_ref, dest,
        """Live migration check routine (for destination host).

        :param context: security context
        :param instance_ref: engine.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object
        :param dest: destination host


        # Checking dest exists and compute node.
        dservice_refs = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, dest)
        dservice_ref = dservice_refs[0]

        # Checking dest host is alive.
        if not self.service_is_up(dservice_ref):
            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=dest)

        # Checking whether The host where instance is running
        # and dest is not same.
        src = instance_ref['host']
        if dest == src:
            instance_id = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_id(instance_ref['id'])
            raise exception.UnableToMigrateToSelf(instance_id=instance_id,

        # Checking dst host still has enough capacities.
        self.assert_compute_node_has_enough_resources(context, instance_ref,
                                                      dest, block_migration)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update_available_resource(self, ctxt, host):
        """Updates compute manager resource info on ComputeNode table.

        Since we don't have a real hypervisor, pretend we have lots of
        disk and ram.

            service_ref = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(ctxt, host)[0]
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=host)

        # Updating host information
        dic = {'vcpus': 1,
               'memory_mb': 4096,
               'local_gb': 1028,
               'vcpus_used': 0,
               'memory_mb_used': 0,
               'local_gb_used': 0,
               'hypervisor_type': 'fake',
               'hypervisor_version': '1.0',
               'cpu_info': '?'}

        compute_node_ref = service_ref['compute_node']
        if not compute_node_ref:
            LOG.info(_('Compute_service record created for %s ') % host)
            dic['service_id'] = service_ref['id']
            db.compute_node_create(ctxt, dic)
            LOG.info(_('Compute_service record updated for %s ') % host)
            db.compute_node_update(ctxt, compute_node_ref[0]['id'], dic)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _live_migration_src_check(self, context, instance_ref):
        """Live migration check routine (for src host).

        :param context: security context
        :param instance_ref: engine.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object


        # Checking instance is running.
        if instance_ref['power_state'] != power_state.RUNNING:
            instance_id = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_id(instance_ref['id'])
            raise exception.InstanceNotRunning(instance_id=instance_id)

        # Checing volume node is running when any volumes are mounted
        # to the instance.
        if len(instance_ref['volumes']) != 0:
            services = db.service_get_all_by_topic(context, 'volume')
            if len(services) < 1 or not self.service_is_up(services[0]):
                raise exception.VolumeServiceUnavailable()

        # Checking src host exists and compute node
        src = instance_ref['host']
        services = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, src)

        # Checking src host is alive.
        if not self.service_is_up(services[0]):
            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=src)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _live_migration_dest_check(self, context, instance_ref, dest,
        """Live migration check routine (for destination host).

        :param context: security context
        :param instance_ref: engine.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object
        :param dest: destination host


        # Checking dest exists and compute node.
        dservice_refs = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, dest)
        dservice_ref = dservice_refs[0]

        # Checking dest host is alive.
        if not self.service_is_up(dservice_ref):
            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=dest)

        # Checking whether The host where instance is running
        # and dest is not same.
        src = instance_ref['host']
        if dest == src:
            instance_id = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_id(instance_ref['id'])
            raise exception.UnableToMigrateToSelf(instance_id=instance_id,

        # Checking dst host still has enough capacities.
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _live_migration_src_check(self, context, instance_ref):
        """Live migration check routine (for src host).

        :param context: security context
        :param instance_ref: engine.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object


        # Checking instance is running.
        if instance_ref['power_state'] != power_state.RUNNING:
            instance_id = ec2utils.id_to_ec2_id(instance_ref['id'])
            raise exception.InstanceNotRunning(instance_id=instance_id)

        # Checing volume node is running when any volumes are mounted
        # to the instance.
        if len(instance_ref['volumes']) != 0:
            services = db.service_get_all_by_topic(context, 'volume')
            if len(services) < 1 or  not self.service_is_up(services[0]):
                raise exception.VolumeServiceUnavailable()

        # Checking src host exists and compute node
        src = instance_ref['host']
        services = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, src)

        # Checking src host is alive.
        if not self.service_is_up(services[0]):
            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=src)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _get_compute_info(self, context, host, key):
        """get compute node's information specified by key

        :param context: security context
        :param host: hostname(must be compute node)
        :param key: column name of compute_nodes
        :return: value specified by key

        compute_node_ref = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, host)
        compute_node_ref = compute_node_ref[0]['compute_node'][0]
        return compute_node_ref[key]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _get_compute_info(self, context, host, key):
        """get compute node's information specified by key

        :param context: security context
        :param host: hostname(must be compute node)
        :param key: column name of compute_nodes
        :return: value specified by key

        compute_node_ref = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, host)
        compute_node_ref = compute_node_ref[0]['compute_node'][0]
        return compute_node_ref[key]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def show_host_resources(self, context, host):
        """Shows the physical/usage resource given by hosts.

