def crawl(website, shard, conn): name = 'foo-bar' task = 'crawl' count_for_checkpoint_pid = 20 if get_finished(conn, task, shard): print 'Task %s at Shard %d finished.' % (task, shard) return for loop_count, pid in enumerate(enum(conn, task, shard)): # remember where we are, so we can resume # this pid will be retried when resume if (loop_count+1) % count_for_checkpoint_pid == 0: set_last_pid(conn, task, shard, pid) url = '' % (website, name, pid) print url profile = r.table('profile').get(pid).run(conn) if profile: print '%s existed.' % (url,) continue try: cp = CandidatePage.from_url(url) except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError, e: cp = None pass if not cp: continue try: cp_dict = cp.to_dict() cp_dict['pid'] = pid r.table('profile').insert( cp.to_dict() ).run(conn) except RqlRuntimeError, e: print e
class ImageAnnotation(Observable): """ Annotation localized on an image. Position is in mm, expressed as (z,y,x). Can fire the following events : * position : old_value * label : old_value * shape : old_value * size : old_value * color : old_value * filled : old_value * comment : old_value """ Shape = enum("Shape", "sphere", "cube", "cross", "point") def __init__(self, position=None, label=None, shape=None, size=None, color=None, filled=None, comment=None): Observable.__init__(self, [ "position", "label", "shape", "size", "color", "filled", "comment" ]) # Position in image space self.position = position if position is not None else [0., 0., 0.] self.label = label or "" # Integer, value in ImageAnnotation.Shape self.shape = shape or ImageAnnotation.Shape.sphere self.size = size or 0. # RGB color, each component in 0,1 range self.color = color or [0., 0., 0.] self.filled = filled or False self.comment = comment or "" def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr in [ "position", "label", "shape", "size", "color", "filled", "comment" ]: old_value = getattr(self, attr, None) object.__setattr__(self, attr, value) self.notify_observers(attr, old_value=old_value) else: Observable.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
def printData(fname,data, lcoords, format="dat"): """ Given a data file with coordinates list print a gnuplot .dat file IN: fname = the output file name data = numpy ndarray containing data in the format value=V[i,j,...] lcoords = tuple of lists containing the coordinates (x1,x2,x3): this are the values assigned by the enum function format = the output format, supports: .dat (gnuplot-like), csv (comma separated values) """ f = open(fname+"."+format,"w+") if len(data.shape) != len(lcoords): print "ERROR: data and coordinates are inconsistent" raise ValueError caps=[] for l in lcoords: caps.append(len(l)) enu = enum(caps) for i in range(enu.maxidx): levels = enu.tolevels(i) lout="" for ci, cc in zip(levels,lcoords): if format == "dat": lout= lout + "{0:4f} ".format(float(cc[ci])) elif format == "csv": lout= lout + "{0:.4f},".format(float(cc[ci])) value = data[levels] if format == "dat": lout = lout + "{0:8f}\n".format(float(value)) if levels[-1] == caps[-1]-1: lout = lout + "\n" elif format == "csv": lout = lout + "{0:.8f}\n".format(float(value)) f.write(lout)
def __init__(self, resolution=(1280, 800)): """ Images for reference on the board """ self.images = { 'settings': scvImage('./images/board/settings.png'), 'friends': scvImage('./images/board/friends.png'), 'windowed': scvImage('./images/board/windowed.png'), 'confirm_button': scvImage('./images/board/confirm_button.png'), 'ogrimmar': scvImage('./images/board/ogrimmar.png'), 'pandaria': scvImage('./images/board/pandaria.png'), 'stormwind': scvImage('./images/board/stormwind.png'), 'stranglethornVale': scvImage('./images/board/stranglethornVale.png') } """ Bounding boxes of the targets """ self.UpLeft = None self.UpRight = None self.DownLeft = None self.DownRight = None self.__enemy_card_position = (None, None) self.__turn_button_position = (None, None) """ Game Boards """ self.GameBoards = enum('Ogrimmar', 'Pandaria', 'Stormwind', 'StranglethornVale') self.__game_board = None self.heigth = 0 self.width = 0 self.board_img = None """ Resolution of the board (game) """ self.resolution = resolution
def duration(conn, shard): task = 'duration' for loop_count, pid in enumerate(enum(conn, task, shard)): profile = r.table('profile').get(pid).run(conn) if not profile: print '%s not existed.' % (pid,) continue #print profile positions = profile.get('positions') if not positions: continue durations = map(lambda x:x.get('duration'), positions) if not any(durations): continue for days in durations: if days is None: continue months = int(days)/30 print 'month %d incremented.' % (months,) r.table('duration').get(months).update({'n': r.row['n'] + 1}).run(conn)
class Player(ServerEntity): __slots__ = "state", "__somsgbuf" State = enum("LOGGING_IN", "ACTIVE") def __init__(self, opensock): ServerEntity.__init__(self) self.__somsgbuf = SocketMessageBuffer(opensock) self.state = self.State.LOGGING_IN def disconnect(self): self.__somsgbuf.get_socket().close() def socket_fileno(self): return self.__somsgbuf.fileno() def needs_writing(self): return self.__somsgbuf.pending_out() def read_incoming(self): return self.__somsgbuf.receive_more() def write_outgoing(self): return self.__somsgbuf.send_pending() def get_message(self): return self.__somsgbuf.get_message() def post_message(self, title, *pargs, **kwargs): return self.__somsgbuf.post_message(title, *pargs, **kwargs) def setattr(self, key, value): print key, value assert False def get_remote_address(self): return self.__somsgbuf.get_socket().getpeername()
class Intersection(qn.Server): """Intersection where cars move between roads.""" pass class ExitPoint(Intersection): """Intersection where cars can exit the simulation.""" pass # Enumerate the server types. ServerTypes = enum.enum( PARKING_LOT=ParkingLot, INTERSECTION=Intersection, EXIT_POINT=ExitPoint, ) def get_server_types(): """Accessor method for server types.""" server_types = [getattr(ServerTypes, name) for name in dir(ServerTypes) if not name.startswith('_')] return server_types # Roads. def TimeToDrive(road): """Computes time taken to reach back of the line at other end of the road.
