Exemplo n.º 1
 def getitem_helper(self, sel):
     if type(sel) != tuple: sel = (sel, )
     assert len(sel) < 3, "Too many indices in slice"
     detslice = sel[0] if len(sel) > 0 else slice(None)
     sampslice = sel[1] if len(sel) > 1 else slice(None)
     assert isinstance(sampslice,
                       slice), "Sample part of slice must be slice object"
     res = cpy.deepcopy(self)
     # These will be passed to fortran, so make them contiguous
     res.boresight = np.ascontiguousarray(
         enlib.slice.slice_downgrade(res.boresight, sampslice, axis=0))
     res.offsets = np.ascontiguousarray(res.offsets[detslice])
     res.comps = np.ascontiguousarray(res.comps[detslice])
     res.dets = res.dets[detslice]
     res.hwp = np.ascontiguousarray(
         enlib.slice.slice_downgrade(res.hwp, sampslice, axis=0))
     res.hwp_phase = np.ascontiguousarray(
         enlib.slice.slice_downgrade(res.hwp_phase, sampslice, axis=0))
         # The whole scan stuff is horrible and should be redesigned
         res.dark_tod = np.ascontiguousarray(
             enlib.slice.slice_downgrade(res.dark_tod, sampslice, axis=1))
         res.dark_cut = res.dark_cut[sel]
     except AttributeError as e:
         res.buddy_comps = res.buddy_comps[:, detslice]
         res.buddy_offs = res.buddy_offs[:, detslice]
     except AttributeError as e:
     res.cut = res.cut[sel]
     res.cut_noiseest = res.cut_noiseest[sel]
     res.noise = res.noise[sel]
     return res, detslice, sampslice
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getitem_helper(self, sel):
        """Expands sel to a detector and sample slice.
		The detector slice is straightforward. The sample slice
		may be less so. In fourier space, its effect is a rescaling
		and truncation, such that find2 = find1 * n2/n1,
		with find2_max = find1_max * n2/n1 / step, and n2 = stop-start."""
        if type(sel) != tuple: sel = (sel, )
        assert len(sel) < 3, "Too many indices in slice"
        detslice = sel[0] if len(sel) > 0 else slice(None)
        sampslice = sel[1] if len(sel) > 1 else slice(None)
        assert isinstance(sampslice,
                          slice), "Sample part of slice must be slice object"
        res = copy.deepcopy(self)
        return res, detslice, sampslice
Exemplo n.º 3
    def slice_helper(self, newlen, oldlen):
        """Returns a new Bufmap with buffer slices scaled by newlen/oldlen.
		This is used for defining slice operations."""
        buf_info = tuple(np.array(self.buf_info) * newlen / oldlen)
        buf_shape = self.buf_shape * newlen / oldlen
        data_info = [(ind, dslice,
                      slice(bslice.start * newlen / oldlen,
                            bslice.stop * newlen / oldlen))
                     for ind, dslice, bslice in self.data_info]
        return Bufmap(data_info, buf_info, buf_shape)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: scan.py Projeto: Nium14/enlib
	def get_samples(self):
		"""Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk,
		so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
		with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as hfile:
			tod = hfile["tod"].value[self.subdets]
		method = config.get("downsample_method")
		for s in self.sampslices:
			tod = resample.resample(tod, 1.0/np.abs(s.step or 1), method=method)
			s = slice(s.start, s.stop, np.sign(s.step) if s.step else None)
			tod = tod[:,s]
		res = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
		return res
Exemplo n.º 5
def broadcast_into(dmap, val, axis=None):
    """Transpose of a sum a dmap along the specified axis, or the flattened version if axis is None."""
