def CreateModelVariableEnum(enum_name, enum_desc, member_data): def getDesc(self): return self._enum_desc def getMemberDesc(self, name): return self._member_desc[name] values = OrderedDict() descriptions = OrderedDict() for name, value, desc in member_data: values[name] = value descriptions[name] = desc obj = IntEnum(enum_name, values) obj._enum_desc = enum_desc obj._member_desc = descriptions obj.getDesc = types.MethodType(getDesc, obj) obj.getMemberDesc = types.MethodType(getMemberDesc, obj) return obj
class Weather(Producer): """Defines a simulated weather model""" status = IntEnum("status", "sunny partly_cloudy cloudy windy precipitation", start=0) rest_proxy_url = "http://rest-proxy:8082" key_schema = None value_schema = None winter_months = set((0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11)) summer_months = set((6, 7, 8)) def __init__(self, month): super().__init__("", key_schema=Weather.key_schema, value_schema=Weather.value_schema, num_partitions=6, num_replicas=1) self.status = Weather.status.sunny self.temp = 70.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: self.temp = 40.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: self.temp = 85.0 if Weather.key_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_key.json" ) as f: Weather.key_schema = json.load(f) if Weather.value_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_value.json" ) as f: Weather.value_schema = json.load(f) def _set_weather(self, month): """Returns the current weather""" mode = 0.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: mode = -1.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: mode = 1.0 self.temp += min(max(-20.0, random.triangular(-10.0, 10.0, mode)), 100.0) self.status = random.choice(list(Weather.status)) def run(self, month): self._set_weather(month) resp = f"{rest_proxy_url}/topics/{self.topic_name}", headers={"Content-Type": "application/vnd.kafka.avro.v2+json"}, data=json.dumps({ "key_schema": json.dumps(Weather.key_schema), "value_schema": json.dumps(Weather.value_schema), "records": [{ "key": { "timestamp": self.time_millis() }, "value": { "temperature": self.temp, "status": } }] }), ) resp.raise_for_status() logger.debug( "sent weather data to kafka, temp: %s, status: %s", self.temp,, )
from enum import IntEnum KTHREAD_STATE = IntEnum( 'KTHREAD_STATE', ('Initialized', 'Ready', 'Running', 'Standby', 'Terminated', 'Waiting', 'Transition', 'DefferedReady', 'GateWaitObsolete', 'WaitingForProcessInSwap', 'MaximumThreadState'), start=0) KWAIT_REASON = IntEnum( 'KWAIT_REASON', ('Executive', 'FreePage', 'PageIn', 'PoolAllocation', 'DelayExecution', 'Suspended', 'UserRequest', 'WrExecutive', 'WrFreePage', 'WrPageIn', 'WrPoolAllocation', 'WrDelayExecution', 'WrSuspended', 'WrUserRequest', 'WrEventPair', 'WrQueue', 'WrLpcReceive', 'WrLpcReply', 'WrVirtualMemory', 'WrPageOut', 'WrRendezvous', 'WrKeyedEvent', 'WrTerminated', 'WrProcessInSwap', 'WrCpuRateControl', 'WrCalloutStack', 'WrKernel', 'WrResource', 'WrPushLock', 'WrMutex', 'WrQuantumEnd', 'WrDispatchInt', 'WrPreempted', 'WrYieldExecution', 'WrFastMutex', 'WrGuardedMutex', 'WrRundown', 'WrAlertByThreadId', 'WrDeferredPreempt', 'MaximumWaitReason'), start=0)
def _create_int_enum(name, mappings): return IntEnum(name, {k.upper(): v for k, v in mappings.items()})
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from functools import partial from enum import Enum, IntEnum from mywidgets import MyCombobox, TextEntry, MyLabel, ToolTip import paths EditableGroupAction = IntEnum('EditableGroupAction', 'new edit choose save') class EditSaveFunctionBar(ttk.Frame): """ Class provides a ttk.Frame containing 4 Buttons choose, edit, new, save """ def __init__(self, parent, callback): ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self._callback = callback self._createButtons() def _createButtons(self): # Button style s = ttk.Style() s.theme_use('clam') s.configure("My.TButton", padding=0, relief="flat", borderwidth=1) imagepath = paths.getMyWidgetsImagePath() # Button "Choose" self.dropdownpng = PhotoImage(file=imagepath + "/dropdown_22x22.png") self.chooseBtn = ttk.Button( self,
class TimeSimulation: weekdays = IntEnum("weekdays", "mon tue wed thu fri sat sun", start=0) ten_min_frequency = datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) def __init__(self, sleep_seconds=5, time_step=None, schedule=None): """Initializes the time simulation""" self.sleep_seconds = sleep_seconds self.time_step = time_step if self.time_step is None: self.time_step = datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.sleep_seconds) # Read data from disk self.raw_df = pd.read_csv( f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/data/cta_stations.csv").sort_values( "order") # Define the train schedule (same for all trains) self.schedule = schedule if schedule is None: self.schedule = { TimeSimulation.weekdays.mon: { 0: TimeSimulation.ten_min_frequency }, TimeSimulation.weekdays.tue: { 0: TimeSimulation.ten_min_frequency }, { 0: TimeSimulation.ten_min_frequency }, TimeSimulation.weekdays.thu: { 0: TimeSimulation.ten_min_frequency }, TimeSimulation.weekdays.fri: { 0: TimeSimulation.ten_min_frequency }, TimeSimulation.weekdays.sat: { 0: TimeSimulation.ten_min_frequency }, TimeSimulation.weekdays.sun: { 0: TimeSimulation.ten_min_frequency }, } self.train_lines = [] self.train_lines = [ Line(, self.raw_df[self.raw_df["blue"]]), Line(, self.raw_df[self.raw_df["red"]]), Line(, self.raw_df[self.raw_df["green"]]), ] def run(self): curr_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)"Beginning simulation, press Ctrl+C to exit at any time")"loading kafka connect jdbc source connector") configure_connector()"beginning cta train simulation") weather = Weather(curr_time.month) try: while True: logger.debug("simulation running: %s", curr_time.isoformat()) # Send weather on the top of the hour if curr_time.minute == 0: _ = [, self.time_step) for line in self.train_lines ] curr_time = curr_time + self.time_step time.sleep(self.sleep_seconds) except KeyboardInterrupt as e:"Shutting down") _ = [line.close() for line in self.train_lines]
def __str__(self): rank_string = IntEnum.__str__(self) rank_split = rank_string.partition(".") return rank_split[2]
except ImportError: errno = None EBADF = getattr(errno, "EBADF", 9) EAGAIN = getattr(errno, "EAGAIN", 11) EWOULDBLOCK = getattr(errno, "EWOULDBLOCK", 11) __all__ = ["fromfd", "getfqdn", "create_connection", "AddressFamily", "SocketKind"] __all__.extend(os._get_exports_list(_socket)) # Set up the socket.AF_* socket.SOCK_* constants as members of IntEnums for # nicer string representations. # Note that _socket only knows about the integer values. The public interface # in this module understands the enums and translates them back from integers # where needed (e.g. .family property of a socket object). IntEnum._convert("AddressFamily", __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith("AF_")) IntEnum._convert("SocketKind", __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith("SOCK_")) IntFlag._convert("MsgFlag", __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith("MSG_")) IntFlag._convert("AddressInfo", __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith("AI_")) _LOCALHOST = "" _LOCALHOST_V6 = "::1" def _intenum_converter(value, enum_klass): """Convert a numeric family value to an IntEnum member. If it's not a known member, return the numeric value itself.
import howToImportOwnModule import math from enum import IntEnum FigureFields = IntEnum('FigureFields', 'Rectangle Square Triangle Trapezoidal Wheels') choice = int( input('''You want to calculate fild of: 1 - rectangle area 2 - square area 3 - triangle area 4 - trapezoidal area 5 - wheels area ''')) if (choice == FigureFields.Rectangle): a = int(input('the length of the first side: ')) b = int(input('length of the other side: ')) print('Rectangle area =', howToImportOwnModule.rectangleArea(a, b)) elif (choice == FigureFields.Square): a = int(input('side length: ')) print('Square area =', howToImportOwnModule.squareArea(a)) elif (choice == FigureFields.Triangle): a = int(input('triangle base: ')) h = int(input('triangle height: ')) print('Triangle area =', howToImportOwnModule.triangleArea(a, h)) elif (choice == FigureFields.Trapezoidal): a = int(input('shorter base length: ')) b = int(input('length of the longer base: ')) h = int(input('trapezoidal height: '))
# (C,G,T), (C,G,A), (C,T,A), (C,T,G), (C,A,G), (C,A,T) # etc. FOR X IN POSSIBLEVALS PRODUCES: 4^2 RESULTS ('A', 'A', 'A'), ('A', 'A', 'C'), ('A', 'A', 'G'), ('A', 'A', 'T'), ('A', 'C', 'A'), ('A', 'C', 'C'), ('A', 'C', 'G'), ('A', 'C', 'T'), ('A', 'G', 'A'), ('A', 'G', 'C'), ('A', 'G', 'G'), ('A', 'G', 'T'), ('A', 'T', 'A'), ('A', 'T', 'C'), ('A', 'T', 'G'), ('A', 'T', 'T') print(codons) """ from enum import IntEnum from typing import Tuple, List Nucleotide: IntEnum = IntEnum('Nucleotide', ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')) # IntEnum gives us comparison operators 'for free', such as <, >=, and so on... # This is necessary for the search algorithms I'll be using to work # Codons can be defined as a tuple of three nucleotides Codon = Tuple[Nucleotide, Nucleotide, Nucleotide] # type alias for codons # A gene may be defined as a list of codons Gene = List[Codon] # tye alias for genes # genes on the internet will be in a file format that contains a giant string representing all the nucleotides in the gene's sequence. # let's define an imaginary gene gene_str: str = "ACGTGGCTCTCTAACGTACGTACGTACGGGGTTTATATATACCCTAGGACTCCCTTT" # We also need a utility function to convert a str into a Gene
current = (self.ref_qsparams[i] for i in range(i1, i2)) target = (case_qsparams[j] for j in range(j1, j2)) for _, cur, targ in zip(_alt_range(i1, i2, j1, j2), current, target): if cur[0] == targ[0]: yield {'field': cur[0], 'chg': cur[1], 'to': targ[1]} else: yield {'field': cur[0], 'del': cur[1]} yield {'field': targ[0], 'add': targ[1]} for field, value in current: yield {'field': field, 'del': value} for field, value in target: yield {'field': field, 'add': value} JSON_TYPES = (type(None), str, int, float, list, dict ) # list and dict must be the last two, in that order JsonType = IntEnum('JsonType', list(t.__name__ for t in JSON_TYPES)) JsonType.is_collection = property(lambda self: self >= self.list) JsonType.construct = lambda self: JSON_TYPES[self.value - 1]() lookup_json_type = dict(zip(JSON_TYPES, JsonType)).get def _is_jsonic_body(body): return not isinstance(body, (str, bytes)) def _alt_range(i1, i2, j1, j2): return range(min(i2 - i1, j2 - j1))