class PluginConnection(object): currently_supported_clients = [ 'SUBLIME_TEXT_2', 'SUBLIME_TEXT_3', 'BRACKETS' ] PluginClients = enum(SUBLIME_TEXT_2='SUBLIME_TEXT_2', SUBLIME_TEXT_3='SUBLIME_TEXT_3', ATOM='ATOM', BRACKET='BRACKETS', NOTEPAD_PLUS_PLUS='NOTEPAD_PLUS_PLUS', TEXTMATE='TEXTMATE') def __init__(self, params={}, **kwargs): params = dict(params.items() + kwargs.items()) #join params and kwargs self.params = params self.operation = params.get('operation', None) self.args = params.get('args', None) self.plugin_client = params.get( 'client', 'SUBLIME_TEXT_3') #=> "Sublime Text", "Notepad++", "TextMate" if self.plugin_client not in self.currently_supported_clients: self.plugin_client = 'SUBLIME_TEXT_3' self.project_name = params.get('project_name', None) self.project_location = params.get('project_location', None) self.plugin_client_settings = self.get_plugin_client_settings() if self.project_location == None: self.workspace = params.get('workspace', self.get_workspace()) else: self.workspace = os.path.dirname(self.project_location) if self.project_name != None and self.project_location == None: self.project_location = os.path.join(self.workspace, self.project_name) self.project_id = params.get('project_id', None) self.project = None self.sfdc_api_version = self.get_sfdc_api_version() self.ui = params.get( 'ui', False ) #=> whether this connection was created for the purposes of generating a UI self.verbose = params.get('verbose', False) if 'wsdl_path' in params: util.WSDL_PATH = params.get('wsdl_path') self.setup_logging() if self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_timeout', None) != None: socket.setdefaulttimeout( self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_timeout')) debug('') debug('--------------------------------------------') debug('---------- NEW OPERATION REQUESTED ---------') debug('--------------------------------------------') debug('') debug(self.operation) debug(self.args) debug(params) debug('') debug('--------------------------------------------') if self.sfdc_api_version != None: util.SFDC_API_VERSION = self.sfdc_api_version #setting api version based on plugin settings util.set_endpoints() if self.operation != 'new_project' and self.operation != 'upgrade_project' and self.operation != 'new_project_from_existing_directory' and self.project_location != None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.project_location)): raise MMException('Could not find project in workspace: ' + self.workspace) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.project_location, "config", ".settings")): raise MMException( 'This does not seem to be a valid MavensMate project, missing config/.settings' ) #if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.project_location,"src","package.xml")): # raise MMException('This does not seem to be a valid MavensMate project, missing package.xml') if self.project_name != None and self.project_name != '' and not os.path.exists( self.project_location ) and self.operation != 'new_project_from_existing_directory' and self.operation != 'new_project': raise MMException('The project could not be found') elif self.project_name != None and self.project_name != '' and os.path.exists( os.path.join( self.workspace, self.project_name)) and self.operation == 'new_project': raise MMException( 'A project with this name already exists in your workspace. To create a MavensMate project from an existing non-MavensMate project, open the project directory in Sublime Text, right click the project name in the sidebar and select "Create MavensMate Project"' ) elif self.project_name != None and self.project_name != '' and os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.workspace, self.project_name) ) and self.operation != 'new_project_from_existing_directory': params['location'] = self.project_location params['ui'] = self.ui def setup_logging(self): if self.get_log_level() != None: if self.get_log_location() != None: try: config.logger.handlers = [] config.suds_logger.handlers = [] handler = RotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( self.get_log_location(), "mm.log"), maxBytes=10 * 1024 * 1024, backupCount=5) config.logger.addHandler(handler) config.suds_logger.addHandler(handler) config.requests_log.addHandler(handler) except: pass log_level = self.get_log_level() if log_level == 'CRITICAL': config.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) config.requests_log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) elif log_level == 'ERROR': config.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) config.requests_log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif log_level == 'WARNING': config.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) config.requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif log_level == 'DEBUG': config.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) config.requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif log_level == 'INFO': config.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) config.requests_log.setLevel(logging.INFO) #returns the workspace for the current connection (/Users/username/Workspaces/MavensMate) def get_workspace(self): mm_workspace_path = None mm_workspace_setting = self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_workspace') if type(mm_workspace_setting) is list and len( mm_workspace_setting) > 0: mm_workspace_path = mm_workspace_setting[0] #grab the first path else: mm_workspace_path = mm_workspace_setting #otherwise, it's a string, set it if mm_workspace_path == None or mm_workspace_path == '': raise MMException( "Please set mm_workspace to the location where you'd like your mavensmate projects to reside" ) elif not os.path.exists(mm_workspace_path): try: os.makedirs(mm_workspace_path) except: raise MMException("Unable to create mm_workspace location") return mm_workspace_path #returns the list of workspaces def get_workspaces(self): workspaces = [] mm_workspace_setting = self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_workspace') if type(mm_workspace_setting) is list and len( mm_workspace_setting) == 0: raise MMException("mm_workspace not properly set") if type(mm_workspace_setting) is list and len( mm_workspace_setting) > 0: workspaces = mm_workspace_setting else: workspaces = [mm_workspace_setting] return workspaces #returns the MavensMate settings as a dict for the current plugin def get_plugin_client_settings(self): user_path = self.get_plugin_settings_path("User") def_path = self.get_plugin_settings_path("MavensMate") settings = {} workspace = self.params.get('workspace', None) if self.project_name != None and workspace != None: try: settings['project'] = util.parse_json_from_file( os.path.join(workspace, self.project_name, self.project_name + '.sublime-settings')) except: debug('Project settings could not be loaded') if not user_path == None: try: settings['user'] = util.parse_json_from_file(user_path) except: debug('User settings could not be loaded') if not def_path == None: try: settings['default'] = util.parse_json_from_file(def_path) except: raise MMException( 'Could not load default MavensMate settings.') if settings == {}: raise MMException( 'Could not load MavensMate settings. Please ensure they contain valid JSON' ) return settings def get_plugin_settings_path(self, type="User", obj="mavensmate.sublime-settings"): if self.plugin_client == self.PluginClients.SUBLIME_TEXT_3: sublime_ver = "Sublime Text 3" elif self.plugin_client == self.PluginClients.SUBLIME_TEXT_2: sublime_ver = "Sublime Text 2" if sys.platform == 'darwin': if 'SUBLIME_TEXT' in self.plugin_client: if sublime_ver == "Sublime Text 3": if os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Library", "Application Support", sublime_ver, "Packages", type, obj)): return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Library", "Application Support", sublime_ver, "Packages", type, obj) else: return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Library", "Application Support", "Sublime Text", "Packages", type, obj) else: return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Library", "Application Support", sublime_ver, "Packages", type, obj) elif 'BRACKETS' in self.plugin_client: if type == "User": return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Library", "Application Support", "Brackets", "extensions", "user", "mavensmate-user-settings.json") else: return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Library", "Application Support", "Brackets", "extensions", "user", "mavensmate", "settings.json") elif sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'cygwin': return os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], sublime_ver, 'Packages', type, obj) elif sys.platform == 'linux2': return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".config", "sublime-text-3", "Packages", type, obj) else: return None def get_plugin_client_setting(self, key, default=None): if self.plugin_client_settings != None: if 'project' in self.plugin_client_settings and key in self.plugin_client_settings[ "project"]: return self.plugin_client_settings["project"][key] if 'user' in self.plugin_client_settings and key in self.plugin_client_settings[ "user"]: return self.plugin_client_settings["user"][key] if 'default' in self.plugin_client_settings and key in self.plugin_client_settings[ "default"]: return self.plugin_client_settings["default"][key] return default def run_subl_command(self, command, params): if self.plugin_client != self.PluginClients.SUBLIME_TEXT_3: raise MMException('unsupported operation') if sys.platform == 'darwin': client_location = self.get_plugin_client_setting( 'mm_plugin_client_location') plugin_app_name = self.get_plugin_client_setting( 'mm_osx_plugin_client_app_name') if client_location == None: client_location = '/Applications' if plugin_app_name == None: plugin_app_name = 'Sublime Text' if os.path.exists( os.path.join('{0}/{1}'.format(client_location, plugin_app_name))): os.system( "'{0}/{1}/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl' --command '{2} {3}'" .format(client_location, plugin_app_name, command, params)) elif os.path.exists( os.path.join( '{0}/Sublime Text'.format(client_location))): os.system( "'{0}/Sublime Text' --command '{1} {2}'" .format(client_location, command, params)) else: os.system( "'{0}/Sublime' --command '{1} {2}'" .format(client_location, command, params)) elif 'linux' in sys.platform: subl_location = self.get_plugin_client_setting( 'mm_subl_location', '/usr/local/bin/subl') os.system("'{0}' --command '{1} {2}'".format( subl_location, os.path.join(self.project.location, command, params))) else: subl_location = self.get_plugin_client_setting( 'mm_windows_subl_location') if not os.path.isfile( subl_location) and "x86" not in subl_location: subl_location = subl_location.replace("Program Files", "Program Files (x86)") params = params.replace('"', '\"') cmd = '"{0}" --command "{1} {2}"'.format( subl_location, os.path.join(self.project.location, command, params)) def get_log_level(self): try: return self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_log_level') except: return None def get_log_location(self): try: return self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_log_location') except: return None def get_sfdc_api_version(self): try: return self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_api_version') except: return None def get_app_settings_directory(self): if sys.platform == 'darwin': if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'MavensMate')): os.makedirs( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'MavensMate')) return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'MavensMate') elif 'linux' in sys.platform: if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'mavensmate')): os.makedirs( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'mavensmate')) return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'mavensmate') elif sys.platform == 'win32': if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'MavensMate')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'MavensMate')) return os.path.join( os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'MavensMate')) def sign_in_with_github(self, creds): try: response = github.sign_in(creds) if 'message' in response: return util.generate_error_response(response['message']) elif 'authentication' in response: src = open( os.path.join(self.get_app_settings_directory(), '.github.json'), "wb") src.write(json.dumps(response, sort_keys=False, indent=4)) src.close() return util.generate_success_response( 'Connected to GitHub successfully!') else: return util.generate_error_response(response) except Exception, e: return util.generate_error_response( "Error connecting to GitHub: " + e.message)
import signal import os import switch import rotary import logging PandoraEvent = enum.enum( ARTIST_BOOKMARK="artistbookmark", SONG_BAN="songban", SONG_BOOKMARK="songbookmark", SONG_EXPLAIN="songexplain", SONG_FINISH="songfinish", SONG_LOVE="songlove", SONG_MOVE="songmove", SONG_SHELF="songshelf", SONG_START="songstart", STATION_ADD_MUSIC="stationaddmusic", STATION_ADD_SHARED="stationaddshared", STATION_CREATE="stationcreate", STATION_DELETE="stationdelete", STATION_FETCH_PLAYLIST="stationfetchplaylist", STATION_QUICK_MIX_TOGGLE="stationquickmixtoggle", STATION_RENAME="stationrename", USER_GET_STATIONS="usergetstations", PANDORA_CONTROLLER_QUIT="pandoracontrollerquit") PandoraData = enum.enum( ARTIST="artist", TITLE="title", ALBUM="album",
- F9_KEY - F10_KEY - F11_KEY - F12_KEY - DELETE_KEY - HELP_KEY ''' import platform import gwindow from enum import enum EventClassType = enum( NULL_EVENT = 0x000, \ ACTION_EVENT = 0x010, \ KEY_EVENT = 0x020, \ TIMER_EVENT = 0x040, \ WINDOW_EVENT = 0x080, \ MOUSE_EVENT = 0x100, \ CLICK_EVENT = 0x200, \ ANY_EVENT = 0x3F0) EventType = enum( WINDOW_CLOSED = EventClassType.WINDOW_EVENT + 1, \ WINDOW_RESIZED = EventClassType.WINDOW_EVENT + 2, \ ACTION_PERFORMED = EventClassType.ACTION_EVENT + 1, \ MOUSE_CLICKED = EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 1, \ MOUSE_PRESSED = EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 2, \ MOUSE_RELEASED = EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 3, \ MOUSE_MOVED = EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 4, \ MOUSE_DRAGGED = EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 5, \ KEY_PRESSED = EventClassType.KEY_EVENT + 1, \ KEY_RELEASED = EventClassType.KEY_EVENT + 2, \ KEY_TYPED = EventClassType.KEY_EVENT + 3, \
from enum import enum tcp_states = enum('CLOSED', 'SYN_SENT', 'SYN_RECV', 'LISTEN', 'ESTABLISHED', 'CLOSE_WAIT', 'LAST_ACK', 'FIN_WAIT1', 'FIN_WAIT2', 'CLOSING', 'TIME_WAIT')
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup try: from libs import requests except: path = kodi.vfs.join(kodi.get_path(), "libs") sys.path.append(path) import requests from enum import enum class installerException(Exception): pass tva_user = '******' # Define source types SOURCES = enum(DEFAULT=0, REPO=1, ZIP=2, SUPER=3, NATIVE=4) def update_addons(): return save_file = kodi.vfs.join(kodi.get_profile(), "install.log") if vfs.exists(save_file): temp = kodi.load_data(save_file, format='json', compress=True) else: temp = {} kodi.open_busy_dialog() v = kodi.get_kodi_version() from sqlite3 import dbapi2 dbf = kodi.vfs.join("special://profile/Database", "Addons20.db") if v >= 17: dbf = kodi.vfs.join("special://profile/Database", "Addons27.db") SQL = """SELECT installed.addonID, addons.version from installed
