Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, root_tag=None, filename=""):
        self.Width = 0
        self.Height = 0
        self.Length = 0
        self.Blocks = array([], "uint8")
        self.Data = array([], "uint8")
        self.Spawn = (0, 0, 0)
        self.filename = filename

        if root_tag:

            self.root_tag = root_tag
            mapTag = root_tag["Map"]
            self.Width = mapTag["Width"].value
            self.Length = mapTag["Length"].value
            self.Height = mapTag["Height"].value

            mapTag["Blocks"].value.shape = (self.Height, self.Length, self.Width)

            self.Blocks = swapaxes(mapTag["Blocks"].value, 0, 2)

            mapTag["Data"].value.shape = (self.Height, self.Length, self.Width)

            self.Data = swapaxes(mapTag["Data"].value, 0, 2)

            self.BlockLight = self.Data & 0xf

            self.Data >>= 4

            self.Spawn = [mapTag[Spawn][i].value for i in range(3)]

            if "Entities" not in root_tag:
                root_tag["Entities"] = nbt.TAG_List()
            self.Entities = root_tag["Entities"]

            # xxx fixup Motion and Pos to match infdev format
            def numbersToDoubles(ent):
                for attr in "Motion", "Pos":
                    if attr in ent:
                        ent[attr] = nbt.TAG_List([nbt.TAG_Double(t.value) for t in ent[attr]])

            for ent in self.Entities:

            if "TileEntities" not in root_tag:
                root_tag["TileEntities"] = nbt.TAG_List()
            self.TileEntities = root_tag["TileEntities"]
            # xxx fixup TileEntities positions to match infdev format
            for te in self.TileEntities:
                pos = te["Pos"].value

                (x, y, z) = self.decodePos(pos)

                TileEntity.setpos(te, (x, y, z))

            localPlayerList = [tag for tag in root_tag["Entities"] if tag['id'].value == 'LocalPlayer']
            if len(localPlayerList) == 0:  # omen doesn't make a player entity
                playerTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()
                playerTag['id'] = nbt.TAG_String('LocalPlayer')
                playerTag['Pos'] = nbt.TAG_List([nbt.TAG_Float(0.), nbt.TAG_Float(64.), nbt.TAG_Float(0.)])
                playerTag['Rotation'] = nbt.TAG_List([nbt.TAG_Float(0.), nbt.TAG_Float(45.)])
                self.LocalPlayer = playerTag

                self.LocalPlayer = localPlayerList[0]

            log.info(u"Creating new Indev levels is not yet implemented.!")
            raise ValueError("Can't do that yet")
Exemplo n.º 2
def fillBlocksIter(level, box, blockInfo, blocksToReplace=(), noData=False):
    if box is None:
        chunkIterator = level.getAllChunkSlices()
        box = level.bounds
        chunkIterator = level.getChunkSlices(box)

    log.info("Replacing {0} with {1}".format(blocksToReplace, blockInfo))

    changesLighting = True
    blocktable = None
    if len(blocksToReplace):
        blocktable = blockReplaceTable(blocksToReplace)

        newAbsorption = level.materials.lightAbsorption[blockInfo.ID]
        oldAbsorptions = [level.materials.lightAbsorption[b.ID] for b in blocksToReplace]
        changesLighting = False
        for a in oldAbsorptions:
            if a != newAbsorption:
                changesLighting = True

        newEmission = level.materials.lightEmission[blockInfo.ID]
        oldEmissions = [level.materials.lightEmission[b.ID] for b in blocksToReplace]
        for a in oldEmissions:
            if a != newEmission:
                changesLighting = True

    tileEntity = None
    if blockInfo.stringID in TileEntity.stringNames.keys():
        split_ver = level.gameVersion.split('.')
        if 'Unknown' not in split_ver and "PE" not in split_ver and int(split_ver[0]) >= 1 and int(split_ver[1]) >= 11:
            tileEntity = "minecraft:{}".format(blockInfo.stringID)
            tileEntity = TileEntity.stringNames[blockInfo.stringID]

    blocksIdToReplace = [block.ID for block in blocksToReplace]

    blocksList = []
    append = blocksList.append
    defsIds = level.defsIds
    if tileEntity and box is not None:
        for (boxX, boxY, boxZ) in box.positions:
            if blocktable is None or level.blockAt(boxX, boxY, boxZ) in blocksIdToReplace:
                tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity, defsIds=defsIds)
                TileEntity.setpos(tileEntityObject, (boxX, boxY, boxZ))

