Exemplo n.º 1
def prepare_map_field(map, args, crange=None, printer=noprint):
	if crange is None:
		with printer.time("ranges", 3):
			crange = get_color_range(map, args)
	if map.ndim == 2:
		map = map[None]
	if args.autocrop_each:
		map = enmap.autocrop(map)
	with printer.time("colorize", 3):
		color = map_to_color(map, crange, args)
	return map, color
Exemplo n.º 2
L.info("Reading %s" % args.map)
map = enmap.read_map(args.map)
map = map.reshape((-1, ) + map.shape[-2:])[0][None]
L.info("Reading %s" % args.noise)
inoise = enmap.read_map(args.noise)
inoise = inoise.reshape((-1, ) + inoise.shape[-2:])[0][None, None]
print map.shape, inoise.shape
shape_orig = map.shape[-2:]
# Mask out too noisy areas
mask = inoise[0, 0] < args.noise_max**-2
map[:, mask] = np.nan
if not args.nocrop:
    map, info = enmap.autocrop(map, method="fft", return_info=True)
    inoise = enmap.padcrop(inoise, info)
    shape_crop = map.shape[-2:]
    L.info("Cropped from %s to %s" % (str(shape_orig), str(shape_crop)))
map[np.isnan(map)] = 0

## Truncate to fft-friendly areas
#h = fft.fft_len(map.shape[-2],[2,3,5])
#w = fft.fft_len(map.shape[-1],[2,3,5])
#map    = map[:,:h,:w]
#inoise = inoise[:,:,:h,:w]
#map[~np.isfinite(map)] = 0

# Kill extreme values
L.info("Removing extreme outliers above 1e6")
map = np.minimum(1e6, np.maximum(-1e6, map))
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_map(ifile, args, return_info=False):
	"""Read the specified map, and massage it according to the options
	in args. Relevant ones are sub, autocrop, slice, op, downgrade, scale,
	mask. Retuns with shape [:,ny,nx], where any extra dimensions have been
	flattened into a single one."""
	with warnings.catch_warnings():
		toks = ifile.split(":")
		ifile, slice = toks[0], ":".join(toks[1:])
		m0 = enmap.read_map(ifile)
		if args.fix_wcs:
			m0.wcs = enwcs.fix_wcs(m0.wcs)
		# Save the original map, so we can compare its wcs later
		m  = m0
		# Submap slicing currently has wrapping issues
		if args.sub is not None:
			default = [[-90,-180],[90,180]]
			sub  = np.array([[(default[j][i] if q == '' else float(q))*np.pi/180 for j,q in enumerate(w.split(":"))]for i,w in enumerate(args.sub.split(","))]).T
			m = m.submap(sub)
		# Perform a common autocrop across all fields
		if args.autocrop:
			m = enmap.autocrop(m)
		# If necessary, split into stamps. If no stamp splitting occurs,
		# a list containing only the original map is returned
		mlist = extract_stamps(m, args)
		# The stamp stuff is a bit of an ugly hack. This loop and wcslist
		# are parts of that hack.
		for i, m in enumerate(mlist):
			# Downgrade
			downgrade = [int(w) for w in args.downgrade.split(",")]
			m = enmap.downgrade(m, downgrade)
			# Slicing, either at the file name level or though the slice option
			m = eval("m"+slice)
			if args.slice is not None:
				m = eval("m"+args.slice)
			flip = (m.wcs.wcs.cdelt*m0.wcs.wcs.cdelt)[::-1]<0
			assert m.ndim >= 2, "Image must have at least 2 dimensions"
			# Apply arbitrary map operations
			m1 = m
			if args.op is not None:
				m = eval(args.op, {"m":m},np.__dict__)
			# Scale if requested
			scale = [int(w) for w in args.scale.split(",")]
			if np.any(np.array(scale)>1):
				m = enmap.upgrade(m, scale)
			# Flip such that pixels are in PIL or matplotlib convention,
			# such that RA increases towards the left and dec upwards in
			# the final image. Unless a slicing operation on the image
			# overrrode this.
			if m.wcs.wcs.cdelt[1] > 0: m = m[...,::-1,:]
			if m.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] > 0: m = m[...,:,::-1]
			if flip[0]: m = m[...,::-1,:]
			if flip[1]: m = m[...,:,::-1]
			# Update stamp list
			mlist[i] = m
		wcslist = [m.wcs for m in mlist]
		m = enmap.samewcs(np.asarray(mlist),mlist[0])
		if args.stamps is None:
			m, wcslist = m[0], None
		# Flatten pre-dimensions
		mf = m.reshape((-1,)+m.shape[-2:])
		# Stack
		if args.tile is not None:
			toks = [int(i) for i in args.tile.split(",")]
			nrow = toks[0] if len(toks) > 0 else -1
			ncol = toks[1] if len(toks) > 1 else -1
			mf = hwstack(hwexpand(mf, nrow, ncol, args.tile_transpose))[None]
		# Mask bad data
		if args.mask is not None:
			if not np.isfinite(args.mask): mf[np.abs(mf)==args.mask] = np.nan
			else: mf[np.abs(mf-args.mask)<=args.mask_tol] = np.nan
		# Done
		if not return_info: return mf
			info = bunch.Bunch(fname=ifile, ishape=m.shape, wcslist=wcslist)
			return mf, info