class CT200(object): """\ CT200 적외선 온도센서의 RS485 프로토콜을 구현한 클래스이다. _로 시작하는 메소드는 private 로 간주하고, all 이 붙어있는 메소드는 연결된 전체 센서에 대한 명령으로 이해하면 된다. >>> config = {"tty" : "/dev/ttyUSB0", "id" : [1, 2], "retry" : 3} sensor = CT200 (config) print sensor.readalltemperature () ... """ FUNCTION_CODE = enum.enum(READ_TEMP=0x03, READ_EMIS=0x04, WRITE_ID=0x06, WRITE_EMIS=0x06) DEFAULT_BAUDRATE = 19200 def __init__(self, config): """\ 클래스 생성자로 딕셔너리형식의 설정을 인자로 한다. :param config: CT200 센서를 위한 설정 config["tty"] -- RS485 통신을 위한 포트 config["id"] -- 연결된 적외선 온도센서의 아이디 리스트 config["retry"] -- 통신실패시 재시도 회수 >>> config = {"tty" : "/dev/ttyUSB0", "id" : [1, 2], "retry" : 3} """ self.retry = config["retry"] self.ser = serial.Serial(config["tty"], CT200.DEFAULT_BAUDRATE) self.ser.close() self.devices = [] for devid in config["id"]: dev = {"id": devid, "target": [], "environs": []} self.devices.append(dev) @staticmethod def _crc(bytearr): """ CT200 이 사용하는 CRC를 계산한다. :param bytearr: CRC를 계산하기위한 바이트 배열 :return: 2byte CRC 값 """ crc = 0xFFFF for bchar in bytearr: crc ^= bchar for _ in range(8): flag = crc & 0x0001 crc >>= 1 if flag: crc ^= 0xA001 return crc @staticmethod def _getresponselength(func): """ 응답별로 응답의 길이를 알려준다. """ if func == CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.READ_TEMP: return 9 elif func == CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.READ_EMIS: return 7 return 8 def _getdevice(self, devid): """\ 내부 버퍼에 저장된 장비에 관한 정보를 읽어온다. :param devid: 장비아이디 """ for device in self.devices: if device["id"] == devid: return device return None def clearall(self): """ 내부적으로 측정치 평균을 내기 위해 들고 있는 내부 임시 버퍼값을 모두 삭제한다. """ for device in self.devices: device["target"] = [] device["environs"] = [] def clear(self, devid): """ 특정 장비아이디(devid)를 가진 센서의 내부 임시 버퍼값을 삭제한다. :param devid: 장비아이디 """ device = self._getdevice(devid) if device: device["target"] = [] device["environs"] = [] def getallaverage(self): """ 내부 임시 버퍼값을 이용하여 센서별 평균치를 계산해준다. """ ret = [] for device in self.devices: ret.append(self.getaverage(device["id"])) return ret def getaverage(self, devid): """\ 특정 장비아이디(devid)를 가진 센서의 평균치를 계산해준다. :param devid: 장비아이디 :return: 평균 온도값 """ device = self._getdevice(devid) if device: if len(device["target"]) == 0: return (0, 0) target = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, device["target"]) \ / len(device["target"]) environs = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, device["environs"]) \ / len(device["environs"]) return {"id": devid, "target": target, "environs": environs} return None def readalltemperature(self): """ 모든 장비로 부터 순차적으로 온도정보를 읽어옵니다. """ ret = [] for device in self.devices: ret.append(self.readtemperature(device["id"])) return ret def readtemperature(self, devid): """\ 특정 장비아이디(devid)를 가진 센서의 온도정보를 읽어옵니다. :param devid: 장비아이디 :return: 성공시 읽어온 온도값, 없는 장비아이디이거나 실패시 None """ device = self._getdevice(devid) if device == None: sys.stderr.write("no device with " + str(devid) + "\n") return None request = array.array( "B", [devid, CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.READ_TEMP, 0x04, 0xB0, 0x00, 0x02]) for _ in range(self.retry): if self._writemsg(request): response = self._readmsg(CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.READ_TEMP) if response: target = struct.unpack('>h', response[3:5])[0] / 10.0 environs = struct.unpack('>h', response[5:7])[0] / 10.0 device["target"].append(target) device["environs"].append(environs) return { "id": devid, "target": target, "environs": environs } sys.stderr.write("fail to get response.\n") else: sys.stderr.write("fail to send request.\n") sys.stderr.write("Retry to read temperature.\n") return None def writeid(self, devid): """\ 연결된 장비에 입력된 아이디(devid)를 배정합니다. 주의) 여러장비가 연결되어 있으면 안됩니다. :param devid: 장비아이디 :return: 성공시 true, 실패시 false """ request = array.array( "B", [0xFF, CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.WRITE_ID, 0x03, 0xe8, 0x00, devid]) for _ in range(self.retry): if self._writemsg(request): response = self._readmsg(CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.WRITE_ID) if response: if response[5] == request[5]: return True else: sys.stderr.write("The device gave a well-formed \ response, but the id was not changed.\n") return False sys.stderr.write("fail to get response.\n") else: sys.stderr.write("fail to send request.\n") sys.stderr.write("Retry to write id.\n") sys.stderr.write("Fail to write id.\n") return False def setemissivity(self, emissivity): """\ 장비에 방사율을 설정합니다. :param emissivity: 방사율 값으로 0.01에서 0.99까지 설정이 가능합니다. :return: 성공하면 true, 실패하거나 방사율값이 범위를 벗어나면 false """ if emissivity < 0.01 or emissivity > 0.99: sys.stderr.write("Emissivity should be between 0.01 and 0.99.\n") return False emis = int(emissivity * 100) request = array.array( "B", [0xFF, CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.WRITE_EMIS, 0x03, 0x20, 0x00, emis]) for _ in range(self.retry): if self._writemsg(request): response = self._readmsg(CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.WRITE_EMIS) if response: if response[5] == request[5]: return True else: sys.stderr.write("The device gave a well-formed \ response, but the emissivity was not changed.\n") return False sys.stderr.write("fail to get response.\n") else: sys.stderr.write("fail to send request.\n") sys.stderr.write("Retry to set emissivity.\n") sys.stderr.write("Fail to set emissivity.\n") return False def getemissivity(self, devid): """\ 특정 장비아이디(devid)를 가진 센서의 방사율을 읽어옵니다. :param devid: 장비아이디 :return: 성공시 방사율, 없는 장비아이디이거나 실패시 None """ device = self._getdevice(devid) if device == None: sys.stderr.write("no device with " + str(devid) + "\n") return None request = array.array( "B", [devid, CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.READ_EMIS, 0x03, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01]) for _ in range(self.retry): if self._writemsg(request): response = self._readmsg(CT200.FUNCTION_CODE.READ_EMIS) if response: return response[4] / 100.0 sys.stderr.write("fail to get response.\n") else: sys.stderr.write("fail to send request.\n") sys.stderr.write("Retry to get emissivity.\n") sys.stderr.write("Fail to get emissivity.\n") return None def _readmsg(self, func): """ CT200으로 부터 전달되는 응답을 읽어줍니다. """ length = CT200._getresponselength(func) try: self.ser.setRTS(1) self.ser.setDTR(1) buf = except serial.SerialException as ex: sys.stderr.write("fail to read : " + str(ex)) raise bytearr = array.array("B", buf) rescrc = struct.unpack('H', bytearr[-2:]) if CT200._crc(bytearr[:-2]) == rescrc[0]: return bytearr[:-2] else: sys.stderr.write("fail to check crc. message would be dropped.\n") sys.stderr.write(str(bytearr) + "\n") return None def _writemsg(self, request): """ CT200으로 요청을 전송합니다. """ bytearr = request.tostring() + struct.pack('H', CT200._crc(request)) try: self.ser.setDTR(0) self.ser.setRTS(0) time.sleep(0.500) self.ser.write(bytearr[0]) self.ser.flush() time.sleep(0.001) self.ser.write(bytearr[1:]) self.ser.flush() time.sleep(0.005) except serial.SerialTimeoutException: return False except serial.SerialException as ex: sys.stderr.write("fail to write : " + str(ex)) raise return True
class CommError(Exception): pass class BadCRC(Exception): pass commands = enum(CONVERTTEMP=0x44, RSCRATCHPAD=0xbe, WSCRATCHPAD=0x4e, CPYSCRATCHPAD=0x48, RECEEPROM=0xb8, RPWRSUPPLY=0xb4, SEARCHROM=0xf0, READROM=0x33, MATCHROM=0x55, SKIPROM=0xcc, ALARMSEARCH=0xec) class OneWire(): """ Implementation of various 1-wire functions """ def __init__(self, simulated=False): if simulated: self.uart = simulator.UART() else:
__author__ = 'Jan Veverka' __copyright__ = 'Unknown' __credits__ = [] __licence__ = 'Unknown' __version__ = '0.1.1' __maintainer__ = 'Jan Veverka' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' __status__ = 'Development' import os import json import enum ## Enumerates different types of JSON meta files. Type = enum.enum('MacroMerger', 'MiniEoR', 'Unknown') #______________________________________________________________________________ class Filename(object): ''' Takes a filename of a meta-data file, parses it and stores the results in its attributes. The given path is required to be of the form run<N>_ls<M>_*_*.jsn with <N> and <M> denoting integers, eventually padded with zeroes: >>> Filename('foo') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Bad filename `foo', expect `.jsn' extension!