    i = 0
    skipped = 0
    replaced = 0

    for (chunk, slices, point) in chunkIterator:
        i += 1
        if i % 100 == 0:
            log.info(u"Chunk {0}...".format(i))
        yield i, box.chunkCount

        blocks = chunk.Blocks[slices]
        data = chunk.Data[slices]
        mask = slice(None)

        needsLighting = changesLighting

        if blocktable is not None:
            mask = blocktable[blocks, data]

            blockCount = mask.sum()
            replaced += blockCount

            # don't waste time relighting and copying if the mask is empty
            if blockCount:
                blocks[:][mask] = blockInfo.ID
                if not noData:
                    data[mask] = blockInfo.blockData
                skipped += 1
                needsLighting = False

            def include(tileEntity):
                p = TileEntity.pos(tileEntity)
                x, y, z = map(lambda a, b, c: (a - b) - c, p, point, box.origin)
                return not ((p in box) and mask[x, z, y])

            chunk.TileEntities[:] = filter(include, chunk.TileEntities)

            blocks[:] = blockInfo.ID
            if not noData:
                data[:] = blockInfo.blockData

        chunkBounds = chunk.bounds
        smallBoxSize = (1, 1, 1)
        tileEntitiesToEdit = [t for t in blocksList if chunkBounds.intersect(BoundingBox(TileEntity.pos(t), smallBoxSize)).volume > 0]

        for tileEntityObject in tileEntitiesToEdit:

    if len(blocksToReplace):
        log.info(u"Replace: Skipped {0} chunks, replaced {1} blocks".format(skipped, replaced))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, root_tag=None, filename=""):
        self.Width = 0
        self.Height = 0
        self.Length = 0
        self.Blocks = array([], uint8)
        self.Data = array([], uint8)
        self.Spawn = (0, 0, 0)
        self.filename = filename

        if root_tag:

            self.root_tag = root_tag
            mapTag = root_tag[Map]
            self.Width = mapTag[Width].value
            self.Length = mapTag[Length].value
            self.Height = mapTag[Height].value

            mapTag[Blocks].value.shape = (self.Height, self.Length, self.Width)

            self.Blocks = swapaxes(mapTag[Blocks].value, 0, 2)

            mapTag[Data].value.shape = (self.Height, self.Length, self.Width)

            self.Data = swapaxes(mapTag[Data].value, 0, 2)

            self.BlockLight = self.Data & 0xf

            self.Data >>= 4

            self.Spawn = [mapTag[Spawn][i].value for i in range(3)]

            if not Entities in root_tag:
                root_tag[Entities] = nbt.TAG_List()
            self.Entities = root_tag[Entities]

            # xxx fixup Motion and Pos to match infdev format
            def numbersToDoubles(ent):
                for attr in "Motion", "Pos":
                    if attr in ent:
                        ent[attr] = nbt.TAG_List(
                            [nbt.TAG_Double(t.value) for t in ent[attr]])

            for ent in self.Entities:

            if not TileEntities in root_tag:
                root_tag[TileEntities] = nbt.TAG_List()
            self.TileEntities = root_tag[TileEntities]
            # xxx fixup TileEntities positions to match infdev format
            for te in self.TileEntities:
                pos = te["Pos"].value

                (x, y, z) = self.decodePos(pos)

                TileEntity.setpos(te, (x, y, z))

            if len(
                    filter(lambda x: x['id'].value == 'LocalPlayer',
            ) == 0:  # omen doesn't make a player entity
                p = nbt.TAG_Compound()
                p['id'] = nbt.TAG_String('LocalPlayer')
                p['Pos'] = nbt.TAG_List(
                p['Rotation'] = nbt.TAG_List(
                    [nbt.TAG_Float(0.), nbt.TAG_Float(45.)])

