def shellmaker(b,inc): """ Creates the projected and normalized bowshock shape Entries: b: momentum rate ratio between proplyd and massive star. Scalar inc: orientation angle of proplyd: scalar """ Nth = 800 tfit = 45 shell = Shell(beta=b, innertype="proplyd") thlim = theta_lim(b) theta = np.linspace(0, thlim, Nth) R = shell.radius(theta) w = omega(R, theta) SenodePhiT = (np.tan(inc) * ((1 + w*np.tan(theta)) / (w - np.tan(theta)))) # other way to set mask SenodePhiT[np.abs(SenodePhiT) >= 1.] = np.nan # Correct for projection and for fact that observed radii are normalised by # D' = D cos(inc) xi = (R/np.cos(inc))*(np.cos(theta)*np.cos(inc) - np.sin(theta)*SenodePhiT*np.sin(inc)) yi = (R/np.cos(inc))*np.sin(theta)*np.sqrt(1-SenodePhiT**2) mask = np.isfinite(xi) & np.isfinite(yi) xim, yim = xi[mask], yi[mask] # Removing nan elements from xi # and yi #Creating the other part of bowshock xplot, yplot = np.array([xim, xim]), np.array([-yim, yim]) x2, y2 = xplot.reshape(2*len(xim),), yplot.reshape(2*len(yim),) return x2,y2
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "model parameters") parser.add_argument("--beta",type= float,default=0.01,help="two winds momentum ratio") parser.add_argument("--type",type=str,default="isotropic",help="type of inner wind") parser.add_argument("--mach",type=float,default=3.0,help="Mach number of inner wind") cmd_args = parser.parse_args() #1 beta = cmd_args.beta if cmd_args.type=="isotropic": theta = np.linspace(0,theta_lim(beta),1500) elif cmd_args.type=="proplyd": theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,1500) else: print("Unknown shell type") sys.exit() shell = Shell(beta,cmd_args.type) R = shell.radius(theta) R[R<0]=np.nan R_in = inner(R,theta,cmd_args.mach) R_com,theta_com = mirror(R_in,theta) arcdata = { "info":{ "Description": "CRW theoretical stationary bowshocks", "history":["Initially created by "+ run_info()], "beta": beta, "inner wind type": cmd_args.type
theta = np.linspace(0,0.99*np.pi) parser =argparse.ArgumentParser(description="choose figure output") parser.add_argument("--fig",type=int,default=0,choices=[0,1],help="figure output") args = parser.parse_args() flag = args.fig <= 0 inner_list = ["isotropic","proplyd"] xi_list = [1.0,0.8,0.2] line_dict = {"isotropic":"--","proplyd":"-"} line_list = ["--","-",":",] color_list = ["r","g","b","m","c","k"] #label = {"isotropic":None,"proplyd":r"$\beta={}$".format(b)} if flag: for xi,line in zip(xi_list,line_list): for b,col in zip(beta,color_list): shell = Shell(beta=b,innertype="anisotropic",xi=xi) R = shell.radius(theta) R[R<=0] = np.nan if xi==0.8: label = r"$\beta={}$".format(b) else: label = None plt.plot(R*np.cos(theta),R*np.sin(theta),color=col,linestyle=line, label=label) plt.legend(fontsize="small") plt.xlabel(r"$z/D$") plt.ylabel(r"$r/D$") plt.gca().set_aspect("equal",adjustable="box") plt.xlim(-0.4,1) plt.ylim(0,1)
N = 1000 h=1e-3 theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi,N) beta = np.array([1.0, 0.2, 0.05, 0.02, 0.005]) innertype = ['isotropic']# 'proplyd'] # Use semi-open interval -pi->pi for phi phi = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,N, endpoint=False) #Phi is the azimutal angle in spherical coordinates to make the revolution surface of proplyd #Meshgrid theta and phi: THETA,PHI = np.meshgrid(theta,phi) DPHI = 2*np.pi/N i = np.linspace(0.0, 0.5*np.pi, 19) for inn in innertype: print "******{} case******".format(inn) for b in beta: shell = Shell(beta=b,innertype=inn) #Calculing R(theta) R=shell.radius(theta) Rdr = shell.radius(theta + h) R[R<=0] = np.nan # Set neagtive R to NaN # W = OMEGA(R,Rdr,h) W = omega(R, theta) # Check that R(theta) is working correctly plt.plot(theta, R) plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig("R-vs-theta-{}-{}.png".format(inn, b)) plt.clf() # Check that omega is working correctly plt.plot(theta, W)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description= """Inputs: wind type and inner wind parameter "beta" """) parser.add_argument("--beta",type=float,default = 0.01,help= "winds momentum-rate ratio") parser.add_argument("--innertype",type=str,choices=("isotropic","proplyd"),default="proplyd",help="inner wind model") parser.add_argument("--shell",action="store_true",help="If true, plot the shell shape, else plot h vs theta") parser.add_argument("--inc",type=float,default = 15.0,help="inlination angle (in degrees) between proplyd reference frame and plane of sky reference frame") cmd_args=parser.parse_args() beta = cmd_args.beta innertype = cmd_args.innertype #1: Nth = 800 th_lim = theta_lim(beta) theta = np.linspace(0,np.radians(130),Nth) shell = Shell(beta=beta,innertype=innertype) inc = np.radians( #Add the analytic fit found for A = Rc/R0 y0 = {"proplyd":0.66,"isotropic": 0.585} b = {"proplyd":50.0,"isotropic":5.0} c = np.exp(-1./b[innertype]) d = {"proplyd": 0.49, "isotropic": 0.5} A = (1-c)/(y0[innertype]*(np.exp(-beta**d[innertype]/b[innertype])-c)) a = (A-1)/A #The respective radii (CRW and circular) R_ext = shell.radius(theta) R0=R_ext[0]