try: if kodi.get_setting('fanart_proxy_remote') == 'true': client_host = kodi.get_setting('fanart_proxy_host') client_port = kodi.get_setting('fanart_proxy_port') client_protocol = kodi.get_setting('fanart_proxy_protocol') else: client_host = '' client_port = kodi.get_setting('control_port', 'service.fanart.proxy') client_protocol = kodi.get_setting('control_protocol', 'service.fanart.proxy') BASE_FANART_URL = '%s://%s:%s/api/images' % (client_protocol, client_host, client_port) except: BASE_FANART_URL = '' DEFAULT_VIEWS = enum( DEFAULT=550, LIST=int(kodi.get_setting('default_list_view')) if kodi.get_setting('default_list_view') else 550, MOVIES=int(kodi.get_setting('default_movie_view')) if kodi.get_setting('default_movie_view') else 550, SHOWS=int(kodi.get_setting('default_show_view')) if kodi.get_setting('default_show_view') else 550, SEASONS=int(kodi.get_setting('default_season_view')) if kodi.get_setting('default_season_view') else 550, EPISODES=int(kodi.get_setting('default_episode_view')) if kodi.get_setting('default_episode_view') else 550, STREAMS=int(kodi.get_setting('default_stream_view')) if kodi.get_setting('default_stream_view') else 550, )
print("[GAMEJOLT]", "Missing gamejolt.json file!") # Globals PORT = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 8080 TICK_SEC = 20 TICK = 1.0 / TICK_SEC GAME_TICKS = TICK_SEC * 30 TTL = TICK_SEC * 7 MAX_PLAYERS = 8 HSPEED = 6.5 VSPEED = 18 GRAVITY = 0.8 DRAG = 0.35 HVEL = HSPEED * (pow(DRAG, 4) + pow(DRAG, 3) + pow(DRAG, 2) + DRAG + 1) msg = enum( "msg", "join leave game update login init endgame win dead info leaderboard lobbyinfo" ) # Main Game class class Game(object): def __init__(self, game_num, tick_sec, game_ticks): self.num = game_num = "game_{}".format(self.num) self.title = "[GAME {}]".format(self.num) self.actors = [] self.players = [] self.started = False self.finished = False
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */""" # Known licenses License = enum('LGPL', 'MIPS', 'JPEG', 'OGG_MA_MR_2005') # Tuple describing license and similarity to the FFmpeg LGPL reference for a # given file. See KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS. FileInfo = collections.namedtuple('FileInfo', 'license, license_digest') # Most files in FFmpeg are LGPL, but there are a few exceptions that are worth # bucketing together to avoid redundant license texts. The hex values are # digests of the comment header, used to detect changes in the unlikely event # that their license texts are altered. Any changes will require manual review # to decide whether the to update the bucketing. KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS = [ # Files that are LGPL but just miss the similarity cutoff. [ 'libavcodec/codec_desc.c', License.LGPL, '091f9c6d1efc62038e516f5c67263962'
from enum import enum SourceMode = enum(VOLTAGE=1, CURRENT=2, COMMON=3)
import unittest from enum import enum Resources = enum('Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Iron', 'Brick', 'Glass', 'Bank') Firms = [Resources.Red, Resources.Green, Resources.Blue] Goods = [Resources.Iron, Resources.Brick, Resources.Glass] FirmsOrGoods = Firms + Goods AllResources = Resources.reverse_mapping.keys() def isFirm(resource): return (resource >= 0 and resource <= 2); def isGoods(resource): return (resource >= 3 and resource <= 5); def nextFirm(firm): if not isFirm(firm): raise RuntimeError('Resource is not a firm ' + Resources.reverse_mapping[firm]) return (firm + 1) % 3; def nextGoods(goods): if not isGoods(goods): raise RuntimeError('Resource is not a goods ' + Resources.reverse_mapping[goods]) return ((goods - 3) + 1) % 3 + 3; def mainGoods(firm): if not isFirm(firm): raise RuntimeError('Resource is not a firm ' + Resources.reverse_mapping[firm])
class githubException(Exception): pass base_url = "" content_url = "" master_url = "" page_limit = 100 #SORT_ORDER = enum(REPO=100, PLUGIN=99, PROGRAM=98, SKIN=97, SERVICE=96, SCRIPT=95, OTHER=0) SORT_ORDER = enum(REPO=0, PLUGIN=1, PROGRAM=2, SKIN=3, SERVICE=4, SCRIPT=5, OTHER=100) def search(q, method=False): if method == 'user': return call("/search/repositories", query={ "per_page": page_limit, "q": "user:%s" % q }) if method == 'title': return call("/search/repositories", query={
GN_CONDITION_END = """} """ GN_C_SOURCES_BEGIN = """ffmpeg_c_sources += [ """ GN_GAS_SOURCES_BEGIN = """ffmpeg_gas_sources += [ """ GN_YASM_SOURCES_BEGIN = """ffmpeg_yasm_sources += [ """ GN_SOURCE_ITEM = """ "%s", """ GN_SOURCE_END = """] """ # Controls GYP conditional stanza generation. Attr = enum('ARCHITECTURE', 'TARGET', 'PLATFORM') SUPPORT_MATRIX = { Attr.ARCHITECTURE: set(['ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'arm-neon', 'mipsel', 'mips64el']), Attr.TARGET: set(['Chromium', 'Chrome', 'ChromiumOS', 'ChromeOS']), Attr.PLATFORM: set(['android', 'linux', 'win', 'mac']) } def NormalizeFilename(name): """ Removes leading path separators in an attempt to normalize paths.""" return string.lstrip(name, os.sep)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*-coding:utf-8 -* import sys, os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../formation") sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../contraintes") sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../outils") import Creneau, Seance, Td, Tp, Cm, Examen, Autre import Blocage import Fabrique, enum # enum des valeurs de clefs possible pour cette fabrique. CreneauxPossible = enum.enum('CRENEAU', 'SEANCE', 'AUTRE', 'EXAMEN', 'TD', 'TP', 'CM', 'BLOCAGE') class FabriqueCreneau(Fabrique.Fabrique): """ La fabrique qui va construire des L{Creneau} (ou des classes plus spécialisées, comme une L{Seance}, un L{Cm}, etc. USAGE : Si on veut quelque chose de particulier, il suffit de renseigner un des enum situé plus haut (CreneauxPossible). Il faudra néanmoins fournir un identifiant et un Horaire en tant qu'arguments. @author: Laurent Bardoux p1108365 @version: 1.0 """ def __init__(self): """ Le constructeur de cette fabrique de L{Creneau}.
# Neuron Model from multiprocessing import Value from enum import enum from soma import Soma from synapse import Synapse from molecule import Transporters, Receptors from photoreceptor import PhotoreceptorSoma NeuronTypes = enum( PHOTORECEPTOR = 0, GANGLION = 1 ) class Neuron: def __init__(self, neuron_id=None, base_current=0.0, neuron_type=NeuronTypes.GANGLION, environment=None): self.environment = environment self.neuron_id = neuron_id # Soma and axon threshold if neuron_type == NeuronTypes.PHOTORECEPTOR: self.soma = PhotoreceptorSoma(environment) self.axon_threshold = -9999 elif neuron_type == NeuronTypes.GANGLION: self.soma = Soma(base_current, environment) self.axon_threshold = -55.0 # Inputs self.dendrites = [] self.external_activation = Value('d', 0.0)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*-coding:utf-8 -* import os, sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/") import Contrainte, Blocage, Ressource, Precedence, Obligation, DateLimite sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../outils") import enum, Fabrique # Création de l'enum pour la fabrique Contraintes = enum.enum('PRECEDENCE', 'OBLIGATION', 'DATE_LIMITE', 'RESSOURCE') class FabriqueContrainte(Fabrique.Fabrique): """ Voici la classe qui va se charger de la création des contraintes. Via un "enum", il suffira de demander ce que l'on veut Et la fabrique nous le fournira directement, si tant est qu'on lui fourni les bons matériaux. USAGE : --> créer une Obligation : il faut un nombre en argument --> créer une Blocage : il faut un ou plusieurs nombre(s) en argument --> créer une DateLimite : il faut un nombre en argument --> créer une Precedence : il faut 2 arguments @author: Laurent Bardoux p1108365 @version: 2.0 """ def __init__(self): """
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */''' # Known licenses License = enum('LGPL', 'MIPS', 'JPEG', 'OGG_MA_MR_2005') # Tuple describing license and similarity to the FFmpeg LGPL reference for a # given file. See KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS. FileInfo = collections.namedtuple('FileInfo', 'license, license_digest') # Most files in FFmpeg are LGPL, but there are a few exceptions that are worth # bucketing together to avoid redundant license texts. The hex values are # digests of the comment header, used to detect changes in the unlikely event # that their license texts are altered. Any changes will require manual review # to decide whether the to update the bucketing. KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS = [ # Files that are LGPL but just miss the similarity cutoff. ['libavcodec/codec_desc.c', License.LGPL, '091f9c6d1efc62038e516f5c67263962'], # Files with MIPS license. ['libavcodec/mdct_fixed_32.c', License.MIPS, '179c17c9dab77f95dc6540709b5fb8cd'],
response = True # Start with high bus for device in self.devices: response &= device.frame(bitToSend) if response: self.inputBuffer.append(0xFF) # All ones in reply. else: self.inputBuffer.append(0xFE) # The first bit zero. else: # We have sent a strange byte, or have the wrong baudrate raise ValueError('Unhandled data sent on UART @ %d baud: %s' % (self.baudrate, str(data))) state = enum('reset', 'romcommand', 'idle', 'search', 'searchcomplement', 'searchselectbit') romcommand = enum(search=0xF0, read=0x33, match=0x55, skip=0xCC, alarmsearch=0xEC) class OWdevice: """ This class implements the logic of a 1-wire device. It is initialized with an ID (or generates one randomly). It can be attached to the simulated UART and will then receive data from it and will also be queried for responses. """
GN_CONDITION_END = """} """ GN_C_SOURCES_BEGIN = """ffmpeg_c_sources += [ """ GN_GAS_SOURCES_BEGIN = """ffmpeg_gas_sources += [ """ GN_YASM_SOURCES_BEGIN = """ffmpeg_yasm_sources += [ """ GN_SOURCE_ITEM = """ "%s", """ GN_SOURCE_END = """] """ # Controls GYP conditional stanza generation. Attr = enum('ARCHITECTURE', 'TARGET', 'PLATFORM') SUPPORT_MATRIX = { Attr.ARCHITECTURE: set(['ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'arm-neon', 'mipsel', 'mips64el']), Attr.TARGET: set(['Chromium', 'Chrome', 'ChromiumOS', 'ChromeOS']), Attr.PLATFORM: set(['android', 'linux', 'win', 'mac']) } def NormalizeFilename(name): """ Removes leading path separators in an attempt to normalize paths.""" return string.lstrip(name, os.sep) def CleanObjectFiles(object_files): """Removes unneeded object files due to linker errors, binary size, etc...
