Exemplo n.º 1
def whichbox(boxes, cell):
    """Return the box in *boxes* that contains (the centre of the)

    lat, lon = eqarea.centre(cell)
    for box in boxes:
        s, n, w, e = box
        if s <= lat < n and w <= lon < e:
            return box
Exemplo n.º 2
def whichbox(boxes, cell):
    """Return the box in *boxes* that contains (the centre of the)

    lat,lon = eqarea.centre(cell)
    for box in boxes:
        s,n,w,e = box
        if s <= lat < n and w <= lon < e:
            return box
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, series, **k):
     super(SubboxRecord, self).__init__()
     # Synthesize a uid attribute if necessary, based on the box's
     # centre.
     if not hasattr(self, 'uid'):
         if hasattr(self, 'box'):
             import eqarea
             lat,lon = eqarea.centre(self.box)
             self.uid = "%+05.1f%+06.1fC" % (lat,lon)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, series, **k):
     super(SubboxRecord, self).__init__()
     # Synthesize a uid attribute if necessary, based on the box's
     # centre.
     if not hasattr(self, 'uid'):
         if hasattr(self, 'box'):
             import eqarea
             lat, lon = eqarea.centre(self.box)
             self.uid = "%+05.1f%+06.1fC" % (lat, lon)
def boxuid(box, celltype='QXQ'):
    """Synthesize a uid attribute based on the box's centre.  *box* is a
    4-tuple of the boxes bounds: (south, north, west, east).

    There are 2 sorts of 12 character string returned:
    The first is used when the width of the box is less than 10
    degrees; the second otherwise.  This is the distinction of cells
    versus boxes.

    *celltype* is used to determine either the last character (1st form,
    above) or the first 3 characters (2nd form, above).  In the 1st
    form, the first character of celltype determines the last character.

    import eqarea
    lat,lon = eqarea.centre(box)
    _,_,w,e = box
    if e - w < 10:
        return "%+05.1f%+06.1f%s" % (lat, lon, celltype[0])
        return "%s@%+03.0f%+04.0fT" % (celltype[:3], lat, lon)
Exemplo n.º 6
def boxuid(box, celltype='QXQ'):
    """Synthesize a uid attribute based on the box's centre.  *box* is a
    4-tuple of the boxes bounds: (south, north, west, east).

    There are 2 sorts of 12 character string returned:
    The first is used when the width of the box is less than 10
    degrees; the second otherwise.  This is the distinction of cells
    versus boxes.

    *celltype* is used to determine either the last character (1st form,
    above) or the first 3 characters (2nd form, above).  In the 1st
    form, the first character of celltype determines the last character.

    import eqarea
    lat, lon = eqarea.centre(box)
    _, _, w, e = box
    if e - w < 10:
        return "%+05.1f%+06.1f%s" % (lat, lon, celltype[0])
        return "%s@%+03.0f%+04.0fT" % (celltype[:3], lat, lon)
Exemplo n.º 7
def iter_subbox_grid(station_records, max_months, first_year, radius):
    """Convert the input *station_records*, into a gridded anomaly
    dataset which is returned as an iterator.

    *max_months* is the maximum number of months in any station
    record.  *first_year* is the first year in the dataset.  *radius*
    is the combining radius in kilometres.

    station_records = list(station_records)

    log = sys.stdout

    # Critical radius as an angle of arc
    arc = radius / earth.radius
    arcdeg = arc * 180 / math.pi

    regions = list(eqarea.gridsub())
    for region in regions:
        box, subboxes = region[0], list(region[1])

        # Extend box, by half a box east and west and by arc north
        # and south.
        extent = [
            box[0] - arcdeg, box[1] + arcdeg, box[2] - 0.5 * (box[3] - box[2]),
            box[3] + 0.5 * (box[3] - box[2])
        if box[0] <= -90 or box[1] >= 90:
            # polar
            extent[2] = -180.0
            extent[3] = +180.0

        region_records = list(inbox(station_records, *extent))
        # Descending sort by number of good records
        # TODO: Switch to using Python's sort method here, although it
        # will change the results.
        sort(region_records, lambda x, y: y.good_count - x.good_count)

        # Count how many cells are empty
        n_empty_cells = 0
        # Used to generate the "subbox at" rows in the log.
        lastcentre = (None, None)
        for subbox in subboxes:
            # Select and weight stations
            centre = eqarea.centre(subbox)
            log.write("\rsubbox at %+05.1f%+06.1f (%d empty)" %
                      (centre + (n_empty_cells, )))
            lastcentre = centre
            # Of possible station records for this region, filter for those
            # from stations within radius of subbox centre.
            incircle_records = list(incircle(region_records, arc, *centre))