        :param context: security context
        :param host: hostname
            example format is below.
            {'resource':D, 'usage':{proj_id1:D, proj_id2:D}}
            D: {'vcpus': 3, 'memory_mb': 2048, 'local_gb': 2048,
                'vcpus_used': 12, 'memory_mb_used': 10240,
                'local_gb_used': 64}


        # Getting compute node info and related instances info
        compute_ref = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, host)
        compute_ref = compute_ref[0]
        instance_refs = db.instance_get_all_by_host(context,

        # Getting total available/used resource
        compute_ref = compute_ref['compute_node'][0]
        resource = {'vcpus': compute_ref['vcpus'],
                    'memory_mb': compute_ref['memory_mb'],
                    'local_gb': compute_ref['local_gb'],
                    'vcpus_used': compute_ref['vcpus_used'],
                    'memory_mb_used': compute_ref['memory_mb_used'],
                    'local_gb_used': compute_ref['local_gb_used']}
        usage = dict()
        if not instance_refs:
            return {'resource': resource, 'usage': usage}

        # Getting usage resource per project
        project_ids = [i['project_id'] for i in instance_refs]
        project_ids = list(set(project_ids))
        for project_id in project_ids:
            vcpus = [i['vcpus'] for i in instance_refs \
                if i['project_id'] == project_id]

            mem = [i['memory_mb']  for i in instance_refs \
                if i['project_id'] == project_id]

            disk = [i['local_gb']  for i in instance_refs \
                if i['project_id'] == project_id]

            usage[project_id] = {'vcpus': reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, vcpus),
                                 'memory_mb': reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, mem),
                                 'local_gb': reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, disk)}

        return {'resource': resource, 'usage': usage}
Exemplo n.º 9
    def update_available_resource(self, ctxt, host):
        """Updates compute manager resource info on ComputeNode table.

        This method is called when engine-compute launches, and
        whenever admin executes "engine-manage service update_resource".

        :param ctxt: security context
        :param host: hostname that compute manager is currently running


            service_ref = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(ctxt, host)[0]
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=host)

        host_stats = self.get_host_stats(refresh=True)

        # Updating host information
        total_ram_mb = host_stats['host_memory_total'] / (1024 * 1024)
        free_ram_mb = host_stats['host_memory_free'] / (1024 * 1024)
        total_disk_gb = host_stats['disk_total'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
        used_disk_gb = host_stats['disk_used'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)

        dic = {
            'vcpus': 0,
            'memory_mb': total_ram_mb,
            'local_gb': total_disk_gb,
            'vcpus_used': 0,
            'memory_mb_used': total_ram_mb - free_ram_mb,
            'local_gb_used': used_disk_gb,
            'hypervisor_type': 'xen',
            'hypervisor_version': 0,
            'cpu_info': host_stats['host_cpu_info']['cpu_count']

        compute_node_ref = service_ref['compute_node']
        if not compute_node_ref:
            LOG.info(_('Compute_service record created for %s ') % host)
            dic['service_id'] = service_ref['id']
            db.compute_node_create(ctxt, dic)
            LOG.info(_('Compute_service record updated for %s ') % host)
            db.compute_node_update(ctxt, compute_node_ref[0]['id'], dic)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def update_available_resource(self, ctxt, host):
        """Updates compute manager resource info on ComputeNode table.

        This method is called when engine-compute launches, and
        whenever admin executes "engine-manage service update_resource".

        :param ctxt: security context
        :param host: hostname that compute manager is currently running


            service_ref = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(ctxt, host)[0]
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=host)

        host_stats = self.get_host_stats(refresh=True)

        # Updating host information
        total_ram_mb = host_stats['host_memory_total'] / (1024 * 1024)
        free_ram_mb = host_stats['host_memory_free'] / (1024 * 1024)
        total_disk_gb = host_stats['disk_total'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
        used_disk_gb = host_stats['disk_used'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)

        dic = {'vcpus': 0,
               'memory_mb': total_ram_mb,
               'local_gb': total_disk_gb,
               'vcpus_used': 0,
               'memory_mb_used': total_ram_mb - free_ram_mb,
               'local_gb_used': used_disk_gb,
               'hypervisor_type': 'xen',
               'hypervisor_version': 0,
               'cpu_info': host_stats['host_cpu_info']['cpu_count']}

        compute_node_ref = service_ref['compute_node']
        if not compute_node_ref:
            LOG.info(_('Compute_service record created for %s ') % host)
            dic['service_id'] = service_ref['id']
            db.compute_node_create(ctxt, dic)
            LOG.info(_('Compute_service record updated for %s ') % host)
            db.compute_node_update(ctxt, compute_node_ref[0]['id'], dic)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _live_migration_common_check(self, context, instance_ref, dest,
        """Live migration common check routine.

