Exemplo n.º 1
# Set time period ---
start_year = 1980
end_year = 2000
start_time = cdtime.comptime(start_year)
end_time = cdtime.comptime(end_year)

# Load variable ---
d = f('sst',time=(start_time,end_time),longitude=(0,360),latitude=(-90,90)) # Provide proper variable name

# Reomove annual cycle ---
d_anom = cdutil.ANNUALCYCLE.departures(d)

# EOF (take only first variance mode...) ---
solver = Eof(d_anom, weights='area')
eof = solver.eofsAsCovariance(neofs=1)
pc = solver.pcs(npcs=1, pcscaling=1) # pcscaling=1: scaled to unit variance 
                                     # (divided by the square-root of their eigenvalue)
frac = solver.varianceFraction()

# Sign control if needed ---
eof = eof * -1
pc = pc * -1

# Plot
# Create canvas ---
canvas = vcs.init(geometry=(900,800))

Exemplo n.º 2
def eof_analysis_get_variance_mode(
    NOTE: Proceed EOF analysis
    - mode (string): mode of variability is needed for arbitrary sign
                     control, which is characteristics of EOF analysis
    - timeseries (cdms2 variable): time varying 2d array, so 3d array
                                  (time, lat, lon)
    - eofn (integer): Target eofs to be return
    - eofn_max (integer): number of eofs to diagnose (1~N)
      1) When 'save_multiple_eofs = False'
        - eof_Nth: eof pattern (map) for given eofs as eofn
        - pc_Nth: corresponding principle component time series
        - frac_Nth: cdms2 array but for 1 single number which is float.
                 Preserve cdms2 array type for netCDF recording.
                 fraction of explained variance
        - reverse_sign_Nth: bool
        - solver
      2) When 'save_multiple_eofs = True'
        - eof_list: list of eof patterns (map) for given eofs as eofn
        - pc_list: list of corresponding principle component time series
        - frac_list: list of cdms2 array but for 1 single number which is float.
                 Preserve cdms2 array type for netCDF recording.
                 fraction of explained variance
        - reverse_sign_list: list of bool
        - solver
    if debug:
        print("Lib-EOF: timeseries.shape:", timeseries.shape)
    debug_print("Lib-EOF: solver", debug)

    if eofn_max is None:
        eofn_max = eofn
        save_multiple_eofs = False

    # EOF (take only first variance mode...) ---
    solver = Eof(timeseries, weights="area")
    debug_print("Lib-EOF: eof", debug)

    # pcscaling=1 by default, return normalized EOFs
    eof = solver.eofsAsCovariance(neofs=eofn_max, pcscaling=1)
    debug_print("Lib-EOF: pc", debug)

    if EofScaling:
        # pcscaling=1: scaled to unit variance
        # (i.e., divided by the square-root of their eigenvalue)
        pc = solver.pcs(npcs=eofn_max, pcscaling=1)
        pc = solver.pcs(npcs=eofn_max)  # pcscaling=0 by default

    # fraction of explained variance
    frac = solver.varianceFraction()
    debug_print("Lib-EOF: frac", debug)

    # For each EOFs...
    eof_list = []
    pc_list = []
    frac_list = []
    reverse_sign_list = []

    for n in range(0, eofn_max):
        eof_Nth = eof[n]
        pc_Nth = pc[:, n]
        frac_Nth = cdms2.createVariable(frac[n])

        # Arbitrary sign control, attempt to make all plots have the same sign
        reverse_sign = arbitrary_checking(mode, eof_Nth)

        if reverse_sign:
            eof_Nth = MV2.multiply(eof_Nth, -1.0)
            pc_Nth = MV2.multiply(pc_Nth, -1.0)

        # time axis
        pc_Nth.setAxis(0, timeseries.getTime())

        # Supplement NetCDF attributes
        frac_Nth.units = "ratio"
        pc_Nth.comment = "".join(
                "Non-scaled time series for principal component of ",
                "th variance mode",

        # append to lists for returning

    # return results
    if save_multiple_eofs:
        return eof_list, pc_list, frac_list, reverse_sign_list, solver
        # Remove unnecessary dimensions (make sure only taking requested eofs)
        eof_Nth = eof_list[eofn - 1]
        pc_Nth = pc_list[eofn - 1]
        frac_Nth = frac_list[eofn - 1]
        reverse_sign_Nth = reverse_sign_list[eofn - 1]
        return eof_Nth, pc_Nth, frac_Nth, reverse_sign_Nth, solver