Exemplo n.º 1
def fixed_temp_nfbetaeq_pnu(EOSlist,temps):
	for ieos in range(len(EOSlist)):
		myeos = eosDriver(EOSlist[ieos][1])
		rhomax = (10.0e0**max(myeos.h5file['logrho']))*0.995
		logrhos = linspace(log10(rhomin),log10(rhomax),nrhos)
		eostable = zeros((nrhos,2))
		energy_shift = myeos.h5file['energy_shift'][0]
		energy_shift = energy_shift*eps_gf
		rhotrap = 10.0e0**12.5
		for ii in range(len(temps)):
			eostablename = EOSlist[ieos][0]+\
			    "_eostable_NFBetaEq_pnu_T=%06.3f.dat" % \
			for i in range(nrhos):
				temp_cold = 0.5e0
				temp = temps[ii]
				rho = 10.0**logrhos[i]
				ylep = myeos.setBetaEqState({'rho': rho,
							     'temp': temp_cold})

				ye2 = myeos.setBetaEqState({'rho': rho,
							   'temp': temp})

				ye1 = myeos.setNuFullBetaEqState({'rho': rho,
								  'temp': temp},ylep)

				ye = ye2*(1-exp(-rhotrap/rho)) + ye1*(exp(-rhotrap/rho))
				myeos.setState({'rho': rho,
						'temp': temp, 
						'ye' : ye})
				print "Making EOS: %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E" %\

				(press,eps,munu) = myeos.query(['logpress','logenergy','munu'])
				eta = munu/temp 
				pnu = get_pnu(eta,temp,rho,rhotrap)
				epsnu = 3.0e0*pnu / rho
				# convert units
				eostable[i,0] = log10((10.0**press+pnu) * press_gf)
				eostable[i,1] = log10((10.0**eps+epsnu) * eps_gf)
				if (i>0 and eostable[i,0] < eostable[i-1,0]):
					eostable[i,0] = eostable[i-1,0]
					eostable[i,0] = eostable[i-1,0]

			# write EOS table
			esstring = "%18.9E\n" % (energy_shift/eps_gf)
			for i in range(len(eostable[:,0])):
				sline = "%15.6E %15.6E %15.6E\n" % \
		del myeos
Exemplo n.º 2
def convertRhoBaryToEnergyDense(rhos, eosPrescription, T=None):
    assert isinstance(eosPrescription, dict)
    # method here is to process each part of the eosPrescription, and
    # eventually reduce it to parameters just required for tempPrescription
    eosScript = deepcopy(eosPrescription)

    assert eosScript['type'] == 'tableFromEosDriver', \
        "Convert to energy density from rho_b is only supported for eosDriver tables"
    del eosScript['type']

    theEos = eosDriver(eosScript['sc.orgTableFile'])
    del eosScript['sc.orgTableFile']

    assert 'ye' in eosScript, "Convert to enegry density requires a ye in eosPrescription"
    ye = eosScript['ye']
    del eosScript['ye']
    if ye == 'BetaEq':
        ye = None

    #prescriptionName only used to set temperature if necessary
    if eosScript['prescriptionName'] == 'isothermal':
        eosScript['T'] = T
    del eosScript['prescriptionName']

    if isinstance(rhos, float):
        rhos = [rhos]

    eds = []
    for rho in rhos:
        rho *= 1.e15  # fix units
        tempOfLog10Rhob = theEos.tempOfLog10RhobFuncFromPrescription(eosScript, ye)

        temp = tempOfLog10Rhob(numpy.log10(rho))

        if ye is None and temp is not None:
            theEos.setBetaEqState({'rho': rho, 'temp': temp})
        elif ye is None and temp is None:
            quantity = eosScript['quantity']
            target = eosScript['target']
            theEos.setConstQuantityAndBetaEqState({'rho': rho},
        elif ye == 'NuFull':
            theEos.setNuFullBetaEqState({'rho': rho, 'temp': temp})
            theEos.setState({'rho': rho, 'temp': temp, 'ye': ye})
        logeps = theEos.query('logenergy')
        eps = (numpy.power(10.0, logeps) - theEos.energy_shift) \
            * consts.AGEO_ERG / consts.AGEO_GRAM

