Exemplo n.º 1
    def _runHtmlBuilder(self):
        # Build the commond line for Sphinx.
        if core.config()['Sphinx']['AdvancedMode']:
            htmlBuilderCommandLine = core.config()['Sphinx']['Cmdline']
            if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
                # If Linux is used, then subprocess cannot take the whole
                # commandline as the name of an executable file. Module shlex
                # has to be used to parse commandline.
                htmlBuilderCommandLine = shlex.split(htmlBuilderCommandLine)
            # For available builder options, refer to: http://sphinx-doc.org/builders.html
            htmlBuilderCommandLine = [
                # Place doctrees in the ``_build`` directory; by default, Sphinx
                # places this in _build/html/.doctrees.
                os.path.join('_build', 'doctrees'),
                # Source directory -- the current directory, since we'll chdir to
                # the project directory before executing this.
                # Build directory

        # Invoke it.
            # Clear the log at the beginning of a Sphinx build.

            cwd = core.config()['Sphinx']['ProjectPath']
            # If the command line is already a string (advanced mode), just print it.
            # Otherwise, it's a list that should be transformed to a string.
            if isinstance(htmlBuilderCommandLine, str):
                htmlBuilderCommandLineStr = htmlBuilderCommandLine
                htmlBuilderCommandLineStr = ' '.join(htmlBuilderCommandLine)
            self.logWindowText.emit('{} : {}\n\n'.format(
                cwd, htmlBuilderCommandLineStr))

            # Run Sphinx, reading stdout in a separate thread.
            self._qe = QEventLoop()
            # Sphinx will output just a carriage return (0x0D) to simulate a
            # single line being updated by build status and the build
            # progresses. Without universal newline support here, we'll wait
            # until the build is complete (with a \n\r) to report any build
            # progress! So, enable universal newlines, so that each \r will be
            # treated as a separate line, providing immediate feedback on build
            # progress.
            popen = open_console_output(htmlBuilderCommandLine,
            # Perform reads in an event loop. The loop is exit when all reads
            # have completed. We can't simply start the _stderr_read thread
            # here, because calls to self._qe_exit() will be ignored until
            # we're inside the event loop.
            QTimer.singleShot(0, lambda: self._popen_read(popen))
        except OSError as ex:
            return ('Failed to execute HTML builder:\n'
                    '{}\n'.format(str(ex)) +
                    'Go to Settings -> Settings -> CodeChat to set HTML'
                    ' builder configurations.')

        return self._stderr
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _runHtmlBuilder(self):
        # Build the commond line for Sphinx.
        if core.config()['Sphinx']['AdvancedMode']:
            htmlBuilderCommandLine = core.config()['Sphinx']['Cmdline']
            if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
                # If Linux is used, then subprocess cannot take the whole
                # commandline as the name of an executable file. Module shlex
                # has to be used to parse commandline.
                htmlBuilderCommandLine = shlex.split(htmlBuilderCommandLine)
            # For available builder options, refer to: http://sphinx-doc.org/builders.html
            htmlBuilderCommandLine = [core.config()['Sphinx']['Executable'],
              # Place doctrees in the ``_build`` directory; by default, Sphinx
              # places this in _build/html/.doctrees.
              '-d', os.path.join('_build', 'doctrees'),
              # Source directory -- the current directory, since we'll chdir to
              # the project directory before executing this.
              # Build directory

        # Invoke it.
            # Clear the log at the beginning of a Sphinx build.

            cwd = core.config()['Sphinx']['ProjectPath']
            # If the command line is already a string (advanced mode), just print it.
            # Otherwise, it's a list that should be transformed to a string.
            if isinstance(htmlBuilderCommandLine, str):
                htmlBuilderCommandLineStr = htmlBuilderCommandLine
                htmlBuilderCommandLineStr = ' '.join(htmlBuilderCommandLine)
            self.logWindowText.emit('{} : {}\n\n'.format(cwd,

            # Run Sphinx, reading stdout in a separate thread.
            self._qe = QEventLoop()
            # Sphinx will output just a carriage return (0x0D) to simulate a
            # single line being updated by build status and the build
            # progresses. Without universal newline support here, we'll wait
            # until the build is complete (with a \n\r) to report any build
            # progress! So, enable universal newlines, so that each \r will be
            # treated as a separate line, providing immediate feedback on build
            # progress.
            popen = open_console_output(htmlBuilderCommandLine, cwd=cwd,
            # Perform reads in an event loop. The loop is exit when all reads
            # have completed. We can't simply start the _stderr_read thread
            # here, because calls to self._qe_exit() will be ignored until
            # we're inside the event loop.
            QTimer.singleShot(0, lambda: self._popen_read(popen))
        except OSError as ex:
            return (
                'Failed to execute HTML builder:\n'
                '{}\n'.format(str(ex)) +
                'Go to Settings -> Settings -> CodeChat to set HTML'
                ' builder configurations.')

        return self._stderr