Exemplo n.º 1
def evaluate(model_name):
    time_start = dt.now()

    model = load_model(model_name)  # Load the NN-agent model
    state_size = model.layers[0].input.shape.as_list()[
        1]  # Load the state size from the model
    window_size = int(state_size / 2)
    env = Environment(ds_path=ds_path,
    actions = env.get_actions(
    )  # Getting the available actions of the environment
    actions_size = env.get_actions_n(
    )  # Getting the number of the actions available into the environment

    agent = Agent(state_size=state_size,

    state, reward = env.step(
        "Hold")  # Making a first neutral action for get the first state
    total_revenue = 0

    while not env.done:  # Loop until we finish all the instances

        action = agent.act(
            state)  # The agent choose an action based on the current state
        next_state, reward = env.step(
        )  # Getting the next state and reward based on the action choose
        #with open(log, "a+") as file:
        #file.write(str(actions[action]) + "\n")  # Saving the performance on a file
        #if env.stop_loss_triggered:
        #file.write("Stop Loss Triggered!" + "\n")  # Saving the stop loss taken on a file
        #file.write(str(reward) + "\n")  # Saving the performance on a file
        '''print(colored("Observation:", 'blue'), state)
		print(colored("Action:", 'yellow'), actions[action])
		if env.stop_loss_triggered:  # Alert when we got a stop loss from the environment
			print(colored('Stop loss triggered!', 'red'))
		print(colored("Next Observation:", 'blue'), next_state)
		print(colored("Reward:", 'cyan'), reward)'''

        total_revenue += reward

        #agent.memory.append((state, action, reward, next_state))  # Saving the experience
        state = next_state

        #if len(agent.memory) > batch_size:  # Making an analysis based on our experience
        #	agent.exp_replay(batch_size)

    # ***************************** Showing and Saving the Results over a Single Episode *******************************
    if total_revenue > 0:
        print(colored("Total Profit: ", 'blue'),
              colored(str(round(total_revenue, 1)), 'cyan'), "pips")
        print(colored("Total Profit: ", 'blue'),
              colored(str(round(total_revenue, 1)), 'red'), "pips")
    with open(performance_file_path, "a+") as file:
        file.write(str(round(total_revenue, 1)) +
                   "\n")  # Saving the performance on a file
    time_stop = dt.now()
    print(colored("Execution time for this episode:", 'yellow'),
          round((time_stop - time_start).total_seconds(), 0), "seconds")
Exemplo n.º 2
batch_size = 30  # The number of tuple (state, action, reward, next_state) to save before replay
stop_loss_value = -50  # The maximum loss that we can handle (expressed in pips)
performance_file_path = "performance/train_performance.txt"  # Path where to store the training performance log file
log = "performance/train_log.txt"  # Path where to store the training log file
models_path = "models/"  # Path where are stored the models
n_prev_iterations = len(next(os.walk(
    models_path))[2])  # Get the number of existent models in the models_path
# ********************************* Creating the Agent Model and the Environment Model *********************************
env = Environment(ds_path=ds_path,
actions = env.get_actions()  # Getting the available action of the environment
agent = Agent(env.get_state_size(), env.get_actions_n())

if os.path.exists(
):  # Checking if there are previous training performances saved
    os.remove(performance_file_path)  # Deleting the old train performances
if os.path.exists(
        log):  # Checking if there are previous training performances saved
    os.remove(log)  # Deleting the old train performances

print("stop loss:", stop_loss_value)
print("pc: BH")
# ********************************************* Looping over all Episodes ***************-******************************
for ep in range(n_episodes - n_prev_iterations):
    time_start = dt.now()