from enum import enum from struct import Struct ############################################## ## Parameters for the structure drawing ## ############################################## TDP_LEN_LBL = 16 TBL_TYPES = enum( itBASIC = 0, itISOTOPIC = 1, itSTEREO = 2, TDP_NUM_PAR =3 ) TBL_LABELS = enum( ilSHOWN = 0, TDP_NUM_LBL = 1 ) class TBL_DRAW_PARMS(Struct): ReqShownFoundTxt = None ReqShownFound = None nOrientation = None # 10*degrees: 0 or 2700 bDrawTbl = None class SET_DRAW_PARMS(Struct): # input only: how to draw or calculate tdp = None ulDisplTime = None bOrigAtom = None
sys.path.append('../build/swig') sys.path.append('../build/.libs') import artifastring_instrument ARTIFASTRING_SAMPLE_RATE = artifastring_instrument.ARTIFASTRING_INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_RATE HAPTIC_DOWNSAMPLE_FACTOR = artifastring_instrument.HAPTIC_DOWNSAMPLE_FACTOR import vivi_controller import actions_file import collections import monowav import midi_pos import enum COMMANDS = enum.enum('BOW', 'FINGER', 'TENSION', 'UNSAFE', 'RESET') ArtifastringInit = collections.namedtuple('ArtifastringInit', """ instrument_type, instrument_number, """) HOPSIZE = artifastring_instrument.NORMAL_BUFFER_SIZE; import os ### portaudio should use plughw os.environ['PA_ALSA_PLUGHW'] = '1' import pyaudio def make_audio_stream():
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*-coding:utf-8 -* import sys, os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../../outils") import enum, Fabrique import ExporteurIcs import ExporteurTxt exporteurs = enum.enum('TXT', 'ICS') class FabriqueExporteur(Fabrique.Fabrique): """ La classe chargée de créer les exporteurs, afin d'assurer que ce soit la seule à devoir etre importer dans les fichiers nécéssitants une exportation. Cela assure une faible dépendance envers toute une arborescence de classes. @author: Laurent Bardoux p1108365 @version: 1.0 """ def __init__(self): """ Construit une instance de FabriqueExporteur. Cela va initialiser le dictionaire interne à toutes les Fabriques @param self: L'argument implicite. On peut ajouter des L{Exporteur} simplement en modifiant le dictionnaire et l'enum. """ dico = {
import datetime from bson.objectid import ObjectId from pymongo import MongoClient from enum import enum client = MongoClient() db = client["c4"] games_collection = db["games"] players_collection = db["players"] PlayerTypes = enum(SPECTATOR='spectator', HOST='host', CHALLENGER='challenger') class Game(): ''' This class wraps the MongoDB game collection Schema: - name - host_id - host_name - board - host_turn - last_access - challenger - staged_delete (used to confirm a game delete from both players when a game ends) ''' @classmethod def new(cls, name, host_id, host_name):
- F10_KEY - F11_KEY - F12_KEY - DELETE_KEY - HELP_KEY """ import platform import gwindow from enum import enum EventClassType = enum( NULL_EVENT=0x000, ACTION_EVENT=0x010, KEY_EVENT=0x020, TIMER_EVENT=0x040, WINDOW_EVENT=0x080, MOUSE_EVENT=0x100, CLICK_EVENT=0x200, ANY_EVENT=0x3F0, ) EventType = enum( WINDOW_CLOSED=EventClassType.WINDOW_EVENT + 1, WINDOW_RESIZED=EventClassType.WINDOW_EVENT + 2, ACTION_PERFORMED=EventClassType.ACTION_EVENT + 1, MOUSE_CLICKED=EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 1, MOUSE_PRESSED=EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 2, MOUSE_RELEASED=EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 3, MOUSE_MOVED=EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 4, MOUSE_DRAGGED=EventClassType.MOUSE_EVENT + 5, KEY_PRESSED=EventClassType.KEY_EVENT + 1,
import dom_parser from libs import requests from enum import enum from distutils.version import LooseVersion from libs.database import DB class githubException(Exception): pass base_url = "" content_url = "" master_url = "" page_limit = 100 #SORT_ORDER = enum(REPO=100, PLUGIN=99, PROGRAM=98, SKIN=97, SERVICE=96, SCRIPT=95, OTHER=0) SORT_ORDER = enum(REPO=0, PLUGIN=1, PROGRAM=2, SKIN=3, SERVICE=4, SCRIPT=5, OTHER=100) def search(q, method=False): if method=='user': return call("/search/repositories", query={"per_page": page_limit, "q": "user:%s" % q}) if method=='title': return call("/search/repositories", query={"per_page": page_limit, "q": "in:name+%s" % q}) else: return call("/search/repositories", query={"per_page": page_limit, "q": q}) re_plugin = re.compile("^plugin\.", re.IGNORECASE) re_service = re.compile("^service\.", re.IGNORECASE) re_script = re.compile("^script\.", re.IGNORECASE) re_repository = re.compile("^repository\.", re.IGNORECASE) re_program = re.compile("^(program\.)|(plugin\.program)", re.IGNORECASE)
### load artifastring from build dir if exists import sys sys.path.append('../build/swig') sys.path.append('../build/.libs') import artifastring_instrument ARTIFASTRING_SAMPLE_RATE = artifastring_instrument.ARTIFASTRING_INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_RATE HAPTIC_DOWNSAMPLE_FACTOR = artifastring_instrument.HAPTIC_DOWNSAMPLE_FACTOR import actions_file import collections import enum COMMANDS = enum.enum('BOW', 'FINGER', 'TENSION', 'UNSAFE', 'RESET') ArtifastringInit = collections.namedtuple('ArtifastringInit', """ instrument_type, instrument_number, """) HOPSIZE = artifastring_instrument.NORMAL_BUFFER_SIZE import os ### portaudio should use plughw os.environ['PA_ALSA_PLUGHW'] = '1' import pyaudio def make_audio_stream():
import socket import struct import socket_utils import inspect import enum import random from gameconst import * UINT32_MAX = pow(2, 32) - 1 PacketType = enum.enum("PacketType", LOBBY = 1, CREATE_PARTY = 15, PARTY_STATUS = 21, INIT = 32, ACTION = 42 ) class PartyInfo(object): """Represents a pending party, waiting for players""" SIZE = struct.calcsize("<IBBBBHII") def __init__(self, idp, ip, port, n_players, max_players): = idp self.ip = ip self.port = port self.n_players = n_players
#encoding: utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python import time import logging import os import sys from enum import enum __LOG_TYPE = enum(INFO='Info', WARN='Warning', ERR='Error') def __write_log(content,log_type, module,func): cur_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) template=""" ========================================= %s %s:%s--%s %s ========================================= """ logger=logging.getLogger() filename = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) abs_path=os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) abs_path=os.path.dirname(abs_path) handler=logging.FileHandler("%s/log/%s_%s_%s.log"%(abs_path,module,filename,log_type)) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET),log_type,module,func,content))
FISHING_STATE = enum( "FISHING_STATE", # La couleur cyan n'est pas dominante. # On vient de capturer ou de rater un triangle, la zone de jeu # est donc en train de s'illuminer en vert ou en rouge. "HIGHLIGHTED", # Le triangle est passé sur la marque rouge, on l'a détecté, # et on a envoyé le signal. # On ne renvoie pas d'autre signal juste après, sinon ça risque de faire # n'importe quoi. # Il faut attendre une surbrillance, un déplacement de la marque rouge et # l'apparition d'un nouveau triangle. "SIGNAL_SENT", # La marque rouge s'est réactualisée. On attend le triangle. # Soit il est pas là du tout, soit il est là, mais encore loin. "WAIT_FISH", # Le triangle est très proche. Il faut faire des screen shot fréquents, # afin de détecter le bon moment où le triangle passe sur la marque rouge. "FISH_NEAR", # Le triangle est pil poil sur la marque rouge. Il faut envoyer le signal. "SEND_SIGNAL", # La zone critique de perfect catch n'a pas été trouvée à l'écran, # alors qu'on aurait dû, car un triangle est présent. "CRITICAL_ZONE_NOT_FOUND", )