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7 from enum import Enum, IntEnum import time enum = Enum('Menu', 'Pizza Lasagna Spaghetti') enum3 = IntEnum('Menu', 'Pizza Lasagna Spaghetti') choice = input(""" Co zjesz?: 1. Pizza 2. Lasagna 3. Spaghetti """) start = time.perf_counter() if int(choice) == enum.Pizza.value: print("Pizza time!") if int(choice) == enum3.Pizza: print("Pizza time!") end = time.perf_counter() time = end - start print("Time: ", time)
class Ventilator: from enum import IntEnum, Enum parameters = IntEnum( 'parameters', ['time', 'pressure', 'flow', 'volume', 'p_alv', 'peak_flow']) phase = Enum('phase', ['inspiratory', 'expiratory', 'inspiratory_pause']) settings = Enum('settings', [ 'respiratory_rate', 'peep', 'inspiratory_pause', 'flow', 'rise_time', 'flow_pattern', 'volume_target', 'pressure_target', 'inspiratory_time', 'flow_trigger' ]) CLOSE_ENOUGH = 0.001 global_defaults = { settings.respiratory_rate: 10, settings.peep: 0, settings.inspiratory_pause: 0, settings.rise_time: 0 } mode_defaults = {} def __init__(self, patient): self.patient = None self.setOutputLength(10) self.current_settings = {} if patient is None: patient = Patient() self.patient = patient self.patient.veilator = self def __getitem__(self, key): if self.settings[key] in self.current_settings: return self.current_settings[self.settings[key]] if self.settings[key] in self.mode_defaults: return self.mode_defaults[self.settings[key]] return self.global_defaults[self.settings[key]] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.current_settings[self.settings[key]] = value def setOutputLength(self, length): self.output_length = length self.output = np.full((self.output_length, len(self.parameters)), np.nan) self.output[0, :] = 0 def simulate(self, time_length, time_step): self.setOutputLength(int(np.ceil(1 / time_step) + 1) * time_length) self.patient.setPeepHint(self['peep']) self.record({'pressure': self['peep'], 'p_alv': self['peep']}) def tick(self): self.output = np.roll(self.output, 1, axis=0) def record(self, values): for key in values: self.output[0, self.parameters[key] - 1] = values[key] def data(self, key): return np.flip(self.output[:, self.parameters[key] - 1]) def plot(self, keys, axis=None, scalefactor=1, zeroline=True): if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] if axis is None: axis = plt.gca() for key in keys: axis.plot('time'), * scalefactor, label=key) axis.legend() if zeroline: axis.axhline(0, color='black') return axis
if isinstance(eachItem, str): print("float('{}') = {}".format(eachItem, float(eachItem))) else: print("float({}) = {}".format(eachItem, float(eachItem))) except Exception as ex: print("float({}) = {}".format(eachItem, ex)) #check for 1/0 try: print("float(1/0) = {}".format(float(1 / 0))) except Exception as ex: print("float(1/0) = {}".format(ex)) from enum import IntEnum Menu_Figury = IntEnum('Menu_Figury', "Prostokat Kwadrat Trojkat Trapez Kolo") def wybierz_figure(lp): #wstepne informacje lp = input("wybierz figure, wpisz\n\ 1 - prostokat\n2 - kwadrat\n3 - trojkat\n4 - trapez\n5 - kolo:\n") #w razie bledu while lp.isdigit() == False: lp = input("wybierz figure, wpisz\n\ 1 - prostokat\n2 - kwadrat\n3 - trojkat\n4 - trapez\n5 - kolo:\n") #gdy poprawne lp = int(lp)
class FileActionPacket(ServicePacket): Action = IntEnum ('Action', [], start = 0) action : Codec.uint8_t filename : Codec.cstring
def __eq__(self, other): return False if type(self) != type(other) else IntEnum.__eq__(self, other)
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import sys sys.path.append('..') from datetime import datetime from scipy.signal import savgol_filter from scipy import optimize from enum import IntEnum import copy from scripts.mapping import R0s_mapping, GR_mapping compartments = ['S', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'I', 'H', 'C', 'D', 'R', 'T', 'NUM'] Sub = IntEnum('Sub', compartments, start=0) def empty_data_list(): """ Base data structure, a list containing vectors of data """ return [np.array([]) if (i == Sub.D or i == Sub.T) else None for i in range(Sub.NUM)] def smooth(data, as_int=False, nb_pts=9, order=3): """ Smooth data using a savgol filter ignoring the nan values. The missing data points stay nans """ smoothed = copy.deepcopy(data) for ii in [Sub.T, Sub.D, Sub.H, Sub.C]: if smoothed[ii] is not None: good_idx = ~np.isnan(smoothed[ii]) np.put(smoothed[ii], np.where(good_idx)[0], savgol_filter(smoothed[ii][good_idx], nb_pts, order, mode="interp" if np.sum(good_idx)>nb_pts else "mirror"))
EBADF = getattr(errno, 'EBADF', 9) EAGAIN = getattr(errno, 'EAGAIN', 11) EWOULDBLOCK = getattr(errno, 'EWOULDBLOCK', 11) __all__ = ["fromfd", "getfqdn", "create_connection", "AddressFamily", "SocketKind"] __all__.extend(os._get_exports_list(_socket)) # Set up the socket.AF_* socket.SOCK_* constants as members of IntEnums for # nicer string representations. # Note that _socket only knows about the integer values. The public interface # in this module understands the enums and translates them back from integers # where needed (e.g. .family property of a socket object). IntEnum._convert( 'AddressFamily', __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('AF_')) IntEnum._convert( 'SocketKind', __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('SOCK_')) IntFlag._convert( 'MsgFlag', __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('MSG_')) IntFlag._convert( 'AddressInfo', __name__,