        totalEnergyDensity = rho * (1.0 + eps)
        eds.append(totalEnergyDensity / 1.e15)
    del theEos
    return eds
Exemplo n.º 3
def convertRhoBaryToEnergyDense(rhos, eosPrescription, T=None):
    assert isinstance(eosPrescription, dict)
    # method here is to process each part of the eosPrescription, and
    # eventually reduce it to parameters just required for tempPrescription
    eosScript = deepcopy(eosPrescription)

    assert eosScript['type'] == 'tableFromEosDriver', \
        "Convert to energy density from rho_b is only supported for eosDriver tables"
    del eosScript['type']

    theEos = eosDriver(eosScript['sc.orgTableFile'])
    del eosScript['sc.orgTableFile']

    assert 'ye' in eosScript, "Convert to enegry density requires a ye in eosPrescription"
    ye = eosScript['ye']
    del eosScript['ye']
    if ye == 'BetaEq':
        ye = None

    #prescriptionName only used to set temperature if necessary
    if eosScript['prescriptionName'] == 'isothermal':
        eosScript['T'] = T
    del eosScript['prescriptionName']

    if isinstance(rhos, float):
        rhos = [rhos]

    eds = []
    for rho in rhos:
        rho *= 1.e15  # fix units
        tempOfLog10Rhob = theEos.tempOfLog10RhobFuncFromPrescription(
            eosScript, ye)

        temp = tempOfLog10Rhob(numpy.log10(rho))

        if ye is None and temp is not None:
            theEos.setBetaEqState({'rho': rho, 'temp': temp})
        elif ye is None and temp is None:
            quantity = eosScript['quantity']
            target = eosScript['target']
            theEos.setConstQuantityAndBetaEqState({'rho': rho}, quantity,
        elif ye == 'NuFull':
            theEos.setNuFullBetaEqState({'rho': rho, 'temp': temp})
            theEos.setState({'rho': rho, 'temp': temp, 'ye': ye})
        logeps = theEos.query('logenergy')
        eps = (numpy.power(10.0, logeps) - theEos.energy_shift) \
            * consts.AGEO_ERG / consts.AGEO_GRAM

        totalEnergyDensity = rho * (1.0 + eps)
        eds.append(totalEnergyDensity / 1.e15)
    del theEos
    return eds
Exemplo n.º 4
def special_fixed_Ye(EOSlist,temps,yes,mytype):
	for ieos in range(len(EOSlist)):
		myeos = eosDriver(EOSlist[ieos][1])
                rhomax = (10.0e0**max(myeos.h5file['logrho']))*0.995
		for jj in range(len(yes)):
			par1 = 0.0
			par2 = yes[jj]
			print "Y_e: %15.6E" % (par2)
			print "Preparing EOS table: ",EOSlist[ieos][0], mytype
		del myeos
Exemplo n.º 5
def fixed_temp_betaeq(EOSlist,temps):
	for ieos in range(len(EOSlist)):
		myeos = eosDriver(EOSlist[ieos][1])
		rhomax = (10.0e0**max(myeos.h5file['logrho']))*0.995
		for ii in range(len(temps)):
			mytype = "fixed_temp_betaeq"
			par1 = temps[ii]
			par2 = 0.0
			print "T = %5.2f, betaeq" % (par1)
			print "Preparing EOS table: ",EOSlist[ieos][0], mytype
		del myeos
Exemplo n.º 6
def special_BetaEq(EOSlist,temps,yes,mytype):
	for ieos in range(len(EOSlist)):
		myeos = eosDriver(EOSlist[ieos][1])
                rhomax = (10.0e0**max(myeos.h5file['logrho']))*0.995
		eostablename = EOSlist[ieos][0]+\
		energy_shift = myeos.h5file['energy_shift'][0]
		if(mytype == "c30p5"):
			tempfunc = kentaDataTofLogRhoFit2()
		elif(mytype == "c30p10"):
			tempfunc = kentaDataTofLogRhoFit1()
		elif(mytype == "c30p0"):
			tempfunc = getTRollFunc(30.0,0.01,14.055,0.375)
		elif(mytype == "c20p0"):
			tempfunc = getTRollFunc(20.0,0.01,14.0-0.07,0.125)
		elif(mytype == "c40p0"):
			tempfunc = getTRollFunc(40.0,0.01,14.25-0.07,0.5)

