Exemplo n.º 1
def eval_ipol(ipol, hor):
    n = hor.shape[1]
    dtype = hor.dtype
    pix = np.zeros((1, n, 2), dtype=dtype)
    phase = np.zeros((1, n, 3), dtype=dtype)
    det_pos = np.zeros((1, 3))
    det_comps = np.array([[1, 1, 0]])
    comps = np.zeros(1)
    rbox, nbox, ys = pmat.extract_interpol_params(ipol, dtype)
    pmat.get_core(dtype).translate(hor, pix.T, phase.T, det_pos.T, det_comps.T,
                                   comps, rbox.T, nbox, ys.T)
    return np.concatenate([pix[0].T, phase[0, :, 1:].T], 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def eval_ipol(ipol, hor):
	n = hor.shape[1]
	dtype = hor.dtype
	pix   = np.zeros((1,n,2),dtype=dtype)
	phase = np.zeros((1,n,3),dtype=dtype)
	det_pos = np.zeros((1,3))
	det_comps = np.array([[1,1,0]])
	comps = np.zeros(1)
	rbox, nbox, ys = pmat.extract_interpol_params(ipol, dtype)
		hor, pix.T, phase.T,
		det_pos.T, det_comps.T,
		rbox.T, nbox, ys.T)
	return np.concatenate([pix[0].T,phase[0,:,1:].T],0)
Exemplo n.º 3
def project_tod_on_workspace(scan, tod, wgeo):
    """Compute the tod onto a map using the pixelization defined
	in the workspace, and return it along with a [TQU,TQU] hitmap
	and a hits-by-detector-by-y array."""
    rhs = enmap.zeros(wgeo.shape, wgeo.lwcs, wgeo.dtype)
    hdiv = enmap.zeros((rhs.shape[:1] + rhs.shape), rhs.wcs, rhs.dtype)
    # Project it onto the workspace
    pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
    pmap = PmatWorkspaceTOD(scan, wgeo)
    pix, phase = pmap.get_pix_phase()
    # Build rhs
    junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype=rhs.dtype)
    pcut.backward(tod, junk)
    pmap.backward(tod, rhs, pix, phase)
    # Build div
    tmp = hdiv[0].copy()
    for i in range(ncomp):
        tmp[:] = np.eye(ncomp)[i, :, None, None]
        pmap.forward(tod, tmp, pix, phase)
        pcut.backward(tod, junk)
        pmap.backward(tod, hdiv[i], pix, phase)
    # Find each detector's hits by wy. Some detectors have
    # sufficient residual curvature that they hit every wy.
    yhits = np.zeros([scan.ndet, rhs.shape[-2]], dtype=np.int32)
    core = pmat.get_core(dtype)
    core.bincount_flat(yhits.T, pix.T, rhs.shape[-2:], 0)
    return rhs, hdiv, yhits
Exemplo n.º 4
def project_tod_on_workspace(scan, tod, wgeo):
	"""Compute the tod onto a map using the pixelization defined
	in the workspace, and return it along with a [TQU,TQU] hitmap
	and a hits-by-detector-by-y array."""
	rhs  = enmap.zeros(wgeo.shape, wgeo.lwcs, wgeo.dtype)
	hdiv = enmap.zeros((rhs.shape[:1]+rhs.shape),rhs.wcs, rhs.dtype)
	# Project it onto the workspace
	pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
	pmap = PmatWorkspaceTOD(scan, wgeo)
	pix, phase = pmap.get_pix_phase()
	# Build rhs
	junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk,dtype=rhs.dtype)
	pcut.backward(tod, junk)
	pmap.backward(tod, rhs, pix, phase)
	# Build div
	tmp = hdiv[0].copy()
	for i in range(ncomp):
		tmp[:] = np.eye(ncomp)[i,:,None,None]
		pmap.forward(tod, tmp, pix, phase)
		pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		pmap.backward(tod, hdiv[i], pix, phase)
	# Find each detector's hits by wy. Some detectors have
	# sufficient residual curvature that they hit every wy.
	yhits = np.zeros([scan.ndet, rhs.shape[-2]],dtype=np.int32)
	core  = pmat.get_core(dtype)
	core.bincount_flat(yhits.T, pix.T, rhs.shape[-2:], 0)
	return rhs, hdiv, yhits
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, scan, wgeo):
     # Build the pointing interpolator
     self.trans = TransformPos2Pix(scan, wgeo.gwcs)
     self.poly = pmat.PolyInterpol(self.trans, scan.boresight, scan.offsets)
     # Build the pixel shift information. This assumes ces-like scans in equ-like systems
     self.sdir = pmat.get_scan_dir(scan.boresight[:, 1])
     self.period = pmat.get_scan_period(scan.boresight[:, 1], scan.srate)
     self.wgeo = wgeo
     self.nphi = int(np.abs(360. / wgeo.gwcs.wcs.cdelt[0]))
     self.core = pmat.get_core(wgeo.dtype)
     self.scan = scan
Exemplo n.º 6
	def __init__(self, scan, wgeo):
		# Build the pointing interpolator
		self.trans = TransformPos2Pix(scan, wgeo.gwcs)
		self.poly  = pmat.PolyInterpol(self.trans, scan.boresight, scan.offsets)
		# Build the pixel shift information. This assumes ces-like scans in equ-like systems
		self.sdir    = pmat.get_scan_dir(scan.boresight[:,1])
		self.period  = pmat.get_scan_period(scan.boresight[:,1], scan.srate)
		self.wgeo    = wgeo
		self.nphi    = int(np.abs(360./wgeo.gwcs.wcs.cdelt[0]))
		self.core    = pmat.get_core(wgeo.dtype)
		self.scan    = scan
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, wgeo):
     self.wgeo = wgeo
     self.nphi = int(np.abs(360. / wgeo.gwcs.wcs.cdelt[0]))
     self.core = pmat.get_core(wgeo.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 8