            # Combine data.
            subbox_series = [MISSING] * max_months

            if len(incircle_records) == 0:
                box_obj = giss_data.SubboxRecord(subbox_series,
                n_empty_cells += 1
                yield box_obj

            # Initialise data with first station
            record = incircle_records[0]
            total_good_months = record.good_count
            total_stations = 1

            max_weight = record.weight
            offset = record.rel_first_month - 1
            a = record.series  # just a temporary
            subbox_series[offset:offset + len(a)] = a
            weight = [0.0] * max_months
            for i in range(len(a)):
                if valid(a[i]):
                    weight[i + offset] = record.weight

            # Add in the remaining stations
            for record in incircle_records[1:]:
                # TODO: A StationMethod method to produce a padded data series
                #       would be good here. Hence we could just do:
                #           new = record.padded_series(max_months)
                new = [MISSING] * max_months
                aa, bb = record.rel_first_month, record.rel_last_month
                new[aa - 1:bb] = record.series
                station_months = series.combine(
                    subbox_series, weight, new, record.weight,
                    record.rel_first_year, record.rel_last_year + 1,
                total_good_months += station_months
                if station_months == 0:
                total_stations += 1

                if max_weight < record.weight:
                    max_weight = record.weight

                             parameters.gridding_reference_period, first_year)
            box_obj = giss_data.SubboxRecord(subbox_series,
                                             d=radius * (1 - max_weight))
            yield box_obj
        plural_suffix = 's'
        if n_empty_cells == 1:
            plural_suffix = ''
            '\rRegion (%+03.0f/%+03.0f S/N %+04.0f/%+04.0f W/E): %d empty cell%s.\n'
            % (tuple(box) + (n_empty_cells, plural_suffix)))
Exemplo n.º 8
def iter_subbox_grid(station_records, max_months, first_year, radius):
    """Convert the input *station_records*, into a gridded anomaly
    dataset which is returned as an iterator.

    *max_months* is the maximum number of months in any station
    record.  *first_year* is the first year in the dataset.  *radius*
    is the combining radius in kilometres.

    # Clear Climate Code
    import earth # required for radius.

    # Convert to list because we re-use it for each box (region).
    station_records = list(station_records)
    # Descending sort by number of good records.
    # TODO: Switch to using Python's sort method here, although it
    # will change the results.
    sort(station_records, lambda x,y: y.good_count - x.good_count)

    # A dribble of progress messages.
    dribble = sys.stdout

    # Critical radius as an angle of arc
    arc = radius / earth.radius
    arcdeg = arc * 180 / math.pi

    regions = list(eqarea.gridsub())
    for region in regions:
        box, subboxes = region[0], list(region[1])

        # Count how many cells are empty
        n_empty_cells = 0
        for subbox in subboxes:
            # Select and weight stations
            centre = eqarea.centre(subbox)
            dribble.write("\rsubbox at %+05.1f%+06.1f (%d empty)" % (
              centre + (n_empty_cells,)))
            # Determine the contributing stations to this grid cell.
            contributors = list(incircle(station_records, arc, *centre))

            # Combine data.
            subbox_series = [MISSING] * max_months

            if not contributors:
                box_obj = giss_data.Series(series=subbox_series,
                    box=list(subbox), stations=0, station_months=0,
                n_empty_cells += 1
                yield box_obj

            # Initialise series and weight arrays with first station.
            record,wt = contributors[0]
            total_good_months = record.good_count
            total_stations = 1

            offset = record.rel_first_month - 1
            a = record.series # just a temporary
            subbox_series[offset:offset + len(a)] = a
            max_weight = wt
            weight = [wt*valid(v) for v in subbox_series]

            # For logging, keep a list of stations that contributed.
            # Each item in this list is a triple (in list form, so that
            # it can be converted to JSON easily) of [id12, weight,
            # months].  *id12* is the 12 character station identifier;
            # *weight* (a float) is the weight (computed based on
            # distance) of the station's series; *months* is a 12 digit
            # string that records whether each of the 12 months is used.
            # '0' in position *i* indicates that the month was not used,
            # a '1' indicates that is was used.  January is position 0.
            l = [any(valid(v) for v in subbox_series[i::12])
              for i in range(12)]
            s = ''.join('01'[x] for x in l)
            contributed = [[record.uid,wt,s]]