import pickle import traceback from commons import Frame, Size, Color, Image from detectors import FaceDetector def pack(o): return pickle.dumps(o) def unpack(s): return pickle.loads(s) OPENCV_HAAR = "/usr/share/opencv/haarcascades" Colors = enum(RED = (255, 0, 0), GREEN = (0, 0, 255), BLUE = (0, 255, 0), YELLOW = (255, 255, 0), WHITE = (255, 255, 255)) Haar = enum(FRONTAL_FACE = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml", EYE = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_eye.xml", MOUTH = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml", NOSE = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_mcs_nose.xml", BODY = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_fullbody.xml") Lbp = enum(FRONTAL_FACE = "/usr/share/opencv/lbpcascades/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml", PROFILE_FACE = "/usr/share/opencv/lbpcascades/lbpcascade_profileface.xml") VIDEO = "Temoin.mp4" #VIDEO = "palmashow.flv" FACE_TRACKER = None SKIPPED_FRAMES = 2 def write_text(frame, text, coordinate, color): cv2.putText(frame.image.array, text, coordinate, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, color, thickness = 2) #return frame def read_frames_target(input_queue, output_queue, arguments):
import enum TransactionOutcome = enum.enum( "MONEY_OUT", "MONEY_IN", "NEUTRAL")
# Enumeration for molecules. # # NEUROTRANSMITTERS: # Gluatamate: excitatory # GABA: inhibitory from enum import enum from math import exp ################# """ ENZYMES """ ################# Enzymes = enum( GLUTAMATE = 0, GABA = 1 ) ################# """ MOLECULES """ ################# class Molecule: def __init__(self, name, mol_id, enzyme_id, metab_rate): """ Molecules have a |name|, a unique identifier, a corresponding enzyme, and a rate of metabolism by that enzyme. """ = name self.mol_id = mol_id
def make_index(conn, shard, idx='company'): task = 'index' count_for_checkpoint_pid = 20 if get_finished(conn, task, shard): print 'Task %s at Shard %d finished.' % (task, shard) return for loop_count, pid in enumerate(enum(conn, task, shard)): # remember where we are, so we can resume # this pid will be retried when resume print 'indexing %s...' % (pid,) if (loop_count+1) % count_for_checkpoint_pid == 0: set_last_pid(conn, task, shard, pid) profile_idx = r.table('profile_index').get(pid).run(conn) if not profile_idx: r.table('profile_index').insert({'pid':pid, 'indices':[]}).run(conn) profile_idx = r.table('profile_index').get(pid).run(conn) indices = profile_idx['indices'] if idx in indices: print '%s indexed.' % (pid,) # this means this pid has been indexed before continue profile = r.table('profile').get(pid).run(conn) if not profile: print '%s not existed.' % (pid,) continue print profile positions = profile.get('positions') if not positions: continue entry_or_list = map(lambda x:x.get('org'), positions) if not any(entry_or_list): continue if not isinstance(entry_or_list, list): entry_or_list = [entry_or_list] primary_key = idx[0]+'id' print entry_or_list for entry in entry_or_list: if not entry: continue pids = r.table(idx).get(entry).run(conn) if not pids: pids = [] r.table(idx).insert({primary_key: entry, 'pids':pids}).run(conn) else: pids = pids.get('pids', []) print pids if pid in pids: # this means this pid's index has been processed before continue print (entry, pid) r.table(idx).get(entry).update({'pids': r.row['pids'].append(pid)}).run(conn) # tell indexer that we're done r.table('profile_index').get(pid).update({'indices': r.row['indices'].append(idx)}).run(conn) set_finished(conn, task, shard) print 'Task %s at Shard %d finished.' % (task, shard)
#!/bin/env python2 from enum import enum import cv2 from cv2 import cv from commons import Rectangle, Coordinate, Size OPENCV_HAAR = "/usr/share/opencv/haarcascades" Cascades = enum( FRONTAL_FACE = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml", EYE = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_eye.xml", MOUTH = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml", NOSE = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_mcs_nose.xml", BODY = OPENCV_HAAR + "/haarcascade_fullbody.xml" ) class FaceDetector(object): def __init__(self, image): self.image = image @staticmethod def for_image(image): return FaceDetector(image) def detect_faces(self, cascade = Cascades.FRONTAL_FACE): array = cv2.cvtColor(self.image.array, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY) array = cv2.equalizeHist(array) cascade_classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascade)
from enum import enum from pluralize import pluralize import pymysql SQL_OPERATION = enum("SQL_SELECT", "SQL_UPDATE", "SQL_DELETE", "SQL_INSERT", "SQL_NULL") BOOL_OPERATION = enum("OP_AND", "OP_OR", "OP_NULL") GROUP_OPERATION = enum("LEFT_PARAN", "RIGHT_PARAN", "NULL_PARAM") class Model(object): _has_many = [] _has_one = [] _related = [] _related_field = [] _operation = SQL_OPERATION.SQL_NULL class condition: operation = BOOL_OPERATION.OP_NULL next_cond = None group = False clause = "" def __init__(self, op, clause, group=GROUP_OPERATION.NULL_PARAM): self.operation = op self.clause = clause = group self.clause = clause
#! /usr/bin/env python ''' ------------------------| Python SOURCE FILE |------------------------ The Description of this file. @copyright: Copyright (c) by Kodiak Data, Inc. All rights reserved. ''' from enum import enum RC = enum('OK', 'ERROR', 'TIMEOUT', 'WARNING', 'MISMATCH', 'NOT_YET', 'CONTINUE', 'NOT_FOUND') class RcMsg(object): ''' Return code and its message ''' def __init__(self, rc = RC.OK, msg = None): self.rc = rc self.msg = msg def setRC(self, rc, msg=None): self.rc = rc self.msg = msg def __str__(self): if self.msg and self.msg != "": return "%s-'%s'" % (self.rc, self.msg) else: return self.rc.__repr__()
from enum import enum import json Types = enum('NUMERICAL', 'CATEGORICAL_BINARY', 'CATEGORICAL_ORDERED', 'CATEGORICAL_UNORDERED') class Column(object): def __init__(self, attribute=None, header='', type=None, categories=None): self.ATTRIBUTE = attribute self.HEADER = header self.TYPE = type self.CATEGORIES = categories class Metadata(object): def __init__(self): metadata = json.load(open('metadata.json', 'r')) self.NAME = metadata['NAME'] self.LOCATION = metadata['LOCATION'] self.IS_INDEXED = metadata['IS_INDEXED'] self.IS_LABELED = metadata['IS_LABELED'] self.COLUMNS = [] for column in metadata['COLUMNS']: self.COLUMNS.append( Column(attribute=column['attribute'], header=column['header'], type=getattr(Types, column['type']), categories=column['categories']))