        Below checkings are followed by

        :param context: security context
        :param instance_ref: engine.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object
        :param dest: destination host
        :param block_migration if True, check for block_migration.


        # Checking shared storage connectivity
        # if block migration, instances_paths should not be on shared storage.
            self.mounted_on_same_shared_storage(context, instance_ref, dest)
            if block_migration:
                reason = _("Block migration can not be used "
                           "with shared storage.")
                raise exception.InvalidSharedStorage(reason=reason, path=dest)
        except exception.FileNotFound:
            if not block_migration:
                src = instance_ref['host']
                ipath = FLAGS.instances_path
                    _("Cannot confirm tmpfile at %(ipath)s is on "
                      "same shared storage between %(src)s "
                      "and %(dest)s.") % locals())

        # Checking dest exists.
        dservice_refs = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, dest)
        dservice_ref = dservice_refs[0]['compute_node'][0]

        # Checking original host( where instance was launched at) exists.
            oservice_refs = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(
                context, instance_ref['launched_on'])
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exception.SourceHostUnavailable()
        oservice_ref = oservice_refs[0]['compute_node'][0]

        # Checking hypervisor is same.
        orig_hypervisor = oservice_ref['hypervisor_type']
        dest_hypervisor = dservice_ref['hypervisor_type']
        if orig_hypervisor != dest_hypervisor:
            raise exception.InvalidHypervisorType()

        # Checkng hypervisor version.
        orig_hypervisor = oservice_ref['hypervisor_version']
        dest_hypervisor = dservice_ref['hypervisor_version']
        if orig_hypervisor > dest_hypervisor:
            raise exception.DestinationHypervisorTooOld()

        # Checking cpuinfo.
                context, db.queue_get_for(context, FLAGS.compute_topic, dest),
                    "method": 'compare_cpu',
                    "args": {
                        'cpu_info': oservice_ref['cpu_info']

        except rpc.RemoteError:
            src = instance_ref['host']
                _("host %(dest)s is not compatible with "
                  "original host %(src)s.") % locals())
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _live_migration_common_check(self, context, instance_ref, dest,
        """Live migration common check routine.

        Below checkings are followed by

        :param context: security context
        :param instance_ref: engine.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance object
        :param dest: destination host
        :param block_migration if True, check for block_migration.


        # Checking shared storage connectivity
        # if block migration, instances_paths should not be on shared storage.
            self.mounted_on_same_shared_storage(context, instance_ref, dest)
            if block_migration:
                reason = _("Block migration can not be used "
                           "with shared storage.")
                raise exception.InvalidSharedStorage(reason=reason, path=dest)
        except exception.FileNotFound:
            if not block_migration:
                src = instance_ref['host']
                ipath = FLAGS.instances_path
                LOG.error(_("Cannot confirm tmpfile at %(ipath)s is on "
                                "same shared storage between %(src)s "
                                "and %(dest)s.") % locals())

        # Checking dest exists.
        dservice_refs = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context, dest)
        dservice_ref = dservice_refs[0]['compute_node'][0]

        # Checking original host( where instance was launched at) exists.
            oservice_refs = db.service_get_all_compute_by_host(context,
        except exception.NotFound:
            raise exception.SourceHostUnavailable()
        oservice_ref = oservice_refs[0]['compute_node'][0]

        # Checking hypervisor is same.
        orig_hypervisor = oservice_ref['hypervisor_type']
        dest_hypervisor = dservice_ref['hypervisor_type']
        if orig_hypervisor != dest_hypervisor:
            raise exception.InvalidHypervisorType()

        # Checkng hypervisor version.
        orig_hypervisor = oservice_ref['hypervisor_version']
        dest_hypervisor = dservice_ref['hypervisor_version']
        if orig_hypervisor > dest_hypervisor:
            raise exception.DestinationHypervisorTooOld()

        # Checking cpuinfo.
                     db.queue_get_for(context, FLAGS.compute_topic, dest),
                     {"method": 'compare_cpu',
                      "args": {'cpu_info': oservice_ref['cpu_info']}})

        except rpc.RemoteError:
            src = instance_ref['host']
            LOG.exception(_("host %(dest)s is not compatible with "
                                "original host %(src)s.") % locals())