    # Full sum
    if axis is None: dmap[:] = val
        # Non-pixel sums
        if axis < 0: axis = dmap.ndim + axis
        if axis < dmap.ndim - 2:
            for itile, otile in zip(dmap.tiles, val.tiles):
                itile[:] = np.asarray(otile)[(slice(None), ) * axis +
                                             (None, ) + (slice(None), ) *
                                             (dmap.ndim - axis - 1)]
            # Pixel sums: Sum each tile along the specified direction. Then sum tiles
            # that are on the same row/column. Then stack along the remaining row/column
            res = np.zeros(dmap.shape[:axis] + dmap.shape[axis + 1:],
            paxis = axis - (dmap.ndim - 2)
            for tile, ind in zip(dmap.tiles, dmap.loc_inds):
                pbox = dmap.geometry.tile_boxes[ind]
                if paxis == 0:
                    tile[:] = res[Ellipsis, None, pbox[0, 1]:pbox[1, 1]]
                    tile[:] = res[Ellipsis, pbox[0, 0]:pbox[1, 0], None]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,
        """DGeometry(shape, wcs, bbpix, tshape) or

		Construct a DMap geometry. When constructed explicitly from shape, wcs, etc.,
		it is a relatively expensive operation, as MPI communication is necessary.
		Constructing one based on an existing DGeometry is fast.

		bbox indicates the bounds [{from,to},{lat,lon}] of the area of the map of
		interest to each mpi task, and will in general be different for each task.
		bbpix is the same as bbox, but expressed in units of pixels.
		It is allowed to pass a list of bounding boxes, in which case each mpi task
		will have multiple work spaces.

		tshape specifies the tiling scheme to use. The global geometry will be
		split into tiles of tshape dimensions (except at the edges, as no tile
		will extend beyond the edge of the full map), and tiles will be stored
		in a distributed fashion between mpi tasks based on the degree of overlap
		with their workspaces."""
            # We are pretty lightweight, so copy everything properly. This is
            # less error prone than having changes in one object suddenly affect
            # another. comm must *not* be deepcopied, as that breaks it.
            for key in ["shape", "tshape", "comm", "dtype"]:
                setattr(self, key, getattr(shape, key))
            for key in [
                    "wcs", "tile_pos", "tile_boxes", "tile_geometry",
                    "work_geometry", "tile_ownership", "tile_glob2loc",
                    "tile_loc2glob", "tile_bufinfo", "work_bufinfo"
                setattr(self, key, copy.deepcopy(getattr(shape, key)))
        except AttributeError:
            # 1. Set up basic properties
            assert shape is not None
            if wcs is None:
                _, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 1]]) * 5 *
                                        np.pi / 180,
            if comm is None: comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
            if tshape is None: tshape = (720, 720)
            if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64
            if bbpix is None:
                if bbox is None: bbpix = [[0, 0], shape[-2:]]
                else: bbpix = box2pix(shape, wcs, bbox)
            nphi = int(np.round(np.abs(360 / wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])))
            # Reorder from/to if necessary, and expand to [:,2,2]
            bbpix = sanitize_pixbox(bbpix, shape)
            dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
            self.shape, self.wcs, self.bbpix = tuple(
                shape), wcs.deepcopy(), np.array(bbpix)
            self.tshape, self.dtype, self.comm = tuple(tshape), dtype, comm

            # 2. Set up workspace descriptions
            work_geometry = [
                    wcs, (slice(b[0, 0], b[1, 0]), slice(b[0, 1], b[1, 1])),
                    nowrap=True) for b in bbpix
            # 3. Define global workspace ownership
            nwork = utils.allgather([len(bbpix)], comm)
            wown = np.concatenate(
                [np.full(n, i, dtype=int) for i, n in enumerate(nwork)])
            # 3. Define tiling. Each tile has shape tshape, starting from the (0,0) corner
            #    of the full map. Tiles at the edge are clipped, as pixels beyond the edge
            #    of the full map may have undefined wcs positions.
            tbox = build_tiles(shape, tshape)
            bshape = tbox.shape[:2]
            tbox = tbox.reshape(-1, 2, 2)
            ntile = len(tbox)
