Exemplo n.º 1
def debug_plot(env, bounds, vertices, parents, start_pose, end_region):
    ax = plot_environment(env, bounds=bounds)
    plot_poly(ax, Point(start_pose).buffer(radius, resolution=3), 'magenta')
    plot_poly(ax, end_region, 'brown', alpha=0.2)

    for v in vertices:
        if v in parents:
            plot_line(ax, LineString([parents[v], v]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def draw_results(algo_name, path, V, E, env, bounds, object_radius, resolution, start_pose, goal_region, elapsed_time):
    Plots the path from start node to goal region as well as the graph (or tree) searched with the Sampling Based Algorithms.

        algo_name (str): The name of the algorithm used (used as title of the plot)
        path (list<(float,float), (float,float)>): The sequence of coordinates traveled to reach goal from start node
        V (set<(float, float)>): All nodes in the explored graph/tree
        E (set<(float,float), (float, float)>): The set of all edges considered in the graph/tree
        env (yaml environment): 2D yaml environment for the path planning to take place
        bounds (int, int int int): min x, min y, max x, max y of the coordinates in the environment.
        object_radius (float): radius of our object.
        resolution (int): Number of segments used to approximate a quarter circle around a point.
        start_pose(float,float): Coordinates of initial point of the path.
        goal_region (Polygon): A polygon object representing the end goal.
        elapsed_time (float): Time it took for the algorithm to run


        Plots a path using the environment module.
    graph_size = len(V)
    path_size = len(originalPath)
    # Calculate path length
    path_length1 = 0.0
    path_length2 = 0.0
    for i in range(len(originalPath)-1):
        path_length1 += euclidian_dist(originalPath[i], originalPath[i+1])
    for i in range(len(pruningPath)-1):
        path_length2 += euclidian_dist(pruningPath[i], pruningPath[i+1])

    # Create title with descriptive information based on environment, path length, and elapsed_time
    title = algo_name + "\n" + str(graph_size) + " Nodes. " + str(len(env.obstacles)) + " Obstacles. Path Size: " + str(path_size) + "\n Path Length: " + str([path_length1,path_length2]) + "\n Runtime(s)= " + str(elapsed_time)

    # Plot environment
    env_plot = plot_environment(env, bounds)
    # Add title
    # Plot goal
    plot_poly(env_plot, goal_region, 'green')
    # Plot start
    buffered_start_vertex = Point(start_pose).buffer(object_radius, resolution)
    plot_poly(env_plot, buffered_start_vertex, 'red')

    # Plot Edges explored by ploting lines between each edge
    for edge in E:
        line = LineString([edge[0], edge[1]])
        plot_line(env_plot, line)

    # Plot path
    plot_path(env_plot, originalPath, object_radius,'black')
    plot_path(env_plot, pruningPath, object_radius,'red')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def plot_tree(self, ax, rrt):
        """ Plot RRT tree

                ax: a Plot axis object on which to plot the tree.
                rrt: an initialized RRTstar object.
        for node in rrt.node_list:
            if node.parent is not None:
                          LineString([[node.x, node.y],
                                     [node.parent.x, node.parent.y]]),
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plot_path(self, ax, path, id, color):
        """ Plot a path and label by id on a given axis object.

                ax: a Plot axis object, previously plotted with environment.
                path: a Path object
                id: a unique identifier corresponding to the agent to which
                    the path belongs.
        if path.nodes:
            plot_poly(ax, Point(
                path.nodes[0].y)).buffer(0.3, resolution=3), "green")

            plot_poly(ax, Point(
                path.goal_node.y)).buffer(0.3, resolution=3), "red")

            if path is not None:
                path_xy = [[node.x, node.y] for node in path.nodes]
                line = LineString(path_xy)
                plot_line(ax, line, color)
Exemplo n.º 5
def draw_results(algo_name, path, V, E, env, bounds, object_radius, resolution,
                 start_pose, goal_region, elapsed_time):
    graph_size = len(V)
    path_size = len(path)
    path_length = 0.0
    for i in xrange(len(path) - 1):
        path_length += euclidian_dist(path[i], path[i + 1])

    title = algo_name + "\n" + str(graph_size) + " Nodes. " + str(
        len(env.obstacles)) + " Obstacles. Path Size: " + str(
            path_size) + "\n Path Length: " + str(
                path_length) + "\n Runtime(s)= " + str(elapsed_time)

    env_plot = plot_environment(env, bounds)
    plot_poly(env_plot, goal_region, 'green')
    buffered_start_vertex = Point(start_pose).buffer(object_radius, resolution)
    plot_poly(env_plot, buffered_start_vertex, 'red')

    for edge in E:
        line = LineString([edge[0], edge[1]])
        plot_line(env_plot, line)

    plot_path(env_plot, path, object_radius)