		logrhos = linspace(log10(rhomin),log10(rhomax),nrhos)
		eostable = zeros((nrhos,2))
		for i in range(nrhos):
			temp = tempfunc(logrhos[i])
			ye = myeos.setBetaEqState({'rho': 10.0**logrhos[i],
						   'temp': temp})
			(press,eps) = myeos.query(['logpress','logenergy'])
			# convert units
			eostable[i,0] = log10(10.0**press * press_gf)
			eostable[i,1] = log10(10.0**eps * eps_gf)
			if (i>0 and eostable[i,0] < eostable[i-1,0]):
				eostable[i,0] = eostable[i-1,0]

			print "Making EOS: %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E" % (10.0**logrhos[i],temp,ye)
		energy_shift = energy_shift*eps_gf

		# write EOS table
		esstring = "%18.9E\n" % (energy_shift/eps_gf)
		for i in range(len(eostable[:,0])):
			sline = "%15.6E %15.6E %15.6E\n" % \

		del myeos
Exemplo n.º 7
def special_NFBetaEq_pnu(EOSlist,temps,mytype):
	for ieos in range(len(EOSlist)):
		myeos = eosDriver(EOSlist[ieos][1])
                rhomax = (10.0e0**max(myeos.h5file['logrho']))*0.995
		eostablename = EOSlist[ieos][0]+\
		energy_shift = myeos.h5file['energy_shift'][0]
		logrhos = linspace(log10(rhomin),log10(rhomax),nrhos)
		eostable = zeros((nrhos,2))
		energy_shift = energy_shift*eps_gf
		rhotrap = 10.0e0**12.5
		if(mytype == "c30p5"):
			tempfunc = kentaDataTofLogRhoFit2()
		elif(mytype == "c30p10"):
			tempfunc = kentaDataTofLogRhoFit1()
		elif(mytype == "c30p0"):
			tempfunc = getTRollFunc(30.0,0.01,14.055,0.375)
		elif(mytype == "c20p0"):
			tempfunc = getTRollFunc(20.0,0.01,14.0-0.07,0.125)
		elif(mytype == "c40p0"):
			tempfunc = getTRollFunc(40.0,0.01,14.25-0.07,0.5)

		for i in range(nrhos):
			temp_cold = 0.5e0
			temp = tempfunc(logrhos[i])
			rho = 10.0**logrhos[i]

			ylep = myeos.setBetaEqState({'rho': rho,
						     'temp': temp_cold})

			ye2 = myeos.setBetaEqState({'rho': rho,
						    'temp': temp})

			ye1 = myeos.setNuFullBetaEqState({'rho': rho,
							  'temp': temp},ylep)

			ye = ye2*(1-exp(-rhotrap/rho)) + ye1*(exp(-rhotrap/rho))

			myeos.setState({'rho': rho,
					'temp': temp, 
					'ye' : ye})
			print "Making EOS: %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E %15.6E" %\

			(press,eps,munu) = myeos.query(['logpress','logenergy','munu'])
			eta = munu/temp 
			pnu = get_pnu(eta,temp,rho,rhotrap)
			epsnu = 3.0e0*pnu / rho
			# convert units
			eostable[i,0] = log10((10.0**press+pnu) * press_gf)
			eostable[i,1] = log10((10.0**eps+epsnu) * eps_gf)
			if (i>0 and eostable[i,0] < eostable[i-1,0]):
				eostable[i,0] = eostable[i-1,0]
				eostable[i,0] = eostable[i-1,0]