            # Add in the remaining stations
            for record,wt in contributors[1:]:
                # TODO: A method to produce a padded data series
                #       would be good here. Hence we could just do:
                #           new = record.padded_series(max_months)
                new = [MISSING] * max_months
                aa, bb = record.rel_first_month, record.rel_last_month
                new[aa - 1:bb] = record.series
                station_months = series.combine(
                    subbox_series, weight, new, wt,
                n_good_months = sum(station_months)
                total_good_months += n_good_months
                if n_good_months == 0:
                    contributed.append([record.uid, 0.0, '0'*12])
                total_stations += 1
                s = ''.join('01'[bool(x)] for x in station_months)

                max_weight = max(max_weight, wt)

                             parameters.gridding_reference_period, first_year)
            box_obj = giss_data.Series(series=subbox_series, n=max_months,
                    box=list(subbox), stations=total_stations,
            log.write("%s stations %s\n" % (box_obj.uid,
            yield box_obj
        plural_suffix = 's'
        if n_empty_cells == 1:
            plural_suffix = ''
          '\rRegion (%+03.0f/%+03.0f S/N %+04.0f/%+04.0f W/E): %d empty cell%s.\n' %
            (tuple(box) + (n_empty_cells,plural_suffix)))
Exemplo n.º 9
def iter_subbox_grid(station_records, max_months, first_year, radius):
    """Convert the input *station_records*, into a gridded anomaly
    dataset which is returned as an iterator.

    *max_months* is the maximum number of months in any station
    record.  *first_year* is the first year in the dataset.  *radius*
    is the combining radius in kilometres.

    station_records = list(station_records)

    log = sys.stdout

    # Critical radius as an angle of arc
    arc = radius / earth.radius
    arcdeg = arc * 180 / math.pi

    regions = list(eqarea.gridsub())
    for region in regions:
        box, subboxes = region[0], list(region[1])

        # Extend box, by half a box east and west and by arc north
        # and south.
        extent = [box[0] - arcdeg,
                  box[1] + arcdeg,
                  box[2] - 0.5 * (box[3] - box[2]),
                  box[3] + 0.5 * (box[3] - box[2])]
        if box[0] <= -90 or box[1] >= 90:
            # polar
            extent[2] = -180.0
            extent[3] = +180.0

        region_records = list(inbox(station_records, *extent))
        # Descending sort by number of good records
        # TODO: Switch to using Python's sort method here, although it
        # will change the results.
        sort(region_records, lambda x,y: y.good_count - x.good_count)

        # Count how many cells are empty
        n_empty_cells = 0
        # Used to generate the "subbox at" rows in the log.
        lastcentre = (None, None)
        for subbox in subboxes:
            # Select and weight stations
            centre = eqarea.centre(subbox)
            log.write("\rsubbox at %+05.1f%+06.1f (%d empty)" % (
              centre + (n_empty_cells,)))
            lastcentre = centre
            # Of possible station records for this region, filter for those
            # from stations within radius of subbox centre.
            incircle_records = list(incircle(region_records, arc, *centre))

            # Combine data.
            subbox_series = [MISSING] * max_months

            if len(incircle_records) == 0:
                box_obj = giss_data.SubboxRecord(subbox_series,
                    box=list(subbox), stations=0, station_months=0,
                n_empty_cells += 1
                yield box_obj

            # Initialise data with first station
            record = incircle_records[0]
            total_good_months = record.good_count
            total_stations = 1

            max_weight = record.weight
            offset = record.rel_first_month - 1
            a = record.series # just a temporary
            subbox_series[offset:offset + len(a)] = a
            weight = [0.0] * max_months
            for i in range(len(a)):
                if valid(a[i]):
                    weight[i + offset] = record.weight