from _socket import * import os, sys, io, selectors from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag try: import errno except ImportError: errno = None EBADF = getattr(errno, 'EBADF', 9) EAGAIN = getattr(errno, 'EAGAIN', 11) EWOULDBLOCK = getattr(errno, 'EWOULDBLOCK', 11) __all__ = [ 'fromfd', 'getfqdn', 'create_connection', 'AddressFamily', 'SocketKind' ] __all__.extend(os._get_exports_list(_socket)) IntEnum._convert('AddressFamily', __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('AF_')) IntEnum._convert('SocketKind', __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('SOCK_')) IntFlag._convert('MsgFlag', __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('MSG_')) IntFlag._convert('AddressInfo', __name__, lambda C: C.isupper() and C.startswith('AI_')) _LOCALHOST = '' _LOCALHOST_V6 = '::1' def _intenum_converter(value, enum_klass): """Convert a numeric family value to an IntEnum member. If it's not a known member, return the numeric value itself. """
self.X = PointReel(coef, 0.0) self.Y = PointReel(coef / 2, -coef / 2) self.Z = PointReel(0.0, -coef) if (orig == None): self.O = PointImage(ecr.Largeur // 2, ecr.Hauteur // 2) else: self.O = orig ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Listes des actions d'affichage prévues et à effectuer ################################################################################ Actions = IntEnum( 'CUBE TRIANGLES FUSEAU1 FUSEAU2 FUSEAU3 FUSEAU4 FONCTION PARAM BEZIER HORLOGE ISO TRISPLEINS' ) Afaire = [ Actions.CUBE, Actions.TRIANGLES, Actions.FUSEAU1, Actions.FUSEAU2, Actions.FUSEAU3, Actions.FUSEAU4, Actions.FONCTION, Actions.PARAM, Actions.BEZIER, Actions.HORLOGE, Actions.ISO, Actions.TRISPLEINS ] action = 0 # Numéro de l'action courante (à partir de 0) dans la liste des actions Afaire ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Informations diverses sur l'état d'affichage ################################################################################ fond = Couleur(0, 0, 0) # Couleur de fond (noir) fini = False # Indique si le programme est terminé ou non dejaFait = False # Indique si dessin est déjà fait ou non
def __init__(self, filename): super().__init__(filename, buffer_size=16) self.Type = IntEnum('Type', {'DATA': 0, 'HEADER': -1, 'FOOTER': -102}) self.current_channel = 0 self.number_channels = 0
#impletation of linear search alogrithm #only for illustration as sequence types like List, Tuple, Range # all implements the __contains__() and # allows to search simply by using 'in' operator from enum import IntEnum from typing import List, Tuple Nucleotide: IntEnum = IntEnum( 'Nucleotide', ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')) #IntEnum gives us the comparsion operators #codons are defined as triplets of nucleotides Codon = Tuple[Nucleotide, Nucleotide, Nucleotide] #genes are list of codons Genes = List[Codon] gene_str: str = "ACGTGGCTCTCTAACGTACGTACGTACGGGGTTTATATATACCCTAGGACTCCCTTTGTC" def string_to_gene(s: str) -> Genes: genes: Genes = [] for i in range(0, len(s), 3): if (i + 2) > len(s): return genes codon: Codon = (Nucleotide[s[i]], Nucleotide[s[i + 1]], Nucleotide[s[i + 2]]) genes.append(codon) return genes def linear_search(g: Genes, c: Codon) -> bool: for codon in g:
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from import img from libs.bbox import bbox from config import cfgs from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape import cv2 slim = tf.contrib.slim # Resizing strategies. Resize = IntEnum('Resize', ('NONE', # Nothing! 'CENTRAL_CROP', # Crop (and pad if necessary). 'PAD_AND_RESIZE', # Pad, and resize to output shape. 'WARP_RESIZE')) # Warp resize. _R_MEAN, _G_MEAN, _B_MEAN = cfgs.rgb_mean MAX_EXPAND_SCALE = cfgs.max_expand_scale LABEL_IGNORE = -1 USING_SHORTER_SIDE_FILTERING = True USE_ROT_90 = True USE_ROT_RANDOM = True MIN_LENGHT_OF_SIDE = cfgs.min_lenght_of_side AREA_RANGE = cfgs.crop_area_range # *************************************************************************** # NOTE function tools # *************************************************************************** def _assert(cond, ex_type, msg): """A polymorphic assert, works with tensors and boolean expressions. If `cond` is not a tensor, behave like an ordinary assert statement, except