		# write EOS table
		esstring = "%18.9E\n" % (energy_shift/eps_gf)
		for i in range(len(eostable[:,0])):
			sline = "%15.6E %15.6E %15.6E\n" % \

		del myeos
from eosDriver import eosDriver, getTRollFunc, kentaDataTofLogRhoFit1, kentaDataTofLogRhoFit2
from datasetManager import cstDataset
from maxMassOrigFiles.sqlPlotRoutines import nearValueFilter

shedDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/shedRuns4-24-13.db'
sourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/vdenseBetaEqD5-26.db'
c30p10Db = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/svdense30p10A.db'
shedDb = sourceDb
shenEosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5'
ls220EosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5'
shen = eosDriver(shenEosTableFilename)
ls220 = eosDriver(ls220EosTableFilename)

theEos = ls220

eosName = 'HShenEOS'
ye = 'BetaEq'

eosText = eosName
if eosName == 'HShenEOS':
    eosText = 'HShen'
    theEos = shen

scriptsList = ['c40p0', 'c30p10', 'c30p5', 'c30p0', 'c20p0', 'cold']
cXXp0_params = [(40.0, 14.18, 0.5,), (30.0, 14.055, 0.375),  (20.0, 13.93, 0.25)]
tempFuncs = [getTRollFunc(params[0], 0.01, params[1], params[2]) for params in cXXp0_params]
tempFuncs.append(lambda x: 0.01)
Exemplo n.º 9
from plotUtilsForPaper import latexField, fixExponentialAxes, removeExponentialNotationOnAxis
import plot_defaults
myfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

sourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/vdenseBetaEqOnly.db'
tovSourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/allRuns3-25-13.db'
shenEosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5'
ls220EosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5'

eosName = 'LS220'
theEos = eosDriver(ls220EosTableFilename)
ye = 'BetaEq'
#yeForInversion = 0.1

xVar = 'edMax'
yVars = ['gravMass']
xLabel = r"$\rho_{b,\mathrm{max}}$ [g/cm$^3$]"
xLabel = r"$E_\mathrm{max}$"
yLabel = "$M_g/M_\odot$"
#yLabel = "$J/M^2$"
yFunc = lambda x: x

a = 1.0

tovSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 1.0}
uniformMaxRotSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 'min'}
Exemplo n.º 10

import sys
import numpy
from units import *
from numpy import linspace, zeros, log10, pi, sqrt
from eosDriver import eosDriver
import makeeostable
from tov import *

# myeos = eosDriver('LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5')
myeos = eosDriver("HShenEOS_rho234_temp136_ye50_version2.0_20120706.h5")

# make fixed temperature, Y_e sequence
tovinfo = tovinfoclass()
tovinfo.polyK = 100.0
tovinfo.polyG = 2.0
tovinfo.nzones = 50000
tovinfo.rmax = 50.0
tovinfo.eostype = 3

mytype = "fixed_ye_entropy"
par1 = 3.0
par2 = 0.15
rhomin = 1.0e6
rhomax = 8.0e15
tovinfo.eoslrhomin = log10(rhomin * rho_gf)
tovinfo.eoslrhomax = log10(rhomax * rho_gf)

(tovinfo.eostable, tovinfo.eosepsshift, dlrho, tovinfo.logrhos) = makeeostable.makeeostable(
Exemplo n.º 11
from datasetManager import cstDataset, cstSequence
import plot_defaults
from plotUtilsForPaper import fixExponentialAxes, removeExponentialNotationOnAxis
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.15
myfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/vdenseBetaEqOnlyMoreC.db'
tovSourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/allRuns3-25-13.db'
shenEosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5'
ls220EosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5'

eosName = 'HShenEOS'
theEos = eosDriver(shenEosTableFilename)

tovSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 1.0}
uniformMaxRotSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 'min'}
diffMaxRotSlice = {'a': 1.0, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a8 = {'a': 0.8, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a7 = {'a': 0.7, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a6 = {'a': 0.6, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a5 = {'a': 0.5, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a4 = {'a': 0.4, 'rpoe': 'min'}

colors = {'c30p0': 'g',
          'c20p0': 'b',
          'c40p0': 'r',
          'cold': 'k',
          'c30p5': 'c',
Exemplo n.º 12
rcParams['xtick.major.pad']  = 8
rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 7
rc('legend', fontsize=26) #16
rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 13
rcParams['ytick.major.pad']  = 8
rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 7
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

