Exemplo n.º 1
    def find_next_food(snake: Snake, board: BoardState) -> Optional[Tuple[int, Position]]:

        head = snake.get_head()
        health = snake.get_health()
        all_food = board.food
        if len(all_food) == 0:
            print("KEIN FOOD")
            return None
        best_dist = 99999
        best_food = None
        for food in all_food:
            food_dist = Distance.manhattan_dist(head, food)
            if food_dist > health:
            #print("food_dist: ",food_dist, "health", health)
            if food_dist == health:
            #    print("1: ", food_dist, food)
                return food_dist, food
                diff = (health - food_dist)
                #print("diff: ",diff)
                if (best_dist > diff) and diff > 0:
                    best_dist = diff
                    best_food = food
        #print("2: ", best_dist, best_food)
        return best_dist, best_food
Exemplo n.º 2
    def best_food_around_body(snake: Snake, board: BoardState) -> Tuple[int, Optional[Position]]:

        length = snake.get_length()
        health = snake.get_health()
        body = snake.get_body()
        foods = [] #Tuple[int, Position]
        position = 0
        any_f = False
        for part in body:
            for direction in Direction:
                if board.is_occupied_by_food(part.advanced(direction)):
                    diff = length - position
                    add = diff, part
                    any_f = True
            position += 1
        best_dist = 999999
        best_food = None
        if any_f:
            for dist, food in foods:
                if (dist == snake.get_length()) and (health <= 1):
                    return 1, food
                if dist < best_dist and dist <= health:
                    if dist == health:
                        return dist, food
                    best_dist = dist
                    best_food = food
            return best_dist, best_food
            return 0, None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def need_food(snake: Snake, board: BoardState, grid_map: GridMap, valid: List[Direction]) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Direction]]:

        health = snake.get_health()
        head = snake.get_head()
        food_around = SoloSurvival.food_all_around_body(snake, board)
        if health < 15:
            if food_around:
                if health == 1:
                    _, food_pos = SoloSurvival.best_food_around_body(snake, board)
                    food_dir = SoloSurvival.direction_to_food(snake, food_pos)
                    return True, food_dir
                dist, food_pos = SoloSurvival.find_next_food(snake, board)
                #direction, path = Hungry.hunger(snake, board, grid_map, [], valid, SnakeAutomat(snake, False))
                #food_dir = SoloSurvival.direction_to_food(snake, food_pos)
                #print("head: ", head, " food: ", food_pos)
                _, path_ = AStar.a_star_search(head, food_pos, board, grid_map)
                _, path = path_[0]
                #print("path: ",path)
                #food_dir = SoloSurvival.direction_to_food(snake, path[0])
                return True, path
                #print("hungry health: ", health)
                dist, food_pos = SoloSurvival.best_food_around_body(snake, board)
                if food_pos is None:
                    dist, food_pos = SoloSurvival.find_next_food(snake, board)
                if (health - dist) <= 1:
                    #print("get the perfect food")
                    food_dir = SoloSurvival.direction_to_food(snake, food_pos)
                    return True, food_dir
                    #print("anderes food nehmen")
                    dist, food_pos = SoloSurvival.find_next_food(snake, board)
                    if dist <= health:
                        food_dir = SoloSurvival.direction_to_food(snake, food_pos)
                        return True, food_dir
            return False, None