def test_compound_enum_array_min(self): import vsc # level_list = [('level_'+str(level), auto()) for level in range(3)] # level_e = Enum('level', dict(level_list)) level_list = [('level_'+str(level), auto()) for level in range(3)] level_e = IntEnum('level', dict(level_list)) level_list = [('level_'+str(level), auto()) for level in range(3)] # class level_e(Enum): # level_0 = 0 # level_1 = 1 # level_2 = 2 @vsc.randobj class Parent: def __init__(self): = 0 self.c1 = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.attr(Child1())) for i in range(1): self.c1.append(vsc.attr(Child1())) self.c2 = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.attr(Child2())) for i in range(1): self.c2.append(vsc.attr(Child2())) self.val = vsc.rand_uint16_t(5) @vsc.constraint def enum_inter_class(self): # Does not work self.c1[0].a[0].enum_test == level_e.level_2 with vsc.if_then(self.c1[0].a[0].enum_test == level_e.level_0): self.c2[0].x[0].value == 1 with vsc.else_if(self.c1[0].a[0].enum_test == level_e.level_1): self.c2[0].x[0].value == 2 with vsc.else_then: self.c2[0].x[0].value == 3 @vsc.randobj class Field(): def __init__(self, name, def_value): = name self.enum_test = vsc.rand_enum_t(level_e) # self.enum_test = vsc.rand_int32_t() self.value = vsc.rand_uint8_t(def_value) @vsc.randobj class Child1: def __init__(self): self.a = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.attr(Field('a', 10))) for i in range(2): self.a.append(vsc.attr(Field('a', 10))) self.b = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.attr(Field('b', 10))) for i in range(2): self.b.append(vsc.attr(Field('b', 10))) #self.enum_test = vsc.rand_enum_t(level_e) @vsc.constraint def test_c(self): self.a[0].value < self.a[1].value @vsc.randobj class Child2: def __init__(self): self.x = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.attr(Field('x', 10))) for i in range(2): self.x.append(vsc.attr(Field('x', 10))) self.y = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.attr(Field('y', 10))) for i in range(2): self.y.append(vsc.attr(Field('y', 10))) @vsc.constraint def test_c(self): self.x[0].value < self.x[1].value inst=Parent() inst.randomize(debug=0) inst.randomize() self.assertEqual(inst.c1[0].a[0].enum_test, level_e.level_2) self.assertEqual(inst.c2[0].x[0].value, 3)
class Line: """Contains Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Elevated Loop Train ("L") Station Data""" colors = IntEnum("colors", "blue green red", start=0) num_directions = 2 def __init__(self, color, station_data, num_trains=10): self.color = color self.num_trains = num_trains #"{self.color}\n{self.num_trains}") self.stations = self._build_line_data(station_data) # We must always discount the terminal station at the end of each direction self.num_stations = len(self.stations) - 1"\nNumber of stations: {self.num_stations}")"Running _build_trains() function ") self.trains = self._build_trains() def _build_line_data(self, station_df): """Constructs all stations on the line""" stations = station_df["station_name"].unique()"\nunique statns: {stations}") station_data = station_df[station_df["station_name"] == stations[0]] #"{station_data}") line = [ Station(station_data["station_id"].unique()[0], stations[0], self.color) ] prev_station = line[0] for station in stations[1:]: station_data = station_df[station_df["station_name"] == station] new_station = Station( station_data["station_id"].unique()[0], station, self.color, prev_station, ) prev_station.dir_b = new_station prev_station = new_station line.append(new_station) return line def _build_trains(self): """Constructs and assigns train objects to stations""" trains = [] curr_loc = 0 b_dir = True for train_id in range(self.num_trains): tid = str(train_id).zfill(3)"train id: {tid}")"Debug for what is this : {[0]}") train = Train(f"{[0].upper()}L{tid}", Train.status.in_service) trains.append(train) if b_dir: self.stations[curr_loc].arrive_b(train, None, None) else: self.stations[curr_loc].arrive_a(train, None, None) curr_loc, b_dir = self._get_next_idx(curr_loc, b_dir) return trains def run(self, timestamp, time_step): """Advances trains between stations in the simulation. Runs turnstiles.""" self._advance_turnstiles(timestamp, time_step) self._advance_trains() def close(self): """Called to stop the simulation""" _ = [station.close() for station in self.stations] def _advance_turnstiles(self, timestamp, time_step): """Advances the turnstiles in the simulation""" _ = [, time_step) for station in self.stations ] def _advance_trains(self): """Advances trains between stations in the simulation""" # Find the first b train curr_train, curr_index, b_direction = self._next_train() self.stations[curr_index].b_train = None trains_advanced = 0 while trains_advanced < self.num_trains - 1: # The train departs the current station if b_direction is True: self.stations[curr_index].b_train = None else: self.stations[curr_index].a_train = None prev_station = self.stations[curr_index].station_id prev_dir = "b" if b_direction else "a" # Advance this train to the next station curr_index, b_direction = self._get_next_idx(curr_index, b_direction, step_size=1) if b_direction is True: self.stations[curr_index].arrive_b(curr_train, prev_station, prev_dir) else: self.stations[curr_index].arrive_a(curr_train, prev_station, prev_dir) # Find the next train to advance move = 1 if b_direction else -1 next_train, curr_index, b_direction = self._next_train( curr_index + move, b_direction) if b_direction is True: curr_train = self.stations[curr_index].b_train else: curr_train = self.stations[curr_index].a_train curr_train = next_train trains_advanced += 1 # The last train departs the current station if b_direction is True: self.stations[curr_index].b_train = None else: self.stations[curr_index].a_train = None # Advance last train to the next station prev_station = self.stations[curr_index].station_id prev_dir = "b" if b_direction else "a" curr_index, b_direction = self._get_next_idx(curr_index, b_direction, step_size=1) if b_direction is True: self.stations[curr_index].arrive_b(curr_train, prev_station, prev_dir) else: self.stations[curr_index].arrive_a(curr_train, prev_station, prev_dir) def _next_train(self, start_index=0, b_direction=True, step_size=1): """Given a starting index, finds the next train in either direction""" if b_direction is True: curr_index = self._next_train_b(start_index, step_size) if curr_index == -1: curr_index = self._next_train_a( len(self.stations) - 1, step_size) b_direction = False else: curr_index = self._next_train_a(start_index, step_size) if curr_index == -1: curr_index = self._next_train_b(0, step_size) b_direction = True if b_direction is True: return self.stations[curr_index].b_train, curr_index, True return self.stations[curr_index].a_train, curr_index, False def _next_train_b(self, start_index, step_size): """Finds the next train in the b direction, if any""" for i in range(start_index, len(self.stations), step_size): if self.stations[i].b_train is not None: return i return -1 def _next_train_a(self, start_index, step_size): """Finds the next train in the a direction, if any""" for i in range(start_index, 0, -step_size): if self.stations[i].a_train is not None: return i return -1 def _get_next_idx(self, curr_index, b_direction, step_size=None): """Calculates the next station index. Returns next index and if it is b direction""" if step_size is None: step_size = int( (self.num_stations * Line.num_directions) / self.num_trains) if b_direction is True: next_index = curr_index + step_size if next_index < self.num_stations: return next_index, True else: return self.num_stations - (next_index % self.num_stations), False else: next_index = curr_index - step_size if next_index > 0: return next_index, False else: return abs(next_index), True def __str__(self): return "\n".join(str(station) for station in self.stations) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
) from _ssl import txt2obj as _txt2obj, nid2obj as _nid2obj from _ssl import RAND_status, RAND_add, RAND_bytes, RAND_pseudo_bytes try: from _ssl import RAND_egd except ImportError: # LibreSSL does not provide RAND_egd pass from _ssl import HAS_SNI, HAS_ECDH, HAS_NPN, HAS_ALPN, HAS_TLSv1_3 from _ssl import _OPENSSL_API_VERSION _IntEnum._convert( '_SSLMethod', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('PROTOCOL_') and name != 'PROTOCOL_SSLv23', source=_ssl) _IntFlag._convert( 'Options', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('OP_'), source=_ssl) _IntEnum._convert( 'AlertDescription', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('ALERT_DESCRIPTION_'), source=_ssl) _IntEnum._convert( 'SSLErrorNumber', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('SSL_ERROR_'),
class Weather(Producer): """Defines a simulated weather model""" status = IntEnum("status", "sunny partly_cloudy cloudy windy precipitation", start=0) rest_proxy_url = REST_PROXY_URL key_schema = None value_schema = None winter_months = set((0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11)) summer_months = set((6, 7, 8)) def __init__(self, month): # # # TODO: Complete the below by deciding on a topic name, number of partitions, and number of # replicas # # self.topic_name = WEATHER_TOPIC_NAME super().__init__( self.topic_name, # TODO: Come up with a better topic name key_schema=Weather.key_schema, value_schema=Weather.value_schema, num_partitions=NUM_PARTITIONS_PER_TOPIC, num_replicas=NUM_REPLICAS_PER_TOPIC) self.status = Weather.status.sunny self.temp = 70.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: self.temp = 40.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: self.temp = 85.0 if Weather.key_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_key.json" ) as f: Weather.key_schema = json.load(f) # # TODO: Define this value schema in `schemas/weather_value.json # if Weather.value_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_value.json" ) as f: Weather.value_schema = json.load(f) def _set_weather(self, month): """Returns the current weather""" mode = 0.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: mode = -1.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: mode = 1.0 self.temp += min(max(-20.0, random.triangular(-10.0, 10.0, mode)), 100.0) self.status = random.choice(list(Weather.status)) def run(self, month): self._set_weather(month) # # # TODO: Complete the function by posting a weather event to REST Proxy. Make sure to # specify the Avro schemas and verify that you are using the correct Content-Type header. # # resp = # # # TODO: What URL should be POSTed to? # # f"{Weather.rest_proxy_url}/topics/{self.topic_name}", # TODO # # # TODO: What Headers need to bet set? # # headers={"Content-Type": "application/vnd.kafka.avro.v2+json"}, data=json.dumps({ "key_schema": json.dumps(Weather.key_schema), "value_schema": json.dumps(Weather.value_schema), "records": [{ "value": { "status":, "temperature": self.temp }, "key": { "timestamp": self.time_millis() } }] # # # TODO: Provide key schema, value schema, and records # # }), ) resp.raise_for_status() "sent weather data to kafka, temp: %s, status: %s", self.temp,, )