# Load Shen EOS for ye comparisons
shen = eosDriver.eosDriver('/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5')
ls220 = eosDriver.eosDriver('/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5')
theEos = shen
plotBetaEq = True
parametrizedTempProfile = False
paramdTfunc = eosDriver.kentaDataTofLogRhoFit1()
nuFullBetaEq = True

colors = {'c30p0': 'g',
          'c20p0': 'b',
          'c40p0': 'r',
          'cold': 'k',
          'c30p5': 'c',
          'c30p10': 'm',
          'sim': plot_defaults.kotzbraun}
scripts = {key: [] for key in colors.keys()}
Exemplo n.º 13
#rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 5
#rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 10
#rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.13
##### change a few standard settings
rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 13
rcParams['xtick.major.pad']  = 8
rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 7
rc('legend', fontsize=26) #16
rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 13
rcParams['ytick.major.pad']  = 8
rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 7

# Load Shen EOS for ye comparisons
shen = eosDriver.eosDriver('/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5')
plotBetaEq = True
parametrizedTempProfile = False
paramdTfunc = eosDriver.kentaDataTofLogRhoFit1()
nuFullBetaEq = True

def readFile(filename):

    data = {'d': [], 'rho': [], 'p': [], 's': [], 'T': [], 'Omega': [], 'ye': [], 'yeBetaEq': [],
            'yeBetaParamdTemp': [], 'tableP': [], 'betaP': [], 'constP': [], 'yeNuFull': [],
            'constP.08': [], 'constP.1': [], 'constP.12': []  }
    labels = {'d': None, 'rho': None, 'p': None, 's': None, 'T': None, 'Omega': None, 'ye': None,
              'yeBetaEq': "Ye in BetaEq", 'tableP': 'Simulation', 'betaP': 'BetaEq',
              'yeNuFull': "Ye in NuFull BetaEq",
              'constP': 'Ye=.15', 'constP.08': 'Ye=.08', 'constP.1': 'Ye=.1', 'constP.12': 'Ye=.12'
Exemplo n.º 14
from eosDriver import eosDriver, getTRollFunc, kentaDataTofLogRhoFit1, kentaDataTofLogRhoFit2
from datasetManager import cstDataset
from maxMassOrigFiles.sqlPlotRoutines import nearValueFilter

shedDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/shedRuns4-24-13.db'
shenEosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5'
ls220EosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5'
shen = eosDriver(shenEosTableFilename)
ls220 = eosDriver(ls220EosTableFilename)

theEos = ls220

eosName = 'LS220'
ye = 'BetaEq'

eosText = eosName
if eosName == 'HShenEOS':
    eosText = 'HShen'
    theEos = shen

scriptsList = ['c40p0', 'c30p10', 'c30p5', 'c30p0', 'c20p0', 'cold']
cXXp0_params = [(
), (30.0, 14.055, 0.375), (20.0, 13.93, 0.25)]
tempFuncs = [
    getTRollFunc(params[0], 0.01, params[1], params[2])
    for params in cXXp0_params
Exemplo n.º 15
# rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 5
# rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 10
# rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.13
##### change a few standard settings
rcParams["xtick.major.size"] = 13
rcParams["xtick.major.pad"] = 8
rcParams["xtick.minor.size"] = 7
rc("legend", fontsize=26)  # 16
rcParams["ytick.major.size"] = 13
rcParams["ytick.major.pad"] = 8
rcParams["ytick.minor.size"] = 7