            # Add in the remaining stations
            for record in incircle_records[1:]:
                # TODO: A StationMethod method to produce a padded data series
                #       would be good here. Hence we could just do:
                #           new = record.padded_series(max_months)
                new = [MISSING] * max_months
                aa, bb = record.rel_first_month, record.rel_last_month
                new[aa - 1:bb] = record.series
                station_months = series.combine(
                    subbox_series, weight, new, record.weight,
                    record.rel_first_year, record.rel_last_year + 1,
                total_good_months += station_months
                if station_months == 0:
                total_stations += 1

                if max_weight < record.weight:
                    max_weight = record.weight

                             parameters.gridding_reference_period, first_year)
            box_obj = giss_data.SubboxRecord(subbox_series, n=max_months,
                    box=list(subbox), stations=total_stations,
            yield box_obj
        plural_suffix = 's'
        if n_empty_cells == 1:
            plural_suffix = ''
          '\rRegion (%+03.0f/%+03.0f S/N %+04.0f/%+04.0f W/E): %d empty cell%s.\n' %
            (tuple(box) + (n_empty_cells,plural_suffix)))
Exemplo n.º 10
def iter_subbox_grid(station_records, max_months, first_year, radius):
    """Convert the input *station_records*, into a gridded anomaly
    dataset which is returned as an iterator.

    *max_months* is the maximum number of months in any station
    record.  *first_year* is the first year in the dataset.  *radius*
    is the combining radius in kilometres.

    # Clear Climate Code
    import earth  # required for radius.

    # Convert to list because we re-use it for each box (region).
    station_records = list(station_records)
    # Descending sort by number of good records.
    # TODO: Switch to using Python's sort method here, although it
    # will change the results.
    sort(station_records, lambda x, y: y.good_count - x.good_count)

    # A dribble of progress messages.
    dribble = sys.stdout

    # Critical radius as an angle of arc
    arc = radius / earth.radius
    arcdeg = arc * 180 / math.pi

    regions = list(eqarea.gridsub())
    for region in regions:
        box, subboxes = region[0], list(region[1])

        # Count how many cells are empty
        n_empty_cells = 0
        for subbox in subboxes:
            # Select and weight stations
            centre = eqarea.centre(subbox)
            dribble.write("\rsubbox at %+05.1f%+06.1f (%d empty)" %
                          (centre + (n_empty_cells, )))
            # Determine the contributing stations to this grid cell.
            contributors = list(incircle(station_records, arc, *centre))

            # Combine data.
            subbox_series = [MISSING] * max_months

            if not contributors:
                box_obj = giss_data.Series(series=subbox_series,
                n_empty_cells += 1
                yield box_obj

            # Initialise series and weight arrays with first station.
            record, wt = contributors[0]
            total_good_months = record.good_count
            total_stations = 1

            offset = record.rel_first_month - 1
            a = record.series  # just a temporary
            subbox_series[offset:offset + len(a)] = a
            max_weight = wt
            weight = [wt * valid(v) for v in subbox_series]

            # For logging, keep a list of stations that contributed.
            # Each item in this list is a triple (in list form, so that
            # it can be converted to JSON easily) of [id12, weight,
            # months].  *id12* is the 12 character station identifier;
            # *weight* (a float) is the weight (computed based on
            # distance) of the station's series; *months* is a 12 digit
            # string that records whether each of the 12 months is used.
            # '0' in position *i* indicates that the month was not used,
            # a '1' indicates that is was used.  January is position 0.
            l = [
                any(valid(v) for v in subbox_series[i::12]) for i in range(12)
            s = ''.join('01'[x] for x in l)
            contributed = [[record.uid, wt, s]]

            # Add in the remaining stations
            for record, wt in contributors[1:]:
                # TODO: A method to produce a padded data series
                #       would be good here. Hence we could just do:
                #           new = record.padded_series(max_months)
                new = [MISSING] * max_months
                aa, bb = record.rel_first_month, record.rel_last_month
                new[aa - 1:bb] = record.series
                station_months = series.combine(
                    subbox_series, weight, new, wt,
                n_good_months = sum(station_months)
                total_good_months += n_good_months
                if n_good_months == 0:
                    contributed.append([record.uid, 0.0, '0' * 12])
                total_stations += 1
                s = ''.join('01'[bool(x)] for x in station_months)
                contributed.append([record.uid, wt, s])

                max_weight = max(max_weight, wt)

                             parameters.gridding_reference_period, first_year)
            box_obj = giss_data.Series(series=subbox_series,
                                       d=radius * (1 - max_weight))
            log.write("%s stations %s\n" % (box_obj.uid, asjson(contributed)))
            yield box_obj
        plural_suffix = 's'
        if n_empty_cells == 1:
            plural_suffix = ''
            '\rRegion (%+03.0f/%+03.0f S/N %+04.0f/%+04.0f W/E): %d empty cell%s.\n'
            % (tuple(box) + (n_empty_cells, plural_suffix)))