import socket import gettext import math import os from gi.repository import GLib, Gtk, Gdk, GObject, GdkPixbuf, Gio import prefs _ = gettext.gettext CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 PROGRESS_UPDATE_FREQ = 2 * 1000 * 1000 from enum import IntEnum TransferDirection = IntEnum('TransferDirection', 'TO_REMOTE_MACHINE \ FROM_REMOTE_MACHINE') FileType = IntEnum('FileType', 'REGULAR \ DIRECTORY \ SYMBOLIC_LINK') # Online - all ok # Offline - no presence at all # Init connecting - we've just discovered you # Unreachable - we've either tried and failed after initial discovery, or something went wrong during the session RemoteStatus = IntEnum('RemoteStatus', 'ONLINE \ OFFLINE \ INIT_CONNECTING \ UNREACHABLE')
from enum import IntEnum from typing import Tuple, List # define types and variables Nucleotide: IntEnum = IntEnum('Nucleotide', ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')) DaysofWeek: IntEnum = IntEnum('DaysofWeek', ('Mon', 'Tue')) myDay: DaysofWeek = DaysofWeek.Mon Codon = Tuple[Nucleotide, Nucleotide, Nucleotide] # type alias for codons Gene = List[Codon] # type alias for genes #Â our initial gene to search within gene_str: str = "TGGCTCTCTAACGTACGTACGTACGGGGTTTATATATACCCTAGGACTCCCTTTACG" # function definitions def string_to_gene(s: str) -> Gene: gene: Gene = [] for i in range(0, len(s), 3): if (i + 2) >= len(s): # don't run off end! return gene # initialize codon out of three nucleotides codon: Codon = (Nucleotide[s[i]], Nucleotide[s[i + 1]], Nucleotide[s[i + 2]]) gene.append(codon) # add codon to gene return gene
import time from SerialPacketStream import Service, ServicePacket, ServicePacketListener, RawDataPacket, FramePacket import SerialPacketStream.Codec as Codec import logging logger = logging.getLogger('default') PacketCode = IntEnum('ActionCode', ['QUERY', 'ACTION', 'ACTION_RESPONSE', 'OPEN', 'CLOSE', 'WRITE', 'ABORT', 'REQUEST', 'LIST', 'CD', 'PWD', 'FILE', 'MOUNT', 'UNMOUNT'], start = 0) class QueryPacket(ServicePacket): packet_id = PacketCode.QUERY version_major : Codec.uint16_t version_minor : Codec.uint16_t version_patch : Codec.uint16_t
class Weather(Producer): """Defines a simulated weather model""" status = IntEnum( "status", "sunny partly_cloudy cloudy windy precipitation", start=0 ) rest_proxy_url = "http://localhost:8082" winter_months = set((0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11)) summer_months = set((6, 7, 8)) key_schema = None value_schema = None topic_name = "weather_updates" def __init__(self, month): super().__init__( Weather.topic_name, key_schema=Weather.key_schema, value_schema=Weather.value_schema, num_partitions=3, num_replicas=2, ) self.status = Weather.status.sunny self.temp = 70.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: self.temp = 40.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: self.temp = 85.0 if Weather.key_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_key.json") as f: Weather.key_schema = json.load(f) if Weather.value_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_value.json") as f: Weather.value_schema = json.load(f) def _set_weather(self, month): """Returns the current weather""" mode = 0.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: mode = -1.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: mode = 1.0 self.temp += min(max(-20.0, random.triangular(-10.0, 10.0, mode)), 100.0) self.status = random.choice(list(Weather.status)) def run(self, month): self._set_weather(month) # print(f"Skipping the for now!") resp = f"{Weather.rest_proxy_url}/topics/{Weather.topic_name}", headers={"Content-Type": "application/vnd.kafka.avro.v2+json"}, data=json.dumps( { "key_schema": json.dumps(Weather.key_schema), "value_schema": json.dumps(Weather.value_schema), "records": [ { "key": {"timestamp": self.time_millis()}, "value": { "temperature": self.temp, "status":, }, } ], } ) ) try: resp.raise_for_status() except: logging.critical(f"Failed to send data to REST Proxy: {json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=2)}") logger.debug( "sent weather data to kafka, temp: %s, status: %s", self.temp,, )
from enum import IntEnum Location = IntEnum( "Location", [ "Lineup", "Rotation", "Shadow Lineup", "Shadow Rotation", ], start=0, ) ModColor = IntEnum( "ModColor", [ "#dbbc0b", "#c2157a", "#0a78a3", "#639e47", ], start=0, )
from enum import IntEnum # Represents the names of a piece PieceNames = ["p", "n", "b", "r", "q", "k", "-"] # Represents a square on the board. Square = IntEnum('Square', ["a1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "e1", "a2", "b2", "c2", "d2", "e2", "a3", "b3", "c3", "d3", "e3", "a4", "b4", "c4", "d4", "e4", "a5", "b5", "c5", "d5", "e5"], start=0) # Represents the different colors pieces can have. Color = IntEnum('Color', ["White", "Black", "NONE"], start=0) # Represents the different pieces on the board. Piece = IntEnum('Piece', ["Pawn", "Knight", "Bishop", "Rook", "Queen", "King", "NONE"], start=0) # Represents the possible categories a given move could fall into class Flags(IntEnum): Quiet = 0, Capture = 4, KnightProm = 8, BishopProm = 9, RookProm = 10, QueenProm = 11, KnightPromCap = 12, BishopPromCap = 13,
