Exemplo n.º 1
def real_spec(request):
    band = request.param
    wav, flux = load_aces_spectrum([3900, 4.5, 0.0, 0])
    wav, flux = wav_selector(wav, flux, *band_limits(band))
    flux = flux / snr_constant_band(wav, flux, 100, band)
    atm = Atmosphere.from_band(band).at(wav)
    return wav, flux, atm.transmission
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_band_limits(band):
    """Test getting limits out of band."""
    band_min, band_max = utils.band_limits(band)

    assert band_min < band_max
    assert band_min != band_max
    assert 0 < band_min < 3
    assert 0 < band_max < 3
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_from_band_is_a_constructor(band):
    """This is testing loading files using from_band method."""
    atm = Atmosphere.from_band(band)

    min_wl, max_wl = band_limits(band)
    assert isinstance(atm, Atmosphere)
    assert np.all(atm.wl <= max_wl * 1.01)
    assert np.all(atm.wl >= min_wl * 0.99)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_band_middle(band):
    """Test band middle is middle of band.
    Some repeated coding.
    lower, upper = utils.band_limits(band)
    middle = utils.band_middle(band)

    assert lower < middle
    assert middle < upper
    assert (lower + upper) / 2 == middle
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_band_selector(band):
    """Test band selector selects the wav and flux in the given band."""
    wav = np.linspace(0.5, 3, 100)
    flux = wav**2

    band_min, band_max = utils.band_limits(band)
    assert not np.all(wav > band_min)  # Assert wav goes outside band
    assert not np.all(wav < band_max)

    wav, flux = utils.band_selector(wav, flux, band)
    assert np.all(wav > band_min)
    assert np.all(wav < band_max)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_snr_constant_band_returns_mid_value_const(band):
    size = 100
    flux = 500 * np.random.rand(
    )  # To give a random spectrum (but consistent between tests)
    lim = utils.band_limits(band)
    wav = np.linspace(lim[0], lim[1], size)

    band_const = snrnorm.snr_constant_band(wav, flux, band=band)
    wav_const = snrnorm.snr_constant_wav(wav, flux, wav_ref=utils.band_middle(band))

    assert isinstance(band_const, float)
    assert isinstance(wav_const, float)
    assert band_const == wav_const  # Since band calls wave at midpoint
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_valid_snr_get_reference_spectrum():
    """Testing getting the reference spectrum."""
    ref_band = "J"
    wav_ref, flux_ref = eniric.obsolete.snr_norm.get_reference_spectrum(
        "M0-K-1.0-100k", ref_band=ref_band)
    band_min, band_max = utils.band_limits(ref_band)

    # Test the wavelength is in the reference band wavelength range
    assert np.all(wav_ref <= band_max)
    assert np.all(wav_ref >= band_min)

    # test properties of output
    assert len(wav_ref) == len(flux_ref)
    assert isinstance(wav_ref, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(flux_ref, np.ndarray)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_snr_normalization_logic(band):
    """Testing direct value.

    snr = sqrt(sum(3 pixels))
    const = (snr/ref_snr)**2
    if pixel value = 3 then  the normalization constant will be 1.
    size = 100
    band = "K"
    lim = utils.band_limits(band)
    wav = np.linspace(lim[0], lim[1], size)
    flux = 3 * np.ones(size)
    band_const = snrnorm.snr_constant_band(wav, flux, snr=3, band=band)
    wav_const = snrnorm.snr_constant_wav(
        wav, flux, snr=3, wav_ref=(lim[0] + lim[1]) / 2
    assert band_const == 1
    assert wav_const == 1
Exemplo n.º 9
    def from_band(cls, band: str, bary: bool = False):
        """Read in atmospheric model for given band.

        Alternate constructor for Atmosphere. Base on "base" path in config.yaml.

        band: str
            Name of atmosphere file.
        bary: bool
            Barycentric shift the mask.

        extension = "_bary.dat" if bary else ".dat"
        atmmodel = join(
            "{0}_{1}{2}".format(config.atmmodel["base"], band, extension),

            # Try find the band file
            atm = cls.from_file(atmmodel)
        except IOError:
            warnings.warn("""Could not find band file for band {0}.
             It is recommend to create this using
                `split_atmosphere.py -b {0}`
                `barycenter_broaden_atmmodel.py -b {0}`
             Trying to load main atmosphere file for now. (will be slower).""".
            full_model = join(
            atm = cls.from_file(full_model)

            # Shorten to band
            atm = atm.wave_select(*band_limits(band))
            if bary:
        return atm
Exemplo n.º 10
def main(
    model: str = atmmodel,
    bands: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    new_name: Optional[str] = None,
    data_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    rv_extend: float = 100,
    cutoff_depth: float = 2.0,
    """Split the large atmospheric model transmission spectra into the separate bands.

    Keeps wavelength of atmosphere model as nanometers.

    model: str
        Telluric model file to load. It has columns wavelength, flux, std_flux, mask.
    bands: list[str]
        List bands to split model into separate files.
    new_name: str
        New file name base.
    data_dir: Optional[str]
        Directory for results. Can also be given in config.yaml "paths:atmmodel:"...
    rv_extend: float (positive) (default 100)
        Rv amount to extend wavelength range of telluric band. To later apply barycenter shifting.
    cutoff_depth: float
       Telluric line depth cutoff. Default = 2%.
    if (bands is None) or ("ALL" in bands):
        bands_ = eniric.bands["all"]
        bands_ = bands

    if new_name is None:
        new_name = model.split(".")[0]
    if data_dir is None:
        data_dir_ = eniric.paths["atmmodel"]
        data_dir_ = str(data_dir)

    model_name = join(data_dir_, model)

    # If trying to obtain the provided model extract from and it doesn't yet exist
    # extract from tar.gz file. (Extracted it is 230 MB which is to large for Git)
    if "Average_TAPAS_2014.dat" == atmmodel:
        if not os.path.exists(model_name):
            print("Unpacking Average_TAPAS_2014.dat.tar.gz...")
            import tarfile

            with tarfile.open(str(model_name) + ".tar.gz", "r") as tar:
    print("Loading from_file {0}".format(model_name))
    atm = Atmosphere.from_file(model_name)

    # Return value from saving each band
    write_status = np.empty_like(bands_, dtype=int)

    for i, band in enumerate(bands_):
        print("Starting {0}".format(band))
        filename_band = "{0}_{1}.dat".format(new_name, band)
        band_min, band_max = band_limits(band)

        # * 1000 to convert into km/s
        band_min = doppler_shift_wav(band_min, -rv_extend)
        band_max = doppler_shift_wav(band_max, rv_extend)

        split_atm = atm.wave_select(band_min, band_max)

        # Apply telluric line mask

        # Save the result to file
        filename = join(data_dir_, filename_band)
        header = ["# atm_wav(nm)", "atm_flux", "atm_std_flux", "atm_mask"]
        print("Saving to_file {}".format(filename))
        write_status[i] = split_atm.to_file(filename, header=header, fmt="%11.8f")
    print("Done Splitting")

    return np.sum(write_status)  # If any extracts fail they will turn up here.
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_band_limits_raises_errors(band, error):
    """Test it raises the Value and Attribute Errors."""
    with pytest.raises(error):
Exemplo n.º 12
 def band_select(self, band):
     """Slice Atmosphere to a given Band."""
     wl_min, wl_max = band_limits(band)
     return self.wave_select(wl_min, wl_max)