Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_get(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(exc.NoSuchEntity, r'Password'):
     no_match = passwords.get(0, assert_exists=False)
     self.assertIs(None, no_match)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getPassword(self, password_id, include_history=False):
     Get the specified password record (decrypted) and optionally password history.
     :param password_id: The ID of password to lookup.
     :type password_id: int
     :param include_history: Whether to include history (previous passwords) for this password.
     :type include_history: bool
     pw = passwords.get(password_id)
     auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_VIEW, target=pw)
     return pw.to_dict(decrypt=True, include_history=include_history)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def reveal(self, password_id, _=None):
     (AJAX) Returns the specified password.  (This is a separate action for the purposes of auditing.)
     (jquery will pass an additional _ arg for no-caching purposes.)
     pw = passwords.get(password_id)
     if not pw:
         raise ValueError("Invalid password specified: {0}".format(password_id))
     auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_VIEW, target=pw)
     return pw.password_decrypted
Exemplo n.º 4
def backup_database():
    Backups entire database contents to a YAML file which is encrypted using the password
    from a specified mapped password in the database.
        dir_mode = int(config.get("backups.dir_mode", "0700"), 8)
        file_mode = int(config.get("backups.file_mode", "0600"), 8)

        # Before we do anything, validate the configuration.
        if not os.path.exists(config["backups.path"]):
            # Attempt to make the directories.
            os.makedirs(config["backups.path"], mode=dir_mode)

        if not config.get("backups.encryption.password_id"):
            raise exc.ConfigurationError(
                "Cannot backup without configured password_id (backups.encryption.password_id)"

            pw = passwords.get(config["backups.encryption.password_id"])
        except exc.NoSuchEntity as x:
            raise exc.ConfigurationError(
                "Configured backups.encryption.password_id does not exist in database: {0}".format(x)

        backup_fname = datetime.now().strftime("backup-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M.gpg")

        msg = "Backing up database to {fname}, secured by password id={pw.id}, resource={resource.name}[{resource.id}]"
        log.info(msg.format(fname=backup_fname, pw=pw, resource=pw.resource))

        exporter = GpgYamlExporter(passphrase=pw.password_decrypted, use_tags=True, include_key_metadata=True)

        encrypted_stream = BytesIO()
        encrypted_stream.seek(0)  # Just to ensure it's rewound

        backup_file = os.path.join(config["backups.path"], backup_fname)
        with open(backup_file, "w") as fp:

        os.chmod(backup_file, file_mode)
        log.critical("Error backing up database.", exc_info=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_duplicate_username(form, field):    
    username = field.data
    existing = resource = None
    if hasattr(form, 'resource_id'):
        # It's being added
        resource = resources.get(form.resource_id.data)
        existing = resource.passwords.filter_by(username=username).first()
    elif hasattr(form, 'password_id'):
        # Lookup from pw_id
        pw = passwords.get(form.password_id.data)
        resource = pw.resource
        q = resource.passwords.filter_by(username=username)
        q = q.filter(Password.id != pw.id) # @UndefinedVariable
        existing = q.first()
        raise Exception("Unexpected condition.")
    if existing:
        raise ValidationError("Username \"{0}\" already exists for this resource \"{1}\".".format(username, resource.name))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def view(self, password_id):
     pw = passwords.get(password_id)
     auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_VIEW, target=pw)
     return render('password/view.html', {'password': pw})
Exemplo n.º 7
 def edit(self, password_id):
     pw = passwords.get(password_id)
     form = PasswordEditForm(request_params(), obj=pw, password_id=pw.id)
     return render('password/edit.html', {'form': form})