ncomp = 3
nsamp = args.nsamp
ndet = args.ndet
bits = config.get("map_bits")
acc = config.get("pmat_accuracy")
max_size = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_size")
max_time = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_time")
dtype = np.float64 if bits > 32 else np.float32
ptype = np.float64
core = pmat.get_core(dtype)
dirs = [int(w) for w in args.dir.split(",")]

def hor2cel(hor, toff):
    """Transform from [{tsec,az,el},nsamp] to [{ra,dec,c,s},nsamp],
	where tsec is the offset from toff. Toff is given in mjd."""
    shape = hor.shape[1:]
    hor = hor.reshape(hor.shape[0], -1).astype(float)
    tmp = coordinates.transform("hor",
                                time=hor[0] / 24 / 60 / 60 + toff,
Exemplo n.º 9
def add_weight_fortran(omap, pix_ranges, weights, nphi=0):
	core = pmat.get_core(dtype)
	core.add_rows(omap.T, pix_ranges[:,0], pix_ranges[:,1:].T, weights, nphi)
Exemplo n.º 10
	def __init__(self, wgeo):
		self.wgeo = wgeo
		self.nphi = int(np.abs(360./wgeo.gwcs.wcs.cdelt[0]))
		self.core = pmat.get_core(wgeo.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 11
	T    = 273.15,
	P    = 550.,
	hum  = 0.2,
	freq = 150.,
	lapse= 0.0065)

ncomp    = 3
nsamp    = args.nsamp
ndet     = args.ndet
bits     = config.get("map_bits")
acc      = config.get("pmat_accuracy")
max_size = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_size")
max_time = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_time")
dtype    = np.float64 if bits > 32 else np.float32
ptype    = np.float64
core     = pmat.get_core(dtype)
dirs     = [int(w) for w in args.dir.split(",")]

def hor2cel(hor, toff):
	"""Transform from [{tsec,az,el},nsamp] to [{ra,dec,c,s},nsamp],
	where tsec is the offset from toff. Toff is given in mjd."""
	shape = hor.shape[1:]
	hor = hor.reshape(hor.shape[0],-1).astype(float)
	tmp = coordinates.transform("hor", "cel", hor[1:], time=hor[0]/24/60/60+toff, site=site, pol=True)
	res = np.zeros((4,)+tmp.shape[1:])
	res[0] = utils.rewind(tmp[0], tmp[0,0])
	res[1] = tmp[1]
	res[2] = np.cos(2*tmp[2])
	res[3] = np.sin(2*tmp[2])
	res = res.reshape(res.shape[:1]+shape)