# Load Shen EOS for ye comparisons
shen = eosDriver.eosDriver("/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5")
plotBetaEq = True
parametrizedTempProfile = False
paramdTfunc = eosDriver.kentaDataTofLogRhoFit1()
nuFullBetaEq = True

def readFile(filename):

    data = {
        "d": [],
        "rho": [],
        "p": [],
        "s": [],
        "T": [],
        "Omega": [],
Exemplo n.º 16
from plotUtilsForPaper import latexField, fixExponentialAxes, removeExponentialNotationOnAxis
import plot_defaults
myfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

sourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/vdenseBetaEqOnly.db'
tovSourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/allRuns3-25-13.db'
shenEosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5'
ls220EosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5'

eosName = 'LS220'
theEos = eosDriver(ls220EosTableFilename)
ye = 'BetaEq'
#yeForInversion = 0.1

xVar = 'edMax'
yVars = ['gravMass']
xLabel = r"$\rho_{b,\mathrm{max}}$ [g/cm$^3$]"
xLabel = r"$E_\mathrm{max}$"
yLabel = "$M_g/M_\odot$"
#yLabel = "$J/M^2$"
yFunc = lambda x: x

a = 1.0

tovSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 1.0}
uniformMaxRotSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 'min'}
Exemplo n.º 17
import datetime
import plot_defaults
from eosDriver import eosDriver
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from utils import lookupIndexBisect, linInterp, solveRootBisect, multidimInterp
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl

startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
ls220 = eosDriver('/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5')
shen = eosDriver('/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5')

theEos = ls220

theEos.setState({'rho': 1.0e15, 'ye': 0.15, 'temp': 30.0})
canonicalEntropy = theEos.query('entropy')
print canonicalEntropy
print theEos.setBetaEqState({'rho': 1.0e15,  'temp': 30.0})
canonicalEntropy = theEos.query('entropy')
print canonicalEntropy
canonicalEntropy = 0.9
fixedYe = 0.15

print "---------------"
getLogRhoIndex = lambda lr: lookupIndexBisect(lr, theEos.h5file['logrho'][:])
def entropyOfT(logtemp, logrho, target):

    lrindex = getLogRhoIndex(logrho)
Exemplo n.º 18
import numpy
from datasetManager import cstDataset, cstSequence
import plot_defaults
from plotUtilsForPaper import fixExponentialAxes, removeExponentialNotationOnAxis

matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.left'] = 0.15

sourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/vdenseBetaEqD5-26.db'
c30p10Db = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/svdense30p10A.db'
tovSourceDb = '/home/jeff/work/rotNSruns/allRuns3-25-13.db'
shenEosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/HShenEOS_rho220_temp180_ye65_version_1.1_20120817.h5'
ls220EosTableFilename = '/home/jeff/work/LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5'

eosName = 'HShenEOS'
theEos = eosDriver(shenEosTableFilename)

tovSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 1.0}
uniformMaxRotSlice = {'a': 0.0, 'rpoe': 'min'}
diffMaxRotSlice = {'a': 1.0, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a8 = {'a': 0.8, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a7 = {'a': 0.7, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a6 = {'a': 0.6, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a5 = {'a': 0.5, 'rpoe': 'min'}
a4 = {'a': 0.4, 'rpoe': 'min'}

colors = {'c30p0': 'g',
          'c20p0': 'b',
          'c40p0': 'r',
          'cold': 'k',
          'c30p5': 'c',
Exemplo n.º 19

import sys
from units import *
from numpy import linspace, zeros, log10, pi, sqrt
from eosDriver import eosDriver
import makeeostable
from tov import *

myeos = eosDriver('LS220_234r_136t_50y_analmu_20091212_SVNr26.h5')

# make fixed temperature, Y_e sequence
tovinfo = tovinfoclass()
tovinfo.polyK = 100.0
tovinfo.polyG = 2.0
tovinfo.nzones = 80000
tovinfo.rmax = 100.0
tovinfo.eostype = 3

yes = [0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3]

tmin = 0.5
tmax = 50.0
dtemp = 0.5
ntemp = int((tmax-tmin)/dtemp)+1
temps = zeros(ntemp)
for i in range(ntemp):
	temps[i] = 0.5 + dtemp*i
Exemplo n.º 20
    def generateEosTable(self, inputParams):
        Creates EOS table and returns nonOutputRunParams
        which are parameters describing the run not output by the CST
        nonOutputRunParams = {'a': inputParams['a'], 'ye': self.ye}
        isothermalParams = ('rollMid', 'rollScale', 'eosTmin', 'T')
        fixedQuantityParams = ('quantity', 'target')
        manualTofLogRhoParams = ('funcTofLogRho',)