) from _ssl import txt2obj as _txt2obj, nid2obj as _nid2obj from _ssl import RAND_status, RAND_add, RAND_bytes, RAND_pseudo_bytes try: from _ssl import RAND_egd except ImportError: # LibreSSL does not provide RAND_egd pass from _ssl import HAS_SNI, HAS_ECDH, HAS_NPN, HAS_ALPN from _ssl import _OPENSSL_API_VERSION _IntEnum._convert( '_SSLMethod', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('PROTOCOL_') and name != 'PROTOCOL_SSLv23', source=_ssl) _IntFlag._convert( 'Options', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('OP_'), source=_ssl) _IntEnum._convert( 'AlertDescription', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('ALERT_DESCRIPTION_'), source=_ssl) _IntEnum._convert( 'SSLErrorNumber', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('SSL_ERROR_'),
class Weather(Producer): """Defines a simulated weather model""" status = IntEnum("status", "sunny partly_cloudy cloudy windy precipitation", start=0) encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, '.2f') key_schema = None value_schema = None winter_months = set((0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11)) summer_months = set((6, 7, 8)) # instance variables # self.status # self.temp def __init__(self, month): if Weather.key_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_key.json" ) as f: Weather.key_schema = json.load(f) if Weather.value_schema is None: with open(f"{Path(__file__).parents[0]}/schemas/weather_value.json" ) as f: Weather.value_schema = json.load(f) super().__init__( topic_name=CTAConstants.WEATHER_TOPIC_NAME, key_schema=Weather.key_schema, value_schema=Weather.value_schema, num_partitions=1, num_replicas=1, ) self.status = Weather.status.sunny self.temp = 70.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: self.temp = 40.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: self.temp = 85.0 def _set_weather(self, month): """Returns the current weather""" mode = 0.0 if month in Weather.winter_months: mode = -1.0 elif month in Weather.summer_months: mode = 1.0 self.temp += min(max(-20.0, random.triangular(-10.0, 10.0, mode)), 100.0) self.status = random.choice(list(Weather.status)) def run(self, month): self._set_weather(month) logger.debug("weather kafka proxy integration") headers = {"Content-Type": "application/vnd.kafka.avro.v2+json"} data = { "key_schema": json.dumps(Weather.key_schema), "value_schema": json.dumps(Weather.value_schema), "records": [{ "value": { "temperature": float(self.temp), "status": }, "key": { "timestamp": self.time_millis() } }] } print( f"{CTAConstants.REST_PROXY_HOST}topics/{CTAConstants.WEATHER_TOPIC_NAME}" ) resp = f"{CTAConstants.REST_PROXY_HOST}topics/{CTAConstants.WEATHER_TOPIC_NAME}", data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, ) try: resp.raise_for_status() except: logger.error( f"Failed to send data to REST Proxy {json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=2)}" ) logger.debug( f"Sent data to REST Proxy {json.dumps(resp.json(), indent=2)}") logger.debug( "sent weather data to kafka, temp: %s, status: %s", self.temp,, )
def _import_symbols(prefix): for n in dir(_ssl): if n.startswith(prefix): globals()[n] = getattr(_ssl, n) _import_symbols('OP_') _import_symbols('ALERT_DESCRIPTION_') _import_symbols('SSL_ERROR_') _import_symbols('VERIFY_') from _ssl import HAS_SNI, HAS_ECDH, HAS_NPN, HAS_ALPN from _ssl import _OPENSSL_API_VERSION _IntEnum._convert( '_SSLMethod', __name__, lambda name: name.startswith('PROTOCOL_'), source=_ssl) _PROTOCOL_NAMES = {value: name for name, value in _SSLMethod.__members__.items()} try: _SSLv2_IF_EXISTS = PROTOCOL_SSLv2 except NameError: _SSLv2_IF_EXISTS = None if sys.platform == "win32": from _ssl import enum_certificates, enum_crls from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, create_connection from socket import SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE import base64 # for DER-to-PEM translation
def quads_value(cards): quads = [v for (v, c) in card_value_counts(cards).iteritems() if c == 4] return max(quads) if quads else None def is_straight_flush(cards): return is_flush(cards) and is_straight(cards) def is_royal_flush(cards): return is_straight_flush(cards) and min(card_values(cards)) == 10 Hand = IntEnum( 'Hand', 'Nothing Pair TwoPair Trips Straight Flush FullHouse Quads StraightFlush RoyalFlush' ) def classify_hand(cards): def any_length(cards): if is_trips(cards): return Hand.Trips elif is_two_pair(cards): return Hand.TwoPair elif is_pair(cards): return Hand.Pair else: return Hand.Nothing if len(cards) == 5: if is_royal_flush(cards): return Hand.RoyalFlush elif is_straight_flush(cards): return Hand.StraightFlush elif is_quads(cards): return Hand.Quads elif is_full_house(cards): return Hand.FullHouse
import _signal from _signal import * from functools import wraps as _wraps from enum import IntEnum as _IntEnum _globals = globals() _IntEnum._convert( 'Signals', __name__, lambda name: name.isupper() and (name.startswith('SIG') and not name.startswith('SIG_')) or name.startswith('CTRL_')) _IntEnum._convert( 'Handlers', __name__, lambda name: name in ('SIG_DFL', 'SIG_IGN')) if 'pthread_sigmask' in _globals: _IntEnum._convert( 'Sigmasks', __name__, lambda name: name in ('SIG_BLOCK', 'SIG_UNBLOCK', 'SIG_SETMASK')) def _int_to_enum(value, enum_klass): """Convert a numeric value to an IntEnum member. If it's not a known member, return the numeric value itself. """ try: return enum_klass(value) except ValueError:
def __str__(self): suit_string = IntEnum.__str__(self) suit_split = suit_string.partition(".") return suit_split[2]