                # self.saveInPlace()

            info(u"Creating new Indev levels is not yet implemented.!")
            raise ValueError("Can't do that yet")
Exemplo n.º 4
def fillBlocksIter(level, box, blockInfo, blocksToReplace=(), noData=False):
    if box is None:
        chunkIterator = level.getAllChunkSlices()
        box = level.bounds
        chunkIterator = level.getChunkSlices(box)

    log.info("Replacing {0} with {1}".format(blocksToReplace, blockInfo))

    changesLighting = True
    blocktable = None
    if len(blocksToReplace):
        blocktable = blockReplaceTable(blocksToReplace)

        newAbsorption = level.materials.lightAbsorption[blockInfo.ID]
        oldAbsorptions = [
            level.materials.lightAbsorption[b.ID] for b in blocksToReplace
        changesLighting = False
        for a in oldAbsorptions:
            if a != newAbsorption:
                changesLighting = True

        newEmission = level.materials.lightEmission[blockInfo.ID]
        oldEmissions = [
            level.materials.lightEmission[b.ID] for b in blocksToReplace
        for a in oldEmissions:
            if a != newEmission:
                changesLighting = True

    tileEntity = None
    if blockInfo.stringID in TileEntity.stringNames.keys():
        split_ver = level.gameVersion.split('.')
        if 'Unknown' not in split_ver and int(split_ver[0]) >= 1 and int(
                split_ver[1]) >= 11:
            tileEntity = "minecraft:{}".format(blockInfo.stringID)
            tileEntity = TileEntity.stringNames[blockInfo.stringID]

    blocksIdToReplace = [block.ID for block in blocksToReplace]

    blocksList = []
    append = blocksList.append
    defsIds = level.defsIds
    if tileEntity and box is not None:
        for (boxX, boxY, boxZ) in box.positions:
            if blocktable is None or level.blockAt(boxX, boxY,
                                                   boxZ) in blocksIdToReplace:
                tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity,
                TileEntity.setpos(tileEntityObject, (boxX, boxY, boxZ))

    i = 0
    skipped = 0
    replaced = 0

    for (chunk, slices, point) in chunkIterator:
        i += 1
        if i % 100 == 0:
            log.info(u"Chunk {0}...".format(i))
        yield i, box.chunkCount

        blocks = chunk.Blocks[slices]
        data = chunk.Data[slices]
        mask = slice(None)

        needsLighting = changesLighting

        if blocktable is not None:
            mask = blocktable[blocks, data]

            blockCount = mask.sum()
            replaced += blockCount

            # don't waste time relighting and copying if the mask is empty
            if blockCount:
                blocks[:][mask] = blockInfo.ID
                if not noData:
                    data[mask] = blockInfo.blockData
                skipped += 1
                needsLighting = False

            def include(tileEntity):
                p = TileEntity.pos(tileEntity)
                x, y, z = map(lambda a, b, c: (a - b) - c, p, point,
                return not ((p in box) and mask[x, z, y])

            chunk.TileEntities[:] = filter(include, chunk.TileEntities)

            blocks[:] = blockInfo.ID
            if not noData:
                data[:] = blockInfo.blockData

        chunkBounds = chunk.bounds
        smallBoxSize = (1, 1, 1)
        tileEntitiesToEdit = [
            t for t in blocksList if chunkBounds.intersect(
                BoundingBox(TileEntity.pos(t), smallBoxSize)).volume > 0

        for tileEntityObject in tileEntitiesToEdit:


    if len(blocksToReplace):
        log.info(u"Replace: Skipped {0} chunks, replaced {1} blocks".format(
            skipped, replaced))
Exemplo n.º 5
def fillBlocksIter(level, box, blockInfo, blocksToReplace=(), noData=False):
    if box is None:
        chunkIterator = level.getAllChunkSlices()
        box = level.bounds
        chunkIterator = level.getChunkSlices(box)

    log.info("Replacing {0} with {1}".format(blocksToReplace, blockInfo))

    changesLighting = True
    blocktable = None
    if len(blocksToReplace):
        blocktable = blockReplaceTable(blocksToReplace)

        newAbsorption = level.materials.lightAbsorption[blockInfo.ID]
        oldAbsorptions = [level.materials.lightAbsorption[b.ID] for b in blocksToReplace]
        changesLighting = False
        for a in oldAbsorptions:
            if a != newAbsorption:
                changesLighting = True

        newEmission = level.materials.lightEmission[blockInfo.ID]
        oldEmissions = [level.materials.lightEmission[b.ID] for b in blocksToReplace]
        for a in oldEmissions:
            if a != newEmission:
                changesLighting = True

