Exemplo n.º 1
class LabelItalicFontCommand(AbstractCommand):
    """ The LabelNormalFontCommand class is a command that sets an italic font
    for a label's text.

    #### 'ICommand' interface #################################################

    # The data being operated on.
    data = Instance(Label)

    # The name of the command.
    name = Unicode("&Italic font")

    # 'ICommand' interface.

    def do(self):
        # Save the old value.
        self._saved = self.data.style

        # Calling redo() is a convenient way to update the model now that the
        # old value is saved.

    def redo(self):
        self.data.style = 'italic'

    def undo(self):
        self.data.style = self._saved
Exemplo n.º 2
class IWizard(IDialog):
    """ The interface for all pyface wizards. """

    #### 'IWizard' interface ##################################################

    # The pages in the wizard.
    pages = List(IWizardPage)

    # The wizard controller provides the pages displayed in the wizard, and
    # determines when the wizard is complete etc.
    controller = Instance(IWizardController)

    # Should the 'Cancel' button be displayed?
    show_cancel = Bool(True)

    #### 'IWindow' interface ##################################################

    # The dialog title.
    title = Unicode('Wizard')

    # 'IWizard' interface.

    def next(self):
        """ Advance to the next page in the wizard. """

    def previous(self):
        """ Return to the previous page in the wizard. """
Exemplo n.º 3
class ManagePolicyPermission(Permission):
    """The standard permission for managing permissions policies."""

    #### 'Permission' interface ###############################################

    id = Str('ets.permissions.manage_policy')

    description = Unicode(u"Manage permissions policy")

    bootstrap = Bool(True)
Exemplo n.º 4
class ManageUsersPermission(Permission):
    """The standard permission for managing permissions users."""

    #### 'Permission' interface ###############################################

    id = Str('ets.permissions.manage_users')

    description = Unicode(u"Manage users")

    bootstrap = Bool(True)
Exemplo n.º 5
        class AcmeUIPreferencesHelper(PreferencesHelper):
            """ A helper! """

            # The path to the preferences node that contains our preferences.
            preferences_path = 'acme.ui'

            # The traits that we want to initialize from preferences.
            bgcolor = Str('blue')
            width = Int(50)
            ratio = Float(1.0)
            visible = Bool(True)
            description = Unicode(u'description')
            offsets = List(Int, [1, 2, 3, 4])
            names = List(Str, ['joe', 'fred', 'jane'])
Exemplo n.º 6
class LoginAction(Action):
    """An action that authenticates the current user."""

    #### 'Action' interface ###################################################

    name = Unicode("Log&in...")

    # 'Action' interface.

    def perform(self, event):
        """Perform the action."""

Exemplo n.º 7
class LabelDecrementSizeAction(LabelAction):
    """ The LabelDecrementSizeAction class is a action that decreases the size
    of a label's text.

    #### 'Action' interface ###################################################

    # The name of the action.
    name = Unicode("&Decrement size")

    # 'Action' interface.

    def perform(self, event):
Exemplo n.º 8
class StartRecordingAction(Action):
    """An action that starts the recording of changes to scriptable objects to
    a script."""

    #### 'Action' interface ###################################################

    name = Unicode("Start recording")

    # 'Action' interface.

    def perform(self, event):
        """ Perform the action. """

Exemplo n.º 9
class IHeadingText(Interface):
    """ Heading text. """

    #### 'IHeadingText' interface #############################################
    # Heading level.
    # fixme: Currently we ignore anything but one, but in future we could
    # have different visualizations based on the level.
    level = Int(1)

    # The heading text.
    text = Unicode('Default')
    # The background image.
    image = Instance(ImageResource)
Exemplo n.º 10
class LabelItalicFontAction(LabelAction):
    """ The LabelNormalFontAction class is a action that sets an italic font
    for a label's text.

    #### 'Action' interface ###################################################

    # The name of the action.
    name = Unicode("&Italic font")

    # 'Action' interface.

    def perform(self, event):
        self.obj.style = 'italic'
Exemplo n.º 11
class _ChangePasswordAction(Action):
    """An action that allows the current user to change their password.  It
    isn't exported through actions/api.py because it is specific to this user
    manager implementation."""

    #### 'Action' interface ###################################################

    enabled = Bool(False)

    name = Unicode("&Change Password...")

    # 'object' interface.

    def __init__(self, **traits):
        """Initialise the object."""

        super(_ChangePasswordAction, self).__init__(**traits)

            self._refresh_enabled, 'user_authenticated')

    # 'Action' interface.

    def perform(self, event):
        """Perform the action."""

        um = get_permissions_manager().user_manager

    # Private interface.

    def _refresh_enabled(self, user):
        """Invoked whenever the current user's authorisation state changes."""

        self.enabled = user is not None
Exemplo n.º 12
class LabelDecrementSizeCommand(AbstractCommand):
    """ The LabelDecrementSizeCommand class is a command that decreases the
    size of a label's text.  This command will merge multiple decrements

    #### 'ICommand' interface #################################################

    # The data being operated on.
    data = Instance(Label)

    # The name of the command.
    name = Unicode("&Decrement size")

    #### Private interface ####################################################

    _decremented_by = Int

    # 'ICommand' interface.

    def do(self):
        self._decremented_by = 1

    def merge(self, other):
        # We can merge if the other command is the same type (or a sub-type).
        if isinstance(other, type(self)):
            self._decremented_by += 1
            merged = True
            merged = False

        return merged

    def redo(self):

    def undo(self):
Exemplo n.º 13
class LogoutAction(Action):
    """An action that unauthenticates the current user."""