            tile_indices = np.array(
                [np.arange(ntile) / bshape[1],
                 np.arange(ntile) % bshape[1]]).T
            # 4. Define tile ownership.
            # a) For each task compute the overlap of each tile with its workspaces, and
            #    concatenate across tasks to form a [nworktot,ntile] array.
            wslices = select_nonempty(  # slices into work
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(bbpix, tbox), comm,
                                 axis=0),  # normal
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(bbpix + [0, nphi], tbox),
                                 axis=0))  # wrapped
            tslices = select_nonempty(  # slices into tiles
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(tbox, bbpix), comm,
                                 axis=1),  # normal
                utils.allgatherv(utils.box_slice(tbox, bbpix + [0, nphi]),
                                 axis=1))  # wrapped
            # b) Compute the total overlap each mpi task has with each tile, and use this
            # to decide who should get which tiles
            overlaps = utils.box_area(wslices)
            overlaps = utils.sum_by_id(overlaps, wown, 0)
            town = assign_cols_round_robin(overlaps)
            # Map tile indices from local to global and back
            tgmap = [[] for i in range(comm.size)]
            tlmap = np.zeros(ntile, dtype=int)
            for ti, id in enumerate(town):
                tlmap[ti] = len(tgmap[id])  # glob 2 loc
                tgmap[id].append(ti)  # loc  2 glob
            # 5. Define tiles
            tile_geometry = [
                    shape, wcs,
                    (slice(tb[0, 0], tb[1, 0]), slice(tb[0, 1], tb[1, 1])))
                for tb in tbox
            # 6. Define mapping between work<->wbuf and tiles<->tbuf
            wbufinfo = np.zeros([2, comm.size], dtype=int)
            tbufinfo = np.zeros([2, comm.size], dtype=int)
            winfo, tinfo = [], []
            woff, toff = 0, 0
            prelen = np.product(shape[:-2])
            for id in xrange(comm.size):
                ## Buffer info to send to alltoallv
                wbufinfo[1, id] = woff
                tbufinfo[1, id] = toff
                # Slices for transfering to and from w buffer. Loop over all of my
                # workspaces and determine the slices into them and how much we need
                # to send.
                for tloc, tglob in enumerate(np.where(town == id)[0]):
                    for wloc, wglob in enumerate(
                            np.where(wown == comm.rank)[0]):
                        ws = wslices[wglob, tglob]
                        wlen = utils.box_area(ws) * prelen
                        work_slice = (Ellipsis, slice(ws[0, 0], ws[1, 0]),
                                      slice(ws[0, 1], ws[1, 1]))
                        wbuf_slice = slice(woff, woff + wlen)
                        winfo.append((wloc, work_slice, wbuf_slice))
                        woff += wlen
                # Slices for transferring to and from t buffer. Loop over all
                # my tiles, and determine how much I have to receive from each
                # workspace of each task.
                for tloc, tglob in enumerate(np.where(town == comm.rank)[0]):
                    for wloc, wglob in enumerate(np.where(wown == id)[0]):
                        ts = tslices[tglob, wglob]
                        tlen = utils.box_area(ts) * prelen
                        tile_slice = (Ellipsis, slice(ts[0, 0], ts[1, 0]),
                                      slice(ts[0, 1], ts[1, 1]))
                        tbuf_slice = slice(toff, toff + tlen)
                        tinfo.append((tloc, tile_slice, tbuf_slice))
                        toff += tlen
                wbufinfo[0, id] = woff - wbufinfo[1, id]
                tbufinfo[0, id] = toff - tbufinfo[1, id]
            wbufinfo, tbufinfo = tuple(wbufinfo), tuple(tbufinfo)
            # TODO: store tbox? loc_geometry vs. tile_geometry, etc.
            # 7. Store
            # [ntile,2]: position of each (global) tile in grid
            self.tile_pos = tile_indices
            # [ntile,2,2]: pixel box for each (global) tile
            self.tile_boxes = tbox
            # [ntile,(shape,wcs)]: geometry of each (global) tile
            self.tile_geometry = tile_geometry
            # [nwork,(shape,wcs)]: geometry of each local workspace
            self.work_geometry = work_geometry
            # [ntile]: rank of owner of each tile
            self.tile_ownership = town
            # [ntile]: local index of each (global) tile
            self.tile_glob2loc = tlmap
            # [nloc]:  global index of each local tile
            self.tile_loc2glob = tgmap[comm.rank]
            # Communication buffers
            self.tile_bufinfo = Bufmap(tinfo, tbufinfo, toff)
            self.work_bufinfo = Bufmap(winfo, wbufinfo, woff)