    tileEntity = None
    for tileEntityName in TileEntity.otherNames.keys():
        if tileEntityName in blockInfo.name:
            tileEntity = TileEntity.otherNames[tileEntityName]

    blocksIdToReplace = [block.ID for block in blocksToReplace]

    blocksList = []
    if tileEntity and box is not None:
            for (boxX, boxY, boxZ) in box.positions:
                if blocktable is None or level.blockAt(boxX, boxY, boxZ) in blocksIdToReplace:
                    blocksList.append((boxX, boxY, boxZ))

    i = 0
    skipped = 0
    replaced = 0

    for (chunk, slices, point) in chunkIterator:
        i += 1
        if i % 100 == 0:
            log.info(u"Chunk {0}...".format(i))
        yield i, box.chunkCount

        blocks = chunk.Blocks[slices]
        data = chunk.Data[slices]
        mask = slice(None)

        needsLighting = changesLighting

        if blocktable is not None:
            mask = blocktable[blocks, data]

            blockCount = mask.sum()
            replaced += blockCount

            # don't waste time relighting and copying if the mask is empty
            if blockCount:
                blocks[:][mask] = blockInfo.ID
                if not noData:
                    data[mask] = blockInfo.blockData
                skipped += 1
                needsLighting = False

            def include(tileEntity):
                p = TileEntity.pos(tileEntity)
                x, y, z = map(lambda a, b, c: (a - b) - c, p, point, box.origin)
                return not ((p in box) and mask[x, z, y])

            chunk.TileEntities[:] = filter(include, chunk.TileEntities)

            blocks[:] = blockInfo.ID
            if not noData:
                data[:] = blockInfo.blockData

        if blocksList:
            for position in blocksList:
                tileEntityObject = TileEntity.Create(tileEntity)
                TileEntity.setpos(tileEntityObject, position)

    if len(blocksToReplace):
        log.info(u"Replace: Skipped {0} chunks, replaced {1} blocks".format(skipped, replaced))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, root_tag=None, filename=""):
        self.Width = 0
        self.Height = 0
        self.Length = 0
        self.Blocks = array([], uint8)
        self.Data = array([], uint8)
        self.Spawn = (0, 0, 0)
        self.filename = filename

        if root_tag:

            self.root_tag = root_tag
            mapTag = root_tag[Map]
            self.Width = mapTag[Width].value
            self.Length = mapTag[Length].value
            self.Height = mapTag[Height].value

            mapTag[Blocks].value.shape = (self.Height, self.Length, self.Width)

            self.Blocks = swapaxes(mapTag[Blocks].value, 0, 2)

            mapTag[Data].value.shape = (self.Height, self.Length, self.Width)

            self.Data = swapaxes(mapTag[Data].value, 0, 2)

            self.BlockLight = self.Data & 0xf

            self.Data >>= 4

            self.Spawn = [mapTag[Spawn][i].value for i in range(3)]

            if not Entities in root_tag:
                root_tag[Entities] = nbt.TAG_List()
            self.Entities = root_tag[Entities]

            # xxx fixup Motion and Pos to match infdev format
            def numbersToDoubles(ent):
                for attr in "Motion", "Pos":
                    if attr in ent:
                        ent[attr] = nbt.TAG_List([nbt.TAG_Double(t.value) for t in ent[attr]])
            for ent in self.Entities:

            if not TileEntities in root_tag:
                root_tag[TileEntities] = nbt.TAG_List()
            self.TileEntities = root_tag[TileEntities]
            # xxx fixup TileEntities positions to match infdev format
            for te in self.TileEntities:
                pos = te["Pos"].value

                (x, y, z) = self.decodePos(pos)

                TileEntity.setpos(te, (x, y, z))

            if len(filter(lambda x: x['id'].value == 'LocalPlayer', root_tag[Entities])) == 0:  # omen doesn't make a player entity
                p = nbt.TAG_Compound()
                p['id'] = nbt.TAG_String('LocalPlayer')
                p['Pos'] = nbt.TAG_List([nbt.TAG_Float(0.), nbt.TAG_Float(64.), nbt.TAG_Float(0.)])
                p['Rotation'] = nbt.TAG_List([nbt.TAG_Float(0.), nbt.TAG_Float(45.)])

                # self.saveInPlace()

            info(u"Creating new Indev levels is not yet implemented.!")
            raise ValueError("Can't do that yet")