    #### 'Action' interface ###################################################

    enabled = Bool(False)

    name = Unicode("Log&out")

    # 'object' interface.

    def __init__(self, **traits):
        """Initialise the object."""

        super(LogoutAction, self).__init__(**traits)

            self._refresh_enabled, 'user_authenticated')

    # 'Action' interface.

    def perform(self, event):
        """Perform the action."""


    # Private interface.

    def _refresh_enabled(self, user):
        """Invoked whenever the current user's authorisation state changes."""

        self.enabled = user is not None
Exemplo n.º 14
class UserMenuManager(MenuManager):
    """A menu that contains all the actions related to users and permissions.

    #### 'MenuManager' interface ##############################################

    id = 'User'

    name = Unicode("&User")

    # 'object' interface.

    def __init__(self, **traits):
        """Initialise the object."""

        pm = get_permissions_manager()

        # Put them in a group so we can optionally append (because the PyFace
        # API doesn't do what you expect with append()).
        group = Group()


        for act in pm.user_manager.user_actions:


        for act in pm.user_manager.management_actions:

        for act in pm.policy_manager.management_actions:

        super(UserMenuManager, self).__init__(group, **traits)
Exemplo n.º 15
class TestTraits(HasTraits):
    b = Bool(False)
    i = Int(7)
    l = Long(1234567890123456789L)
    f = Float(math.pi)
    c = Complex(complex(1.01234, 2.3))
    n = Any
    s = Str('String')
    u = Unicode(u'Unicode')
    inst = Instance(A)
    tuple = Tuple
    list = List
    pure_list = List(range(5))
    dict = Dict
    numeric = Array(value=numpy.ones((2, 2, 2), 'f'))
    ref = Array
    _tvtk = Instance(tvtk.Property, ())

    def __init__(self):
        self.inst = A()
        self.tuple = (1, 2, 'a', A())
        self.list = [1, 1.1, 'a', 1j, self.inst]
        self.dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'ref': self.inst}
        self.ref = self.numeric
Exemplo n.º 16
class ViewMenuManager(MenuManager):
    """ The 'View' menu.

    By default, this menu is displayed on the main menu bar.


    #### 'ActionManager' interface ############################################

    # All of the groups in the manager.
    groups = List(Group)

    # The manager's unique identifier (if it has one).
    id = Str('View')

    #### 'MenuManager' interface ##############################################

    # The menu manager's name (if the manager is a sub-menu, this is what its
    # label will be).
    name = Unicode('&View')

    #### 'ViewMenuManager' interface ##########################################

    # Should the perspective menu be shown?
    show_perspective_menu = Bool(True)

    # The workbench window that the menu is part of.
    window = Instance('enthought.pyface.workbench.api.WorkbenchWindow')

    #### 'Private' interface ##################################################

    # The group containing the view hide/show actions.
    _view_group = Any

    # 'ActionManager' interface.

    def _groups_default(self):
        """ Trait initializer. """

        groups = []

        # Add a group containing the perspective menu (if requested).
        if self.show_perspective_menu and len(self.window.perspectives) > 0:

        # Add a group containing a 'toggler' for all visible views.
        self._view_group = self._create_view_group(self.window)

        # Add a group containing an 'Other...' item that will launch a dialog
        # to allow the user to choose a view to show.

        return groups

    # 'ViewMenuManager' interface.

    def refresh(self):
        """ Refreshes the checked state of the actions in the menu. """

        logger.debug('refreshing view menu')

        if self._view_group is not None:
            self._initialize_view_group(self.window, self._view_group)
            self.changed = True


    # Private interface.

    def _clear_group(self, group):
        """ Remove all items in a group. """

        # fixme: Fix this API in PyFace so there is only one call!


    def _create_other_group(self, window):
        """ Creates a group containing the 'Other...' action. """

        group = Group()
        group.append(ShowViewAction(name='Other...', window=window))

        return group

    def _create_view_group(self, window):
        """ Creates a group containing the view 'togglers'. """

        group = Group()
        self._initialize_view_group(window, group)

        return group

    def _initialize_view_group(self, window, group):
        """ Initializes a group containing the view 'togglers'. """

        views = window.views[:]
        views.sort(None, lambda view: view.name)

        for view in views:
            # fixme: It seems a little smelly to be reaching in to the window
            # layout here. Should the 'contains_view' method be part of the
            # window interface?
            if window.layout.contains_view(view):
                    ToggleViewVisibilityAction(view=view, window=window))

Exemplo n.º 17
class Employee(HasTraits):
    name = Unicode(label=u"姓名")
    department = Unicode(label=u"部门")
    salary = Int(label=u"薪水")
    bonus = Int(label=u"奖金")
    view = View("name", "department", "salary", "bonus")