        if self.eosPrescription == 'tableFromSpEC':

            subprocess.call(["cp", self.makeEosFile_location, "./"])

            makeEosFileArgs={'-eos-opts'     : self.specEosOptions,
                             '-roll-midpoint': self.eosPrescriptionDict['rollMid'],
                             '-roll-scale'   : self.eosPrescriptionDict['rollScale'],
                             '-roll-tmin'    : self.eosPrescriptionDict['eosTmin'],
                             '-roll-tmax'    : inputParams['T'],
                             '-ye'           : self.ye }
            argList = [str(arg) for item in makeEosFileArgs.items() for arg in item ]

            #default output file name is output.EOS
            subprocess.call(["./MakeRotNSeosfile"] + argList)

            #tableFromSpEC uses isothermal with roll prescription
            for key in isothermalParams:
                if key in inputParams:
                    nonOutputRunParams[key] = inputParams[key]
                elif key in self.eosPrescriptionDict:
                    nonOutputRunParams[key] = self.eosPrescriptionDict[key]
                    assert False, "Key '%s' not found in attempt to set nonOutputRunParams!"
            for key in fixedQuantityParams:
                keyForDatabase = 'fixed' + key.capitalize()
                nonOutputRunParams[keyForDatabase] = str(None)
        elif self.eosPrescription == 'tableFromEosDriver':

            prescriptionDict = {}

            prescriptionName = self.eosPrescriptionDict['prescriptionName']

            if prescriptionName == 'isothermal':
                # isothermal has a temperature rolloff
                for key in isothermalParams:
                    if key in inputParams:
                        nonOutputRunParams[key] = inputParams[key]
                        prescriptionDict[key] = inputParams[key]
                    elif key in self.eosPrescriptionDict:
                        prescriptionDict[key] = self.eosPrescriptionDict[key]
                        nonOutputRunParams[key] = self.eosPrescriptionDict[key]
                        assert False, "Key '%s' not found in attempt to set nonOutputRunParams!"
                for key in fixedQuantityParams:
                    keyForDatabase = 'fixed' + key.capitalize()
                    nonOutputRunParams[keyForDatabase] = str(None)
            elif prescriptionName == 'fixedQuantity':
                for key in isothermalParams:
                    nonOutputRunParams[key] = str(None)
                for key in fixedQuantityParams:
                    prescriptionDict[key] = self.eosPrescriptionDict[key]
                    keyForDatabase = 'fixed' + key.capitalize()
                    nonOutputRunParams[keyForDatabase] = \
            # All field quantities are 'None' for manual prescription
            elif prescriptionName == 'manual':
                for key in isothermalParams:
                    nonOutputRunParams[key] = str(None)
                for key in fixedQuantityParams:
                    keyForDatabase = 'fixed' + key.capitalize()
                    nonOutputRunParams[keyForDatabase] = str(None)
                for key in manualTofLogRhoParams:
                    prescriptionDict[key] = self.eosPrescriptionDict[key]
                #HACK for kentaDataTofLogRhoFit2
                if  self.eosPrescriptionDict['funcTofLogRho'] == 'kentaDataTofLogRhoFit2':
                    nonOutputRunParams['eosTmin'] = 5.0

                assert False, "Unknown eosDriver prescription type."

            eosTable = eosDriver(self.eosPrescriptionDict['sc.orgTableFile'])
            if self.ye == 'BetaEq':
                #None is code for BetaEq in writeRotNSeosfile
                eosTable.writeRotNSeosfile('output.EOS', prescriptionDict, ye=None)
                eosTable.writeRotNSeosfile('output.EOS', prescriptionDict, ye=self.ye)
            del eosTable
        subprocess.call(["mkdir", "EOS"])
        subprocess.call(["cp", "output.EOS", "EOS/EOS.PP"])
        return nonOutputRunParams