class MavensMatePluginConnection(object): currently_supported_clients = ['SUBLIME_TEXT_2', 'SUBLIME_TEXT_3'] PluginClients = enum(SUBLIME_TEXT_2='SUBLIME_TEXT_2', SUBLIME_TEXT_3='SUBLIME_TEXT_3', NOTEPAD_PLUS_PLUS='NOTEPAD_PLUS_PLUS', TEXTMATE='TEXTMATE') def __init__(self, params={}, **kwargs): config.connection = self params = dict(params.items() + kwargs.items()) self.operation = params.get('operation', None) self.platform = sys.platform self.plugin_client = params.get( 'client', 'SUBLIME_TEXT_2') #=> "Sublime Text", "Notepad++", "TextMate" if self.plugin_client not in self.currently_supported_clients: self.plugin_client = 'SUBLIME_TEXT_2' self.plugin_client_version = params.get( 'client_version', '2.0.1') #=> "1.0", "1.1.1", "v1" self.plugin_client_settings = self.get_plugin_client_settings() self.workspace = self.get_workspace() self.project_name = params.get('project_name', None) self.project_location = None if self.project_name != None: self.project_location = os.path.join(self.workspace, self.project_name) self.project_id = params.get('project_id', None) self.project = None self.sfdc_api_version = self.get_sfdc_api_version() self.ui = params.get( 'ui', False ) #=> whether this connection was created for the purposes of generating a UI = self.get_chrome() self.sublime = self.get_sublime() if 'wsdl_path' in params: mm_util.WSDL_PATH = params.get('wsdl_path') self.setup_logging() if self.sfdc_api_version != None: mm_util.SFDC_API_VERSION = self.sfdc_api_version #setting api version based on plugin settings if self.operation != 'new_project' and self.operation != 'upgrade_project' and self.operation != 'new_project_from_existing_directory' and self.project_location != None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.project_location)): raise MMException('Could not find project in workspace: ' + self.workspace) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.project_location, "config", ".settings")): raise MMException( 'This does not seem to be a valid MavensMate project, missing config/.settings' ) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.project_location, "src", "package.xml")): raise MMException( 'This does not seem to be a valid MavensMate project, missing package.xml' ) if self.project_name != None and self.project_name != '' and not os.path.exists( self.project_location ) and self.operation != 'new_project_from_existing_directory' and self.operation != 'new_project': raise MMException('The project could not be found') elif self.project_name != None and self.project_name != '' and os.path.exists( self.workspace + "/" + self.project_name ) and self.operation != 'new_project_from_existing_directory': params['location'] = self.project_location params['ui'] = self.ui self.project = MavensMateProject(params) def setup_logging(self): if self.get_log_level() != None: if self.get_log_location() != None: try: config.logger.handlers = [] config.suds_logger.handlers = [] handler = logging.FileHandler(self.get_log_location() + "/mm.log") config.logger.addHandler(handler) config.suds_logger.addHandler(handler) except: pass log_level = self.get_log_level() if log_level == 'CRITICAL': config.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) elif log_level == 'ERROR': config.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif log_level == 'WARNING': config.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif log_level == 'DEBUG': config.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif log_level == 'INFO': config.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) config.suds_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) #returns the workspace for the current connection (/Users/username/Workspaces/MavensMate) def get_workspace(self): mm_workspace_setting = self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_workspace') if mm_workspace_setting == None or mm_workspace_setting == '': raise MMException( "Please set mm_workspace to the location where you'd like your mavensmate projects to reside" ) elif not os.path.exists(mm_workspace_setting): try: os.makedirs(mm_workspace_setting) except: raise MMException("Unable to create mm_workspace location") return self.get_plugin_client_setting('mm_workspace') def get_chrome(self): return self.plugin_client_settings['user']['mm_chrome'] def get_sublime(self): return self.plugin_client_settings['user']['mm_sublime'] #returns the MavensMate settings as a dict for the current plugin def get_plugin_client_settings(self): user_path = self.get_plugin_settings_path("User") def_path = self.get_plugin_settings_path("MavensMate") settings = {} if not user_path == None: try: settings['user'] = mm_util.parse_json_from_file(user_path) except: config.logger.debug('User settings could not be loaded') if not def_path == None: try: settings['default'] = mm_util.parse_json_from_file(def_path) except: raise MMException( 'Could not load default MavensMate settings.') return settings def get_plugin_settings_path(self, type="User", obj="mavensmate.sublime-settings"): if self.plugin_client == self.PluginClients.SUBLIME_TEXT_3: sublime_ver = "sublime-text-3" elif self.plugin_client == self.PluginClients.SUBLIME_TEXT_2: sublime_ver = "sublime-text-2" else: return None if self.platform == 'darwin': return os.path.expanduser( '~/Library/Application Support/{0}/Packages/{1}/{2}'.format( sublime_ver, type, obj)) elif self.platform == 'win32' or self.platform == 'cygwin': return path.join(environ['APPDATA'], sublime_ver, 'Packages', 'MavensMate') + obj elif self.platform == 'linux2': return os.path.expanduser('~/.config/{0}/Packages/{1}/{2}'.format( sublime_ver, type, obj)) else: return None def get_plugin_client_setting(self, key, default=None): if self.plugin_client_settings != None: if 'user' in self.plugin_client_settings and key in self.plugin_client_settings[ "user"]: return self.plugin_client_settings["user"][key] if 'default' in self.plugin_client_settings and key in self.plugin_client_settings[ "default"]: return self.plugin_client_settings["default"][key] return default #retrieves metadata from server, creates local project def new_project(self, params, **kwargs): try: if 'username' not in params or params['username'] == '': return mm_util.generate_error_response( 'Please specify a username') if 'password' not in params or params['password'] == '': return mm_util.generate_error_response( 'Please specify a password') if 'project_name' not in params or params['project_name'] == '': return mm_util.generate_error_response( 'Please specify a project name') if ('action' in kwargs and kwargs['action'] == 'new') or 'action' not in kwargs: if 'package' not in params or params['package'] == []: params['package'] = { 'ApexClass': '*', 'ApexComponent': '*', 'ApexPage': '*', 'ApexTrigger': '*', 'StaticResource': '*' } self.project = MavensMateProject(params) result = self.project.retrieve_and_write_to_disk() elif 'action' in kwargs and kwargs['action'] == 'existing': self.project = MavensMateProject(params) result = self.project.retrieve_and_write_to_disk('existing') if json.loads(result)['success'] == True: if self.platform == 'linux2': os.system("'" + self.sublime + "' --project '{0}'".format( self.project.location + "/" + self.project.project_name + ".sublime-project")) elif self.platform == 'darwin': if self.plugin_client == self.PluginClients.SUBLIME_TEXT_2: os.system( "'/Applications/Sublime Text' --project '{0}'" .format(self.project.location + "/" + self.project.project_name + ".sublime-project")) elif self.plugin_client == self.PluginClients.SUBLIME_TEXT_3: os.system( "'/Applications/Sublime Text' --project '{0}'" .format(self.project.location + "/" + self.project.project_name + ".sublime-project")) return result except BaseException, e: return mm_util.generate_error_response(e.message)
import pygame from pygame.locals import KEYUP, KEYDOWN from pygame import Vector2 from lumdareman import game from import * #TURN_SLACK = TILE_SIDE / 5 TURN_SLACK = 2 START_LIFES = 4 START_BOMBS = 5 START_POWER = 4 START_SPEED = 4 * TILE_SIDE / 1000 # tile/ms CTRL = enum('CTRL', ('RIGHT', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'UP', 'BOMB')) AXIS = enum('AXIS', ('HORI', 'VERT')) class make_player(pygame.sprite.DirtySprite): def __init__(self, pos_tile, ori): super().__init__() # rendering state image = SHEET[9] self._images = [ pygame.transform.flip(image, True, False), pygame.transform.rotate(image, 90), image, pygame.transform.rotate(image, -90) ] self.image = self._images[ori]